The Best and the Rest of James Joyce
From Author Wars -
- Title: The Best and the Rest of James Joyce
- Author: Ian McDonald
- Year: 1992
- Type: Short Fiction
- 0000. The Best and the Rest of James Joyce Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- Unknown. Interzone, #58 April 1992 (Unknown, Ian McDonald, £2.25, 72 pages, A4, MAGAZINE)
- Unknown. The Year's Best Science Fiction: Tenth Annual Collection (Unknown, Ian McDonald, St. Martin's Press, ISBN-10: 031209423X, $27.95, xxxvi+588 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. The Year's Best Science Fiction: Tenth Annual Collection (Unknown, Ian McDonald, St. Martin's Press / SFBC, $14.98, xxxvi+588 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- Unknown. The Year's Best Science Fiction: Tenth Annual Collection (Unknown, Ian McDonald, St. Martin's Press, ISBN-10: 0312094248, $16.95, xxxvi+588 pages, Trade Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Best New SF 7 (Unknown, Ian McDonald, Robinson, ISBN-10: 1854872346, £10.99, xxxvi+588 pages, Trade Paperback, Anthology)
- Unknown. Floating Dogs: Additional Stories for the Best of Ian McDonald (Unknown, Ian McDonald, PS Publishing, ISBN-10: 9781848638914, £50.00, 128 pages, Hardcover, Collection)