Jules Verne


  • Legal Name: Verne, Jules Gabriel
  • Place of Birth: Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, Pays-de-la-Loire, France
  • Date of Birth: February 08, 1828
  • Date of Death: March 24, 1905


The French Father of Science Fiction, Verne was the first to deliberately shape Science Fiction into a genre distinct from Fantasy, and is considered one of the two founding fathers of Science Fiction with H. G. Wells. Verne was to take over the family law practice, but while studying law in Paris found himself distracted by literature. Early on he wrotes some plays (Les Pailles rompues was produced in 1850), two opera libretti, served as secretary at the Théâtre Lyrique (1852-1854), and ventured into stockbroking. In 1863 the first of the Voyages extraordinaires was published, with the series continuing until after Verne's death. Verne showed early influence by Victor Hugo (1802-1885) and Alexandre Dumas (1824-1895), and later by Edgar Allan Poe, even writing a sequel to "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym". Having been raised in the port of Nantes, many of his stories feature the ocean. Verne serial reprints were a mainstay of Gernsback's Amazing in the years 1926-1929.


Short Fiction:


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