From Author Wars - http://www.authorwars.com/authors/writers/unknown/
- xxxx. Ark Two
- xxxx. Chaos on Earth
- xxxx. Crater of Mystery
- xxxx. Jaufry the Knight and the Fair Brunissende (tr. Alfred Elwes 1857)
- xxxx. Les Aventures du Chevalier Jaufre et de la Belle Brunissende (tr. Mary Lafon, 1856)
- xxxx. Planet of Wightmany
- 1976. Faster Than Light: An Original Anthology About Interstellar Travel
- 1978. Decade
- 1981. City in the Stars
- 1981. Lilith
- 1981. Tarzan's Quest
- 1981. Terror on the Moons of Jupiter
- 1981. The Alien Probe
- 1981. War in Outer Space (Tom Swift, No 4)
- 1982. Ark Two
- 1982. Conan No. 2
- 1982. Rescue Mission
- 1982. The City in the Stars
- 1983. Conan No. 1
- 1983. Crater of Mystery
- 1983. Step Farther Out
- 1983. The Invisible Force
- 1983. The Invisible Force (Tom Swift, No 10)
- 1983. The Wanderer
- 1983. Tom Swift: Crater of Mystery
- 1983. Vault of the Ages
- 1983. Windows
- 1984. A Lost Tale
- 1984. Dream Dancer
- 1984. Earth Dreams
- 1984. Experiment in Terra
- 1984. Ironbrand
- 1984. Jupiter Project
- 1984. Knave of Dreams
- 1984. Magicquest: Wizards and Wanderers
- 1984. Pirates of Venus
- 1984. Planet of Nightmares
- 1984. The Iron Lords
- 1984. The Sorcerer's Skull
- 1984. The Sword of the Gael
- 1984. The Universe Against Her
- 1984. Tomorrow the Stars
- 1984. Victory on Janus
- 1984. Who Needs Enemies?
- 1985. Colossus
- 1985. Cruiser Dreams
- 1985. Flash Gordon: Treachery on Mongo
- 1985. Here Abide Monsters
- 1985. I Am a Barbarian
- 1985. Limits
- 1985. More Star Trek Adventures
- 1985. Ordeal in Otherwhere
- 1985. Secret of the Lost Race
- 1985. The Littles and the Missing Cat
- 1985. The Memory of Whiteness
- 1985. The Sardonyx Net
- 1985. The Silver Sun
- 1986. Brujo
- 1986. Conquerors from the Darkness
- 1986. Dancers in the Afterglow
- 1986. Fears
- 1986. Federation
- 1986. Invisible Man
- 1986. Last Castle
- 1986. Masters of Darkness
- 1986. Nightmares
- 1986. Piers Anthony
- 1986. Shadows
- 1986. Shadows 2
- 1986. Soft Targets
- 1986. Statesman
- 1986. Survey Ship
- 1986. Sword Woman
- 1986. Tactics of Mistake
- 1986. The Belgariad
- 1986. The Godmakers
- 1986. The Magical World of Oz
- 1986. The Orchard
- 1986. The Steel, the Mist, and the Blazing Sun
- 1986. The Waiting Room
- 1986. The Walkaway Clause
- 1986. Thrice upon a Time
- 1986. Way-Farer
- 1986. Windmaster's Bane
- 1986. Zelde M'Tana
- 1987. A Time of Changes
- 1987. Alien Heat
- 1987. Beyond the Safe Zone
- 1987. Changing Land
- 1987. Cthulhu
- 1987. Devouring
- 1987. Dzurlord (A Crossroads Adventure in the World of Steven Brust's Jhereg)
- 1987. Elephant in the Kitchen
- 1987. Hestia
- 1987. Odyssey
- 1987. Platforms
- 1987. Revenge of the Manitou
- 1987. Scryer
- 1987. Sign of the Guardian
- 1987. Star Trek II Twentieth Anniversary Collection
- 1987. The Babysitter
- 1987. The Jupiter Plague
- 1987. The Other
- 1987. The Spell Sword
- 1987. Tread Softly
- 1987. We
- 1988. Cachalot
- 1988. Darksword Adventures
- 1988. Enterprise
- 1988. Extraterrestrials
- 1988. Hegira
- 1988. Home from the Shore
- 1988. Hotel Transylvania
- 1988. Memory Prime
- 1988. Mindshadow
- 1988. Playground
- 1988. Possession of Jessica Young
- 1988. Riders of the Winds
- 1988. Sharp Practice
- 1988. Silicon Mage
- 1988. Spacepaw
- 1988. Such a Good Baby
- 1988. Sun's End
- 1988. The Dungeons of Torgar
- 1988. The Last Call of Mourning
- 1988. The Paladin
- 1988. The Prometheus Design
- 1988. The Witch of Blackbird Pond
- 1988. Triangle
- 1988. War of the Maelstrom
- 1989. A Call to Darkness
- 1989. Alien Child
- 1989. Alligator Alley
- 1989. Bloodwind
- 1989. Dark Powers
- 1989. Fantasma
- 1989. Far Harbor
- 1989. Medusa
- 1989. Mirror
- 1989. Prophet of Lamath
- 1989. Quozl
- 1989. Siren
- 1989. Star Trek
- 1989. Star Trek: Strangers from the Sky/the Wounded Sky/Dwellers in the Crucible/Chain of Attack
- 1989. The Barsoom Project
- 1989. The Blind Geometer/the New Atlantis
- 1989. The Changeling Sea
- 1989. The Far Call
- 1989. The Land of Oz
- 1989. The Oathbound
- 1989. The Planet of the Robot Slaves
- 1989. The Power and the Prophet
- 1989. The Vampire Chronicles
- 1989. The Way of Spider
- 1989. The White Raven
- 1989. Tom Swift: The Invisible Force, No. 10
