Rudyard Kipling
Source: "Rudyard Kipling Bibliography." Author Wars,".
Chapter Books
- Unknown. Kaas Jagdtanz
- Unknown. The Brushwood Boy
- Unknown. The City of Dreadful Night
- Unknown. The Haunting of Holmescroft
- Unknown. The Mark of the Beast
- Unknown. They
- Unknown. With the Night Mail: A Story of 2000 A.D.: (Together with Extracts from the Contemporary Magazine in Which It Appeared)
- 2011. My Own True Ghost Story
- 2016. The Jungle Book
- 2020. The Jungle Book
- Unknown. 'They' and The Brushwood Boy
- Unknown. A Casa dos Desejos
- Unknown. A Diversity of Creatures
- Unknown. Actions and Reactions
- Unknown. All the Puck Stories
- Unknown. Dans la cité des morts
- Unknown. Das Dschungelbuch
- Unknown. Das Dschungelbuch
- Unknown. Das neue Dschungelbuch
- Unknown. Das zweite Dschungelbuch
- Unknown. Debits and Credits
- Unknown. Door Wolven Opgevoed
- Unknown. El Libro de las tierras vírgenes
- Unknown. Het eerste djungel-boek
- Unknown. Het jungleboek
- Unknown. Het tweede djungel-boek
- Unknown. John Brunner Presents Kipling's Fantasy: Stories by Rudyard Kipling
- Unknown. John Brunner Presents Kipling's Science Fiction
- Unknown. Just So Stories
- Unknown. Just So Stories for Little Children
- Unknown. Kipling's Science Fiction
- Unknown. Kipling: A Selection of His Stories and Poems
- Unknown. Kipling: A Selection of His Stories and Poems, Volume 1
- Unknown. Kipling: A Selection of His Stories and Poems, Volume 2
- Unknown. L'agent de police jour
- Unknown. Le livre de la jungle
- Unknown. Life's Handicap: Being Stories of Mine Own People
- Unknown. Limits and Renewals
- Unknown. Many Inventions
- Unknown. Mowgli, o menino lobo
- Unknown. Nur so Märchen
- Unknown. Os irmãos de Mowgli
- Unknown. Pedon merkki ja muita kauhuja
- Unknown. Phantoms and Fantasies: 20 Tales
- Unknown. Plain Tales from the Hills
- Unknown. Puck of Pook's Hill
- Unknown. Puck vom Buchsberg
- Unknown. Rewards and Fairies
- Unknown. Simples contes des collines
- Unknown. Soldiers Three and Other Stories
- Unknown. Stories from Rudyard Kipling
- Unknown. Strange Tales
- Unknown. Tales from the Jungle Book
- Unknown. The Complete Just So Stories
- Unknown. The Complete Supernatural Stories of Rudyard Kipling
- Unknown. The Day's Work
- Unknown. The Jungle Book
- Unknown. The Jungle Book
- Unknown. The Mark of the Beast and Other Fantastical Tales
- Unknown. The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Tales
- Unknown. The Phantom 'Rickshaw, City of Dreadful Night and Other Tales
- Unknown. The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories
- Unknown. The Science Fiction Stories of Rudyard Kipling
- Unknown. The Second Jungle Book
- Unknown. Tiger – Tiger
- Unknown. Traffics and Discoveries
- Unknown. Zo is het gekomen
- 2000. The Mark of the Beast and Other Horror Tales
- 2005. Kipling's Fantasy Stories
- 2008. Rudyard Kipling's Tales of Horror & Fantasy
- 2009. The City of Dreadful Night
- 2012. With the Night Mail and As Easy As A.B.C.
