Stanley Schmidt
From Author Wars -
- 1980. The Analog Anthology #1
- 1981. Analog Yearbook II
- 1981. Analog's Golden Anniversary Anthology
- 1981. Fifty Years of the Best Science Fiction From Analog
- 1982. Analog Anthology #3: Children of the Future
- 1982. Analog Anthology #4: Analog's Lighter Side
- 1982. The Analog Anthology #2: Readers' Choice
- 1983. Aliens from Analog
- 1983. Analog Anthology #5: Writers' Choice
- 1983. War and Peace: Possible Futures from Analog
- 1984. Analog: Writers' Choice, Vol II
- 1984. From Mind to Mind: Tales of Communication from Analog
- 1986. 6 Decades: The Best of Analog
- 1986. Analog's Expanding Universe
- 1988. Unknown
- 1988. Unknown Worlds: Tales from Beyond
- 1996. Islands in the Sky: Bold New Ideas for Colonizing Space
- 1996. Islands in the Sky: Bold New Ideas for Colonizing Space
- 1998. Pieces of Six (An Anthology of works by the Guests of Honor at Bucconeer, the 56th Annual World Science Fiction Convention)
- 1998. Roads Not Taken: Tales of Alternate History
Short Fiction:
- 1968. A Flash of Darkness
- 1968. The Reluctant Ambassadors
- 1969. ...And Comfort to the Enemy
- 1970. Lost Newton
- 1971. May the Best Man Win
- 1971. The Unreachable Stars
- 1972. The Prophet
- 1976. His Loyal Opposition
- 1976. A Thrust of Greatness
- 1977. Caesar Clark
- 1977. Dark Age
- 1977. Pinocchio
- 1978. Panic
- 1978. The Promised Land
- 1978. First Interlude
- 1978. Fourth Interlude
- 1978. Prologue
- 1978. Second Interlude
- 1978. Third Interlude
- 1979. A Midsummer Newt's Dream
- 1981. Camouflage
- 1981. Tweedlioop
- 1982. Mascots
- 1982. War of Independence
- 1984. The Folks Who Live on the Hill
- 1988. Floodgate
- 1990. The Man on the Cover
- 1993. Johnny Birdseed
- 1993. Not Even a Chimney
- 1993. Worthsayer
- 1998. Good Intentions
- 2000. Generation Gap
- 1965. Brass Tacks
- 1965. In Times to Come
- 1965. The Analytical Laboratory
- 1966. Brass Tacks
- 1966. Brass Tacks
- 1966. In Times to Come
- 1966. In Times to Come
- 1966. The Analytical Laboratory
- 1966. Brass Tacks
- 1966. In Times to Come
- 1966. The Analytical Laboratory
- 1976. How to Move the Earth
- 1977. Science in Science Fiction
- 1980. Introduction (The Analog Anthology #1)
- 1981. Foreword (Astounding Science Fiction July 1939)
- 1981. Introduction (Analog Yearbook II)
- 1981. Editorial: Critical Event
- 1982. Introduction (Analog Anthology #2)
- 1982. Introduction (Analog's Children of the Future (Anthology #3))
- 1982. Introduction (Analog's Lighter Side (Anthology #4))
- 1983. Introduction (Aliens from Analog (Anthology #7))
- 1983. Introduction (Analog: Writers' Choice (Anthology #5))
- 1983. Introduction (War and Peace (Anthology #6))
- 1984. Introduction (From Mind to Mind: Tales of Communication from Analog)
- 1985. Viewpoint: Broccoli, Oranges, and Science Fiction
- 1986. Introduction (6 Decades: The Best of Analog)
- 1989. Response to "The New Generation Gap"
- 1991. Authors vs. Editors
- 1991. Editorial: A Speedy Trial
- 1991. Editorial: Continuity
- 1991. Editorial: Ex Machina
- 1991. Editorial: Experience Required
- 1991. Editorial: Foolproof
- 1991. Editorial: Mass
- 1991. Editorial: Primitive Machines
- 1991. Editorial: Say When!