- 1989. Winter of Magic's Return
- 1989. Winter Wake
- 1990. America by Mail
- 1990. An Artist's Interpretation of Middle-Earth: Including the Wild Lands-East, South, & North
- 1990. Camber the Heretic
- 1990. Cry for the Strangers
- 1990. Enemy Unseen
- 1990. Fire in the Sun
- 1990. Judge Dredd: Future Crime
- 1990. Judge Dredd: Mega Collection
- 1990. Prayer to Broken Stones
- 1990. Redwall
- 1990. Sorceress of Darshiva
- 1990. Sphere
- 1990. Starstrike
- 1990. Suffer the Children
- 1990. Surface Action
- 1990. Swords of Mars
- 1990. Terrible Tuesday
- 1990. The Abode of Life
- 1990. The Death of Sleep
- 1990. The Devil's Hand
- 1990. The Egypt Game
- 1990. The Eye of the World
- 1990. The Fourth Book of Lost Swords
- 1990. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
- 1990. The Warriors of Spider
- 1990. Time Pressure
- 1990. When the Changewind Blows
- 1991. A Bad Spell in Yurt
- 1991. A War of Shadows
- 1991. At Any Price
- 1991. Azazel
- 1991. Bone Dance
- 1991. Boogeymen
- 1991. Castle Murders
- 1991. Cerberus
- 1991. Chapterhouse
- 1991. Cyborg Kickboxer
- 1991. Dark Crusade
- 1991. Doomsday World
- 1991. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories of the Supernatural
- 1991. Dragon's Egg
- 1991. Drinker of Souls
- 1991. Exiles
- 1991. Expedition to Earth
- 1991. Four for Tomorrow
- 1991. Glory Lane
- 1991. Judge Dredd: Child Quest
- 1991. Judge Dredd: Hall of Justice
- 1991. Mary Poppins
- 1991. Masks
- 1991. Perchance to Dream
- 1991. Port Eternity
- 1991. Punish the Sinners
- 1991. Return of the Jedi
- 1991. Shadow Fires
- 1991. Shadow World
- 1991. Soothsayer
- 1991. The Cipher
- 1991. The Glory Road
- 1991. The Great and Secret Show
- 1991. The Negative Zone (Tom Swift, No 2)
- 1991. The Samurai Wizard
- 1991. The Secret Bedroom
- 1991. The White Plague
- 1991. To Ride Pegasus
- 1991. Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah
- 1991. Unification
- 1991. Vendetta
- 1991. Watcher in the Dark
- 1991. The Man in Black
- 1992. Black Star Rising
- 1992. Castle Dreams
- 1992. Daughters of the House
- 1992. Deadman Switch
- 1992. Double Solitaire
- 1992. Endgame Enigma
- 1992. Fire Biker
- 1992. Fire Biker
- 1992. Great Hunt
- 1992. Grounding of Group Six
- 1992. Jailbird
- 1992. Jefferson's War
- 1992. Maelstrom
- 1992. Masters of Everon
- 1992. Mind Games
- 1992. Mind Games
- 1992. Moonstalker
- 1992. Mutant Beach
- 1992. Mutant Beach
- 1992. Protector
- 1992. Pyromancer
- 1992. Q in Law
- 1992. Reunion
- 1992. Spartacus
- 1992. Spinneret
- 1992. Star Trek VI
- 1992. Taash and the Jesters
- 1992. Teklords
- 1992. The Captives of Kaag
- 1992. The Firebird
- 1992. The Gods of War
- 1992. The Lizard War
- 1992. The Shapechangers
- 1992. The Stars Are Ours!
- 1992. The Survivors
- 1992. The Unicorn Dilemma
- 1992. Wilding
- 1993. A Rebel in Time
- 1993. Barbary
- 1993. Beasts of Tarzan
- 1993. Captains' Honor
- 1993. Chilling Christmas Tales (Hippo Fiction)
- 1993. Christmas Stars
- 1993. Contamination
- 1993. Creative Campaigning (Dmgr5)
- 1993. Dark Horizon
- 1993. Fighting Man of Mars
- 1993. Godslayer
- 1993. Guises of the Mind
- 1993. Hero
- 1993. Infinity Watch
- 1993. Killashandra
- 1993. Lost King
- 1993. Manhattan Transfer
- 1993. Mindkiller
- 1993. Mindspan
- 1993. Nightmare Inn: 3 in 1
- 1993. Noozles
- 1993. Paradise
- 1993. Phoenix Fire
- 1993. Price of the Stars
- 1993. Privateers
- 1993. Quantum Force
- 1993. Realms of Valor
- 1993. Ring of Allaire
- 1993. Science Fiction Anthology Tape
- 1993. Shadow's Realm
- 1993. Shatter
- 1993. Sins of the Flesh
- 1993. The Cross-Time Engineer
- 1993. The Jungle of Horrors
- 1993. The Kif Strike Back
- 1993. The Last of the Renshai
- 1993. The Magic Goes Away
- 1993. The Price of the Phoenix
- 1993. The Pride of Chanur
- 1993. The Space Swimmers
- 1993. The Tree of Swords and Jewels
- 1993. The Western Wizard
- 1993. Great Ghost Stories (Watermill Classics)
- 1994. 2099: Marvelous Futureverse
- 1994. 2nd Star
- 1994. A Handful of Stars
- 1994. Arthur
- 1994. Captains Outrageous / For Doom the Bell Tolls
- 1994. Castle Death
- 1994. Chaos and Order
- 1994. Chaos Curse
- 1994. Christmas Magic
- 1994. City of Sorcerers
- 1994. Conan the Usurper
