Ian McDonald
Source: "Ian McDonald Bibliography." Author Wars, https://authorwars.com/authors/ian-mcdonald.html".
Chapter Books
- Unknown. Forbici vince carta vince pietra
- Unknown. Il circo dei gatti di Vishnu
- Unknown. Kivi-paperi-sakset
- Unknown. Kling Klang Klatch
- Unknown. Schere schneidet Papier wickelt Stein
- Unknown. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone
- Unknown. Tendeléo's Story
- Unknown. The Twenty Five Mile High Club
- 2018. Time Was
- 2018. The Guile
- 2019. The Menace from Farside
- 2020. Le temps fut
- Unknown. Empire Dreams
- Unknown. Etat de rêve
- Unknown. Floating Dogs: Additional Stories for the Best of Ian McDonald
- Unknown. La petite déesse et autres nouvelles d'une Inde future
- Unknown. Speaking in Tongues
- Unknown. Sternenträume
- Unknown. The Best of Ian McDonald
- 2009. Cyberabad Days
- 2019. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone and The Tear
- Unknown. "Als der Mensch den Mond betrat ..."
- Unknown. A Refusal to Sign the Mundane Manifesto
- Unknown. About the Nominees
- Unknown. About the Nominees for the 1989 Nebula Awards
- Unknown. Acknowledgments etc.
- Unknown. Author Bios (Constellations)
- Unknown. Author Bios (Constellations)
- Unknown. Author's Afterword — The Last Train to Kajiado Junction
- Unknown. Crib Notes for 'Chaga'
- Unknown. Danksagung (Schere schneidet Papier wickelt Stein)
- Unknown. Danksagung etc.
- Unknown. Ian McDonald (Transluminal)
- Unknown. Introduction (Iron Mosaic)
- Unknown. Letter (Interzone #110)
- Unknown. Preface (Chaga)
- Unknown. Preface (Evolution's Shore)
- Unknown. Searching for the Young Soul Rebels
- Unknown. Silent Running
- Unknown. Sir Arthur C. Clarke Remembered
- Unknown. Thanks and Acknowledgments (Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone)
- Unknown. The Rose Backwards
- Unknown. Walls, Mirrors, Pussy-Cats and Assorted Vegetables
- 2008. Introduction (The Land at the End of the Working Day)
- 2014. Palari
- 2015. Defying Gravity: The Science Fiction of Zero-G
- 2016. Energy in SF: A Conversation
- 2019. Dramatis Personae (Luna: Moon Rising)
- 2019. Lunar Calendar
- 2019. What Has Gone Before (Luna: Moon Rising)
- 2021. Proverbs of Hell for Writers
- 2023. Thoughts on the Gifts!: An Instant Fanzine
- Unknown. A Bit of the Old Cosmic Stuff
- Unknown. A Few Words with Ian McDonald
- Unknown. Author Spotlight: Ian McDonald
- Unknown. Author Spotlight: Ian McDonald
- Unknown. Conversation avec Ian McDonald
- Unknown. Future Remix
- Unknown. Howling at the Lunar Landscape: A Conversation with Ian McDonald
- Unknown. Ian McDonald
- Unknown. Ian McDonald in Conversation
- Unknown. Ian McDonald in Conversation
- Unknown. Ian McDonald: On Xenoforming
- Unknown. Ian McDonald: On Xenoforming
- Unknown. Ian McDonald: The Unpredictable Country
- Unknown. Ian McDonald: The Unpredictable Country
- Unknown. Interview - Ian McDonald
- Unknown. Interview mit Ian McDonald
- Unknown. Interview: Ian McDonald
- Unknown. Joy and Wonder: A Conversation with Ian McDonald
- 2017. Interview: Ian McDonald
- Unknown. A dervisház
- Unknown. Ares Express
- Unknown. Be My Enemy
- Unknown. Brasil
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Camino Desolación
- Unknown. Chaga
- Unknown. Chaga
- Unknown. Chaga
- Unknown. Cyberabad
- Unknown. Desolation Road
- Unknown. Evolution's Shore
- Unknown. Hearts, Hands and Voices
- Unknown. Herzen, Hände und Stimmen
- Unknown. Inimi, mâini, glasuri
- Unknown. King of Morning, Queen of Day
- Unknown. Kirinja
- Unknown. Kirinya
- Unknown. König der Dämmerung, Königin des Lichts
- Unknown. L'odyssée des mondes
- Unknown. La maison des derviches
- Unknown. Le fleuve des dieux
- Unknown. Luna
- Unknown. Luna : Lune montante
