History Lesson
From Author Wars - http://www.authorwars.com/books/titles/41314/history-lesson/
- Title: History Lesson
- Author: Arthur C. Clarke
- Year: 1949
- Type: Short Fiction
- 1950. Science-Fantasy, v 1 # 2, Winter 1950 (1950, Walter Gillings Nova Publications Ltd., Magazine)
- 1952. Omnibus of SF (1952, Groff Conklin Crown, $3.50, 562 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 1953. Expedition to Earth (1953, Arthur C. Clarke Ballantine, Catalog ID: #52, $0.35, 167 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- 1956. Science Fiction Omnibus (August 1956, Groff Conklin Berkley, Catalog ID: #G-31, $0.35, 187 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1959. Across the Sea of Stars (1959, Arthur C. Clarke Harcourt Brace World, Hardcover, Omnibus)
- 1963. Science Fiction Omnibus (1963, Groff Conklin Berkley Medallion, ID: F851, $0.50, 190 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1964. PowersGreat Science Fiction Stories (1964, Cordelia Titcomb Smith Dell, Catalog ID: #3160, $0.50, 288 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1965. An Arthur C. Clarke Omnibus (1965, Arthur C. Clarke Sidgwick & Jackson, L1.50, Hardcover, Omnibus)
- 1965. Great Science-Fiction (1965, Tony Licata Three Star Books, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1966. Beyond Belief (April 1966, Richard J. Hurley Scholastic Book Services, ID: T573, $0.45, 188 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1966. Beyond Belief (October 1966, Richard J. Hurley Scholastic Book Services, ID: T573, $0.45, 188 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1971. Science Fiction: The Future (1971, Dick Allen HBJ, ISBN-10: 0155786504, $3.75, 345 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 1973. The Best of Arthur C. Clarke: 1937-1971 (1973, Arthur C. Clarke Sidgwick & Jackson, Hardcover, Collection)
- 1974. Another Tomorrow (1974, Bernard C. Hollister Pflaum, ISBN-10: 0827800371, 121 pages, Trade, Anthology)
- 1974. Transformations II (1974, Daniel Roselle Fawcett Crest, Catalog ID: #P2327, $1.25, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1976. Earth in Transit (1976, Sheila Schwartz Laurel-Leaf Library, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1980. Omnibus of Science Fiction (1980, Groff Conklin Bonanza, ISBN-10: 0517320975, 561 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 1981. Catastrophes! (1981, Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, Charles G. Waugh Fawcett, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1982. Science Fiction A to Z (1982, Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, Charles G. Waugh Houghton Mifflin, ISBN-10: 039531285X, $21.95, 651 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 1983. Peter Davison's Book of Alien Planets (1983, Peter Davison Sparrow, ISBN-10: 0099308800, 95p, 96 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1987. Expedition to Earth (1987, Arthur C. Clarke Sidgwick & Jackson/NEL, ISBN-10: 0283986239, £1.95, 175 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- 1998. Expedition to Earth (1998, Arthur C. Clarke Ballantine Del Rey, ISBN-10: 0345430735, $10.00, xii+178 pages, Trade, Collection)
- 2000. The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke (2000, Arthur C. Clarke Victor Gollancz - an imprint of Orion, ISBN-10: 057507065X, £20.00, 966 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
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