- 1994. Cup of Clay
- 1994. Darkfall
- 1994. Dorella
- 1994. Dreams of the Raven
- 1994. Forests of the Night
- 1994. Fortune's Light
- 1994. Furious Flycycle
- 1994. Greenthieves
- 1994. Halloween Horror Promotion
- 1994. Heaven
- 1994. His Conquering Sword
- 1994. Jason's Curse
- 1994. Lord Toede
- 1994. Mad Moon of Dreams
- 1994. Metaphase
- 1994. Mordenheim
- 1994. Old Bones
- 1994. Radius of Doubt
- 1994. Return of the Mummy
- 1994. Second Genesis
- 1994. Secret of Djinn
- 1994. Shadowland
- 1994. Sister, Sister
- 1994. Star Trek IV
- 1994. Taliesin
- 1994. The Accident
- 1994. The Brazen Gambit
- 1994. The Children's Hour
- 1994. The Girl Who Owned a City
- 1994. The Gods of Hell
- 1994. The Guns of Avalon
- 1994. The Headless Cupid
- 1994. The Lark and the Wren
- 1994. The Medusa Plague
- 1994. The Memory of Earth
- 1994. The Nomad
- 1994. The Ogre's Pact
- 1994. The Seeker
- 1994. Time Enough for Love
- 1994. Transition
- 1994. Trumps of Doom
- 1994. Vengeance of Orion
- 1995. Alien Blues
- 1995. Between the Strokes of Night
- 1995. Blood Oath
- 1995. Blood of Amber
- 1995. Bones of the Past
- 1995. Dominion
- 1995. Endier Domain Pack (Birthright Legacy of Kings Accessory)
- 1995. Homecoming
- 1995. Lord Valentine's Castle
- 1995. Majipoor Chronicles
- 1995. Minerva Wakes
- 1995. My Teacher Is an Alien
- 1995. Phantoms
- 1995. Realms of Infamy
- 1995. Simon and the Witch
- 1995. Star Trek Deep Space Nine
- 1995. Student Body
- 1995. Talinie Domain Pack (Birthright - Legacy of Kings Accessory)
- 1995. The Anvil of Ice
- 1995. The Dark Queen
- 1995. The Hidden War
- 1995. The Mind Pool
- 1995. The Ships of Earth
- 1995. The Time Raider
- 1995. The X-Files Collection
- 1995. Warlock of the Stonecrowns (Birthright - Legacy of Kings Adventure)
- 1996. Bonechiller: Pack A
- 1996. Dragon Magazine No 228: The Campaign (And Humor) (Monthly Magazine)
- 1996. Dragon Magazine: Beyond the Grave: Nocturnal Crusade
- 1996. Dragon Magazine: Creating Memorable & Quirky Npcs (Monthly Magazine)
- 1996. Monstrous Compendium: Appendices I & II (Ravenloft Accessory)
- 1996. Non-Fiction: Men (Playboy, Vol 4)
- 1996. Non-Fiction: Women (Playboy, Vol 4)
- 1996. The Brood Saga (X-Men)
- 1996. The Pain Doctors of Suture Self-General
- 1996. The Wolfhound
- 1996. Thieves & Spies: #231 (Monthly Magazine)
- 1996. Weapons Great & Small: Issue No. 232 (Monthly Magazine)
- 1996. Weird Tales
- 1996. X-files: Pack A
- 1997. Bonechiller: Pack B
- 1997. Magic the Gathering
- 1997. Star Trek Invasion: The Final Fury/Time's Enemy/the Soldiers of Fear/First Strike (Star Trek: Invasion Series)
- 1997. X-files: Pack B
- 1997. X-files: Pack C
- 1997. X-files: Pack D
- 1998. Babylon 5 Booster Box
- 1998. Cal 99 Star Trek Deep Space Nine Calendar (Star Trek)
- 1998. Fiction Pack F: Fantasy
- 1998. Jets Science Fiction and Fantasy Pack
- 1998. Kayley in Camelot Jewel: Book and Jewel Stickers (Quest for Camelot)
- 1998. Spellfire Booster Pack, No 12: Dungeons
- 1998. The Dragon's Tale: A Washable Tattoo Book (Quest for Camelot)
- 1998. The Ultimate Godzilla Tattoo Book (Godzilla)
- 1998. Thingz in the Bathroom (Thingz That Go Bump in the Night)
- 1998. Thingz in the Fridge (Thingz That Go Bump in the Night)
- 1998. Thingz in the Wardrobe (Thingz That Go Bump in the Night)
- 1998. Thingz Under the Bed (Thingz That Go Bump in the Night)
- 1998. X-Men: Who Goes There? (The Invasion of Earth Series)
- 1998. Erotic Tales of the Victorian Age
- 1998. Masterpieces of Modern Short Fiction
- 1999. Haunting Christmas Tales (Point - Horror)
- 1999. Mysterious Christmas Tales (Point - Horror)
- 1999. The Magic School Bus Sees Stars: A Book About Stars (Magic School Bus Book Series)
- 2000. Cardstock Cowboys Starter Pack
- 2000. Cardstock Cowboys: Weird West #2: Horrors of the Weird West
- 2000. City O' Sin
- 2000. Epitaph #2
- 2000. Epitaph 4
- 2000. Harry Potter Journal Box Set (3 journals)
- 2000. Here Comes the Cavalry
- 2000. Infernal Devices
- 2000. The Collegium: Perils of the New Science
- 2000. The Unity
- 2000. Transall Saga
- 2000. Das Grauen kommt in der Nacht.
- 2001. Crab
- 2001. Selection Box: Fantasy
- 2001. Selection Box: Horror
- 2001. Classic Ghost Stories
- 2001. Tolkiens Erbe.