- 1991. Editorial: The Camera as Weapon
- 1991. Editorial: The Perils of Victory
- 1991. Editorial: The Self-Clogging Escape Valve
- 1991. Editorial: Your Rights, Whether You Want Them or Not
- 1991. Good Writing is Not Enough
- 1991. Seeing Your Way to Better Stories
- 1991. The Ideas That Wouldn't Die
- 1992. Editorial: Accept No Substitutes
- 1992. Editorial: Beyond Them and Us
- 1992. Editorial: E Pluribus Zero
- 1992. Editorial: Education for Change
- 1992. Editorial: Eumemics
- 1992. Editorial: Ex Post Facto Ethics
- 1992. Editorial: God by Default
- 1992. Editorial: Home Rule
- 1992. Editorial: Reader's Choice
- 1992. Editorial: The Right to Hide Arms
- 1992. Editorial: Tilting with Straw Men
- 1992. Editorial: Two-Stage Process
- 1992. Isaac Asimov, 1920-1992
- 1994. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
- 1994. Anatomy of a Sale: "From the Corner of the Eye" to Analog Science Fiction and Fact
- 1995. Editorial: Achievement Test
- 1995. Editorial: Bold and Timid Prophets
- 1995. Editorial: Cold Fusion Conundrum
- 1995. Editorial: Deathwatch for Freedom
- 1995. Editorial: Dedication
- 1995. Editorial: Excuses and Evolution
- 1995. Editorial: Now You See It...
- 1995. Editorial: Relevance
- 1995. Editorial: Technology and Taste
- 1995. Editorial: The Anonymous Society
- 1995. Editorial: The Political Jupiter Effect
- 1995. Editorial: What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Giraffe
- 1996. Curried Goatburgers
- 1996. Editorial: The Forever Fallacy
- 1996. Editorial: The New Evangelists
- 1996. Joyce's Juice Concoction
- 1996. The Editor's Page: The Dark Side of Clarke's Law
- 1996. Tiffin Chutney
- 1997. Editorial: A Bad Time for Aliens
- 1997. Editorial: E Plurbus How Many?
- 1997. Editorial: New Attitudes For New Frontiers
- 1997. Editorial: Orphan Experiment
- 1997. Editorial: Prophetic Déjà Vu
- 1997. Editorial: Public Versus Private
- 1997. Editorial: Style and Substance, Horse and Cart
- 1997. Editorial: The All or Nothing Fallacy
- 1997. Editorial: The Big Bad Bag Bug
- 1997. Editorial: Too Hard?
- 1998. Brass Tacks
- 1998. Editorial: Defenders of the Faiths
- 1998. Editorial: Interesting Research
- 1998. Editorial: King of the Hill (No Matter What)
- 1998. Editorial: Natural Succession
- 1998. Editorial: Quality Control II: Reminder and Speculation
- 1998. Editorial: Secret Weapons
- 1998. Editorial: Snakes or Paychecks: Is That the Question?
- 1998. Editorial: The Return of Mr. Robot
- 1998. Editorial: Whose Language is it, Anyway?
- 1999. Editorial: Haste Makes Haste
- 1999. Editorial: Initial Conditions
- 1999. Editorial: Much Ado About Very Little
- 1999. Editorial: The Frugal Physicist
- 1999. Editorial: Time-Unbinding
- 1999. Hardly Ever Say Never
- 1999. One Crystal Ball, Slightly Used
- 1999. Political Correction
- 1999. Rights vs. Rightness
- 1999. Technological Temptation
- 1999. The Bug and the Buffalo
- 2000. "Do Something!"
- 2000. A Double Celebration
- 2000. A. E. van Vogt, 1912-2000
- 2000. Applied Memetics
- 2000. Asteroids and Lotteries
- 2000. Big Brother and Pinocchio
- 2000. Blunt Instruments
- 2000. Child's Play
- 2000. Leap of Faith
- 2000. Stress Management
- 2000. The Efficiency Trap
- 2000. The Red Queen's Race
- 2001. A Perfect Fit
- 2001. About Science Fiction
- 2001. Barren Lands, Barren Minds
- 2001. Beliefs and Believers
- 2001. Child's Play II
- 2001. Pivotal Events
- 2001. Political Entropy Revisited
- 2001. Redefining Copyright
- 2001. Temporal Provincialism
- 2001. The High-Tech Gold Rush
- 2002. Magic Bullets
- 2002. Monsters
- 2002. Brass Tacks
- 2002. Editorial: Musings from the Bioethical Frontier
- 2002. In Times to Come
- 2002. Brass Tacks
- 2002. Editorial: The Throwaway Mentality
- 2002. In Times to Come
- 2002. Brass Tacks
- 2002. Editorial: A Deadly Fog
- 2002. In Times to Come
- 2002. Brass Tacks
- 2002. Brass Tacks
- 2002. Editorial: Ecorestoration
- 2002. Editorial: Perspective
- 2002. In Times to Come
- 2002. Brass Tacks
- 2002. Editorial: Flawed Experiment
- 2002. Brass Tacks
- 2002. Editorial: Hot Buttons, Hot Cars, and Evolution
- 2002. Brass Tacks
- 2002. Editorial: To Describe or Prescribe
- 2002. Brass Tacks
- 2002. Editorial: Design Flaw
- 2003. Brass Tacks
- 2003. Editorial: Useful Illusions & Deadly Faith
- 2003. Brass Tacks
- 2003. Editorial: Driving Forces
- 2003. Brass Tacks
- 2003. Editorial: The Return of the Mad Scientist
- 2003. Brass Tacks
- 2003. Editorial: Still Guessing, After All These Years
- 2003. Brass Tacks
- 2003. Editorial: The Ground Floor
- 2003. Brass Tacks
- 2003. Brass Tacks
- 2003. Editorial: A Fragile Cornerstone
- 2003. Editorial: A Time to Be Wrong
- 2003. Obituary: Charles Sheffield
- 2003. The Analytical Laboratory Results
- 2003. Brass Tacks
- 2003. Editorial: Fitting Memorials
- 2003. Brass Tacks
- 2003. Editorial: Scarce Skills and Scattered Substitutes
- 2003. Brass Tacks
- 2003. Editorial: Missing the Point
- 2003. Brass Tacks
- 2003. Editorial: Child, Village, and Bug
- 2004. Brass Tacks
- 2004. Spreading the Word
- 2004. The Analytical Laboratory Ballot
- 2004. Achilles’ Grid
- 2004. Brass Tacks
- 2004. Brass Tacks
- 2004. Editorial: A Billion Big Brothers
- 2004. Brass Tacks
- 2004. Editorial: Do All Roads Lead?
