Peter Crowther
Source: "Peter Crowther Bibliography." Author Wars,".
- Unknown. After Happily Ever
- Unknown. Blue Motel
- Unknown. Cities
- Unknown. Constellations
- Unknown. Dante's Disciples
- Unknown. Destination Unknown
- Unknown. Edison's Frankenstein (Postscripts #20/21)
- Unknown. Enemy of the Good
- Unknown. Faux rêveur
- Unknown. Four for Fear
- Unknown. Fourbodings
- Unknown. Foursight
- Unknown. Futures
- Unknown. Heaven Sent: 18 Glorious Tales of the Angels
- Unknown. Infinities
- Unknown. Mars Probes
- Unknown. Moloch
- Unknown. Moon Shots
- Unknown. Narrow Houses
- Unknown. New Worlds
- Unknown. Postscripts Sampler
- Unknown. Tales in Space
- Unknown. Taps and Sighs
- Unknown. The Company He Keeps (Postscripts 22/23)
- Unknown. The New and Perfect Man (Postscripts #24/25)
- Unknown. This Is the Summer of Love
- Unknown. Tombs
- Unknown. Touch Wood
- Unknown. Unendliche Grenzen
- Unknown. Unfit for Eden: Postscripts 26/27
- Unknown. We Think, Therefore We Are
- 1997. Tales in Time
- 2006. Science-Fiction 2006
- 2006. Forbidden Planets
- 2013. Memoryville Blues
Chapter Books
- Unknown. Forest Plains
- Unknown. Fugue on a G-String
- Unknown. Gandalph Cohen and the Land at the End of the Working Day
- Unknown. The Hand That Feeds
- 2001. All We Know of Heaven
- 2002. Al wat we weten van de hemel
- Unknown. Cold Comforts: Tales of Murder Mystery and Mayhem
- Unknown. Lonesome Roads
- Unknown. Songs of Leaving
- Unknown. The Longest Single Note and Other Strange Compositions
- Unknown. The Spaces Between the Lines
- 2008. The Land at the End of the Working Day
- 2013. Jewels in the Dust
- 2021. Things I Didn't Know My Father Knew
Cover Art
- Unknown. 25 (Celebrating 25 Years of Interzone)
- Unknown. À la longue et en court
- Unknown. A Rose by Any Other Name: An Introduction
- Unknown. A Step Too Far?
- Unknown. A Tribute to Joe Hill
- Unknown. Abseits ausgetretener Pfade: Vorwort von Peter Crowther (Moloch)
- Unknown. Afterword (Something Wicked This Way Comes)
- Unknown. Bad Attitude
- Unknown. Being Music (Review)
- Unknown. Birthday Wishes and Greetings
- Unknown. Bitter Sweets
- Unknown. Books Reviewed: Behind the Door
- Unknown. Books Reviewed: No Contest
- Unknown. Books Reviewed: So Little Time, So Much to Write ...
- Unknown. Britain Swings! (Constellations)
- Unknown. Chilly Pleasures
- Unknown. Cornered (The Third Alternative, #18)
- Unknown. Cornered (The Third Alternative, #19)
- Unknown. Cornered: Long, Long Ago, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
- Unknown. Crowther's Corner (The Third Alternative, #21)
- Unknown. Crowther's Corner (The Third Alternative, #22)
- Unknown. Crowther's Corner (The Third Alternative, #23)
- Unknown. Crowther's Corner (The Third Alternative, #25)
- Unknown. Deep Throat?
- Unknown. Die ewige Grenze
- Unknown. Editorial (Postscripts Sampler)
- Unknown. Edward Miller: An Appreciation
- Unknown. Foreword (Blue Motel)
- Unknown. Foreword (Bright Darkness: The Lost Art of the Supernatural Horror Film)
- Unknown. Foreword (Narrow Houses)
- Unknown. Foreword (Touch Wood)
- Unknown. Graham
- Unknown. Grand Opening!
- Unknown. Home Sweet Cave!