- 2002. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: A Deluxe Pop-Up Book
- 2002. Silver Age Sentinels Game Master's Screen
- 2002. Gothic Horror Classics. 6./7. Lernjahr. (Lernmaterialien)
- 2002. Classic Detective Stories
- 2002. Great Detective Stories
- 2002. Tolkiens Zauber.
- 2003. Merchants and Traders: The Latinum Main
- 2003. Romance of the Three Kingdoms
- 2003. Weapons of the Gods
- 2003. Where Crawls the Lizard?
- 2003. Classic Tales of Horror, Crime, and Murder
- 2004. Creatures and Cultists Card Game
- 2004. Cthulhutech
- 2004. Seduced by Moonlight 9 c HC flr
- 2004. Atlantis
- 2004. Complete Book of Eldritch Might
- 2004. Lost Lady's Ghost on Tropical Islands :
- 2004. Mission: Highly Improbable (D20 System Spycraft)
- 2004. Monsters Get Scared of Dogs, Too with Sticker
- 2004. Oathbound: Mysteries of Arena
- 2004. Peter Pan: The Return to Neverland
- 2004. So Smart: Rainbow Ride
- 2004. Treasure Planet
- 2004. Accounting for Evil
- 2004. Cardboard Heroes Castles: Walls and Towers
- 2004. In the Mind of a Mad Man (Haven: Cov Sourcebook)
- 2004. Quaoar :
- 2004. A Heart Alone In The Land Of Darkness
- 2004. Arms & Armor V3.5
- 2004. Charge!: A Military Rules Supplement
- 2004. Cian of the Chariots (Pendragon Fiction)
- 2004. Rap Sheet Haven: City of Violence: Player Resource Hit
- 2004. Sometimes in Shadow :
- 2004. The Algernon Files (a Mutants and Masterminds Sourcebook)
- 2004. The Codex of the Immortals: The Everlasting
- 2004. Elder Gods: The Titans
- 2004. Mutants & Masterminds Character Record Folio: A Mutants and Masterminds Accessory
- 2004. Mystical Alchemy Toolkit
- 2004. The Disappearance
- 2004. The Fire of Friendship
- 2004. The Power of Five
- 2004. Whispering Winds: Silver Age Sentinels Rpg Supplement
- 2004. Duel Masters: Enter the Battle Zone
- 2004. Illusions and Lies
- 2004. Shrek 2
- 2004. Space Mission with CDROM (Smartcard)
- 2004. The Last Tear
- 2004. The Pantheon and Pagan Faiths (Hunt Rise of Evil)
- 2004. Vtes Gehenna Booster Pack
- 2004. Mutants and Masterminds Annual #1 (Mutants and Masterminds)
- 2004. Spider Foe
- 2004. The Light of Meridian
- 2004. Bohm 2: Portents And Visions
- 2004. Dark Horse Book Of Witchcraft
- 2004. Dracula, a Documentary Volume
- 2004. Dragonmech
- 2004. Goblins! 2005 Wall Calendar
- 2004. Monster Kingdom
- 2004. Out of the Dark
- 2004. Relics & Rituals 3: Forbidden Arts
- 2004. Tolkien Calendar
- 2004. Tolkien Diary
- 2004. Ancient Kingdoms: Mesopotamia
- 2004. Haunted Theater/Museum Mystery/Miniature Golf Mystery (Story Reader)
- 2004. Plane Of Hate (SWORD & SORCERY)
- 2004. The Four Dragons
- 2004. The Red Star: Prison Of Souls
- 2004. The Shardsfall Quest
- 2004. Vampire The Requiem Core Book
- 2004. World Of Darkess Core Rulebook
- 2004. A Bridge Between Worlds
- 2004. Adorable Ariel (Little Nugget)
- 2004. B.P.R.D.: The Soul of Venice & Other Stories
- 2004. Calling All Supers (The Incredibles Reusable Sticker Book)
- 2004. Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
- 2004. Courtney Crumrin Volume 3 : Courtney Crumrin In The Twilight Kingdom
- 2004. Horror Classics : Graphic Classics Volume Ten
- 2004. Mean, Green Mystery Machine
- 2004. New Orleans By Night
- 2004. Now #4 (Now)
- 2004. Psionics Companion
- 2004. Relics & Rituals: Olympus
- 2004. State of the Art 2063
- 2004. Tales of Magic (Friendship Box)
- 2004. The Incredibles (Incredibles Junior Novel)
- 2004. The Incredibles Movie Storybook
- 2004. The Roller Ghoster
- 2004. Theatre Core Book
- 2004. Transformers: The War Within Volume 2 - The Dark Ages
- 2004. Vampire The Requiem Character Sheet Pad
- 2004. Vampire The Requiem Dice
- 2004. Vampire The Requiem Minds Eye Theatre (VAMPIRE THE REQUIEM)
- 2004. Vampire The Requiem Pin Set
- 2004. Vampire The Requiem Storytellers Screen
- 2004. Beyond Countless Doorways
- 2004. Drew Struzan: Oeuvre
- 2004. Franklinâs Halloween Fun: A Sticker Activity Book (Kids Can Press Wildlife Series)
- 2004. Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre #11 (Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre)
- 2004. Nambul: War Stories Book 2
- 2004. Prince Of The City Vampire Boardgame: Prince of the City
- 2004. Realms of the Dragons
- 2004. Scarred Lands Campaign Setting: Asherak
- 2004. Starship Troopers - Blaze Of Glory Book 1: Alamo Bay
- 2004. The Illuminati
- 2004. Things Are Meaning Less
- 2004. Vampire Sabbat Heralds Of Cain
- 2004. W.I.T.C.H.: Secrets
- 2004. Arcana Unearth Mystic Secrets (SWORD & SORCERY)
- 2004. Everquest Spell Book (SWORD & SORCERY)
