The Time Ships


  • Title: The Time Ships
  • Author: Stephen Baxter
  • Year: 1995
  • Type: Novel
  • Series: Alternate World
  • Number in series: 2


  • 1996. The Time Ships British Fantasy, August Derleth Fantasy Award (Best Novel) (Nomination)
  • 1995. The Time Ships British Science Fiction, SF Novel (Win)
  • 1996. The Time Ships John W. Campbell Memorial, John W. Campbell Memorial Award (Win)
  • 1996. The Time Ships Arthur C. Clarke, Arthur C. Clarke Award (Nomination)
  • 1996. The Time Ships Hugo, Best Novel (Nomination)
  • 1996. The Time Ships Locus Poll, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
  • 1996. The Time Ships Philip K. Dick, Philip K. Dick Award (Win)
  • 1996. The Time Ships SF Chronicle, Novel (Nomination)




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