Boris Vallejo
Source: "Boris Vallejo Bibliography." Author Wars,".
Cover Art
- Unknown. Бунтът на "Ентърпрайс"
- Unknown. Конан великолепния
- Unknown. Конан узурпатора
- Unknown. Черният меч
- Unknown. A Day for Damnation
- Unknown. A Deepness in the Sky
- Unknown. A Fire Upon the Deep
- Unknown. A Guide to Barsoom
- Unknown. A Hostage for Hinterland
- Unknown. À la recherche de Spock
- Unknown. A Matter for Men
- Unknown. A Place Beyond Man
- Unknown. A Private Cosmos
- Unknown. A teia dos Romulanos
- Unknown. Achilles' Choice
- Unknown. Afrikas dunkles Herz
- Unknown. Against the Prince of Hell
- Unknown. Agent of Vega
- Unknown. Als die Hexer starben
- Unknown. An East Wind Coming
- Unknown. Anackire
- Unknown. Animalité
- Unknown. Araminta Station
- Unknown. Arcane
- Unknown. Assassin of Gor
- Unknown. Assumption of Risk
- Unknown. Atlan
- Unknown. Barba the Slaver
- Unknown. Battlestations!
- Unknown. Beastmaster: Myth
- Unknown. Beasts Keepsake Collection
- Unknown. Beauty
- Unknown. Behind the Walls of Terra
- Unknown. Beloved Son
- Unknown. Berserker
- Unknown. Berserker Base
- Unknown. Berserker Kill
- Unknown. Berserker Man
- Unknown. Berserker's Planet
- Unknown. Berserker: Blue Death
- Unknown. Bewusstseinsschatten
- Unknown. Beyond Fantasy & Science Fiction #3, September-October 1995
- Unknown. Bizarre Beziehungen
- Unknown. Black Fire
- Unknown. Blood of Heroes
- Unknown. Boris
- Unknown. Boris 3: All-Prism
- Unknown. Boris 4: Magnificent Myths
- Unknown. Boris Series 2: The Fantasy Continues
- Unknown. Boris Stickers
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo / Julie Bell: The Ultimate Collection
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo's 3D Magic
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo's 3D Magic
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo's Fantasy Calendar 2000
- Unknown. Boris with Julie All-Chromium Collector Cards
- Unknown. Boris: Book Two
- Unknown. Boris: Fantasy & Space Poster Book
- Unknown. Boris: Volume 1
- Unknown. Bred for War
- Unknown. Broken Stone
- Unknown. Buns Keepsake Collection
- Unknown. Bureau 13
- Unknown. BV
- Unknown. Captive of Gor
- Unknown. Cat in the Mirror
- Unknown. Chaos Erde
- Unknown. Charisma
- Unknown. Chosen of Mida
- Unknown. Clash of Star-Kings
- Unknown. Close Quarters
- Unknown. Colony
- Unknown. Conan
- Unknown. Conan a princezny z Rádžastánu
- Unknown. Conan Cimmeriern
- Unknown. Conan de Barbaar
- Unknown. Conan de Barbaar en de Koningin van de Zwarte Kust
- Unknown. Conan de Barbaar en het Vlammende Mes
- Unknown. Conan of Aquilonia
- Unknown. Conan of the Isles
- Unknown. Conan the Fearless
- Unknown. Conan the Freebooter
- Unknown. Conan the Magnificent
- Unknown. Conan the Raider
- Unknown. Conan the Triumphant
- Unknown. Conan the Valorous
- Unknown. Conan the Victorious
- Unknown. Conan the Victorious
- Unknown. Conan the Wanderer
- Unknown. Corona
- Unknown. Crisis on Centaurus
- Unknown. Crisis on Citadel II
- Unknown. Cyberbooks
- Unknown. Cyborg
- Unknown. D.R.T.
- Unknown. Dangers of the Core
- Unknown. Das Buch der Stille
- Unknown. Das Faustpfand der Klingonen
- Unknown. Das Foundation-Projekt
- Unknown. Das Grab der Königin
- Unknown. Das Jahrtausend-Erbe
- Unknown. Das Netz der Romulaner
- Unknown. Das Prometheus-Projekt
- Unknown. Das Schlachtschiff
- Unknown. Das Schwert des Bheleu
- Unknown. Das Ungeheuer aus dem Sumpf
- Unknown. Das verhexte Schwert
- Unknown. Davy
- Unknown. De andere hemel
- Unknown. De beste science fiction verhalen
- Unknown. De slangemagiër
- Unknown. Death Riders of Hel
- Unknown. Demon in the Mirror
- Unknown. Demon Night
- Unknown. Démoni noci
- Unknown. Demons
- Unknown. Der Blick des Basilisken
- Unknown. Der Drache und der Wurzelkönig
- Unknown. Der dunkle König
- Unknown. Der Feind, mein Verbündeter
- Unknown. Der Geächtete von Gor
- Unknown. Der Ionen-Krieg
- Unknown. Der letzte Schachzug
- Unknown. Der Prinz von Scorpio
- Unknown. Der Ring von Ikribu
- Unknown. Der Thron der Libelle
- Unknown. Der Verräter
- Unknown. Der Zeitmann
- Unknown. Die Armada von Scorpio
- Unknown. Die besessenen Vulkanier
- Unknown. Die biologische Invasion
- Unknown. Die Botschaft der Delphine
- Unknown. Die erste Mission
- Unknown. Die Hohepriesterin von Atlantis
- Unknown. Die Irrfahrten des Mr. Green
- Unknown. Die Labyrinthe von Scorpio
- Unknown. Die Legionen von Antares
- Unknown. Die letzte Grenze
- Unknown. Die Macht der Krone
- Unknown. Die Menschenjäger von Antares
- Unknown. Die Nacht der Dämonen
- Unknown. Die Prinzen von Amber
- Unknown. Die sieben Altäre von Dusarra
- Unknown. Die Sonnen von Scorpio
- Unknown. Die Tränen der Sänger
- Unknown. Die Verbündeten von Antares
- Unknown. Double Full Moon Night
- Unknown. Dracula
- Unknown. Dragon Magazine, August 1981
- Unknown. Dragon Rigger
- Unknown. Dreadnought!
- Unknown. Dreams: The Art of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. Dwellers in the Crucible
- Unknown. Dämonen
- Unknown. E Pluribus Unicorn
- Unknown. Earth Magic
- Unknown. Eerie, July 1971
- Unknown. Ein Feuer auf der Tiefe
- Unknown. Ein Leben für Kregen
- Unknown. Ein Schwert für Kregen
- Unknown. El asesino de Gor
- Unknown. Elvenblood
- Unknown. Empire Builders
- Unknown. Enchantment
- Unknown. Endithor's Daughter
- Unknown. Enterprise: The First Adventure
- Unknown. Epic Illustrated, December 1982
- Unknown. Ere Comprimée, #22
- Unknown. Ether Ore
- Unknown. Etruscans
- Unknown. Exiles to Glory
- Unknown. Fantasy Art Techniques
- Unknown. Fantasy von Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. Far Country
- Unknown. Firedance
- Unknown. Fleisch
- Unknown. Forces from the Federation
- Unknown. Forsake the Sky
- Unknown. Frankenstein
- Unknown. Fremde vom Himmel
- Unknown. Fuga a Opar
- Unknown. Future Worlds Keepsake Collection
- Unknown. Future, July 1978
- Unknown. Fürsten der Finsternis
- Unknown. Galaxy Jane
- Unknown. Gateway
- Unknown. Geiseln für den Frieden
- Unknown. God Game
- Unknown. Godsfire
- Unknown. Goldenes Scorpio
- Unknown. Gor — Die Gegenerde
- Unknown. Great Masters of Fantasy Art
- Unknown. Gryf w Chwale
- Unknown. Gryphon's Eyrie
- Unknown. Heavy Metal, March 2003
- Unknown. Heavy Metal, September 1996
- Unknown. Her Pilgrim Soul
- Unknown. Her Pilgrim Soul and Other Stories
- Unknown. Heroes and Villains
- Unknown. Herr der Schatten
- Unknown. High Couch of Silistra
- Unknown. Hindsight
- Unknown. I Am a Barbarian
- Unknown. I pirati fantasma
- Unknown. I signori dei lupi
- Unknown. Ideal War
- Unknown. Ikarus 2001
- Unknown. Ikribův prsten
- Unknown. Il capitano della Stella Polare
- Unknown. Il destino di Antarion
- Unknown. Il furore di Cthulhu
- Unknown. Il gioco dell'Impero
- Unknown. Il richiamo di Cthulhu
- Unknown. Il segno di Cthulhu
- Unknown. Il sogno di Cthulhu
- Unknown. Il tempo del ginepro
- Unknown. Il vecchio delle visioni
- Unknown. Imaginistix: The Art of Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell
- Unknown. In den Geisterstädten des Merkur
- Unknown. In der Arena von Antares
- Unknown. In the Moons of Borea
- Unknown. Ishmael
- Unknown. Ishmael
- Unknown. Jirel Delle Lande di Joiry
- Unknown. John Varley: Biography/Bibliography
- Unknown. Keepers of the Gate
- Unknown. Killing Time
- Unknown. King David's Spaceship
- Unknown. King's Daughter
- Unknown. Kontakt radioaktiv
- Unknown. Krieg der Zitadellen
- Unknown. Krise auf Centaurus
- Unknown. Krise auf Zitadelle II
- Unknown. L'anello di Toth: Tutti i racconti fantastici
- Unknown. L'ira di Cthulhu
- Unknown. L'orrore di Cthulhu
- Unknown. L'universo di Cthulhu
- Unknown. La déesse voilée
- Unknown. La fine del gioco
- Unknown. La furia di Cthulhu
- Unknown. La macchina della creazione