- Unknown. Luna: Drachenmond
- Unknown. Luna: New Moon
- Unknown. Luna: Wolfsmond
- Unknown. Narrenopfer
- Unknown. Necroville
- Unknown. Necroville
- Unknown. Nécroville
- Unknown. Necroville
- Unknown. Out on Blue Six
- Unknown. Rebellin des Glücks
- Unknown. Sacrifice of Fools
- Unknown. Straße der Verlassenheit
- Unknown. Terminal Café
- Unknown. The Broken Land
- Unknown. The Dervish House
- 1989. Desolation road
- 2004. River of Gods
- 2008. Roi du matin, reine du jour
- 2011. Planesrunner
- 2013. Empress of the Sun
- 2014. Desolation Road
- 2015. Brasyl
- 2017. Luna: Nouvelle lune
- 2017. Luna: Wolf Moon
- 2018. Luna: Lune du loup
- 2018. Ares Express
- 2019. Luna: Moon Rising
- 2023. Hopeland
- 2024. The Wilding
- Unknown. Ares Express
- Unknown. Ares Express
- Unknown. Ares Express
- Unknown. Ares Express
- Unknown. Ares Express
- Unknown. Ares Express
- Unknown. Ares Express
- Unknown. Ares Express
- Unknown. Ares Express
- Unknown. Ares Express
- Unknown. Be My Enemy
- Unknown. Be my Enemy
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Brasyl
- Unknown. Camino Desolación
- Unknown. Chaga
- Unknown. Chaga
- Unknown. Chaga
- Unknown. Chaga
- Unknown. Chaga
- Unknown. Chaga
- Unknown. Chaga
- Unknown. Chaga
- Unknown. Chaga
- Unknown. Chaga
- Unknown. Childhood's End
- Unknown. Cyberabad
- Unknown. Cyberabad Days
- Unknown. Cyberabad Days
- Unknown. Cyberabad Days
- Unknown. Cyberabad Days
- Unknown. Cyberabad Days
- Unknown. Cyberabad Days
- Unknown. Cyberabad Days: Return to the India of 2047
- Unknown. Desolation Road
- Unknown. Desolation Road
- Unknown. Desolation Road
- Unknown. Desolation Road
- Unknown. Desolation Road
- Unknown. Desolation Road
- Unknown. Desolation Road
- Unknown. Desolation Road
- Unknown. Desolation Road
- Unknown. Desolation Road
- Unknown. Desolation Road
- Unknown. Desolation Road
- Unknown. Desolation Road
- Unknown. Empire Dreams
- Unknown. Empire Dreams
- Unknown. Empire Dreams
- Unknown. Empire Dreams
- Unknown. Empire Dreams
- Unknown. Empress of the Sun
- Unknown. Empress of the Sun
- Unknown. Empress of the Sun
- Unknown. Empress of the Sun
- Unknown. Etat de rêve
- Unknown. Evolution's Shore
- Unknown. Evolution's Shore
- Unknown. Evolution's Shore
- Unknown. Evolution's Shore
- Unknown. Evolution's Shore
- Unknown. Futures
- Unknown. Hearts, Hands and Voices
- Unknown. Hearts, Hands and Voices
- Unknown. Hearts, Hands and Voices
- Unknown. Hearts, Hands and Voices
- Unknown. Hearts, Hands and Voices
- Unknown. Hopeland
- Unknown. Hopelandia
- Unknown. King of Morning, Queen of Day
- Unknown. King of Morning, Queen of Day
- Unknown. King of Morning, Queen of Day
- Unknown. King of Morning, Queen of Day
- Unknown. King of Morning, Queen of Day
- Unknown. King of Morning, Queen of Day
- Unknown. King of Morning, Queen of Day
- Unknown. King of Morning, Queen of Day
- Unknown. Kirinya
- Unknown. Kirinya
- Unknown. Kirinya
- Unknown. Kirinya
- Unknown. Kirinya
- Unknown. Kirinya
- Unknown. Le temps fut
- Unknown. Luna
- Unknown. Luna
- Unknown. Luna
- Unknown. Luna : Lune montante
- Unknown. Luna: Moon Rising
- Unknown. Luna: Moon Rising
- Unknown. Luna: New Moon
- Unknown. Luna: New Moon
- Unknown. Luna: New Moon
- Unknown. Luna: New Moon
- Unknown. Luna: New Moon
- Unknown. Luna: New Moon
- Unknown. Luna: New Moon
- Unknown. Luna: New Moon
- Unknown. Luna: Wolf Moon
- Unknown. Luna: Wolf Moon
- Unknown. Necroville
- Unknown. Necroville
- Unknown. Necroville
- Unknown. Necroville
- Unknown. Necroville
- Unknown. Nécroville
- Unknown. Necroville
- Unknown. Nécroville
- Unknown. Out on Blue Six
- Unknown. Out on Blue Six
- Unknown. Out on Blue Six
- Unknown. Out on Blue Six
- Unknown. Out on Blue Six
- Unknown. Out on Blue Six
