William John Watkins
Source: "William John Watkins Bibliography." Author Wars, https://authorwars.com/authors/william-john-watkins.html".
- Unknown. Clickwhistle
- Unknown. Cosmic Thunder
- Unknown. Ecodeath
- Unknown. Going to See the End of the Sky
- Unknown. The Centrifugal Rickshaw Dancer
- Unknown. The God Machine
- Unknown. The Last Deathship Off Antares
- Unknown. The Litany of Sh'reev
- Unknown. What Rough Beast
- Unknown. "two hundred miles"
- Unknown. 17 Questions the Judges of Nuremberg Forgot to Ask
- Unknown. 38 Light Years Out
- Unknown. A Diferença
- Unknown. A Technician in the Atmospheric Measurement Project Speaks His Mind on Working Six Month Shifts
- Unknown. Alchemical Lessons
- Unknown. Alzheimer's Comes to Salem
- Unknown. And the Sea Gave Up its Dead
- Unknown. At Bander's Bears
- Unknown. At the Sceptics' Convention
- Unknown. Bad Twists in the Helix of LIfe
- Unknown. Black Hole
- Unknown. Bonebirds
- Unknown. Burying Maud
- Unknown. Butterside Down
- Unknown. Chant Heard from the Street Outside the Church of the Last Escape
- Unknown. Chaos Theory
- Unknown. Colonists
- Unknown. Crossdimensional Light
- Unknown. Dark Gods Are Hunting Here
- Unknown. Death's a Face
- Unknown. Demon Armies of the Night
- Unknown. Down at Bliss Control
- Unknown. Downtime on Digger's World
- Unknown. Elegy for an Undead Man
- Unknown. Fallen Angels' Song
- Unknown. Feeding the Dead
- Unknown. First Check-Up After Chemo
- Unknown. Found Carved Into the Hull of the Starship Cain on Paradise Three
- Unknown. Frequently Unanswered Question-ing in Cyberland
- Unknown. Goldsmith Bigger Than the World
- Unknown. Heisenberg Zen
- Unknown. Hell's Receptionist
- Unknown. How Fallen Angels Spend Their Golden Years
- Unknown. How Freedom Comes
- Unknown. How I Became a Teacher of Exobiology
- Unknown. I Have An Attic Room In Kafka's Head
- Unknown. If Freezing Is a One-Way Street
- Unknown. If there Is More than One Hell
- Unknown. In Kafkaville the Funerals Run on Time
- Unknown. In Mr. Hyde's Park
- Unknown. Indefensible Disclosures
- Unknown. Inverse Universe
- Unknown. It Could Be Anyone These Days
- Unknown. Kitchen Witch
- Unknown. Last Accident in the Biohazards Lab
- Unknown. Last Message from Solar Voyager I
- Unknown. Late Night Wonders
- Unknown. Like Dogs That Run Mad and Stop Short
- Unknown. Like Snow-Humped Fields Afraid of Rain
- Unknown. Lullaby for Recent Settlers on Starfall Five
- Unknown. Metafossil
- Unknown. Momento Mori
- Unknown. Mr. Hyde's Pillow Talk
- Unknown. Navigable Souls
- Unknown. New York Ten Years After the Resurrection
- Unknown. Note Attached to Cryogenic Corpse
- Unknown. On Wanderer's Day
- Unknown. Once More at Thermopylae
- Unknown. Pendragon
- Unknown. Pioneer's Song
- Unknown. Pity the Timelost
- Unknown. Prayer of the First Officer of the Doomed Liner, Impregnable
- Unknown. Primative Casualties of Galactic Wars
- Unknown. Prince of Poets
- Unknown. Reason Is a Reptile
- Unknown. Red Eye
- Unknown. Solar Radiations
- Unknown. Son, Dead on Solstice
- Unknown. Song of the Harpy's Lover
- Unknown. Space Shot
- Unknown. Space Song Sung Back from the Horse's Head Anomaly
- Unknown. Spoils of War
- Unknown. Star Soul Meets Death: Part I
- Unknown. Star Soul Meets Death: Part II
- Unknown. Table Manners
- Unknown. Thank-You Note to Sandra from the Anti-Matter Universe
- Unknown. The Afterset
- Unknown. The Archangel's Farewell to Those Leaving for Earth
- Unknown. The Atom's Lattice Could Such Beauty Yield
- Unknown. The Cryogenic Zoo
- Unknown. The Dead Start Waving
- Unknown. The Dreamers in Their Wired Hats
- Unknown. The Dusts of Palamon Are Bliss
- Unknown. The Guided Tour
- Unknown. The ICEities of the Law
- Unknown. The Kiwi Walks Across My Chest with Feet of Fire
- Unknown. The Lagrange League Stationary Habitats
- Unknown. The Lovecraft Ritual
- Unknown. The Loving Armageddon
- Unknown. The Meat of Ingratitude
- Unknown. The Merry-Go-Round
- Unknown. The Meteorite
- Unknown. The Mourner Explains Time Travel
- Unknown. The New Faust Re-Reads the Fine Print
- Unknown. The Old Adventurer Stops in Frost's Woods
- Unknown. The Old Astronaut Sings to the Mourning Star
- Unknown. The Old Time Traveler's Song
- Unknown. The Pacifists of Talus Five