- Unknown. La maschera di Cthulhu
- Unknown. La notte dei vampiri
- Unknown. La Venere di Azombeii
- Unknown. La via di Cthulhu
- Unknown. Ladies: Retold Tales of Goddesses and Heroines
- Unknown. Ladies: Retold Tales of Goddesses and Heroines
- Unknown. Le banni de Gor
- Unknown. Le metamorfosi della Terra
- Unknown. Les chefs-d'œuvre de l'art fantastique
- Unknown. Les loups-garous de Londres
- Unknown. Los nómadas de Gor
- Unknown. Magische Zeit
- Unknown. Mahars of Pellucidar
- Unknown. Main Event
- Unknown. Massacre in the 22nd Century
- Unknown. Meister der Einsamkeit
- Unknown. Meisterwerke der Fantasy-Kunst
- Unknown. Mercenary's Star
- Unknown. Metal Angel
- Unknown. Meu Inimigo, Meu Aliado
- Unknown. Meuterei auf der Enterprise
- Unknown. Mindshadow
- Unknown. Mirage
- Unknown. Mirage
- Unknown. Mirage
- Unknown. Mord an der Vulkan-Akademie
- Unknown. More Magic
- Unknown. More Than Fire
- Unknown. Mortal Gods
- Unknown. Mutiny on the Enterprise
- Unknown. My Enemy, My Ally
- Unknown. My Lord Barbarian
- Unknown. Nightmare, June 1971
- Unknown. Nomads of Gor
- Unknown. Notti di luna piena
- Unknown. O filho de Spock
- Unknown. Of Men and Monsters
- Unknown. Oneindig moment: Informatie over Isaac Asimov
- Unknown. Orion
- Unknown. Orion and the Conqueror
- Unknown. Orion in the Dying Time
- Unknown. Orion in the Dying Time
- Unknown. Os amantes
- Unknown. Outlaw of Gor
- Unknown. Outlaw of Gor
- Unknown. Phaser Fight
- Unknown. Piège temporel
- Unknown. Pluribus
- Unknown. Poarta
- Unknown. Poisoned Memories
- Unknown. Portal do Tempo
- Unknown. Possession
- Unknown. Postașul vine după apocalips
- Unknown. Prelude to Foundation
- Unknown. Priest-Kings of Gor
- Unknown. Privateers
- Unknown. Raiders of Gor
- Unknown. Realms of Fantasy, April 2000
- Unknown. Realms of Fantasy, February 1999
- Unknown. Realms of Fantasy, October 1999
- Unknown. Retour à Sarpeidon
- Unknown. Rift
- Unknown. Rode lijn met Ophiuchi
- Unknown. Roger Two Hawks
- Unknown. Runes
- Unknown. Schergen des Bösen
- Unknown. Schwarzes Feuer
- Unknown. Schwerter im Nebel
- Unknown. Science Fiction Chronicle, #64 January 1985
- Unknown. SF Perry Rhodan Magazin, 4/80
- Unknown. Shadow Lord
- Unknown. Shapechangers
- Unknown. Sohn der Vergangenheit
- Unknown. Soldier Boy
- Unknown. Some Summer Lands
- Unknown. Souvenirs empoisonnés
- Unknown. Spawn of the Winds
- Unknown. Stalking the Unicorn: A Fable of Tonight
- Unknown. Star of Doom
- Unknown. Star Probe
- Unknown. Star Trek 2 (boxed set)
- Unknown. Star Trek II: Der Zorn des Khan
- Unknown. Star Trek III — Auf der Suche nach Mr. Spock
- Unknown. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
- Unknown. Star Trek Twentieth Anniversary Collection II (boxed set)
- Unknown. Starbridge
- Unknown. Stein der Träume
- Unknown. Stellar 1
- Unknown. Steppe
- Unknown. Strange Evil
- Unknown. Strangers from the Sky
- Unknown. Tarnsman of Gor
- Unknown. Tarzan and "The Foreign Legion"
- Unknown. Tarzan and "The Foreign Legion"
- Unknown. Tarzan and "The Foreign Legion"
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Ant Men
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Ant Men
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Castaways
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Forbidden City
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Forbidden City
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Forbidden City
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Foreign Legion
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Golden Lion
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Lost Empire
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Lost Empire
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Lost Empire
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Madman
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Madman
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Madman
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Madman
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Madman
- Unknown. Tarzan the Magnificent
- Unknown. Tarzan the Magnificent
- Unknown. Tarzan the Magnificent
- Unknown. Tarzan the Magnificent
- Unknown. Tarzan the Terrible
- Unknown. Tarzan the Terrible
- Unknown. Tarzan the Untamed
- Unknown. Tarzan the Untamed
- Unknown. Tarzan's Quest
- Unknown. Tarzan's Quest
- Unknown. Tarzan's Quest
- Unknown. Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle
- Unknown. Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle
- Unknown. Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle
- Unknown. Tek Power
- Unknown. Tek Secret
- Unknown. Tek Vengeance
- Unknown. TekLab
- Unknown. TekLords
- Unknown. TekLords
- Unknown. TekWar
- Unknown. Tempo Assassino
- Unknown. The Alien Within
- Unknown. The Angry Ghost
- Unknown. The Art of Star Wars Galaxy: Volume Two
- Unknown. The Artwork of Boris & Julie: Strokes of Genius
- Unknown. The Bandit of Hell's Bend
- Unknown. The Best of Boris All Chromium
- Unknown. The Best of Leigh Brackett
- Unknown. The Boris Vallejo Portfolio
- Unknown. The Boris Vallejo Portfolio
- Unknown. The Boss of Terror
- Unknown. The Boy Who Saved the Stars
- Unknown. The Broken Sword
- Unknown. The Chronicles of Amber
- Unknown. The City
- Unknown. The Crystal Gryphon
- Unknown. The Demon in the Mirror
- Unknown. The Deputy Sheriff of Comanche County
- Unknown. The Dragon
- Unknown. The Dragon & the Gnarly King
- Unknown. The Dragon and the George
- Unknown. The Dragon and the George
- Unknown. The Dragon Knight
- Unknown. The Dreams of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. The Edge of Tomorrow
- Unknown. The Elvenbane
- Unknown. The Eternal Champion
- Unknown. The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. The Final Planet
- Unknown. The Final Planet
- Unknown. The Final Reflection
- Unknown. The Flight of the Horse
- Unknown. The Flying Sorcerers
- Unknown. The Four Wishes
- Unknown. The Frank Collection: A Showcase of the World's Finest Fantastic Art
- Unknown. The Gates of Creation
- Unknown. The General Zapped an Angel
- Unknown. The Ginger Star
- Unknown. The Girl from Hollywood
- Unknown. The Guardian
- Unknown. The Ice Schooner
- Unknown. The Jewel of Seven Stars
- Unknown. The Lavalite World
- Unknown. The Mad King
- Unknown. The Magic Goes Away
- Unknown. The Maker of Universes
- Unknown. The Mercenary
- Unknown. The Micronauts
- Unknown. The Miskatonic Manuscript
- Unknown. The Monster Men
- Unknown. The Monsters of Star Trek
- Unknown. The Mountain Monster
- Unknown. The Nebulon Horror
- Unknown. The New Adventures of Conan
- Unknown. The New Visions: A Collection of Modern Science Fiction Art
- Unknown. The Ophiuchi Hotline
- Unknown. The Price of Glory
- Unknown. The Red Terrors
- Unknown. The Ring of Charon
- Unknown. The Ring of Ikribu
- Unknown. The Roar Devil
- Unknown. The Samarkand Solution
- Unknown. The Savage Sword of Conan, #10
- Unknown. The Savage Sword of Conan, December 1976
- Unknown. The Secrets of Synchronicity
- Unknown. The Serpent
- Unknown. The Shattered Sphere
- Unknown. The Siege of Faltara
- Unknown. The Space Guardian
- Unknown. The Spotted Men
- Unknown. The Starcrossed
- Unknown. The Summit
- Unknown. The Tears of the Singers
- Unknown. The Vulcan Academy Murders
- Unknown. The War Hound and the World's Pain
- Unknown. The Web Between the Worlds
- Unknown. The Web of Wizardry
- Unknown. The Winds of Altair
- Unknown. The World of Tiers
- Unknown. The World of Tiers
- Unknown. The World of Tiers, Volume 1
- Unknown. The World of Tiers: Volume 2
- Unknown. The World of Tiers: Volume Two
- Unknown. The Wounded Sky
- Unknown. The Wrath of Khan
- Unknown. Through the Reality Warp
- Unknown. Time for Yesterday