- 2004. Brass Tacks
- 2004. Editorial: Who Needs Company?
- 2004. Brass Tacks
- 2004. Editorial: The Price of Freedom
- 2004. Hal Clement, 1922-2003
- 2004. The Analytical Laboratory
- 2004. Brass Tacks
- 2004. Editorial: Is There a Doctor on the Planet?
- 2004. Brass Tacks
- 2004. Editorial: The Vanishing Repairman
- 2004. Brass Tacks
- 2004. Editorial: Attack of the Giant Oxymorons
- 2004. Brass Tacks
- 2004. Editorial: Top Predator
- 2005. 2004 Index
- 2005. Editorial: A Diamond Milestone
- 2005. The Analytical Laboratory Ballot
- 2005. Editorial: A Noisy Signay
- 2005. Editorial: Whence Comes Morality?
- 2005. Editorial: Alibis, Safety, and Freedom
- 2005. Brass Tacks
- 2005. Editorial: Zero-Pollution Solutions
- 2005. Editorial: Inexitable Clichés
- 2005. Editorial: Softening Us Up
- 2005. Editorial: Cowardice in the Classroom
- 2005. Editorial: Diffuse Tyranny
- 2005. Editorial: No Politics, Please
- 2007. Brass Tacks
- 2007. Editorial: The Cheesesteak Nazi, the Colonel, and the Food Police
- 2007. Editorial: New Writers
- 2007. Brass Tacks
- 2007. Editorial: Citizen Science
- 2007. In Times to Come
Magazine Editor:
- 1978. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1978
- 1979. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1979
- 1980. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1980
- 1981. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1981
- 1982. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1982
- 1983. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1983
- 1984. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1984
- 1985. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1985
- 1986. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1986
- 1987. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1987
- 1988. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1988
- 1989. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1989
- 1990. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1990
- 1991. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1991
- 1992. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1992
- 1993. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1993
- 1994. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1994
- 1995. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1995
- 1996. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1996
- 1997. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1997
- 1998. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1998
- 1999. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1999
- 2000. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 2000
- 2001. Analog Science Fiction and Fact - 2001
- 2002. Analog Science Fiction and Fact - 2002
- 2003. Analog Science Fiction and Fact - 2003
- 2004. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, January/February 2004
- 2004. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, March 2004
- 2004. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, April 2004
- 2004. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, May 2004
- 2004. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, June 2004
- 2004. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, July/August 2004
- 2004. Analog Science Fiction and Fact. September 2004
- 2004. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, October 2004
- 2004. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, November 2004
- 2004. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, December 2004
- 2005. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, January/February 2005
- 2005. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, March 2005
- 2005. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, April 2005
- 2005. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, May 2005
- 2005. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, July/August 2005
- 2005. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, September 2005
- 2005. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, October 2005
- 2005. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, November 2005
- 2005. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, December 2005
- 2006. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, January/February 2006
- 2006. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, March 2006
- 2006. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, April 2006
- 2006. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, May 2006
- 2006. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, June 2006
- 2006. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, July/August 2006
- 2006. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, September 2006
- 2006. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, October 2006
- 2006. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, November 2006
- 2006. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, December 2006
- 2007. Analog Science Fiction and Fact - 2007
- 2007. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, March 2007
- 2007. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, April 2007
- 1996. Analog Science Fiction and Fact SF Chronicle, Pro Editor - Magazines
- View all achievements »
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