- Unknown. Out on Blue Six
- Unknown. Out on Blue Six
- Unknown. Out on Blue Six
- Unknown. Out on Blue Six
- Unknown. Out on Blue Six
- Unknown. Out on Blue Six
- Unknown. Out on Blue Six
- Unknown. Planesrunner
- Unknown. Planesrunner
- Unknown. Planesrunner
- Unknown. Planesrunner
- Unknown. Planesrunner
- Unknown. Planesrunner
- Unknown. River of Gods
- Unknown. River of Gods
- Unknown. River of Gods
- Unknown. River of Gods
- Unknown. River of Gods
- Unknown. River of Gods
- Unknown. River of Gods
- Unknown. River of Gods
- Unknown. River of Gods
- Unknown. River of Gods
- Unknown. River of Gods
- Unknown. River of Gods
- Unknown. River of Gods
- Unknown. River of Gods
- Unknown. River of Gods
- Unknown. Sacrifice of Fools
- Unknown. Sacrifice of Fools
- Unknown. Sacrifice of Fools
- Unknown. Sacrifice of Fools
- Unknown. Sacrifice of Fools
- Unknown. Sacrifice of Fools
- Unknown. Sacrifice of Fools
- Unknown. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone
- Unknown. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone
- Unknown. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone
- Unknown. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone
- Unknown. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone
- Unknown. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone
- Unknown. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone
- Unknown. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone
- Unknown. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone
- Unknown. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone
- Unknown. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone
- Unknown. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone
- Unknown. Speaking in Tongues
- Unknown. Speaking in Tongues
- Unknown. Speaking in Tongues
- Unknown. Speaking in Tongues
- Unknown. Speaking in Tongues
- Unknown. Speaking in Tongues
- Unknown. Speaking in Tongues
- Unknown. Speaking in Tongues
- Unknown. Speaking in Tongues
- Unknown. Speaking in Tongues
- Unknown. Tendeleo's Story
- Unknown. Tendeleo's Story
- Unknown. Terminal Café
- Unknown. Terminal Café
- Unknown. Terminal Café
- Unknown. Terminal Café
- Unknown. Terminal Café
- Unknown. Terminal Café
- Unknown. Terminal Café
- Unknown. Terminal Cafe
- Unknown. The Best of Ian McDonald
- Unknown. The Best of Ian McDonald
- Unknown. The Broken Land
- Unknown. The Broken Land
- Unknown. The Dervish House
- Unknown. The Dervish House
- Unknown. The Dervish House
- Unknown. The Dervish House
- Unknown. The Dervish House
- Unknown. The Dervish House
- Unknown. The Dervish House
- Unknown. The Dervish House
- Unknown. The Dervish House
- Unknown. The Dervish House
- Unknown. The Dervish House
- Unknown. The Menace from Farside
- Unknown. The Menace from Farside
- Unknown. The Menace from Farside
- Unknown. Time Was
- Unknown. Time Was
- Unknown. Time Was
- 1991. King of Morning, Queen of Day
- 1999. Narrenopfer
- 2006. River of Gods
- 2007. Brasyl
- 2009. Cyberabad Days
- 2009. Cyberabad Days
- 2010. The Dervish House
- 2010. Le fleuve des dieux
- 2011. The Dervish House
- 2011. The Dervish House
- 2012. Planesrunner
- 2012. Planesrunner
- 2012. River of Gods
- 2012. Be My Enemy
- 2013. Cyberabad Days
- 2014. Empress of the Sun
- 2014. Empress of the Sun
- 2016. Luna: New Moon
- 2017. Luna: Wolf Moon
Short Fiction
- Unknown. (A Ghost Samba)
- Unknown. After Kerry
- Unknown. An Eligible Boy
- Unknown. Angelo registratore
- Unknown. Approaching Perpendicular
- Unknown. Après Kerry
- Unknown. Ares Express (excerpt)
- Unknown. Atomic Avenue
- Unknown. Atomic Avenue
- Unknown. Augher, Clogher, Fivemiletown
- Unknown. Best Defense
- Unknown. Big Chair
- Unknown. Bird. Spirit. Land.