- Unknown. To Sail Beyond the Sunset
- Unknown. Transit nach Scorpio
- Unknown. Triangle
- Unknown. Twin Visions
- Unknown. Two Hawks from Earth
- Unknown. Tödliches Dreieck
- Unknown. Uhura's Song
- Unknown. Uhuras Lied
- Unknown. Universo incostante
- Unknown. Unwillingly to Earth
- Unknown. Válečník z planety Gor
- Unknown. Vengeance of Orion
- Unknown. Vládcové planety Gor
- Unknown. Vyhnancem na planetě Gor
- Unknown. War of the Citadels
- Unknown. Warrior Witch of Hel
- Unknown. Watchtower
- Unknown. Web of the Romulans
- Unknown. Wechselhaftes Land
- Unknown. Wenn der Zauber vergeht
- Unknown. Werebeasts of Hel
- Unknown. Wereblood
- Unknown. West of Honor
- Unknown. When Hell Laughs
- Unknown. Wiedergeborenes Scorpio
- Unknown. Windsound
- Unknown. Worlds
- Unknown. X-100 SF, #25
- Unknown. Yesterday's Son
- Unknown. Z for Zachariah
- Unknown. Zauberer von den Sternen
- Unknown. Zeit für gestern
- Unknown. Zeit zu töten
- Unknown. Zelfs de goden
- Unknown. Zwaarden tegen magiërs
- 1976. To Walk the Night
- 1976. Eight Candles Glowing
- 1976. Blood Red, Sister Rose
- 1977. Die Stadt unter dem Meer
- 1977. Der Boss des Schreckens
- 1977. Der Maskenmann
- 1977. Angriff aus dem Dunkel
- 1977. Die Todesspinne
- 1978. Le visage dans l'abîme
- 1978. Weltraumschwimmer
- 1978. Une chasse dangereuse
- 1979. Diener der Finsternis
- 1979. Die Außerirdischen
- 1979. Les rois des étoiles
- 1979. Streiter wider die Magie
- 1979. Renaissance
- 1979. Les habitants du mirage
- 1979. L'étoile
- 1979. Gefangen im Jenseits
- 1979. Buch der Paradoxe
- 1979. Straße der Verdammnis
- 1979. Die rote Hexe
- 1980. Colonie: Tome I
- 1980. Prinz von Poseidonis
- 1980. Die Zauberinsel
- 1980. L'été indien d'une paire de lunettes
- 1980. Jenseits aller Träume
- 1980. Im Land der Messer
- 1981. Le colosse anarchique
- 1981. L'œil dans le ciel
- 1981. L'idiot-roi
- 1983. Conan le barbare
- 1983. Le vent du chaos
- 1983. Le trône de chair
- 1983. La foudre au ralenti
- 1984. Ténèbres sur Diamondia
- 1984. Orbit, Nr.24 lente 1984
- 1984. Sirius, #100
- 1984. La pierre de rêve
- 1985. Des rapports étranges
- 1985. Jestak
- 1985. Le chien de guerre
- 1985. Finismonde
- 1986. La quête de la Sorcière Blanche
- 1986. Der Tag der Verdammnis
- 1987. Le réveil du titan
- 1988. L'éternité rompue
- 1990. La nuit de la lumière
- 1990. Les amants étrangers
- 1991. Создатель Вселенной
- 1992. Le dragon et le georges
- 1992. Личный космос
- 1992. Avant l'Éden
- 1992. Les vents du temps
- 1992. Les prêtres-rois de Gor
- 1993. Renaissance
- 1993. Les nomades de Gor
- 1993. Les assassins de Gor
- 1993. La ruche d'Hellstrom
- 1994. Conan l'Aquilonien
- 1994. Les chasseurs de Gor
- 1994. Talisman
- 1995. Appelle-moi Tempter
- 1995. Der Schattenbote
- 1995. Das Elfenschwert
- 1996. Tyrann
- 2001. The Sketchbook
- 2003. Great Fantasy Art Themes from the Frank Collection
- 2006. The Fabulous Women of Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell
- 2007. Indomitus Est
- 2007. The First Mother's Fire
- 2009. Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell: The Ultimate Illustrations
- 2009. Eldin of Yashor
- 2011. Renovation: The 69th World Science Fiction Convention
- 2011. The Crimson Battle Axe
- 2012. The Golden Amazons of Venus
- 2014. Dreamland
- 2017. Tarzan the Magnificent: (Tarzan and the Magic Men)
- 2020. Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Descriptive Bibliography of Ace and Ballantine / Del Rey Paperback Books
- Unknown. Avant-propos (L'art de la fantasy: Le meilleur de l'illustration fantasy contemporaine)
- Unknown. Foreword (Fantasy Art Now: The Very Best in Contemporary Fantasy Art & Illustration)
- Unknown. Foreword (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Oil Painting Techniques)
- Unknown. Foreword (The Fantasy Art Techniques of Tim Hildebrandt)
- Unknown. Introduction (Hindsight)
- Unknown. Introduction (The Fantastic Art of Rowena)
- Unknown. Introduction (The Julie Bell Portfolio)
- Unknown. The Art of Boris Vallejo
- 1981. Rowena Morrill
- 2014. Introduction (Dreamland)
- 2020. Ma vie fantasy
- 2020. Mein fantasyleben
- 2020. My Fantasy Life
Interior Art
- Unknown. "Imaginistix" cover
- Unknown. "Teela Brown"
- Unknown. Книга Девятая
- Unknown. 1 of 50
- Unknown. 10 of 50
- Unknown. 10+++
- Unknown. 11 of 50
- Unknown. 12 of 50
- Unknown. 13 of 50
- Unknown. 14 of 50
- Unknown. 15 of 50
- Unknown. 16 of 50
- Unknown. 17 of 50
- Unknown. 18 of 50
- Unknown. 19 of 50
- Unknown. 2 of 50
- Unknown. 20 of 50
- Unknown. 21 of 50
- Unknown. 22 of 50
- Unknown. 23 of 50
- Unknown. 24 of 50
- Unknown. 25 of 50
- Unknown. 26 of 50
- Unknown. 27 of 50
- Unknown. 28 of 50
- Unknown. 29 of 50
- Unknown. 3 of 50
- Unknown. 30 of 50
- Unknown. 31 of 50
- Unknown. 32 of 50
- Unknown. 33 of 50
- Unknown. 34 of 50
- Unknown. 35 of 50
- Unknown. 36 of 50
- Unknown. 37 of 50
- Unknown. 38 of 50
- Unknown. 39 of 50
- Unknown. 4 of 50
- Unknown. 40 of 50
- Unknown. 41 of 50
- Unknown. 42 of 50
- Unknown. 43 of 50
- Unknown. 44 of 50
- Unknown. 45 of 50
- Unknown. 46 of 50
- Unknown. 47 of 50
- Unknown. 48 of 50
- Unknown. 49 of 50
- Unknown. 5 of 50
- Unknown. 50 of 50
- Unknown. 5000 Volts
- Unknown. 6 of 50
- Unknown. 7 of 50
- Unknown. 8 of 50
- Unknown. 9 of 50
- Unknown. A Day for Damnation
- Unknown. A Fire Upon the Deep (cover)
- Unknown. A Guide to Barsoom
- Unknown. A Hostage for Hinterland
- Unknown. A Hostage for Hinterland
- Unknown. A Pile of Bones
- Unknown. A Place Beyond Man
- Unknown. A Private Cosmos
- Unknown. A Short Biography of Robert E. Howard
- Unknown. A Web of Wizardry
- Unknown. Abducted
- Unknown. Abgal
- Unknown. Acceptance
- Unknown. Achilles' Choice
- Unknown. Across the Heavens
- Unknown. Action Figures
- Unknown. Adarbal
- Unknown. Adventurer
- Unknown. Against the Odds
- Unknown. Against the Odds
- Unknown. Ahead and Beyond
- Unknown. Alabaster City
- Unknown. Alien Visitor
- Unknown. Allister the Slayer
- Unknown. Alpnu
- Unknown. Amaethon
- Unknown. Amazon Queen
- Unknown. Amazon Queen
- Unknown. Amazon Queen sketch
- Unknown. Amazon Rider
- Unknown. Amber
- Unknown. Anath Slays the Warriors
- Unknown. And Then There Were None
- Unknown. Android
- Unknown. Andromeda in Chains
- Unknown. Angel
- Unknown. Angel II
- Unknown. Angel in the City
- Unknown. Angel Man
- Unknown. Angel of the City
- Unknown. Antecorn
- Unknown. Antennae
- Unknown. Apache Wells
- Unknown. Ape's Land
- Unknown. Aphrodite
- Unknown. Aqua Teen Hunger Force
- Unknown. Aqua Teen Hunger Force
- Unknown. Aquarius
- Unknown. Aquarius, Water Bearer
- Unknown. Aquilonian
- Unknown. Arachne
- Unknown. Arcane
- Unknown. Archer
- Unknown. Archer and Skull
- Unknown. Archery
- Unknown. Archie
- Unknown. Arena
- Unknown. Ariadne
- Unknown. Ariadne
- Unknown. Aries
- Unknown. Aries, the Ram
- Unknown. Arriving in the Big City
- Unknown. Arriving in the City
- Unknown. Artemis
- Unknown. Artemis
- Unknown. Ashteroth
- Unknown. Assassin of Gor
- Unknown. Astarte
- Unknown. At the Door
- Unknown. At the Earth's Core
- Unknown. At the Edge of the World
- Unknown. At the End of the Day
- Unknown. At the End of the World
- Unknown. At the Shore
- Unknown. Atlas
- Unknown. Attack of the Misfits
- Unknown. Aurora
- Unknown. Autograph Card (Best of Boris)
- Unknown. Autograph Card (Boris 4)
- Unknown. Awaiting the Battle
- Unknown. Ax
- Unknown. Axing the Nightmares
- Unknown. Aztec King
- Unknown. Aztec Serpent
- Unknown. Backstage
- Unknown. Barbarella
- Unknown. Barbarian Queens
- Unknown. Basilisk
- Unknown. Beast and the Butterfly
- Unknown. Beasts Keepsake Collection (1)
- Unknown. Beasts Keepsake Collection (2)
- Unknown. Beasts Keepsake Collection (3)
- Unknown. Beasts Keepsake Collection (4)