- 2004. Realms Of Norrath: Field Of Bone (SWORD & SORCERY)
- 2004. The Crown of Light
- 2004. Vampire Best Kept Secret (VAMPIRE THE REQUIEM)
- 2004. Werewolf Core Rulebook (WEREWOLF)
- 2004. Book Of Iron Might (SWORD & SORCERY)
- 2004. Creature Collection 5 (SWORD & SORCERY)
- 2004. Nomads (WEREWOLF)
- 2004. Werewolf Adventure (WEREWOLF)
- 2005. Greatest Digital Collection of Fantasy and Science Fiction Books
- 2005. Greatest Digital Collection of Fantasy and Science Fiction Books
- 2005. The Return of a Queen
- 2005. Victorian Horror Stories (Paperback Classics)
- 2005. Princess Diaries 2
- 2005. A Different Path
- 2005. Star Wars Ep. III Activity
- 1964. Destination: Amalthea
- 1965. Fourteen Great Tales of Daring and Decision Turning Point (Lsurel-Leaf Library)
- 1965. Now and Beyond
- 1968. Geschichten Uber Kinder (Eome Diogenes Anthologie)
- 1970. The Bold New Women
- 1971. From the "S" File
- 1971. Fully Automated Love Life of Henry Keanridge
- 1971. Last Train to Limbo
- 1971. The Dead Astronaut, 10 Stories of Space Flight
- 1971. The Fiend
- 1971. Transit of Earth
- 1972. The Best from Galaxy, Volume I
- 1974. The Best from Galaxy, Volume II
- 1978. Immortal: Short Novels of the Transhuman Future
- 1987. Invisible Fiction: Contemporary Stories from Quebec
- 1993. Dirty Work
- 1993. Nova 5
- 1994. Worlds of Fantasy & Horror, 1
- 1995. Timeless Summer
- 1996. Doctor Who: Decalog 3: Consequences
- 1997. Best Ghost and Horror Stories (Dover Horror Classics)
- 1998. The Darkest Thirst
- 1999. The Best of Sci-Fi and Fantasy
- 2002. Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine
- 2003. Classic Tales of Horror and Suspense
- 2004. Classic Ghost and Horror Stories: An Anthology
- 2004. The Sentinel and Other Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories: And Other Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories
- 2004. Bite
Short Fiction:
- 1841. The Great Steam-Duck
- 1900. The Gods' Gift to Chang Fu-Yen
- 1938. Drums of Death
- 1941. A City on Io
- 1941. A City on Jupiter
- 1941. A City on Neptune
- 1941. A City on Pluto
- 1941. A City on Titan
- 1941. A City on Uranus
- 1941. A City on Venus
- 1941. The Man Who Wasn't Himself
- 1941. The Strange Adventure of Victor MacLiesh
- 1942. Giants Beyond Pluto
- 1942. Mystery of the Lost Race
- 1942. The Infinite Invasion
- 1942. The Man Who Was Two Men
- 1943. Ship of Jupiter
- 1943. The Curse of Many Hands
- 1943. The Fugitive
- 1943. The Metal Monster
- 1944. Dolls of Death
- 1944. Horn o' Plenty
- 1944. Spears of Ki-Jala
- 1945. Death-Gift of Baluda
- 1945. Don't Look Behind You
- 1945. Dragons Behind Us
- 1945. Fingerprints of Fear
- 1945. Valley of Delirium
- 1946. Death Plague of Mata-Gara
- 1946. Lark on the Ark
- 1946. Never the Twain Shall Meet
- 1946. Sentimental Monster
- 1946. The Blonde Fetish
- 1947. Come Along with Me
- 1947. Death Wears a Rose
- 1947. Hell Is a Circle
- 1947. Murder Solves a Problem
- 1947. Terror on the Telephone
- 1947. The Miracle of Herbert Plunk
- 1948. Air Race
- 1948. Brainstorm
- 1948. Doom Globe
- 1948. Flight Into Fog
- 1948. Holey Land
- 1948. Illusion on Callisto
- 1948. Lunar Monkey Business
- 1948. My World Died Tonight
- 1948. Outlaws of Corpus
- 1948. Reggie and the Vampire
- 1948. The Happy Death of Algernon Applenod
- 1948. The Ominous Bequest
- 1948. The Pied Piper of Space
- 1948. The Silver Medusa
- 1948. The Tavern Knight
- 1948. Tomorrow I Die
- 1948. Who Sups with the Devil
- 1949. Backward Passage
- 1949. Bwana Cannibal
- 1949. Coffin of Hope
- 1949. Demonstration Flight
- 1949. Ivory Wild
- 1949. Lamp of No Light
- 1949. Lightning Loot
- 1949. Midgets and Mighty Men
- 1949. My Name Is Madness
- 1949. Queen of the Ice Men
- 1949. The Beacons Must Burn
- 1949. The Insane Planet
- 1949. The Magician of Misty Cave
- 1949. The Mermaid of Maracot Deep
- 1949. The Monster
- 1949. The Murder Ray
- 1949. The Octopus of Space
- 1949. The Outcast
- 1949. The Wheel from Space
- 1949. The World Is Dead
- 1949. War of the Giant Apes
- 1950. "You Can't Escape from Mars!"
- 1950. Brothers Under the Skin
- 1950. Cobra Bride
- 1950. Diana and the Golden Ring
- 1950. Jirandel
- 1950. Kiss and Kill
- 1950. Mr. Lahr Says His Prayers
- 1950. The Gloves of Gino
- 1950. The Illusion Seekers
- 1950. The Ivory Doom
- 1950. The Laughing Death
- 1950. The Lunar Point of View
- 1950. The Man Who Could Not Die
- 1950. The Psyche Steps Out
- 1950. The Squares from Space
- 1950. Time of My Life
- 1950. Vengeance of the Golden God
- 1950. Warrior Queen of Mars
- 1951. "We'll Get You Yet!"