- Unknown. Blue Motel
- Unknown. Blue Motel
- Unknown. Botanica Veneris
- Unknown. Botanica Veneris: Thirteen Papercuts by Ida Countess Rathagan
- Unknown. Botanica Veneris: Thirteen Papercuts by Ida Countess Rathangan
- Unknown. Breakfast on the Moon, with Georges
- Unknown. Brody Loved the Masai Woman
- Unknown. Christian
- Unknown. Christian
- Unknown. Christian
- Unknown. Christian
- Unknown. Das Rad der Katharina
- Unknown. Der grosse Stuhl
- Unknown. Die beste Verteidigung
- Unknown. Die Imbiß-Stube der verlorenen Träume
- Unknown. Die Insel der Toten
- Unknown. Die Inseln der Toten
- Unknown. Die List
- Unknown. Die Unschuldigen
- Unknown. Digging
- Unknown. Driftings
- Unknown. Empire Dreams
- Unknown. Empire Dreams (Ground Control to Major Tom)
- Unknown. En des cités singulières
- Unknown. Faithful
- Unknown. Fat Tuesday
- Unknown. Fetter Dienstag
- Unknown. Forbici vince carta vince pietra
- Unknown. Four Green Fields
- Unknown. Fragmente einer Analyse eines Falles von Hysterie
- Unknown. Fragments of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria
- Unknown. Fronds
- Unknown. Frooks
- Unknown. Frooks
- Unknown. Frooks
- Unknown. Gardenias
- Unknown. Gardenias
- Unknown. Gardenien
- Unknown. Il circo dei gatti di Vishnu
- Unknown. Innocents
- Unknown. Islington
- Unknown. Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet
- Unknown. King of Morning, Queen of Day
- Unknown. King of Morning, Queen of Day (excerpt)
- Unknown. Kivi-paperi-sakset
- Unknown. Kling Klang Klatch
- Unknown. Kyle fait la connaissance du fleuve
- Unknown. Kyle Meets the River
- Unknown. König der Dämmerung, Königin des Lichts
- Unknown. L'anneau de Verthandi
- Unknown. L'assassin-poussière
- Unknown. L'épouse du djinn
- Unknown. L'île des morts
- Unknown. L'isola dei morti
- Unknown. L'ultima destinazione
- Unknown. La roue de Sainte-Catherine
- Unknown. Legitimate Targets
- Unknown. Legitime Ziele
- Unknown. Les travaux et les jours de Solomon Gursky
- Unknown. Listen
- Unknown. Mica zeiță
- Unknown. Nanonauts! In Battle with Tiny Death-Subs!