- Unknown. Beasts Keepsake Collection (5)
- Unknown. Beasts Keepsake Collection (6)
- Unknown. Beasts Keepsake Collection Spectrascope
- Unknown. Behind the Gates of Terra
- Unknown. Behind the Walls of Terra
- Unknown. Behind the Walls of Terror
- Unknown. Berserker
- Unknown. Berserker Base (cover)
- Unknown. Berserker Man
- Unknown. Berserker Monk
- Unknown. Berserker Planet
- Unknown. Best of Leigh Brackett
- Unknown. Big Bang
- Unknown. Big Bang
- Unknown. Big Brother Is Watching
- Unknown. Biker
- Unknown. Bill and Hill
- Unknown. Bird of Evil
- Unknown. Bird of Prey
- Unknown. Bird Woman sketch
- Unknown. Blackstar
- Unknown. Blood Red, Sister Rose
- Unknown. Blooming
- Unknown. Bolla
- Unknown. Boris
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell's Fantasy Calendar 2008
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo / Julie Bell: The Ultimate Collection
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo Autograph
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo Fantasy Calendar 1980
- Unknown. Boris: Fantasy & Space Poster Book
- Unknown. Boris: The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. Boris: The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo [11]
- Unknown. Boris: The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo [12]
- Unknown. Boris: The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo [13]
- Unknown. Boris: The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo [14]
- Unknown. Boris: The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo [4]
- Unknown. Boris: The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo [5]
- Unknown. Boris: The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo [6]
- Unknown. Boris: The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo [8]
- Unknown. Boris: The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo [9]
- Unknown. Boris: Volume 1
- Unknown. Branched Out
- Unknown. Brinke
- Unknown. Broad Jump
- Unknown. Broken Sword
- Unknown. Broken Wing
- Unknown. Bronco
- Unknown. Brotan the Breeder
- Unknown. Brotan the Slaver
- Unknown. Bubbles
- Unknown. Buck Rogers
- Unknown. Buns Keepsake Collection (1)
- Unknown. Buns Keepsake Collection (2)
- Unknown. Buns Keepsake Collection (3)
- Unknown. Buns Keepsake Collection (4)
- Unknown. Buns Keepsake Collection (5)
- Unknown. Buns Keepsake Collection (6)
- Unknown. Buns Keepsake Collection Prism Bonus
- Unknown. Burning
- Unknown. Bursting Out
- Unknown. Butterfly
- Unknown. Butterfly Wings
- Unknown. Camelot
- Unknown. Camunda
- Unknown. Capricorn, the Goat
- Unknown. Cat of Nine Tails
- Unknown. Cave Battle
- Unknown. Cave Princess
- Unknown. Celestial Cab
- Unknown. Celis
- Unknown. Centaur and His Mate
- Unknown. Centaur and Mate
- Unknown. Centaur Couple
- Unknown. Centaurs, Colour rough unused
- Unknown. Cesis
- Unknown. Chakra
- Unknown. Cherufe
- Unknown. Chess King Christmas
- Unknown. Chevydragon
- Unknown. Chicken Big
- Unknown. Chrome Robot
- Unknown. Chrome Robot Study
- Unknown. Cindy
- Unknown. Cindy in the Air
- Unknown. Circe
- Unknown. Circe
- Unknown. Cline
- Unknown. Clone
- Unknown. Cloning Dance
- Unknown. Cobra
- Unknown. Colonies in Space
- Unknown. Colony in Space
- Unknown. Colossus
- Unknown. Coloured ink rough (Barbarian Queens)
- Unknown. Coloured ink rough (The Executioner)
- Unknown. Coloured ink rough (The Magnificent)
- Unknown. Coloured ink rough for Heavy Metal
- Unknown. Combat Maneuvers
- Unknown. Combat Zone
- Unknown. Come What Will
- Unknown. Come What Will (sketch)
- Unknown. Commander Julita
- Unknown. Conan of Aquilonia
- Unknown. Conan painting for Playboy magazine
- Unknown. Conan the Conqueror
- Unknown. Conan the Victorious (cover)
- Unknown. Condor Chuqui
- Unknown. Condor-Chiqui
- Unknown. Condorchuqui
- Unknown. Corkscrew
- Unknown. Coronis
- Unknown. Coronis
- Unknown. Coronis
- Unknown. Coronis
- Unknown. Counterfeit Lover from Mirage
- Unknown. Cover for Heavy Metal
- Unknown. Cowboy
- Unknown. Creation
- Unknown. Creativity
- Unknown. Creature from the Abyss
- Unknown. Creatures from the Earth Core
- Unknown. Cro-Magnons
- Unknown. Crystal Griffin
- Unknown. Crystal Gryphon
- Unknown. Crystal Mountain
- Unknown. Curl
- Unknown. Cyberbooks (cover)
- Unknown. Cyborg
- Unknown. Dangers of the Core
- Unknown. Daphne & Apollo
- Unknown. Daphne and Apollo
- Unknown. Davy
- Unknown. Dawn
- Unknown. Dawn
- Unknown. Daybreak
- Unknown. Death Journey
- Unknown. Death Journey
- Unknown. Death Ride (sketch)
- Unknown. Death Stalker
- Unknown. Death Stalker IV
- Unknown. Deathstalker IV
- Unknown. Debbie in Brooklyn
- Unknown. Deer
- Unknown. Deianeira and Nessus
- Unknown. Dejanira
- Unknown. Dejanira & Nessus
- Unknown. Demise
- Unknown. Demon in the Mirror
- Unknown. Demon Lover
- Unknown. Demon Released
- Unknown. Departure
- Unknown. Desire
- Unknown. Desire
- Unknown. Desire (sketch)
- Unknown. Desire sketch
- Unknown. Diana and Actaeon
- Unknown. Diana and Actaeon
- Unknown. Diana the Huntress
- Unknown. Discovery
- Unknown. Discus Thrower
- Unknown. Diving
- Unknown. Diving Dragon
- Unknown. Dolphin
- Unknown. Dolphins
- Unknown. Domes
- Unknown. Dorian
- Unknown. Dorian and the Dragon
- Unknown. Doru's Rebirth: Kala's Tale
- Unknown. Dracula
- Unknown. Dracula Lives! #1 (cover)
- Unknown. Dragon
- Unknown. Dragon and Wizard
- Unknown. Dragon Diving
- Unknown. Dragon Maiden
- Unknown. Dragon Tattoo from Mirage
- Unknown. Dragon's Birth
- Unknown. Dragon's Duel
- Unknown. Dragon's Dungeon
- Unknown. Dragon's Fight
- Unknown. Dragon's Fire
- Unknown. Dragon's Knight
- Unknown. Dragonfly
- Unknown. Dreams: The Art of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. Dreams: The Art of Boris Vallejo (back cover)
- Unknown. Dreams: The Art of Boris Vallejo (back cover) [2]
- Unknown. Dumbell
- Unknown. Dungeon
- Unknown. Dusk
- Unknown. Duthina on the Unicorn
- Unknown. Earth Magic
- Unknown. Ebony God
- Unknown. Echo I
- Unknown. Echo II
- Unknown. Egg of Life
- Unknown. Egyptian Princess
- Unknown. Egyptian Warrior
- Unknown. Eight Candles Glowing
- Unknown. Elephant
- Unknown. Elgena: Gilsine's Tale
- Unknown. Elijah
- Unknown. Elijah
- Unknown. Elijah II
- Unknown. Elvenbane
- Unknown. Emerging
- Unknown. Enchantment
- Unknown. Enchantment
- Unknown. Encounter in the Woods
- Unknown. Enemy from Within
- Unknown. Equestrian
- Unknown. Erika
- Unknown. Erika
- Unknown. Es & the Creation
- Unknown. Es and the Creation
- Unknown. Eternal Champion
- Unknown. Ether Ore
- Unknown. Euridice
- Unknown. European Vacation
- Unknown. Eurydice
- Unknown. Evil Vs Good
- Unknown. Excalibur
- Unknown. Exiles to Glory (cover)
- Unknown. Exterminator
- Unknown. Fairy of the Dragon's Lair
- Unknown. Falcon Tamer
- Unknown. Fangs and Swords
- Unknown. Fantasy Art Techniques
- Unknown. Fantasy Art Techniques (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantasy Art Techniques (contents page)
- Unknown. Fantasy Art Techniques (title page)
- Unknown. Fantasy Posterbook
- Unknown. Fantasy Posterbook [2]
- Unknown. Fantasy von Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. Feedback (Fantasy Review, March 1986)
- Unknown. Felsa: Kala's Tale
- Unknown. Female Wrestlers
- Unknown. Ferna's Escape: The Queen's Tale
- Unknown. Fetch
- Unknown. Fire Dance
- Unknown. Firewalker
- Unknown. First Love
- Unknown. First sketch for Isaac Asimov stories, Unpublished
- Unknown. Fishing
- Unknown. Fist of Power
- Unknown. Flight of the Dragons
- Unknown. Floating Island
- Unknown. Flowering Nest
- Unknown. Flying Centaur
- Unknown. Flying Menace
- Unknown. Football Hero
- Unknown. Forever Moments
- Unknown. Frankenstein
- Unknown. Frankenstein (cover)
- Unknown. Frankensteins Monster
- Unknown. Free!