- Unknown. The Pax Pandemica
- Unknown. The Punishment of Niniane
- Unknown. The Robots' Wasteland
- Unknown. The Second Generation Mole Talks of the Ozone Hole
- Unknown. The Secret Thief
- Unknown. The Sex Kitten 3000 Simulation Game with Sensor Pads
- Unknown. The Souring of the Mall
- Unknown. The Time Tour Stops at My House After Lunch
- Unknown. The Trial of Those Responsible for the First Fall of Style City
- Unknown. The Vampire Sings
- Unknown. The Werewife Waits
- Unknown. The Werewife Wonders About Genetics
- Unknown. The Werewife's Sacrifice
- Unknown. The Werewife's Trade-In
- Unknown. The Werewife's Whelps Leave Home
- Unknown. The Werewolf Ages
- Unknown. The Werewolf Escapes His Wife
- Unknown. The Werewolf in the Supermarket
- Unknown. The Werewolf Returns
- Unknown. The Werewolf's Absolution
- Unknown. The Werewolf's Wife Stays
- Unknown. These Angels in Our Midst
- Unknown. They Do Not Sing in Deepest Space
- Unknown. Time-Machine-Him-Big-Fella-Break
- Unknown. Time-Machine...
- Unknown. Timewalker's Plague
- Unknown. Two Poems
- Unknown. Unicorn Sonnet
- Unknown. Univers invers
- Unknown. untitled
- Unknown. untitled ("A lazy outpost war...")
- Unknown. Water's Edge
- Unknown. Waxing Weary On The Demon Watch
- Unknown. We Die As Angels
- Unknown. We Live on the Edge of the Cloud
- Unknown. When the Vikings Owned the Mythology
- Unknown. Who Knows The Homonym For "Ritual Murder"
- Unknown. Why I Read Science Fiction
- Unknown. Why the Mummy Kills
- Unknown. Xenophobe's Eulogy for Prometheus
- 1989. Untitled
- Unknown. Clickwhistle
- Unknown. Cosmic Thunder
- Unknown. Cosmic Thunder
- Unknown. Cosmic Thunder
- Unknown. Cosmic Thunder
- Unknown. Going to See the End of the Sky
- Unknown. Going to See the End of the Sky
- Unknown. The Centrifugal Rickshaw Dancer
- Unknown. The Centrifugal Rickshaw Dancer
- Unknown. The Centrifugal Rickshaw Dancer
- Unknown. The Centrifugal Rickshaw Dancer
- Unknown. The Last Deathship Off Antares
- Unknown. The Last Deathship Off Antares
- Unknown. The Last Deathship Off Antares
- Unknown. The Last Deathship Off Antares
- Unknown. The Last Deathship Off Antares
Short Fiction
- Unknown. A Bite of the Apple
- Unknown. American Cusine
- Unknown. Ants
- Unknown. Butcher's Thumb
- Unknown. Coming of Age in Henson's Tube
- Unknown. For Which the First Was Made
- Unknown. Good Help Is Hard to Find
- Unknown. Hearts and Minds
- Unknown. Home Art
- Unknown. In the Lowerarchy of the Underpinning
- Unknown. Part Way Down Sleep's Mountain
- Unknown. Post Awful
- Unknown. Snow Scene with Frozen Rabbit
- Unknown. Stained Glass Windows
- Unknown. Ten Micro Novels
- Unknown. The Beggar in the Living Room
- Unknown. The Last Ten Micro Novels
- Unknown. The Massive Quantities of Ice
- Unknown. The Mist of Avalon Nine
- Unknown. The People's Choice
- Unknown. The Polka Man
- Unknown. The Resurrectionist
- Unknown. The Seven Succubi
- Unknown. Under the Sand
- Unknown. Zombies at the Public Facility
- 2005. Seijin's Enlightenment
- 2009. Five Hundred Vinnies
- 2013. The Fall of Stile City
- 0000. We Die as Angels - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Win)
- 0000. Chaos Theory - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Poem (Nomination)
- 0000. Indefensible Disclosures - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Poem (Nomination)
- 0000. Snow Scene with Frozen Rabbit - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. The Beggar in the Living Room - Nebula Award, Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. The Werewife Wonders About Genetics - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Poem (Nomination)
- 0000. The Werewolf Returns - Dwarf Stars Award, Best Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Thank-You Note to Sandra from the Anti-Matter Universe - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Indefensible Disclosures - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Old Time Traveler's Song - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- science fiction (2 books)
- holograms (1 book)
- foster parents (1 book)
- orphans (1 book)
- virtual reality (1 book)
- space habitats (1 book)
- gravity (1 book)
- coming of age (1 book)
- encounter with Death (1 book)
- scifaiku (1 book)