- Unknown. Portrait inachevé du roi de la douleur par Van Gogh
- Unknown. Radio Marrakech
- Unknown. Radio Marrakech
- Unknown. Radio Marrakesch
- Unknown. Radio Marrakesch
- Unknown. Rainmaker Cometh
- Unknown. Recording Angel
- Unknown. Rei da Manhã, Rainha do Dia
- Unknown. Reisen in einzigartige Städte
- Unknown. Rêves impériaux
- Unknown. Roi du matin, reine du jour
- Unknown. Romy Dances
- Unknown. Romy tanzt
- Unknown. Rumo ao Kilimanjaro
- Unknown. Sanjeev and Robotwallah
- Unknown. Sanjiv et Robot-wallah
- Unknown. Scènes d'un théâtre d'ombres
- Unknown. Scenes from a Shadowplay
- Unknown. Schere schneidet Papier wickelt Stein
- Unknown. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone
- Unknown. Siegen ist alles
- Unknown. Soția Djinului
- Unknown. Some Strange Desire
- Unknown. Sonderwünsche
- Unknown. Speaking in Tongues
- Unknown. Steam
- Unknown. Sternenträume
- Unknown. Szenen aus einem Schattenspiel
- Unknown. Tendeléo
- Unknown. Tendeléo's Story
- Unknown. Tendeleo's Story
- Unknown. Tendeléos Geschichte
- Unknown. The Best and the Rest of James Joyce
- Unknown. The Broken Land (excerpt)
- Unknown. The Catharine Wheel
- Unknown. The Catharine Wheel (Our Lady of Tharsis)
- Unknown. The Days of Solomon Gursky
- Unknown. The Djinn's Wife
- Unknown. The Dust Assassin
- Unknown. The Falls
- Unknown. The Fifth Dragon
- Unknown. The Five O'Clock Whistle
- Unknown. The Further Adventures of Baron Munchausen: The Gulf War
- Unknown. The Hidden Place
- Unknown. The Island of the Dead
- Unknown. The Islands of the Dead
- Unknown. The Little Goddess
- Unknown. The Luncheonette of Lost Dreams
- Unknown. The Old Cosmonaut and the Construction Worker Dream of Mars
- Unknown. The Queen of Night's Aria
- Unknown. The Queen of the Night's Aria
- Unknown. The Revolution Will Not Be Refrigerated
- Unknown. The Tear
- Unknown. The Time Garden: A Faery Story
- Unknown. The Twenty Five Mile High Club
- Unknown. The Undifferentiated Object of Desire
- Unknown. Toward Kilimanjaro
- Unknown. Treibende Hunde
- Unknown. Un beau parti
- Unknown. Une révolte astucieuse et courtoise des morts
- Unknown. Unfinished Portrait of the King of Pain by Van Gogh
- Unknown. Van Goghs unvollendetes Porträt des Königs der Schmerzen
- Unknown. Verthandi's Ring
- Unknown. Viene l'uomo della pioggia
- Unknown. Vishnu au cirque de chats
- Unknown. Visits to Remarkable Cities
- Unknown. Vivaldi
- Unknown. Vivaldi
- Unknown. Vivaldi
- Unknown. Vivaldi
- Unknown. White Noise
- Unknown. Winning
- Unknown. Women's Christmas
- Unknown. Written in the Stars
- Unknown. Zum Kilimandscharo
- Unknown. [A Ghost Samba]
- 1988. San
- 1991. Floating Dogs
- 1994. La ruota di Santa Caterina
- 2007. Die Kindgöttin
- 2009. Vishnu at the Cat Circus
- 2009. A Little School
- 2010. Tonight We Fly
- 2011. A Smart Well-Mannered Uprising of the Dead
- 2012. La petite déesse
- 2013. Tois futurs
- 2016. El aria de la reina de la noche
- 2017. L'aria della regina della notte
- 2017. Il quinto dragone
- 2018. A ária da rainha da noite
- 2018. Ten Landscapes of Nili Fossae
- 2018. Time Was
- 2018. The Guile
- 2019. Twelve Letters to My Daughter on the Moon
- 2019. The Menace from Farside
- 2020. Le temps fut
- 2023. Sigh No More
- 0000. King of Morning, Queen of Day - Philip K. Dick Award, Philip K. Dick Award (Win)
- 0000. Desolation Road - Locus Poll Award, Best First Novel (Win)
- 0000. Innocents - British Science Fiction Award, Best Short Fiction (Win)
- 0000. Tendeléo's Story - Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award, Best Short Science Fiction (Win)
- 0000. The Djinn's Wife - Hugo Award, Best Novelette (Win)
- 0000. The Djinn's Wife - British Science Fiction Award, Best Short Fiction (Win)
- 0000. River of Gods - British Science Fiction Award, Best Novel (Win)
- 0000. Brasyl - British Science Fiction Award, Best Novel (Win)
- 0000. The Dervish House - British Science Fiction Award, Best Novel (Win)
- 0000. The Dervish House - John W. Campbell Memorial Award, Best Science Fiction Novel (Win)
- 0000. Roi du matin, reine du jour - Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire, Roman étranger (Win)
- 0000. Le fleuve des dieux - Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire, Roman étranger (Win)
- 0000. Sacrifice of Fools - Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis, Bestes ausländisches Werk (Win)
- 0000. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone - Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis, Bester ausländischer SF-Roman (Win)
- 0000. La petite déesse - Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire, Nouvelle étrangère (Win)
- 0000. Time Was - British Science Fiction Award, Best Short Fiction (Win)
- 0000. Luna: Wolf Moon - Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. River of Gods - Locus Online, 21st Century Science Fiction Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Hopeland - Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Toward Kilimanjaro - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Tonight We Fly - Locus Poll Award, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. The Queen of the Night's Aria - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Little Goddess - Locus Online, 21st Century Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Necroville^Terminal Café - Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. The Menace from Farside - Locus Poll Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. The Days of Solomon Gursky - Locus Poll Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Out on Blue Six - Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. After Kerry - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Tendeléo's Story - Locus Poll Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Speaking in Tongues - Locus Poll Award, Best Collection (Nomination)
- 0000. The Djinn's Wife - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Little Goddess - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. The Little Goddess - Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award, Best Short Science Fiction (Nomination)