- Unknown. How I Became the Warm-Up Act for Joe Hill
- Unknown. Introduction (Brimstone Turnpike)
- Unknown. Introduction (Cold Cuts II)
- Unknown. Introduction (Faith in the Flesh)
- Unknown. Introduction (Urban Fantastic)
- Unknown. Introduction: Walking the Lines
- Unknown. Letter (Interzone #111)
- Unknown. Lights Out
- Unknown. Mule Variations (Review)
- Unknown. My Favorite Halloween Memory: A Halloween Memory
- Unknown. Off the Beaten Track: An Introduction
- Unknown. Once Upon a Time...
- Unknown. Pet Fears
- Unknown. Pet Words
- Unknown. Playing Deity
- Unknown. Princes and Princesses, Kings and Queens: An Introduction of Sorts by Peter Crowther (Epitaphs Forword)
- Unknown. PS Publishing
- Unknown. Quiet Please! Pete Crowther Considers Horror's New Incarnation
- Unknown. Ray Bradbury
- Unknown. Rendering the Commonplace Magical: A Few Words on Graham Joyce
- Unknown. Review of 'Journey Into Space' cassettes
- Unknown. Review of LP Kooperation by Al Kooper with sleeve notes by Stephen King
- Unknown. Review of nongenre Dead Man Upright by Derek Raymond
- Unknown. Review of nongenre Head Injuries by Conrad Williams
- Unknown. Review of nongenre novel Smalltime by Jerry Raine
- Unknown. Review of the graphic novel "A History of Violence" by John Wagner and Vince Locke
- Unknown. Safe Arrival
- Unknown. So Long, Marty!
- Unknown. Some Kind of Wonderful
- Unknown. Splish Splash!
- Unknown. Stephen King Live! (Review)
- Unknown. Story Notes
- Unknown. Story Notes (Songs of Leaving)
- Unknown. Tales from the Afterlife
- Unknown. That's the Way to Do It!
- Unknown. The Funny Pages
- Unknown. The Infinite Frontier
- Unknown. The Long and the Short of It (Foursight)
- Unknown. The Old Country: Reports on News and Views from the U. K. (Horror, February 1994)
- Unknown. The Sincerest Form of Flattery
- Unknown. Wacky Quests and Revelations
- Unknown. Whose Hand Was I Holding?
- Unknown. Words and Feelings
- Unknown. Yawn City
- 1997. Foreword (Tales in Time)
- 2006. Préface: Small is beautiful
- 2009. A Touch of Magic
- 2009. Lud-in-the-Mist
- 2013. Story Notes (Jewels in the Dust)
- 2014. A Rambling Introduction of Sorts to Cold Comforts
- 2016. Joe Hill
- 2021. Story Notes (Things I Didn't Know My Father Knew)
- Unknown. A Conversation with Peter Crowther
- Unknown. A Man of Many Talents
- Unknown. Dangerous Visions
- Unknown. Destabilizing Reality
- Unknown. James Lovegrove: Interview
- Unknown. James Lovegrove: Interview
- Unknown. Peter Crowther: Interview
- Unknown. Peter Crowther: November 2, 1997
- Unknown. Ramsey Campbell: An Interview
- Unknown. The Illustrator Man
Magazine Editor
- Unknown. Postscripts - 2004
- Unknown. Postscripts - 2005
- Unknown. Postscripts - 2006
- Unknown. Postscripts - 2007
- Unknown. Postscripts - 2008
- Unknown. By Wizard Oak
- Unknown. Escardy Gap
- Unknown. Windows to the Soul
- 2002. Darkness, Darkness
- 2011. Darkness Falling
- Unknown. Beyond the Window
- Unknown. Carol, We Need to Talk
- Unknown. Conversation
- Unknown. Dear Diary
- Unknown. Downer
- Unknown. In Mendaala, with the Rains
- Unknown. Keepsake
- Unknown. Memories
- Unknown. Other Trains
- Unknown. Outside
- Unknown. The City
- Unknown. The Nine-to-Five Spaceman
- Unknown. The Places Where the Slingfang Grows
- Unknown. Tonnebrugh
- Unknown. Where the Heart Is
- 2010. On Hallows Eve
- Unknown. 411
- Unknown. A Child Across the Sky
- Unknown. A Graveyard for Lunatics
- Unknown. A Sickness of the Soul
- Unknown. A Writer's Tale
- Unknown. After the Darkness
- Unknown. Afterage
- Unknown. Air Fish
- Unknown. American Goliath
- Unknown. Angel Kagoule
- Unknown. Angry Candy
- Unknown. Bag of Bones