- Unknown. Freebooter
- Unknown. Freedom
- Unknown. Freedom
- Unknown. Freedom
- Unknown. Freya
- Unknown. Friends
- Unknown. From Infinity to Eternity
- Unknown. Full Moon
- Unknown. Furies
- Unknown. Furries
- Unknown. Future Trouble
- Unknown. Future Trouble [2]
- Unknown. Future Worlds Keepsake Collection (1)
- Unknown. Future Worlds Keepsake Collection (2)
- Unknown. Future Worlds Keepsake Collection (3)
- Unknown. Future Worlds Keepsake Collection (5)
- Unknown. Future Worlds Keepsake Collection (6)
- Unknown. Galaxie Fighters
- Unknown. Gateway
- Unknown. Gateways in the Sand
- Unknown. Gem of Bul'cug: Kala's Tale
- Unknown. Gemini, the Twins
- Unknown. Genie
- Unknown. Glass Mountain
- Unknown. Goddess of the Earth
- Unknown. Goddess of the Waves
- Unknown. Goddess of Thunder
- Unknown. Godsfire
- Unknown. Golden Apple
- Unknown. Golden Apples
- Unknown. Golden Ax
- Unknown. Golden Wings
- Unknown. Gothic Nightmare
- Unknown. Gracus the Centurion
- Unknown. Gryphon
- Unknown. Gryphon Aire
- Unknown. Gryphon and Egyptian Janice
- Unknown. Gryphon Keeper
- Unknown. Gryphon's Eerie
- Unknown. Guardian of the City
- Unknown. Gymnastics
- Unknown. Gypsy
- Unknown. Haesel the Slave
- Unknown. Haesel the Slave (preliminary sketch)
- Unknown. Half Moon
- Unknown. Hammer Throw
- Unknown. Handful
- Unknown. Happy Holidays
- Unknown. Hard Drive
- Unknown. Hatch-Mech
- Unknown. Hatchett
- Unknown. Hatching
- Unknown. Haunted
- Unknown. Hawaii Three-O
- Unknown. Heavy Metal
- Unknown. Hebat
- Unknown. Hechicera
- Unknown. Her Bed
- Unknown. Hercules
- Unknown. Hercules
- Unknown. Hercules & Cerberus
- Unknown. Hercules and Cerberus
- Unknown. Hesperides & Ladon
- Unknown. Hesperides and Ladon the Dragon
- Unknown. Hieroglyphic Egg
- Unknown. Hindsight
- Unknown. Hippocampus
- Unknown. Hollywood
- Unknown. Hologram
- Unknown. Horizon
- Unknown. Human Warrior
- Unknown. Humans Vs. Mutants
- Unknown. Hydra
- Unknown. I Am a Barbarian
- Unknown. I Love You So
- Unknown. I See Them Coming
- Unknown. Icarus
- Unknown. Icarus in Flight
- Unknown. Ice Cave
- Unknown. Ice Queen
- Unknown. Ice Schooner
- Unknown. Illustration for "Games" magazine
- Unknown. Illustration for Busch Gardens
- Unknown. Illustration for Playboy Magazine
- Unknown. Illustration from Ladies
- Unknown. Ilmarinen
- Unknown. Immature Young Oisir-Raxxla
- Unknown. In the Moons of Borea
- Unknown. In the Underworld
- Unknown. In Victory
- Unknown. Indian Chief
- Unknown. Instants
- Unknown. Invictus
- Unknown. Iron Man
- Unknown. Iron Warrior
- Unknown. Isaac Asimov
- Unknown. Jade Manikin
- Unknown. Jason
- Unknown. Jason and the Alien
- Unknown. Javelin
- Unknown. Jeti
- Unknown. Jiroc of Sten
- Unknown. Jotun
- Unknown. Joust
- Unknown. Jul and Marl
- Unknown. Julie
- Unknown. Julie Strain
- Unknown. Jungle Man and Friends
- Unknown. Kalevan Pojat
- Unknown. Kalevanpojat
- Unknown. Kamal
- Unknown. Karate Kick
- Unknown. King's Daughter
- Unknown. Kiss My Hand
- Unknown. Knight on Wheels
- Unknown. Knighted
- Unknown. Knightriders
- Unknown. La of Opar
- Unknown. Labyrinth
- Unknown. Ladies: Retold Tales of Goddesses and Heroines
- Unknown. Lady Demon
- Unknown. Lady in Red
- Unknown. Lady of the Air
- Unknown. Lady Rain
- Unknown. Last Battle
- Unknown. Lavalite World
- Unknown. Leather Jacket
- Unknown. Leda and the Swan
- Unknown. Leda and the Swan
- Unknown. Lee
- Unknown. Lenda
- Unknown. Leo
- Unknown. Let 'em Come
- Unknown. Libra
- Unknown. Libra, the Balance
- Unknown. Life on Earth
- Unknown. Light of Life
- Unknown. Lilith
- Unknown. Live Tattoos
- Unknown. Living Tattoos
- Unknown. Locust
- Unknown. Logo Design
- Unknown. London 2500 a.d.
- Unknown. Longhorn
- Unknown. Lord of the Wolves
- Unknown. Loria
- Unknown. Lost World
- Unknown. Love and Care
- Unknown. Magic Crystal
- Unknown. Magic Ring
- Unknown. Mahr
- Unknown. Manco Capac and Mama Ocuo
- Unknown. Manticore
- Unknown. Market Killing
- Unknown. Martial Art
- Unknown. Martial Combat
- Unknown. Mask
- Unknown. Masked Fairy
- Unknown. Maya
- Unknown. Mayan Love
- Unknown. Mayan Serpent
- Unknown. Medallion (Boris 4: Magnificent Myths)
- Unknown. Medallion Card (Best of Boris)
- Unknown. Medea
- Unknown. Medea
- Unknown. Medea
- Unknown. Medea's Chariot
- Unknown. Medusa II
- Unknown. Mercenary
- Unknown. Mercenary
- Unknown. Mermaid
- Unknown. Mermaid and Triton
- Unknown. Mermaid Couple
- Unknown. Mermaids and Castles
- Unknown. Messenger of Hope
- Unknown. Messenger of Hope
- Unknown. Metal Angel
- Unknown. Mimir
- Unknown. Mirage
- Unknown. Mirage
- Unknown. Mistress of Desire
- Unknown. Mistress of Fire
- Unknown. Mistress of the Air
- Unknown. Mistress of the Air
- Unknown. Mistress of the Cats
- Unknown. Mistress of the Dawn
- Unknown. Mistress of the Dunes
- Unknown. Mistress of the Earth
- Unknown. Mistress of the Moon
- Unknown. Mistress of the Ocean
- Unknown. Mistress of the Rain
- Unknown. Mistress of the Rain
- Unknown. Mistress of the Sea
- Unknown. Mistress of the Storm
- Unknown. Mistress of the Storm
- Unknown. Mistress of the Thunder
- Unknown. Mistress of the Volcano
- Unknown. Molly Hatchet
- Unknown. Monica 2000
- Unknown. Monica's Ax
- Unknown. Monica's Axe
- Unknown. Monica's Axe
- Unknown. More Than Fire
- Unknown. Mormak
- Unknown. Morning
- Unknown. Mortal Gods
- Unknown. Moses
- Unknown. Moth
- Unknown. Mother & Daughter
- Unknown. Mother and Daughter
- Unknown. Mother's Child
- Unknown. Mother's Love
- Unknown. Mother's Love
- Unknown. Mountain Blue
- Unknown. Mountain Garden
- Unknown. Mountain Song
- Unknown. Movie Poster
- Unknown. Mr. O
- Unknown. Mutant Slayer
- Unknown. Mutant Warrior
- Unknown. Mutants
- Unknown. Mutants
- Unknown. Mutants Vs. Humans
- Unknown. My Love
- Unknown. Myriad Class Jetfighters
- Unknown. Myth & Magic I
- Unknown. Myth & Magic II
- Unknown. Myth and Magic
- Unknown. Myth and Magic II
- Unknown. Mythor: Zwischen den Zeilen gelesen
- Unknown. Nebula
- Unknown. Neptune
- Unknown. Neryds
- Unknown. Nesus
- Unknown. Nesus and Dejanira
- Unknown. Never Ending War
- Unknown. Never Surrender
- Unknown. Night
- Unknown. Nightmare
- Unknown. Nightmare
- Unknown. Nikatjef
- Unknown. No Place for Disgrace
- Unknown. Noah's Ark
- Unknown. Noble Savage
- Unknown. Noble Savage [2]
- Unknown. Noble Savage [3]
- Unknown. Noble Savage [4]
- Unknown. Noble Savage [5]
- Unknown. Noble Savage [6]
- Unknown. Noble Savage [7]
- Unknown. Noble Savage [8]
- Unknown. Nomad
- Unknown. Nomads
- Unknown. Nomads of Gor
- Unknown. Nothing But Trouble
- Unknown. Nubian Warrior
- Unknown. Nubian Warriors
- Unknown. Nubians
- Unknown. Numdja
- Unknown. Nyankopong and Elohoa
- Unknown. Nymph with Her Pet Dragon statue
- Unknown. Of Men and Monsters
- Unknown. Omnichrome Card 1 of 6 (Best of Boris)
- Unknown. Omnichrome Card 2 of 6 (Best of Boris)
- Unknown. Omnichrome Card 3 of 6 (Best of Boris)
