Jules Verne
From Author Wars - http://www.authorwars.com/authors/writers/jules-verne/
The French Father of Science Fiction, Verne was the first to deliberately shape Science Fiction into a genre distinct from Fantasy, and is considered one of the two founding fathers of Science Fiction with H. G. Wells. Verne was to take over the family law practice, but while studying law in Paris found himself distracted by literature. Early on he wrotes some plays (Les Pailles rompues was produced in 1850), two opera libretti, served as secretary at the Théâtre Lyrique (1852-1854), and ventured into stockbroking. In 1863 the first of the Voyages extraordinaires was published, with the series continuing until after Verne's death. Verne showed early influence by Victor Hugo (1802-1885) and Alexandre Dumas (1824-1895), and later by Edgar Allan Poe, even writing a sequel to "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym". Having been raised in the port of Nantes, many of his stories feature the ocean. Verne serial reprints were a mainstay of Gernsback's Amazing in the years 1926-1929.
- 1864. Journey to the Centre of the Earth
- 1864. Les adventures du Capitaine Hatteras
- 1864. The English at the North Pole (UK 1874)
- 1864. Voyage au centre de la Terre
- 1865. Cinq semaines en ballon
- 1865. De la Terre à la Lune
- 1865. Five Weeks in a Balloon
- 1865. From the Earth to the Moon
- 1866. The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras
- 1866. Voyages et aventures du capitaine Hatteras
- 1868. Les Enfants du capitaine Grant
- 1868. The Children of Captain Grant
- 1869. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
- 1869. Autour de la Lune
- 1869. Round the Moon
- 1869. Vingt Mille Lieues sous les mers
- 1871. A Floating City
- 1871. Une ville flottante
- 1872. Around the World in Eighty Days
- 1872. Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais
- 1872. Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours
- 1872. The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in Southern Africa
- 1873. Le Pays des fourrures
- 1873. The Fur Country
- 1874. Dropped from the Clouds
- 1874. Shipwrecked in the Air
- 1875. L'Ãle mystérieuse
- 1875. Le Chancellor
- 1875. The Chancellor
- 1875. The Mysterious Island
- 1876. Michael Strogoff
- 1876. Michel Strogoff
- 1877. Black Indies
- 1877. Hector Servadac
- 1877. Hector Servadac, voyages et aventures à travers le monde solaire
- 1877. Les Indes noires
- 1878. A Captain at Fifteen
- 1878. Un Capitaine de quinze ans
- 1879. Les cinq cents millions de la Bégum
- 1879. Les Tribulations d'un Chinois en Chine
- 1879. The 500 Millions of the Begum
- 1879. The Begum's Fortune
- 1879. The Tribulations of a Chinaman in China
- 1880. La Maison à vapeur
- 1880. The Steam House
- 1881. La Jaganda
- 1881. The Jangada
- 1882. L'Ãcole des Robinsons
- 1882. Le Rayon vert
- 1882. The Green Ray
- 1882. The School of Robinsons
- 1883. Kéraban-le-têtu
- 1883. Kereban the Inflexible
- 1884. Archipelago on Fire
- 1884. L'Archipel en feu
- 1884. L'Ãtoile du sud
- 1884. The Star of the South
- 1885. Mathias Sandorf
- 1886. Robur the Conqueror
- 1886. Robur-le-Conqurérant
- 1886. The Clipper of the Clouds
- 1886. The Lottery Ticket
- 1886. Un billet de loterie
- 1887. Le Chemin de France
- 1887. Nord contre Sud
- 1887. North Against South
- 1887. The Road to France
- 1888. Deux Ans de vacances
- 1888. Two Years Holiday
- 1889. Famille-sans-nom
- 1889. Family Without a Name
- 1889. Sans dessus dessous
- 1889. The Purchase of the North Pole
- 1890. César Cascabel
- 1891. Mistress Branican
- 1891. Mrs. Branican
- 1892. Le Château des Carpathes
- 1892. The Carpathian Castle
- 1893. Claudius Bombarnac
- 1893. Foundling Mick
- 1893. P'tit-Bonhomme
- 1894. Mirifiques Aventures de Maître Antifer
- 1894. The Wonderful Adventures of Captain Antifer
- 1895. L'Ãle à hélice
- 1895. Propellor Island