- 2015. The Gate of the Hundred Sorrows
- 2015. Wie der Leopard zu seinen Flecken kam: Tierfabeln oder Genauso-Geschichten
- 2018. O livro da selva
- 2018. Dentro da Rukh
Cover Art
- Unknown. Just So Stories for Little Children
- Unknown. Just So Stories for Little Children
- Unknown. Just So Stories for Little Children
- Unknown. Just So Stories for Little Children
- 2015. Just So Stories
- Unknown. Dead Kings (excerpt)
- Unknown. Introduction (Just So Stories)
- Unknown. Introduction (Rewards and Fairies)
- Unknown. Préface (Le livre de la jungle)
- Unknown. Preface (Plain Tales from the Hills)
- Unknown. Preface (The Jungle Book)
- Unknown. Preface (The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Tales)
- Unknown. Preface to Book 1
- Unknown. Prólogo del autor
- Unknown. Vorwort (Das Dschungelbuch)
- 1890. An Interview with Mark Twain
Interior Art
- Unknown. Just So Stories
- Unknown. Just So Stories for Little Children
- Unknown. Nur so Märchen
- Unknown. The Cat That Walked by Himself
- Unknown. Das Dschungelbuch / Das zweite Dschungelbuch
- Unknown. Het djungelboek
- Unknown. Les mondes perdus
- Unknown. Les mondes perdus
- Unknown. The Jungle Book
- Unknown. The Jungle Book; The Second Jungle Book
- Unknown. The Jungle Books
- Unknown. The Two Jungle Books
- Unknown. The Wizard of Oz / The Jungle Book
- 2018. The Complete Jungle Book
- Unknown. "Angoetivaum Taina"
- Unknown. 'Angutivaun Taina'
- Unknown. 'Cities and Thrones and Powers'
- Unknown. 'Cities and Thrones and Powers' (excerpt)
- Unknown. 'Late Came the God'
- Unknown. 'Our Fathers of Old'
- Unknown. 'Poor Honest Men'
- Unknown. 'Prophets Have Honour All Over the Earth'
- Unknown. A British-Roman Song
- Unknown. A canção de Mowgli
- Unknown. A Carol
- Unknown. A Centurion of the Thirtieth
- Unknown. A Charm
- Unknown. A Pict Song
- Unknown. A Ripple Song
- Unknown. A Smuggler's Song
- Unknown. A Song for Kabir
- Unknown. A Song of Kabir
- Unknown. A Song to Mithras
- Unknown. A St Helena Lullaby
- Unknown. A Three-Part Song
- Unknown. A Tree Song
- Unknown. A Truthful Song
- Unknown. Alnaschar and the Oxen
- Unknown. An Astrologer's Song
- Unknown. Angutivaun taina
- Unknown. Angutivun Tina
- Unknown. Angutiwun Taina
- Unknown. Back to the Army Again
- Unknown. Brookland Road
- Unknown. Canção de caça da matilha de Seoni
- Unknown. Canção de estrada do povo macaco
- Unknown. Canción al estilo de Kabir
- Unknown. Canción de caza de la manada de Seeonee
- Unknown. Canción de los animales del campamento al reunirse en la parada
- Unknown. Canción de los Bandar-log al ponerse en camino
- Unknown. Canción de Mowgli al bailar sobre la piel de Shere Khan en la Peña del Consejo
- Unknown. Canción de Mowgli contra los hombres
- Unknown. Cántico de Darzee en honor de Rikki-tikki-tavi
- Unknown. Chanson de chasse du clan de Seeonee
- Unknown. Chanson de route des Bandar-Log
- Unknown. Chant de parade des animaux de camp
- Unknown. Chil's Song
- Unknown. Chils Gesang
- Unknown. Cold Iron
- Unknown. Cuckoo Song
- Unknown. Darsies Siegesgesang
- Unknown. Darzee's Chant
- Unknown. Darzee's Chaunt
- Unknown. Darzee's ode
- Unknown. Darzees Preislied
- Unknown. Das Gesetz der Dschungel
- Unknown. Das Gesetz des Dschungels
- Unknown. Das Lied des kleinen Jägers
- Unknown. Das Lied des kleinen Jägers
- Unknown. De eind-zang
- Unknown. De wet van de djungel
- Unknown. De zang van Chil
- Unknown. De zang van de kleine jager
- Unknown. De zang van Mowgli
- Unknown. Der Abgesang
- Unknown. Der Abgesang
- Unknown. Eddi's Service
- Unknown. Een lied van Kabir
- Unknown. Ein Baumlied
- Unknown. Ein britisch-römischer Sang
- Unknown. Ein Kräuselsang
- Unknown. Ein Lied des Kabir