- 0000. River of Gods - Hugo Award, Best Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Planesrunner - Locus Poll Award, Best Young Adult Book (Nomination)
- 0000. El aria de la reina de la noche - Premio Ignotus, Mejor cuento extranjero - Best Foreign Story (Nomination)
- 0000. Hearts, Hands and Voices^The Broken Land - Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Verthandi's Ring - Locus Poll Award, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. Listen - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Best and the Rest of James Joyce - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Hidden Place - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Dervish House - Locus Online, 21st Century Science Fiction Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Innocents - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Kyle Meets the River - Locus Poll Award, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. The Old Cosmonaut and the Construction Worker Dream of Mars - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Dust Assassin - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Sanjeev and Robotwallah - Locus Poll Award, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. Unfinished Portrait of the King of Pain by Van Gogh - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. An Eligible Boy - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Kirinya - Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Chaga - John W. Campbell Memorial Award, Best Science Fiction Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Desolation Road - Arthur C. Clarke Award, Best Science Fiction Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Empress of the Sun - Locus Poll Award, Best Young Adult Book (Nomination)
- 0000. The Tear - Hugo Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. The Tear - Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award, Best Short Science Fiction (Nomination)
- 0000. The Tear - Locus Poll Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Cyberabad Days - Locus Poll Award, Best Collection (Nomination)
- 0000. The Dervish House - Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Vishnu at the Cat Circus - Locus Poll Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. King of Morning, Queen of Day - Locus Poll Award, Best Fantasy Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. The Little Goddess - Hugo Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Brasyl - Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. The Days of Solomon Gursky - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Brasyl - Hugo Award, Best Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. The Dervish House - Hugo Award, Best Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Vishnu at the Cat Circus - Hugo Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Gardenias - Premio Ignotus, Mejor cuento extranjero - Best Foreign Story (Nomination)
- 0000. Empire Dreams - Locus Poll Award, Best Collection (Nomination)
- 0000. Toward Kilimanjaro - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Little Goddess - Locus Poll Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Be My Enemy - Locus Poll Award, Best Young Adult Book (Nomination)
- 0000. Botanica Veneris: Thirteen Papercuts by Ida Countess Rathangan - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Luna: New Moon - Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Time Was - Locus Poll Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Chaga^Evolution's Shore (US 1995) - Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone - Locus Poll Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. The Undifferentiated Object of Desire - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Fifth Dragon - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Best of Ian McDonald - Locus Poll Award, Best Collection (Nomination)
- 0000. The Djinn's Wife - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Falls: A Luna Story - Locus Poll Award, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. Chaga^Evolution's Shore (US 1995) - British Science Fiction Award, Best Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone - Philip K. Dick Award, Philip K. Dick Award (Nomination)
- 0000. Hearts, Hands and Voices^The Broken Land - British Science Fiction Award, Best Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Sacrifice of Fools - James Tiptree, Jr. Award / Otherwise Award, Gender-bending SF (Nomination)
- 0000. Necroville^Terminal Café - British Science Fiction Award, Best Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Some Strange Desire - James Tiptree, Jr. Award / Otherwise Award, Gender-bending SF (Nomination)
- 0000. Some Strange Desire - World Fantasy Award, Best Short Fiction (Nomination)
- 0000. Frooks - British Science Fiction Award, Best Short Fiction (Nomination)
- 0000. Unfinished Portrait of the King of Pain by Van Gogh - Nebula Award, Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Floating Dogs - British Science Fiction Award, Best Short Fiction (Nomination)
- 0000. Gardenias - British Science Fiction Award, Best Short Fiction (Nomination)
- 0000. Winning - British Science Fiction Award, Best Short Fiction (Nomination)
- 0000. The Djinn's Wife - British Fantasy Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. River of Gods - Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Brasyl - Nebula Award, Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Brasyl - Quill Award, Science fiction/fantasy/horror (Nomination)
- 0000. Cyberabad Days - British Fantasy Award, Best Collection (Nomination)
- 0000. Vishnu at the Cat Circus - British Science Fiction Award, Best Short Fiction (Nomination)
- 0000. Roi du matin, reine du jour - Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire, Traduction (Nomination)
- 0000. Planesrunner - Sidewise Awards for Alternate History, Best Long Form Alternate History (Nomination)
- 0000. Planesrunner - Golden Duck Award, Hal Clement Young Adult Award (Nomination)
- 0000. River of Gods - Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis, Bestes ausländisches Werk (Nomination)