- Unknown. Black Cocktail
- Unknown. Black Thorne, White Rose
- Unknown. Blackburn
- Unknown. Blue Motel
- Unknown. Blue Motel
- Unknown. Blue Motel
- Unknown. Brittle Innings
- Unknown. Cages
- Unknown. Chiller
- Unknown. Cities
- Unknown. Cities
- Unknown. Cities
- Unknown. Cities
- Unknown. Comic Book Rebels
- Unknown. Constellations
- Unknown. Constellations
- Unknown. Constellations
- Unknown. Created By
- Unknown. Dante's Disciples
- Unknown. Dante's Disciples
- Unknown. Dark Destiny
- Unknown. Dark Terrors
- Unknown. Dark Terrors 2
- Unknown. Dark Voices 5
- Unknown. Darker
- Unknown. Darkest Day
- Unknown. Darkness, Darkness
- Unknown. Darkness, Darkness
- Unknown. Darkness, Darkness
- Unknown. Darkness, Darkness
- Unknown. Desperation
- Unknown. Destination Unknown
- Unknown. Dogland
- Unknown. Dolan's Cadillac
- Unknown. Dolores Claiborne
- Unknown. Door Number Three
- Unknown. Double Edge
- Unknown. Drabble Who
- Unknown. Dreams Underfoot
- Unknown. Driving Blind
- Unknown. Edison's Frankenstein (Postscripts #20/21)
- Unknown. Edison's Frankenstein (Postscripts #20/21)
- Unknown. Elric: Tales of the White Wolf
- Unknown. Enemy of the Good (Postscripts #19)
- Unknown. Enemy of the Good (Postscripts #19)
- Unknown. Escardy Gap
- Unknown. Escardy Gap
- Unknown. Escardy Gap
- Unknown. Escardy Gap
- Unknown. Eye of the Beholder
- Unknown. Eyes of Prey
- Unknown. Fear Nothing
- Unknown. Forbidden Planets
- Unknown. Forbidden Planets
- Unknown. Forest Plains
- Unknown. Foursight
- Unknown. Foursight
- Unknown. Foursight
- Unknown. Foursight
- Unknown. Foursight
- Unknown. Fractal Paisleys
- Unknown. From the Teeth of Angels
- Unknown. Fugue on a G-string
- Unknown. Futures
- Unknown. Futures
- Unknown. Futures
- Unknown. Futures: Four Novellas
- Unknown. Futures: Four Novellas
- Unknown. Gandalph Cohen and the Land at the End of the Working Day
- Unknown. Gideon
- Unknown. Gone South
- Unknown. Goodlow's Ghosts
- Unknown. Hell House
- Unknown. Hogfoot Right and Bird-Hands
- Unknown. Hungry Eyes
- Unknown. I Am Legend
- Unknown. Indigo
- Unknown. Infinities
- Unknown. Infinities
- Unknown. Insomnia
- Unknown. Jackals
- Unknown. King of Morning, Queen of Day
- Unknown. Kissing the Beehive
- Unknown. Last Rites & Resurrections
- Unknown. Little Deaths
- Unknown. Lonesome Roads
- Unknown. Mars Probes
- Unknown. Mars Probes
- Unknown. Mars Probes
- Unknown. Mars Probes
- Unknown. Mars Probes
- Unknown. Midnight Promises
- Unknown. Miniature Magic
- Unknown. Moon Shots
- Unknown. Moonchasers and Other Stories
- Unknown. More Miniature Magic
- Unknown. Mortal Fire
- Unknown. Mr. Punch
- Unknown. Nailed by the Heart
- Unknown. Narrow Houses
- Unknown. Narrow Houses
- Unknown. Narrow Houses
- Unknown. Narrow Houses
- Unknown. Narrow Houses
- Unknown. Narrow Houses
- Unknown. Night Train
- Unknown. Nightlife
- Unknown. Nightmares and Dreamscapes
- Unknown. No Good from a Corpse
- Unknown. Once Around the Bloch
- Unknown. Only Forward
- Unknown. Otherwere
- Unknown. Postscripts #1
- Unknown. Postscripts #2
- Unknown. Postscripts, March 2007
- Unknown. Quicker Than the Eye
- Unknown. Raven
- Unknown. Red Red Robin
- Unknown. Rex Miller: The Complete Revelations
- Unknown. Seven Steps to Midnight
- Unknown. Shadowland
- Unknown. Sharper Knives
- Unknown. Sight Unseen
- Unknown. Slaughtermatic
- Unknown. Sleepeasy
- Unknown. So Long, See You Tomorrow
- Unknown. Something Wicked This Way Comes
- Unknown. Songs of Leaving
- Unknown. Songs of Leaving
- Unknown. Spanky
- Unknown. Spree
- Unknown. Stitch
- Unknown. Strange Things and Stranger Places
- Unknown. Taps and Sighs
- Unknown. Terror Australis