- Unknown. Omnichrome Card 4 of 6 (Best of Boris)
- Unknown. Omnichrome Card 5 of 6 (Best of Boris)
- Unknown. Omnichrome Card 6 of 6 (Best of Boris)
- Unknown. On the Bike
- Unknown. On the Top Alone
- Unknown. On Top, Alone
- Unknown. Onslaught
- Unknown. Opium Dream
- Unknown. Orpheus and Eurydice
- Unknown. Over the Hill
- Unknown. Pamati
- Unknown. Pandora
- Unknown. Pandora
- Unknown. Pandora
- Unknown. Panty Raid
- Unknown. Panty Raid
- Unknown. Paradise Alley
- Unknown. Parting of the Seas
- Unknown. Parting of the Seas [2]
- Unknown. Parting Seas
- Unknown. Parting the Seas
- Unknown. Pedrum
- Unknown. Pen and ink rough for The Victorious
- Unknown. Pencil drawing for James Bond film "Never Say Never Again"
- Unknown. Perry-Rhodan Galerie (SF-Perry-Rhodan-Sonderheft 1/79) [2]
- Unknown. Persephone
- Unknown. Persephone
- Unknown. Persephone
- Unknown. Perseus and Medusa
- Unknown. Perseus Defeats Medusa
- Unknown. Phantom of the Sea
- Unknown. Phoenix
- Unknown. Pillar of the Cave
- Unknown. Pisces
- Unknown. Portfolio Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. Power
- Unknown. Power
- Unknown. Predators
- Unknown. Prelude to Foundation (frontispiece)
- Unknown. Prime
- Unknown. Prime
- Unknown. Prime
- Unknown. Primeval Princess
- Unknown. Princess of the Ocean
- Unknown. Private Cosmos
- Unknown. Prometheus
- Unknown. Promo (Best of Boris)
- Unknown. Promo (Boris 2)
- Unknown. Promo (Boris 4)
- Unknown. Promo (Boris with Julie)
- Unknown. Promo 1 (Boris & Julie)
- Unknown. Prophet
- Unknown. Prophet
- Unknown. Ptero in the Mountains
- Unknown. Pterodactyl
- Unknown. Pygmalion and Galatea
- Unknown. Pyramid
- Unknown. Pyramids
- Unknown. Pyramids
- Unknown. Queen of the Amazons
- Unknown. Queen's Scepter
- Unknown. Quest
- Unknown. Quetzalcoatl
- Unknown. Rage and the Dragon
- Unknown. Ram
- Unknown. Reaching for the Stars
- Unknown. Ready for Battle
- Unknown. Realm of the Dolphin
- Unknown. Red Amazon
- Unknown. Red Demons
- Unknown. Red Terror
- Unknown. Rex's World
- Unknown. Rider
- Unknown. Riders from the Past
- Unknown. Robo Stripper
- Unknown. Robo-Stripper
- Unknown. Robo-Vampire
- Unknown. Robobug
- Unknown. Robot Duel
- Unknown. Robot Duel
- Unknown. Robot Stripper
- Unknown. Robotic Combat
- Unknown. Roland of Nerv (preliminary design)
- Unknown. Romance
- Unknown. Romance
- Unknown. Rowing
- Unknown. Runes
- Unknown. Runners
- Unknown. Running Partners
- Unknown. Sabretoothed Tiger
- Unknown. Sachmet
- Unknown. Sagittarius, the Archer
- Unknown. Satellite
- Unknown. Savage Sword #4
- Unknown. Scarecrow Angel
- Unknown. Scarlet Menace
- Unknown. Scorpio
- Unknown. Scorpio, the Scorpion
- Unknown. Sea Creatures
- Unknown. Season's Greetings
- Unknown. Secrets of Synchronicity
- Unknown. Seduction
- Unknown. See the Butterflies
- Unknown. See the Butterflies
- Unknown. Self-Portrait
- Unknown. Self-Portrait (1992)
- Unknown. Serpent Slayer
- Unknown. She Centaurs
- Unknown. She Vampire
- Unknown. She's Mine
- Unknown. Shoot the Bull
- Unknown. Shotput
- Unknown. Showing Her the Way
- Unknown. Showing Her the Way
- Unknown. Showtime
- Unknown. Silver Sword
- Unknown. Siren Song
- Unknown. Sirens
- Unknown. Sit!
- Unknown. Slash
- Unknown. Sleep of the Dragon
- Unknown. Snake Women
- Unknown. Snow Queen
- Unknown. Soap
- Unknown. Soldier Boy
- Unknown. Sorceress' Spell
- Unknown. Space and Time
- Unknown. Space Arachnoid
- Unknown. Space Captive
- Unknown. Space Colonies
- Unknown. Space Guardian
- Unknown. Space Guardian
- Unknown. Space Manta
- Unknown. Spaceship for a King
- Unknown. Spectrum 14
- Unknown. Spheres in Space
- Unknown. Sphinx
- Unknown. Sphinx
- Unknown. Sphinx II
- Unknown. Sphinx's Riddle
- Unknown. Spring Garden
- Unknown. Stallion
- Unknown. Star Control
- Unknown. Star Fantasy
- Unknown. Starbridge
- Unknown. Steel Warrior
- Unknown. Steve
- Unknown. Stone Idol
- Unknown. Street Closed
- Unknown. Strokes of Genius Autograph 1 of 6
- Unknown. Strokes of Genius Autograph 2 of 6
- Unknown. Strokes of Genius Autograph 3 of 6
- Unknown. Stronger Than Steel
- Unknown. Summit
- Unknown. Summit
- Unknown. Sun Goddess
- Unknown. Sunai
- Unknown. Sunrise
- Unknown. Sunset Attack
- Unknown. Suntan Bed
- Unknown. Superhero Man
- Unknown. Superheroes: The Heroic Visions of Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell
- Unknown. Surprise
- Unknown. Surprise Encounter
- Unknown. Suzzle
- Unknown. Sweet Memories
- Unknown. Sword & Serpents
- Unknown. Sword Fight
- Unknown. Swords and Fangs
- Unknown. Swords and Serpents
- Unknown. Swordsman
- Unknown. Symbiosis
- Unknown. Sytyr
- Unknown. T-Rex and Spaceship
- Unknown. Tales for the Fallen Magician
- Unknown. Talisman
- Unknown. Tarnsman
- Unknown. Tarnsman of Gor
- Unknown. Tarnsman of Gor
- Unknown. Tarr and Ferna: The Queen's Tale
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Castaways
- Unknown. Tarzan and the Madman (cover)
- Unknown. Tarzan the Untamed
- Unknown. Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle
- Unknown. Tattoo
- Unknown. Taurus
- Unknown. Taurus
- Unknown. Taurus, the Bull
- Unknown. Tech War
- Unknown. Tek Secret
- Unknown. Tek War
- Unknown. TekLords (excerpt)
- Unknown. The 1978 Tarzan Calendar
- Unknown. The Amazon's Pet
- Unknown. The Amazons
- Unknown. The Aquilonian
- Unknown. The Art of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. The Ax of the Robot
- Unknown. The Ax-Man
- Unknown. The Basilsk
- Unknown. The Beast of the East
- Unknown. The Berserker
- Unknown. The Best of Leigh Brackett
- Unknown. The Bird Hunter
- Unknown. The Black Nubian
- Unknown. The Boris Vallejo Portfolio
- Unknown. The Boss of Terror: Doc Savage
- Unknown. The Boy Who Saved the Stars
- Unknown. The Bride
- Unknown. The Broken Sword
- Unknown. The Broken Wings
- Unknown. The Cat in the Mirror
- Unknown. The Collector
- Unknown. The Crab
- Unknown. The Creation of Rainbows
- Unknown. The Creature
- Unknown. The Dancer
- Unknown. The Deputy Sheriff of Comanche County (cover)
- Unknown. The Dragon and the George
- Unknown. The Dragon and the George II
- Unknown. The Dragon and the George [2]
- Unknown. The Dreadnought: Merkun's Tale
- Unknown. The Dream Sorceress
- Unknown. The Dreams of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. The Dryads
- Unknown. The Duel
- Unknown. The Elvenband
- Unknown. The Elvenbane
- Unknown. The Empire Strikes Back
- Unknown. The Enchantress of Venus
- Unknown. The End of the Restless Sleep
- Unknown. The Endless Journey
- Unknown. The Executioner
- Unknown. The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo (back cover)
- Unknown. The Fantasy Art of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. The Flight of the Horse
- Unknown. The Flying Sorceror
- Unknown. The Four Riders
- Unknown. The Furies
- Unknown. The Future Is Here
- Unknown. The General Zapped an Angel