- 1895. The Floating Island
- 1896. Clovis Dardentor
- 1896. Face au drapeau
- 1896. For the Flag
- 1897. Le Sphinx des glaces
- 1897. The Sphinx of the Ice Fields
- 1898. Le superbe Orénoque
- 1898. The Superb Orinoco
- 1899. Le Testament d'un excentrique
- 1899. The Will of an Eccentric
- 1900. Second Fatherland
- 1900. Seconde patrie
- 1901. Le Village aérien
- 1901. Les Histoires de Jean-Marie Cabidoulin
- 1901. The Aerial Village
- 1901. The Stories of Jean-Marie Cabidoulin
- 1902. Les Frères Kip
- 1902. The Brothers Kip
- 1903. Bourses de voyage
- 1903. Traveling Scholarships
- 1904. A Drama in Livonia
- 1904. Maître du monde
- 1904. Master of the World
- 1904. Un Drame en Livonie
- 1905. L'Invasion de la mer
- 1905. The Invasion of the Sea
- 1919. Into the Niger Bend
- 1919. The City in the Sahara
- 1958. A Trip Around It
- 1958. From the Earth to the Moon
- 1964. The Village in the Treetops
- 1965. The Hunt for the Meteor
- 1965. The Meteor Hunt
- 1992. A Journey to the Center of the Earth
- 1993. Adventures of the Rat Family
- 1995. Paris au XXè siècle
- 1995. Paris in the 20th Century
- 2004. Dr Oxs Experiment
- 2005. The Moon-voyage
- 2005. The Underground City
- 2005. The Begum's Millions
- 2006. The Mighty Orinoco
- 2006. Castle in Transylvania
- 1926. A Trip to the Center of the Earth (Part 1 of 3)
- 1926. A Trip to the Center of the Earth (Part 2 of 3)
- 1926. A Trip to the Center of the Earth (Part 3 of 3)
- 1926. Off on a Comet (Part 1 of 2)
- 1926. Off on a Comet (Part 2 of 2)
- 1926. The Purchase of the North Pole (Part 1 of 2)
- 1926. The Purchase of the North Pole (Part 2 of 2)
- 1927. Robur the Conqueror (Part 1 of 2)
- 1928. Robur the Conqueror (Part 2 of 2)
- 1928. The Master of the World (Part 1 of 2)
- 1928. The Master of the World (Part 2 of 2)
- 1929. The Desert of Ice (Part 1 of 2)
- 1929. The Desert of Ice (Part 2 of 2)
- 1929. The English at the North Pole (Part 1 of 2)
- 1929. The English at the North Pole (Part 2 of 2)
- 1934. Measuring a Meridian (Part 1 of 4)
- 1934. Measuring a Meridian (Part 2 of 4)
- 1934. Measuring a Meridian (Part 3 of 4)
- 1934. Measuring a Meridian (Part 4 of 4)
Short Fiction:
- 1851. A Drama in the Air
- 1852. Master Zacharius
- 1852. The Watch's Soul
- 1854. Master Zacharius and the Watch's Soul
- 1854. Master Zacharius, or The Clockmaker Who Lost His Soul
- 1855. A Winter Amid the Ice
- 1863. Five Weeks in a Balloon (Excerpt)
- 1864. A Journey to the Center of the Earth (Excerpt)
- 1865. From the Earth to the Moon (Excerpt)
- 1869. Around the Moon (chap. XVII-XVIII) (Excerpt)
- 1869. Into Space(Round the Moon Excerpt)
- 1869. Round the Moon (Excerpt)
- 1869. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Excerpt chap. X-XII)
- 1869. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Excerpt)
- 1872. Doctor Ox's Experiment
- 1872. Dr. Ox
- 1874. A Winter Amid the Ice, or The Cruise of the Jeune-Hardie
- 1877. Hector Servadac (Excerpt)
- 1877. The Child of the Cavern (Excerpt)
- 1879. The Begum's Fortune (Excerpt)
- 1880. The Steam House (Excerpt)
- 1884. Dr. Trifulgas
- 1884. Fritt-Flacc
- 1884. The Ordeal of Doctor Trifulgas
- 1884. The Storm
- 1886. The Clipper of the Clouds (Excerpt)
- 1887. Gil Braltar
- 1889. In the Year 2889
- 1893. Mr. Ray Sharp and Miss Me Flat
- 1895. An Express of the Future
- 1895. The Floating Island (Excerpt)
- 1896. For the Flag (Excerpt)
- 1897. An Antarctic Mystery (Excerpt)
- 1926. Dr. Ox's Experiments
- 1929. The Blockade Runners
- 1929. The Desert of Ice
- 1933. A Winter Among the Ice
- 1933. The Cruise of the Jeune-Hardie
- 1949. In the Twenty Ninth Century
- 1957. The Eternal Adam
- 1959. Frritt-Flacc
- 1964. A Drama in Mexico
- 1964. An Ideal City
- 1964. Ten Hours Hunting
- 1964. The Fate of Jean Morenas
- 1964. The First Ships of the Mexican Navy
- 1966. Into the Unknown
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