- Unknown. The Adventures of Superman
- Unknown. The Best of Interzone
- Unknown. The Blackstone Chronicles
- Unknown. The Caveman
- Unknown. The Company He Keeps (Postscripts #22/23)
- Unknown. The Dark Descent
- Unknown. The Day the Music Died
- Unknown. The Dead Past
- Unknown. The Death Prayer
- Unknown. The Definitive Best of the Horror Show
- Unknown. The Disappeared
- Unknown. The Dumb House
- Unknown. The Earth Strikes Back
- Unknown. The Earth Wire
- Unknown. The Eternal Champion
- Unknown. The Forbidden Zone
- Unknown. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
- Unknown. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
- Unknown. The Glass Mountain
- Unknown. The Good, the Bad, and the Indifferent
- Unknown. The Green Mile
- Unknown. The Hand That Feeds
- Unknown. The Hand that Feeds
- Unknown. The House on Nazareth Hill
- Unknown. The Illustrated Man
- Unknown. The Invisible Country
- Unknown. The Krilov Continuum
- Unknown. The Land at the End of the Working Day
- Unknown. The Longest Single Note
- Unknown. The Longest Single Note and Other Strange Compositions
- Unknown. The Mailman
- Unknown. The Marilyn Tapes
- Unknown. The Marriage of Sticks
- Unknown. The Matrix
- Unknown. The New and Perfect Man (Postscripts #24/25)
- Unknown. The October Country
- Unknown. The Panic Hand
- Unknown. The Plenty Principle
- Unknown. The Psychic Detective
- Unknown. The Regulators
- Unknown. The Revelation
- Unknown. The Science of Sadness
- Unknown. The Store
- Unknown. The Stormwatcher
- Unknown. The Summoning
- Unknown. The Throat
- Unknown. The Throne of Bones
- Unknown. The Vanishment
- Unknown. The Wilds
- Unknown. The Winchester Horror
- Unknown. The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Ninth Annual Collection
- Unknown. The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Seventh Annual Collection
- Unknown. The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixth Annual Collection
- Unknown. Things I Didn't Know My Father Knew
- Unknown. This is the Summer of Love (Postscripts #18)
- Unknown. Thrillers
- Unknown. Timequake
- Unknown. Tombs
- Unknown. Tombs
- Unknown. Touch Wood
- Unknown. Touch Wood
- Unknown. Touch Wood
- Unknown. Touch Wood: Narrow Houses Volume 2
- Unknown. Touch Wood: Narrow Houses Volume Two
- Unknown. Transients
- Unknown. Twilight Beach
- Unknown. Virgins and Martyrs
- Unknown. We Think, Therefore We Are
- Unknown. We Think, Therefore We Are
- Unknown. Weird Family Tales
- Unknown. What You Make It
- Unknown. When She Was Bad
- Unknown. When the Feast Is Finished
- Unknown. Whispers in the Dark
- Unknown. White Shark
- Unknown. Wizard and Glass
- Unknown. Wordsmiths of Wonder
- 1998. Tales in Space
- 2006. Science-Fiction 2006
- 2006. Forbidden Planets
- 2009. Forever Twilight, Vol. 1: Darkness Darkness
Short Fiction
- Unknown. A Breeze from a Distant Shore
- Unknown. A Multiplicity of Phaedra Lament
- Unknown. A Time to Dance
- Unknown. A Worse Place Than Hell
- Unknown. All We Know of Heaven
- Unknown. Also Known As
- Unknown. Bedfordshire
- Unknown. Bernard Boyce Bennington and the American Dream
- Unknown. Bindlestiff
- Unknown. Blue Christmas
- Unknown. Boxing Day
- Unknown. Breathing in Faces
- Unknown. Cankerman
- Unknown. Circling the Drain
- Unknown. Cleaning Up
- Unknown. Cliff Rhodes and the Most Important Journey
- Unknown. Cliff Rhodes and the Most Important Journey: A Land at the End of the Working Day Story
- Unknown. Cold Comforts
- Unknown. Constant Companion
- Unknown. Conundrums to Guess
- Unknown. Dark Times
- Unknown. Days of the Wheel
- Unknown. Dei Gratia
- Unknown. Dei Gratia
- Unknown. Dream a Little Dream for Me ...
