About AuthorWars.com
From Author Wars - http://www.authorwars.com/about
What is Author Wars?
Author Wars is currently in its alpha stages (so don't complain if something is broken you ungrateful little———). Meaning, we have not done nearly all we strive to accomplish but for now we are a relatively (tricky word that is) reliable database of 41,060 authors, 323,179 books, and 27,665 awards within the genres of speculative fiction literature. While all this information is just fine and dandy, what we really want to do is host a yearly tournament or war as we like to call it (violence is fun) where we take our top rated, most viewed (insert complex-sounding algorithm here) authors and pit them up against each other to determine the most popular speculative fiction writers.
Who made this possible?
The interface design and programming wizardry for Author Wars was conjured up by the egomaniacal and very very (double emphasis hardly does him justice) sexy Wizards.pro founder Danilo Stern-Sapad (who happens to love talking about himself in the third person—actually, I just love talking about myself in general).
What does the future hold?
The Magic 8-Ball says, "Ask again later." (The voices in my head say, "lots and lots of money" and to hurt people, but that's something we'll save for my psychiatrist). Actually, this was all done for free, with no compensation of any kind in mind, though donations are always nice (hint hint).
Hopefully once we (i.e. I) have a beta release ready and the necessary tools are in place for editors to submit and verify bibliographic data, applications will be accepted for those who desire (poor saps) to help edit this site (alas, minions to command for my glorious conquest).
Other things such as a social network and forums (like we don't have enough of those) will be added later. This will allow for people to find others who share similar tastes in literature, to recommend books to each other, rate and review books, tag/categorize books, and of course to make friends (I'm lonely).
Where's this stuff come from?
Bibliographic information was stolen (that's such a nasty word) adapted (why didn't I become a lawyer?) in large part from the Internet Speculative Fiction Database (ISFDB) by Al von Ruff et al. as well as Amazon.com, the Library of Congress Online Catalog, and Wikipedia, among numerous other print sources and member contributed data. For a somewhat complete list of major and minor sources used to aggregate and verify bibliographic data found on this site please review our listing of bibliographic sources.
What's up with the parenthetical asides?
Mmm... Good question. Not quite sure how to answer that, Danilo (that's me!) might just be insane or can't for the life of him be serious (most probably both). Honestly, reading as well as writing this sort of thing can be a bit tedious, so why not have a little fun? Isn't that the point of speculative fiction literature, to entertain? (Now, don't you dare argue with my last point and say, "to speculate about worlds significantly different from our own," I don't need your dictionary definition, this is my site and I'm always right!) Community involvement and contributions are always highly valued (just less than my own).
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