- Unknown. The Girl Who Owned a City
- Unknown. The Glow of Victory
- Unknown. The Glowing Candle
- Unknown. The Gorgon
- Unknown. The Great Race: Merkun's Tale
- Unknown. The Great Race: Merkun's Tale
- Unknown. The Greatest Weapon
- Unknown. The Hand
- Unknown. The Hatchling
- Unknown. The High Couch of Silistra
- Unknown. The High Couch of Sillistra
- Unknown. The Hippocampus
- Unknown. The Hippocamups
- Unknown. The Ice Schooner
- Unknown. The Kick
- Unknown. The King's Ship
- Unknown. The Labyrinth
- Unknown. The Lasas
- Unknown. The Lassas
- Unknown. The Last Stand
- Unknown. The Lavalite World
- Unknown. The Loch Ness Monster
- Unknown. The Magician
- Unknown. The Magnificent
- Unknown. The Magnificent
- Unknown. The Maker of the Universe
- Unknown. The Maker of Universes
- Unknown. The Maker of Universes
- Unknown. The Manticore
- Unknown. The Master and the Maiden
- Unknown. The Micronauts
- Unknown. The Micronauts
- Unknown. The Micronauts
- Unknown. The Micronauts (color rough)
- Unknown. The Micronauts [2]
- Unknown. The Micronauts [3]
- Unknown. The Micronauts [4]
- Unknown. The Minotaur
- Unknown. The Moon and the Sun
- Unknown. The Mountain Beast
- Unknown. The Myth of Raltarnee
- Unknown. The Nebulan Horror
- Unknown. The Next Dimension
- Unknown. The Offering
- Unknown. The Ophiuch Hotline
- Unknown. The Ophiuchi Hotline (cover)
- Unknown. The Poochie-Oochies
- Unknown. The Power of Nature
- Unknown. The Prisoners
- Unknown. The Protest
- Unknown. The Rainbow
- Unknown. The Red Menace
- Unknown. The Red Terrors
- Unknown. The Secrets of Synchronocity
- Unknown. The Serpent
- Unknown. The Siege of Faltara
- Unknown. The Signs of Christmas
- Unknown. The Silver City: Gilsine's Tale
- Unknown. The Sirens
- Unknown. The Slayer
- Unknown. The Sleeper
- Unknown. The Sorceress
- Unknown. The Sorceress and the Dragon
- Unknown. The Space Guardian
- Unknown. The Summit
- Unknown. The Sun Princess
- Unknown. The Supreme Goddess
- Unknown. The Terrible
- Unknown. The Three Furies
- Unknown. The Three Musketeers
- Unknown. The Time Warp
- Unknown. The Toast of the Town
- Unknown. The Torch
- Unknown. The Ultimate Illustrations
- Unknown. The Ultimate Sin
- Unknown. The Unicorn of Central Park
- Unknown. The Unicorn of Central Park
- Unknown. The Valkyries
- Unknown. The Victorious
- Unknown. The Void
- Unknown. The Vortex
- Unknown. The Waltz
- Unknown. The Wings That Cut
- Unknown. The Witch and Her Familiar, Marvel Comics
- Unknown. Thiassi Abducting Idum
- Unknown. Things Better Unmet
- Unknown. Thirst
- Unknown. Thor and Krugnir
- Unknown. Thor and Krungir
- Unknown. Thorma
- Unknown. Through the Reality Warp
- Unknown. Thundergod
- Unknown. Thytonese
- Unknown. Time Is a Dream
- Unknown. Tinirau
- Unknown. Tinirau
- Unknown. Titans: The Heroic Visions of Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell
- Unknown. To Fly Away
- Unknown. To Happiness
- Unknown. To Walk the Night
- Unknown. Toast
- Unknown. Torches in the Woods
- Unknown. Torches in the Woods
- Unknown. Torso
- Unknown. Tower
- Unknown. Transfiguration
- Unknown. Tree of Death
- Unknown. Triadmiration Card 1 of 3
- Unknown. Triadmiration Card 2 of 3
- Unknown. Triadmiration Card 3 of 3
- Unknown. Triptych I
- Unknown. Triptych II
- Unknown. Triptych III
- Unknown. Triton
- Unknown. Triton and the Mermaid
- Unknown. Triumphant
- Unknown. Trouble
- Unknown. Twin Visions
- Unknown. Two-Headed Beast
- Unknown. Tyrannosaurus Rex
- Unknown. Tyrannosaurus Rex
- Unknown. Tyrranak
- Unknown. Underwater
- Unknown. Unicorn
- Unknown. Unicorn and Maiden
- Unknown. Unseeing
- Unknown. Untitled
- Unknown. untitled (Boris with Julie)
- Unknown. Unwillingly to Earth
- Unknown. Vacation, movie poster
- Unknown. Valkyries
- Unknown. Vampi
- Unknown. Vampire Robot
- Unknown. Vampire's Kiss
- Unknown. Vampire, Unpublished
- Unknown. Vampy
- Unknown. Venus In a Half Shell
- Unknown. Venus in the Half Shell
- Unknown. Venus on the Half Shell
- Unknown. Venus on the Half-Shell
- Unknown. Vestal Virgins
- Unknown. Vesuvius
- Unknown. Virgo
- Unknown. Virtual Reality
- Unknown. Vision
- Unknown. Volcano
- Unknown. Volcano's Fire
- Unknown. Vulcanus
- Unknown. Waiting for the Angel
- Unknown. Warrior on the Steppes
- Unknown. Watchful Eye
- Unknown. Waterfall
- Unknown. Web
- Unknown. Weight Lifting
- Unknown. Weightlifting
- Unknown. White Angel
- Unknown. White Eagle
- Unknown. White Magic
- Unknown. White Pegasus
- Unknown. Wilderness
- Unknown. WindKat
- Unknown. Windsound
- Unknown. Wings of Night
- Unknown. Wings of Night (sketch)
- Unknown. Wings of the Night
- Unknown. Wings of Valor
- Unknown. Wings of War
- Unknown. Wings of Wor
- Unknown. Winter Goddess
- Unknown. Wired for Sound
- Unknown. Wisdom from the Sea
- Unknown. Witch and Her Familiar
- Unknown. Without Fear
- Unknown. Wolf Fangs
- Unknown. Wolf Master
- Unknown. Workout
- Unknown. Wrestling
- Unknown. Yesterday & Tomorrow
- Unknown. Yesterday and Tomorrow
- Unknown. Yhtac
- Unknown. Your Antennae
- Unknown. Z for Zachariah
- 1982. From Mirage
- 1984. Backcover (Orbit 24)
- 1984. Boris: The fantastic art of Boris Vallejo
- 1984. Boris: The fantastic art of Boris Vallejo [2]
- 1984. Boris: The fantastic art of Boris Vallejo [3]
- 1984. Boris: The fantastic art of Boris Vallejo [4]
- 1984. Boris: The fantastic art of Boris Vallejo [5]
- 1994. Lenda
- 2001. Action Studies
- 2001. Action Study
- 2001. Adam Warlock
- 2001. Amazon
- 2001. Amazon 2
- 2001. Arms and the Women
- 2001. Attack
- 2001. Axe
- 2001. Axe Maiden
- 2001. Back View
- 2001. Biker Angel 2
- 2001. Bird
- 2001. Bird Woman
- 2001. Black Cat
- 2001. Blue Jeans
- 2001. Character Sketch
- 2001. Concept 5
- 2001. Concept Sketches
- 2001. Coronis
- 2001. Creature Tamer
- 2001. Curl
- 2001. Dagger Designs
- 2001. Dance
- 2001. Dance of the Centaurs
- 2001. Dane
- 2001. Death Stalker
- 2001. Dragon
- 2001. Dragon's Crystal 1
- 2001. Ecstasy
- 2001. Edge
- 2001. Fetch!
- 2001. Fins 1
- 2001. Fins 2
- 2001. Freedom
- 2001. Friends
- 2001. Friends
- 2001. Gambit
- 2001. Genii
- 2001. Gryphon
- 2001. Hammer Throw
- 2001. Heavy Metal
- 2001. Hercules
- 2001. Hmmmm
- 2001. Hulk
- 2001. Into the Fray
- 2001. Isis Unveiled
- 2001. Jame Bond
- 2001. Life-Giver
- 2001. Martial Arts
- 2001. Medusa & Triton
- 2001. Midnight Angel
- 2001. Mistress of Fire
- 2001. Molly Hatchett
- 2001. Moon Maid
- 2001. Night
- 2001. Not Now!
- 2001. Object of Desire
- 2001. On the Lookout
- 2001. Rear View
- 2001. Rider
- 2001. Rogue
- 2001. Sea Serpent
- 2001. Seduction
- 2001. Spiderman
- 2001. Sun Goddess
- 2001. Tag
- 2001. Tail End
- 2001. Talon Tower
- 2001. The Bomb
- 2001. The Bomb [2]
- 2001. The Hideaway
- 2001. The Sketchbook (back cover)
- 2001. The Sketchbook (title page)
- 2001. Tower
- 2001. Tree Monster
- 2001. Vacation in Europe
- 2001. Video Game
- 2001. Warriors
- 2001. What Are You Looking At?