- 1951. A Handful of Dust
- 1951. A Matter of Principle
- 1951. Beyond the Walls of Space
- 1951. Blood-Brother of the Crocodile
- 1951. Eye of the Golden Voodoo
- 1951. Flight to Dishonor
- 1951. He Knew What He Wanted
- 1951. Rebirth
- 1951. Secret of the Flaming Ring
- 1951. Some Do It With a Look...
- 1951. The Glory That Was Rome!
- 1951. The Laughter of Shiru
- 1951. The Man Who Hated Tuesday
- 1951. The Perfect Hideout
- 1951. Ticket to Venus
- 1951. Vanguard of the Doomed
- 1951. Very Cold for Conquest
- 1951. We, the Machine
- 1951. Whom the Gods Destroy
- 1952. C'mon-a My Planet
- 1952. Deadly Dust
- 1952. Master of the Universe - I
- 1952. Master of the Universe - II
- 1952. Master of the Universe - III
- 1952. Master of the Universe - IV
- 1952. Master of the Universe - V
- 1952. Master of the Universe - VI
- 1952. Master of the Universe - VII
- 1952. Master of the Universe - VIII
- 1952. Monkey in the Ice Box
- 1952. Pattern in the Dust
- 1952. Strictly Formal
- 1952. The Blessed Assassins
- 1952. The Chase
- 1952. The Man Who Could Not Die
- 1952. The Soul Snatchers
- 1952. The Spectre of Suicide Swamp
- 1952. The Talking Cube
- 1952. Too Many Worlds
- 1953. A Man Called Meteor
- 1953. Cast of Characters
- 1953. Death Beyond the Veil
- 1953. Gambit on Ganymede
- 1953. Operation: Tombstone
- 1953. Secret Weapon
- 1953. The Beast
- 1953. The Curse
- 1953. The Rim of Faith
- 1953. The Senator and the Robot
- 1954. Let Space Be Your Coffin
- 1954. No Star Is Safe
- 1954. The Vicar of Skeleton Cove
- 1955. "Madam, I Have Here - "
- 1955. But the Planet Died
- 1955. For the Greater Good
- 1955. He Took What He Wanted
- 1955. Let's Do It Again
- 1955. Logical Deduction
- 1955. My Name Is Mayhem
- 1955. Professor Mainbocher's Planet
- 1955. Reluctant Hero
- 1955. Short Circuit
- 1955. The Chained Man
- 1955. The Eye and I
- 1955. The Killer Within
- 1955. They Sent a Boy
- 1956. A Place in the Sun
- 1956. Better Change Your Mind
- 1956. Conception: Zero
- 1956. Coward's Death
- 1956. Day of the Comet
- 1956. Everybody's Watching You
- 1956. Forever We Die!
- 1956. Green Warning
- 1956. Lease to Doomsday
- 1956. Magellan Was a Piker
- 1956. Meeting at the Summit
- 1956. Mystery at Mesa Flat
- 1956. Planet of Doom
- 1956. Prison of a Billion Years
- 1956. Revolt of the Brains
- 1956. Summer Snow Storm
- 1956. The Burning Man
- 1956. The Iron Virgin
- 1956. The Judas Valley
- 1956. The Man with the Golden Eyes
- 1956. The Nursery Commandos
- 1956. The Obedient Servant
- 1956. The Sore Spot
- 1956. The Thirty Thousand Stiffs
- 1956. This Planet Is Mine
- 1956. This Way Out
- 1956. Trouble on Sun-Side
- 1956. Vital Ingredient
- 1956. World of the Hunter
- 1956. Zero Hour
- 1956. Like a Silver Arrow
- 1956. No Place for an Earthman
- 1956. The Doormen of Space
- 1956. It Fell from the Sky
- 1956. The Case of the Stripped Blonde
- 1956. Flight of the Ark II
- 1956. Space Traveler's Revenge
- 1956. Juggernaut from Space
- 1956. The Runaway
- 1957. Bleekman's Planet
- 1957. Dark Miracle
- 1957. Deadly Decoy
- 1957. Equation of Doom
- 1957. Heads You Lose
- 1957. Home Is Where You left It
- 1957. Kill Me If You Can!
- 1957. The Ambassador's Pet
- 1957. The Eleventh Commandment
- 1957. The Forgetful Celibate
- 1957. Think Yourself to Death
- 1957. Too Old for Space
- 1957. Salt Lake Skirmish
- 1957. Pause in Battle
- 1957. Success Story --- Complete With Genie
- 1957. The Cosmic Destroyer
- 1957. Audition
- 1958. A Coward Named Mayhem
- 1958. Come Into My Brain!
- 1958. Mayhem Enslaved
- 1958. Space Is for Suckers
- 1958. The Devil Downstairs
- 1958. The Friendly Killers
- 1958. The Lavender Talent
- 1958. The Universe Is Mine
- 1958. World Beyond Pluto
- 1958. The Deadly Mission
- 1959. Knights of the Dark Tower
- 1965. A True Story (Excerpt)
- 1968. Something for the Woman
- 1977. Columbus Hits the Shoreline Rag
- 1981. Soft Ions
- 1985. The White City
- 1987. Willows
- 1988. By Their Taste Shall Ye Know Them
- 1994. Frozen Hitler Found in Atlantean Love Nest
- 1999. Notes Toward a New Trait as Revealed by Correlation Among Items of the Mmmpi
- 2000. The First and Final Game "Aurealis Award Winner" & Ditmar for best new talent.