- Unknown. Drifting Apart
- Unknown. Dumb Animals
- Unknown. Eater
- Unknown. Elmer
- Unknown. Escardy Gap (excerpt)
- Unknown. Even Beggars Would Ride
- Unknown. Fallen Angel
- Unknown. For Those Who Wait
- Unknown. Forest Plains
- Unknown. Front-Page McGuffin and the Greatest Story Never Told
- Unknown. Funambule sur l'axe
- Unknown. Gallagher's Arm
- Unknown. Gandalph Cohen and the Land at the End of the Working Day
- Unknown. Halfway House
- Unknown. Head Acres
- Unknown. Heroes and Villains
- Unknown. Home Comforts
- Unknown. House Calls
- Unknown. In Country
- Unknown. Incident on Bleecker Street
- Unknown. Jewels in the Dust
- Unknown. Keepsakes
- Unknown. Late Night Pick-Up
- Unknown. Late Night Pickup
- Unknown. Leaves
- Unknown. Memories
- Unknown. Mister Mellor Comes to Wayside
- Unknown. Morning Terrors
- Unknown. Old Delicious Burdens
- Unknown. Palindromic
- Unknown. Reunification
- Unknown. Rustle
- Unknown. Setting Free the Daughters of Earth
- Unknown. Shatsi
- Unknown. Sitting Pretty
- Unknown. Some Burial Place, Vast and Dry
- Unknown. Songs of Leaving
- Unknown. Splinters
- Unknown. Stains on the Ether
- Unknown. Stand-By
- Unknown. Standby
- Unknown. Surface Tension
- Unknown. The Adventure of the Touch of God
- Unknown. The Allotment
- Unknown. The Antique Restorer
- Unknown. The Bachelor
- Unknown. The Cost of Freedom
- Unknown. The Doorway in Stephenson's Store
- Unknown. The Eternal Altercation
- Unknown. The Fairy Trap
- Unknown. The Good Book
- Unknown. The Hand That Feeds
- Unknown. The Invasion
- Unknown. The Killing of Davis-Davis
- Unknown. The Last Vampire
- Unknown. The Longest Single Note
- Unknown. The Main Event
- Unknown. The Musician of Bremen, GA
- Unknown. The Second Lady
- Unknown. The Space Between the Lines
- Unknown. The Trembler on the Axis
- Unknown. The Unbetrayable Reply
- Unknown. The Visitor
- Unknown. Things I Didn't Know My Father Knew
- Unknown. Thoughtful Breaths
- Unknown. Three Plays a Quarter
- Unknown. Tomorrow Eyes
- Unknown. Too Short a Death
- Unknown. We're All Bozos on This Bus!