- 0000. Necroville - Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis, Bester ausländischer SF-Roman (Nomination)
- 0000. Luna: New Moon - British Science Fiction Award, Best Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Chaga - Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis, Bestes ausländisches Werk (Nomination)
- 0000. Hearts, Hands and Voices - Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis, Bester ausländischer SF-Roman (Nomination)
- 0000. King of Morning, Queen of Day - Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis, Bester ausländischer SF-Roman (Nomination)
- 0000. Tendeléo - Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire, Nouvelle étrangère (Nomination)
- 0000. Time Was - Philip K. Dick Award, Philip K. Dick Award (Nomination)
- 0000. Luna: Moon Rising - Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Luna: Moon Rising - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Award for Best Libertarian SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Luna: Nouvelle lune - Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire, Roman étranger (Nomination)
- 0000. Luna: Lune du loup - Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire, Roman étranger (Nomination)
- 0000. The Menace from Farside - National Fantasy Fan Federation Speculative Fiction Awards, Best Shorter Work (Nomination)
- 0000. Hearts, Hands and Voices - Arthur C. Clarke Award, Best Science Fiction Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Djinn’s Wife - Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award, Best Short Science Fiction (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. River of Gods - Arthur C. Clarke Award, Best Science Fiction Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Brasyl - John W. Campbell Memorial Award, Best Science Fiction Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Dervish House - Arthur C. Clarke Award, Best Science Fiction Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Fifth Dragon - Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award, Best Short Science Fiction (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Botanica Veneris: Thirteen Papercuts by Ida Countess Rathangan - Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award, Best Short Science Fiction (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Luna: New Moon - John W. Campbell Memorial Award, Best Science Fiction Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Time Was - John W. Campbell Memorial Award, Best Science Fiction Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. King of Morning, Queen of Day - Hugo Award, Best Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. King of Morning, Queen of Day - Nebula Award, Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Kirinya - British Science Fiction Award, Best Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Dust Assassin - British Science Fiction Award, Best Short Fiction (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Tear - British Science Fiction Award, Best Short Fiction (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. [A Ghost Samba] - British Science Fiction Award, Best Short Fiction (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Le fleuve des dieux - Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire, Traduction (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Luna: Wolf Moon - British Science Fiction Award, Best Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Luna: Wolf Moon - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Award for Best Libertarian SF Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Luna: New Moon - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Award for Best Libertarian SF Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. La maison des derviches - Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire, Traduction (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. La petite déesse et autres nouvelles d'une Inde future - Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire, Nouvelle étrangère (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. La Petite déesse - Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire, Traduction (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. L'odyssée des mondes - Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire, Roman jeunesse étranger (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Cyberabad Days - Philip K. Dick Award, Philip K. Dick Award (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Evolution's Shore^Chaga - Hugo Award, Best Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Terminal Café^Necroville - Hugo Award, Best Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone - Hugo Award, Best Novella (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Days of Solomon Gursky - Hugo Award, Best Novella (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Breakfast on the Moon, with Georges - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Legitimate Targets - James Tiptree, Jr. Award / Otherwise Award, Gender-bending SF (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Queen of the Night's Aria - Hugo Award, Best Novelette (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Botanica Veneris: Thirteen Papercuts by Ida Countess Rathangan - Hugo Award, Best Novelette (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Time Was - Hugo Award, Best Novella (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Hopeland - Hugo Award, Best Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- science fiction (25 books)
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- Kurd Laßwitz Award: Best Foreign Novel (2 books)
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- Internet Movie Database (IMDb) article on Ian McDonald
- ianmcdonald.livejournal.com - Ian McDonald
- English Wikipedia article on Ian McDonald
- The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (SFE) article on Ian McDonald
- X (Twitter) profile for Ian McDonald
- Chinese Science Fiction Database (CSFDB) page for Ian McDonald