- 8888. Giant Rat of Sumatra, or By the Light of the Silvery
- 1929. The Rocket Comes to the Front Page
- 1940. 12,000 Years Ago
- 1940. A City on Mars
- 1940. As Mars Sees Us
- 1940. Colonizing the Ocean Bottom
- 1940. Evolution Gone Mad!
- 1940. Life on Callisto
- 1940. Life on Europa
- 1940. Life on Ganymede
- 1940. Life on Io
- 1940. Life on Jupiter
- 1940. Life on Neptune
- 1940. Life on Pluto
- 1940. Life on Titan
- 1940. Life on Uranus
- 1940. Meet the Authors: Alfred R. Steber
- 1940. Suspended Animation
- 1940. The Earth's Core
- 1940. When Meteorites Crash
- 1941. A City on Callisto
- 1941. A City on Mercury
- 1941. A City on Saturn
- 1941. A City on the Moon
- 1941. New York Invaded
- 1942. A City on Europa
- 1942. A City on Ganymede
- 1942. Aircraft of Uranus
- 1942. Airship of Io
- 1942. Airship of Venus
- 1942. Apollo - God of Hygiene
- 1942. Atlas - The God of Strength
- 1942. Atomic Airship of Mars
- 1942. Flying Wing of Pluto
- 1942. Future City on Earth
- 1942. Glider of Ganymede
- 1942. Perseus - Slayer of the Medusa
- 1942. Plastic Airship of Europa
- 1942. Prometheus - God of Fire
- 1942. Radium Airship of Saturn
- 1942. Romance of the Elements - Indium (Illustrated)
- 1942. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Louis Pasteur
- 1942. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Sir Isaac Newton
- 1942. Vulcan - God of Heavy Industry
- 1942. Zeus - The Thunder God
- 1943. Ether-Power Ship of Europa
- 1943. How You Sleep
- 1943. Meet the Authors: Lee Francis
- 1943. Scientist of the Air
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Ampère
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Aristarchus
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Avogadro
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Bessel
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Brewster
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Buffon
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Faraday
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Guericke
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Guyot
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Harvey
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: James Dwight Dana
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: John James Audubon
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: John William Draper
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Joseph Black
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Lagrange
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Lavoisier
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Leeuwenhoek
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Rumford
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Röntgen
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Thales
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Von Baer
- 1943. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Watt
- 1944. Rocket Warship
- 1944. Ship of Callisto
- 1944. Stories of the Stars: Betelgeuse in Orion
- 1944. Stories of the Stars: Death of the Moon
- 1944. Super Train of Tomorrow
- 1944. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Boltzmann
- 1944. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Brahe
- 1944. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Galen
- 1944. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Karl Wilhelm Seheele
- 1944. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Pierre Louis Dulong
- 1944. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Robert Brown
- 1944. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Robert Hooke
- 1944. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Sir Frederick William Herschel
- 1945. Cable Train of Tomorrow
- 1945. Jet Propelled Mono Train
- 1945. Jet-Boat of Tomorrow
- 1945. Meet the Authors: A. R. Steber
- 1945. Mica Sailboat of Venus
- 1945. Stories of the Stars: Aldebaran, in Taurus
- 1945. Stories of the Stars: Gemini
- 1945. Stories of the Stars: Spica
- 1945. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Bernouilli
- 1945. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Brahe
- 1945. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Cavendish
- 1945. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Henry
- 1945. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Huxley
- 1945. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Spellanzani
- 1945. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Stokes
- 1945. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Torricelli
- 1945. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Wallace
- 1946. "Trade Your Trouble for a Bubble"
- 1946. A Medal for Mustapha
- 1946. Errors in Spectrographs of Stellar Bodies
- 1946. Satellite Space Ship Station
- 1946. Something to Think About
- 1946. Stories of the Stars: Alphecca
- 1946. Stories of the Stars: Altair
- 1946. Stories of the Stars: Antares
- 1946. Stories of the Stars: Mizar in Ursa Major
- 1946. The Omnipresence of Mind
- 1946. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Alessandro Volta
- 1946. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Archimedes
- 1946. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Copernicus
- 1946. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Edison
- 1946. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Grove Karl Gilbert
- 1946. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Tartaglia
- 1946. Wonders of the Ancient World: Building the Great Pyramid
- 1946. Wonders of the Ancient World: The Colossus of Rhodes
- 1946. Would You Believe It?
- 1947. In Times To Come
- 1947. Out of Any War
- 1947. The Analytical Laboratory
- 1947. The Archers of Mons
- 1947. The Black Brotherhood
- 1947. Thomas Came Back
- 1947. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: (James David Forbes)
- 1947. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: (Sir Francis Galton)
- 1947. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Charles Proteus Steinmetz
- 1947. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Fabre
- 1947. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Haeckel
- 1947. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Halley and Theophrastus
- 1947. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Johann Wilhelm Hittorf
- 1947. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Luigi Galvani
- 1947. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: René Just Haüy
- 1947. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Rudolf Virchow
- 1947. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Sir Edward Burnett Tylor
- 1947. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Sir William Henry Perkin
- 1948. Medicine-Men Technique
- 1948. Science Storiette
- 1948. Vignettes of Famous Scientists - Joseph Leidy
- 1948. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: (Friedrich Wohler)
- 1948. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: (John Tyndall)
- 1948. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: (untitled)
- 1948. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Christian Huygens
- 1948. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Jacobus Henricus Van't Hoff
- 1948. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Joseph Leidy
- 1948. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Leonard Euler
- 1948. Vignettes of Famous Scientists: Thomas Andrews
- 1949. Beyond the Veil of Science
- 1950. Superman - Supermarket!