- Unknown. White-Out
- 1998. Fugue on a G-String
- 1998. Cat on an Old School Roof
- 2002. La réponse intrahissable
- 2002. Al wat we weten van de hemel
- 2004. From an Enchanter Fleeing
- 2005. The Doorway in Stephensons Store
- 2006. Chants d'adieu
- 2008. Switching Off the Lights
- 2010. 'The Longest Distance Between Two Places' By Will Holloway
- 2010. Newsflash
- 2010. Webcam Exchange
- 2011. Ghosts with Teeth
- 2012. Corpse Gas
- 2012. The World According to Bernie Maughmstein #1
- 2012. The World According to Bernie Maughmstein #2
- 2012. The World According to Bernie Maughmstein #3
- 2012. The World According to Bernie Maughmstein #4
- 2012. The World According to Bernie Maughmstein #5
- 2012. The World According to Bernie Maughmstein #6
- 2012. The World According to Bernie Maughmstein #7
- 2013. Circling the Drain
- 2013. Fantome cu dinți
- 2013. The Artemis Line
- 2018. Der vor dem Zaubrer flieht
- 2018. Prime Time
- 2019. Hums
- 0000. Lonesome Roads - British Fantasy Award, Best Collection (Win)
- 0000. Postscripts - 2008 - British Fantasy Award, Best Magazine/Periodical (Win)
- 0000. Tombs - Locus Poll Award, Best Anthology (Nomination)
- 0000. Postscripts - 2008 - Locus Poll Award, Best Magazine (Nomination)
- 0000. This Is the Summer of Love - Locus Poll Award, Best Magazine (Nomination)
- 0000. Enemy of the Good - Locus Poll Award, Best Magazine (Nomination)
- 0000. Edison's Frankenstein (Postscripts #20/21) - Locus Poll Award, Best Magazine (Nomination)
- 0000. Foursight - Locus Poll Award, Best Anthology (Nomination)
- 0000. Edison's Frankenstein (Postscripts #20/21) - Locus Poll Award, Best Anthology (Nomination)
- 0000. The Company He Keeps (Postscripts #22/23) - Locus Poll Award, Best Magazine (Nomination)
- 0000. Mars Probes - Locus Poll Award, Best Anthology (Nomination)
- 0000. Moon Shots - Locus Poll Award, Best Anthology (Nomination)
- 0000. Futures - Locus Poll Award, Best Anthology (Nomination)
- 0000. Futures - British Fantasy Award, Best Anthology (Nomination)
- 0000. Narrow Houses - World Fantasy Award, Best Anthology (Nomination)
- 0000. Even Beggars Would Ride - British Fantasy Award, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. The Hand That Feeds - British Fantasy Award, Best Short Fiction (Nomination)
- 0000. Breathing in Faces - International Horror Guild Award, Best Long Form (Nomination)
- 0000. Cities - Locus Poll Award, Best Anthology (Nomination)
- 0000. Songs of Leaving - World Fantasy Award, Best Collection (Nomination)
- 0000. Fourbodings - British Fantasy Award, Best Anthology (Nomination)
- 0000. Postscripts - 2004 - British Fantasy Award, Best Small Press (Nomination)
- 0000. Postscripts - 2007 - British Fantasy Award, Best Small Press (Nomination)
- 0000. Ghosts with Teeth - British Fantasy Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Faux rêveur - Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire, Prix spécial (Nomination)
- 0000. Heaven Sent - British Fantasy Award, Best Anthology/Collection (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Taps and Sighs - Bram Stoker Award, Superior Achievement in an Anthology (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Taps and Sighs - British Fantasy Award, Best Anthology (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Longest Single Note and Other Strange Compositions - British Fantasy Award, Best Collection (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Longest Single Note and Other Strange Compositions - Bram Stoker Award, Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Bindlestiff - Bram Stoker Award, Superior Achievement in Long Fiction (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Hand That Feeds - Bram Stoker Award, Superior Achievement in Long Fiction (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Space Between the Lines - Bram Stoker Award, Superior Achievement in Long Fiction (Nomination below cutoff)
- horror (7 books)
- zombies (3 books)
- original anthology (1 book)
- possession (1 book)
- cannibalism (1 book)
- into-tv (1 book)
- Fear Itself (1 book)
- 1964 (1 book)
- first person point of view (1 book)
- alien visit to earth (1 book)
- time travel (1 book)
- angels (1 book)
- AI (1 book)