- 2001. Wired for Sound
- 2001. Wolves
- 2003. Dragon Prince
- 2003. Dragon Riders
- 2003. Nubians
- 2003. Spoor
- 2006. A Second of Forever
- 2006. Alone
- 2006. Andromeda
- 2006. Barbarian Queen
- 2006. Berserk
- 2006. Bird Woman
- 2006. Black Unicorn
- 2006. Blessed are the Stars
- 2006. Bloodsong
- 2006. Bodybuilding
- 2006. Breaking Through
- 2006. Bride
- 2006. Cave Fairy
- 2006. Clone Dance
- 2006. Commander
- 2006. Corissa
- 2006. Debbie in New York
- 2006. Fish Queen
- 2006. Flaming Hair
- 2006. Gemini
- 2006. Gryphon Keeper
- 2006. Julie Strain II
- 2006. Lilith
- 2006. Mermaid Love
- 2006. Never Fear
- 2006. Nyads
- 2006. Piranha
- 2006. Pompeii
- 2006. Primitive World I
- 2006. Primitive World II
- 2006. Queen of the Galaxy
- 2006. Sea Creatures
- 2006. Serpent Song
- 2006. Sun Princess
- 2006. Suzanne
- 2006. Tara
- 2006. Team
- 2006. The Eye
- 2006. The Librarian
- 2006. The Locusts
- 2006. Touches
- 2006. Unicorn and the Maiden
- 2006. Vamp and Zom
- 2006. Vampires
- 2006. Winged Warrior
- 2006. Wolf Girl
- 2007. The Magic Goes Away
- 2010. John Carter of Mars
- 2010. Painting for "John Carter of Mars"
- 2010. To Reach the Top
- 2011. Art Portfolio: Selected Works
- 2011. Art Portfolio: Selected Works [2]
- 2011. Boris Vallejo Sketchbook
- 2011. Boris Vallejo Sketchbook [2]
- 2011. Boris Vallejo Sketchbook [3]
- 2011. Boris Vallejo Sketchbook [4]
- 2011. Boris Vallejo Sketchbook [5]
- 2011. How the Hugo Awards Ruined My Life
- 2011. Poker Face
- 2011. Retro Hugo Awards (Renovation: The 69th World Science Fiction Convention)
- 2011. Savage Land
- 2011. The Hugo Award Nominees for 2011
- 2011. The Light — and Heavy — Fantastic!
- 2011. They Came from the Stars
- 2012. Stalking the Unicorn: A Fable of Tonight (cover)
- 2012. Rules of the Game
- 2014. Aftermath
- 2014. Agent Double Oh Ten
- 2014. All is Well
- 2014. Amarillys Embrace
- 2014. Anyea
- 2014. At the Summit
- 2014. Blazing In
- 2014. Caduceus
- 2014. Carbone
- 2014. Claws
- 2014. Cobra Fire
- 2014. Contemplation
- 2014. Content
- 2014. Escaping Armageddon
- 2014. Fire Rider
- 2014. Forever Castle
- 2014. Freedom
- 2014. Front View
- 2014. Galactic Love
- 2014. Gentle Path
- 2014. Gift of the Robot
- 2014. Griffin's Flight
- 2014. Her Garden
- 2014. High Greetings
- 2014. Hunting Party
- 2014. I Come in Peace
- 2014. I Dream of Flying
- 2014. Indomitus Est
- 2014. Indomitus Vivat (Untameable Life)
- 2014. Last Grasp
- 2014. Mars
- 2014. Parting the Mountains
- 2014. Power Struggle
- 2014. Priestess of the Sun
- 2014. Prisoners No More
- 2014. Rainbow Ponies
- 2014. Rubber
- 2014. Sad Victory
- 2014. Soul Stealer
- 2014. Spell
- 2014. Splash
- 2014. Steel Draw
- 2014. Step into Eos
- 2014. Tales of Fausseah
- 2014. Taming of the Riverhorse
- 2014. Tell Me About the Cosmos
- 2014. Temple
- 2014. The Centaur and the Dragon
- 2014. The Crimson Battle Axe
- 2014. The Grief of Victory
- 2014. The Healer
- 2014. The Sylphids
- 2014. The Teasers
- 2014. They Came from the Stars
- 2014. To the End
- 2014. To Wonder If
- 2014. Touch of Freedom
- 2014. Trail of Mama Ocllo
- 2014. Two Travelers
- 2014. Ty Rex
- 2014. Unexpected Arrival
- 2014. Up and Away
- 2014. Warrior Assault
- 2014. Welcome Party
- 2014. What Next?
- 2014. When the Mist Clears
- 2014. Windowsill
- 2014. Winged Messenger
- 2014. Without Fear
- 2014. World Without Sense
- 2014. You and What Army?
- 2016. And One to Go
- 2016. Medusa by the Sea
- 2020. John Carter of Mars
- 2020. Alpnu, the One
- 2020. Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie
- 2020. Barbarella: Queen of the Galaxy (poster)
- 2020. Barbarian Queen (poster art)
- 2020. Berserker Man (cover)
- 2020. Conan the Barbarian Film Poster Preliminary Sketch
- 2020. Conan the Fearless
- 2020. Demon Versus Nymph Preliminary Study
- 2020. Eerie, July 1971 (cover)
- 2020. Flash Gordon
- 2020. Heavy Metal, September 1996 (cover)
- 2020. Hookah, Opium Dream
- 2020. Ilmarinen, Goddess of the Storm
- 2020. Jeannie's Kitten
- 2020. Joe Weider
- 2020. John Carter of Mars with Friends
- 2020. Julie Bell
- 2020. National Lampoon's Vacation (poster)
- 2020. Nightmare, June 1971 (cover)
- 2020. Outlaw of Gor
- 2020. Searchers
- 2020. Spoor
- 2020. Tarzan's Quest
- 2020. The Basilisk
- 2020. The Makers of Universes
- 2020. The Ram
- 2020. The Road Ahead
- 2020. The Savage Sword of Conan, December 1976 (cover)
- 2020. The Web Between the Worlds (cover)
- 2020. Thiassi Abducting Idunn
- 2020. Trading
- 2020. Warrior Woman
- 2021. Godsfire (cover)
- 2021. Z for Zachariah (cover)
- Unknown. Boris
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
- 1977. Interview with Boris
- 1979. Boris Vallejo Talks Art
- 2013. A Few Words with Fantasy Artist Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. Beasts Keepsake Collection
- Unknown. Best of Boris All Chromium
- Unknown. Boris
- Unknown. Boris 3: All-Prism
- Unknown. Boris 4: Magnificent Myths
- Unknown. Boris Series 2: The Fantasy Continues
- Unknown. Boris Stickers
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo / Julie Bell: The Ultimate Collection
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo's 3D Magic
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo's 3D Magic
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo's Fantasy Calendar 2000
- Unknown. Boris With Julie All-Chromium Collector Cards
- Unknown. Boris: Book Two
- Unknown. Boris: Fantasy & Space Poster Book
- Unknown. Boris: Volume 1
- Unknown. Buns Keepsake Collection
- Unknown. BV
- Unknown. Collected Works
- Unknown. Comic Images Supreme
- Unknown. Comic Images Supreme
- Unknown. Dreams: The Art of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. Fantasy Art Techniques
- Unknown. Fantasy Posterbook
- Unknown. Fantasy von Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. Future Worlds Keepsake Collection
- Unknown. Hindsight
- Unknown. Images of Josephine by Boris & Julie
- Unknown. Imaginistix: The Art of Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell
- Unknown. Mirage
- Unknown. Mirage
- Unknown. Superheroes: The Heroic Visions of Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell
- Unknown. The Artwork of Boris & Julie: Strokes of Genius
- Unknown. The Boris Vallejo Portfolio
- Unknown. The Dreams of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. Titans: The Heroic Visions of Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell
- Unknown. Twin Visions
- 2001. The Sketchbook
- 2003. Fantasy Workshop: A Practical Guide: The Painting Techniques of Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell
- 2006. The Fantasy of Flowers
- 2006. The Fabulous Women of Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell
- 2009. Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell: The Ultimate Illustrations
- 2014. Dreamland
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell: The Ultimate Collection
- Unknown. Boris Vallejo's 3D Magic
- Unknown. Boris: Book Two
- Unknown. Dreams: The Art of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. Dreams: The Art of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. Enchantment
- Unknown. Enchantment
- Unknown. Enchantment
- Unknown. Fantasy Art Techniques
- Unknown. Fantasy Art Techniques
- Unknown. Sketchbook
- Unknown. Sketchbook
- Unknown. Superheroes
- Unknown. The Boris Vallejo Portfolio
- Unknown. The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo
- Unknown. The Ultimate Illustrations
- Unknown. Titans: The Heroic Visions of Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell
- 0000. The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo - Locus Poll Award, Best Art or Illustrated Book (Nomination)
- 0000. The Fabulous Women of Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell - Locus Poll Award, Best Art Book (Nomination)
- 0000. Dreamland: The Fantastic World of Boris and Julie Bell - Locus Poll Award, Best Art Book (Nomination)
- 0000. Cover (A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge) - Hugo Award, Best Original Artwork (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Dreams: The Art of Boris Vallejo - Locus Poll Award, Best Art Book (Nomination)
- sf art book (5 books)
- Spanish Wikipedia article on Boris Vallejo
- Library of Congress page for Boris Vallejo
- The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (SFE) article on Boris Vallejo
- English Wikipedia article on Boris Vallejo
- FantLab page for Boris Vallejo
- FantLab page for Boris Vallejo
- - Boris Vallejo
- - Boris Vallejo
- - Boris Vallejo
- - Boris Vallejo