- 1951. Men Behind Fantastic Adventures: Ivar Jorgensen
- 1952. About the Authors (Science Fiction Omnibus)
- 1952. Men Behind Fantastic Adventures: Lee Francis
- 1953. Film Review
- 1953. Profile: Alan Hunter
- 1955. Profile: Brian W. Aldiss
- 1955. Profile: Wilson Tucker, Francis G. Rayer, Lan Wright, Johnn Newman
- 1956. Permanent Magnets
- 1957. Electronic Light
- 1958. Ferromagnetic Film
- 1966. A Portfolio - Virgil Finlay
- 1966. Betelgeuse In Orion, The Walking Cities of Frank R. Paul
- 1966. Preface (The Playboy Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy)
- 1967. Preface (The Playboy Book of Horror and the Supernatural)
- 1971. Poul Anderson: Bibliography
- 1971. Preface (From the "S" File)
- 1971. Preface (Fully Automated Love Life of Henry Keanridge)
- 1971. Preface (Last Train to Limbo)
- 1971. Preface (Sagittarius)
- 1971. Preface (The Dead Astronaut, 10 Stories of Space Flight)
- 1971. Preface (The Fiend)
- 1973. Printout
- 1975. Creatureâs Body Found on Beach
- 1975. The Sea Serpent Mystery
- 1978. The Winds of Kitty Hawk
- 1979. Cyber Fun!
- 1979. Decades of Decision: Alternating Currents
- 1979. Decades of Decision: Lifelines
- 1979. Decades of Decision: Micro/Macro
- 1979. Decades of Decision: The Human Family
- 1979. The Arts: Books (Omni, Jan 1979)
- 1980. Continuum
- 1980. Future Views: Diverging Societies
- 1980. Future Views: Enduring Individuals
- 1980. Innovations: Sonic Holography
- 1980. Innovations: Tiny TV, Microprinter
- 1980. Laser Sound, Far-Out Batteries
- 1981. A Note from the Publisher
- 1981. Breakthroughs
- 1981. Innovations: Security Plus
- 1981. Project Tesla
- 1981. Space: A Letter to Ronald Reagan
- 1981. The Arts: Television (Omni, Aug 1981)
- 1981. Why Man Explores
- 1982. Antimatter
- 1982. Brain Frontiers
- 1982. UFO Update: Anti-Matter
- 1982. UFO Update: Anti-Matter
- 1982. UFO Update: Antimatter
- 1983. Animal Feminism
- 1983. Our Future Stock
- 1987. About the Author
- 1989. A Star for Rod Serling
- 1989. About the Author
- 1989. About the Author (Jane Yolen: The Faery Flag)
- 1989. Editors' Note
- 1992. After Hours: Index to the Past Year
- 1992. Playbill: Writers' Biographies
- 1992. The Nebula Award
- 1994. New Members
- 1994. Past Nebula Winners
- 1994. The Nebula Awards: About The Awards
- 1996. Featured Poet
- 1996. J. G. Ballard: A Simple Bibliography
- 1996. Miles Naismith Vorkosigan: His Universe and Times
- 1996. Science Fiction Fandom: Book Review
- 1997. About the Artists
- 1997. About the Cover
- 1997. Keen Mail!
- 1997. Things Change: A Meditation
- 1997. About the Editors and Contributors
- 2003. Society for Utopian Studies 28th Annual Meeting
- 2003. The James Tiptree Jr. Awards, 2002
Magazine Editor:
- 1900. The Harmsworth Magazine, November 1900
- 1915. The Black Cat
- 1938. Writer's Digest
- 1947. The Saturday Evening Post
- 1948. The Atlantic Monthly, May 1948
- 1954. Argosy, March 1954
- 1972. College English, December 1972
- 1999. The Writer, August 1999
- 2001. Romancing the Skyze
- 2003. The New Yorker, Sep 8 2003
- 2005. Infinite matrix
- 2006. Story Station
- 1975. The New Mars: The Discoveries of Mariner 9
- 1997. Cal 98 Star Trek Stardate (Star Trek)
- 1997. N E S F A Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1983
- 1998. Cal 99 Star Trek the Next Generation Calendar (Star Trek)
- 1998. Cal 99 Star Trek Voyager Calendar (Star Trek)
- 1998. Cal 99 Star Trek, Stardate Calendar (Star Trek)
- 1998. The Art of The X-Files
- 1999. Sex and Rockets
- 2000. Star Trek Stardate 2001 Calender (Star Trek)
- 2001. Inscriptions
Interior Art:
Cover Art:
- 1965. Cover: New Worlds SF, March 1965
- 1965. Cover: New Worlds SF, June 1965
- 1965. Cover: New Worlds SF, August 1965
- 1965. Cover: New Worlds SF, September 1965
- 1965. Cover: New Worlds, October 1965
- 1965. Cover: New Worlds SF, November 1965
- 1965. Cover: New Worlds SF, December 1965
- 1966. Cover: New Worlds, January 1966
- 1966. Cover: New Worlds SF, February 1966
- 1966. Cover: New Worlds SF, March 1966
- 1966. Cover: New Worlds, April 1966
- 1966. Cover: New Worlds SF, May 1966
- 1966. Cover: New Worlds SF, July 1966
- 1966. Cover: New Worlds SF, August 1966
- 1966. Cover: New Worlds SF, September 1966
- 1966. Cover: New Worlds SF, October 1966
- 1966. Cover: New Worlds SF, November 1966
- 1991. Cover: The Exile Kiss
- 1972. Noreascon Locus Poll, Best Convention (old)
- 1982. Denvention 2 SF Chronicle, Convention
- 1983. World Fantasy Convention 1982 SF Chronicle, Convention
- View all achievements »
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