- Unknown. Ein Lied von Kabir
- Unknown. Ein Piktenlied
- Unknown. Ein Sang an Mithras
- Unknown. Ein Sang für Drei
- Unknown. Ein Schmugglerlied
- Unknown. En-Dor
- Unknown. Envoy
- Unknown. Ford o' Kabul River
- Unknown. Frankie's Trade
- Unknown. Hal o' the Draft
- Unknown. Harp Song of the Dane Women
- Unknown. Het lied der golven
- Unknown. Het reislied van de Bandar-log
- Unknown. Hunting-Song of the Seeonee Pack
- Unknown. Hymn of Breaking Strain
- Unknown. If—
- Unknown. Jachtlied van de Sionie-Horde
- Unknown. Jagdgesang des Seoni-Rudels
- Unknown. Jagdgesang des Sioni-Rudels
- Unknown. King Henry VII and the Shipwrights
- Unknown. L'ode de Darzee
- Unknown. La canción de Chil
- Unknown. La canción de la ola
- Unknown. La canción del cazador
- Unknown. La canción final
- Unknown. La chanson de Mowgli
- Unknown. La Ley de la Selva
- Unknown. Lied der Welle
- Unknown. Lukannon
- Unknown. Lukannon
- Unknown. Lukannon
- Unknown. Lukannon
- Unknown. Lukannon
- Unknown. Lukannon
- Unknown. Lukannon
- Unknown. MacDonough's Song
- Unknown. MacDonoughs Song
- Unknown. Moglis Siegeslied
- Unknown. Mowgli's Song
- Unknown. Mowgli's Song Against People
- Unknown. Mowgli's zang tegen de mensen
- Unknown. Mowglis Gesang
- Unknown. Mowglis Lied wider die Menschen
- Unknown. Mowglis Lied wider Leute
- Unknown. Música de desfile para animais de caserna
- Unknown. O cano de Darzee
- Unknown. Parade Song of the Camp Animals
- Unknown. Parade-Song of the Camp Animals
- Unknown. Parade-Song of the Camp-Animals
- Unknown. Paradelied der Lagertiere
- Unknown. Philadelphia
- Unknown. Poseidon's Law
- Unknown. Prophets at Home
- Unknown. Puck's Song
- Unknown. Pucks Lied
- Unknown. Ritter Richards Lied
- Unknown. Road-Song of the Bandar-Log
- Unknown. Road-Song of the Bandar-log
- Unknown. Schiwa und die Heuschrecke
- Unknown. Sestina of the Tramp-Royal
- Unknown. Shiv and the Grasshopper
- Unknown. Shiv und der Heuschreck
- Unknown. Shiva e o gafanhoto
- Unknown. Shiva en de sprinkhaan
- Unknown. Shiva et la sauterelle
- Unknown. Sir Richard's Song
- Unknown. Siva y el saltamontes
- Unknown. Song of the Fifth River
- Unknown. Song of the Men's Side
- Unknown. Song of the Red War-Boat
- Unknown. Städte und Throne und Reiche
- Unknown. That Day
- Unknown. The 'eathen
- Unknown. The Appeal
- Unknown. The Ballad of Minepit Shaw
- Unknown. The Bee Boy's Song
- Unknown. The Centaurs
- Unknown. The Changelings
- Unknown. The Children's Song
- Unknown. The Explorer (excerpt)
- Unknown. The Fairies' Siege
- Unknown. The Four Angels
- Unknown. The Gods of the Copybook Headings
- Unknown. The Grave of the Hundred Head
- Unknown. The Last Department
- Unknown. The Law of the Jungle
- Unknown. The Looking-Glass
- Unknown. The Moon of Other Days
- Unknown. The Only Son
- Unknown. The Outsong
- Unknown. The Portent: (Horace, Ode 20, Bk V)
- Unknown. The Quest
- Unknown. The Roman Centurion Speaks
- Unknown. The Roman Centurion's Song
- Unknown. The Run of the Downs
- Unknown. The Runes on Weyland's Sword
- Unknown. The Sea-Wife
- Unknown. The Song of the Little Hunter
- Unknown. The Sons of Martha
- Unknown. The Supports
- Unknown. The Thousandth Man
- Unknown. The Two Cousins
- Unknown. The Vampire
- Unknown. The Way Through the Woods
- Unknown. The Widow at Windsor
- Unknown. The Widow's Party
- Unknown. Thorkild's Song
- Unknown. Thorkilds Sang
- Unknown. To the Companions: (Horace, Ode 17, Bk V)
- Unknown. To the True Romance
- Unknown. Tschils Gesang
- Unknown. Wanderlied der Bandar-Log
- Unknown. Wanderlied des Affenvolkes
- Unknown. When Earth's Last Picture Is Painted
- Unknown. »Angutivaun Taina«
- 1892. Tomlinson
- 1902. The Islanders
- 1912. Ulster
- 2024. The Secret of the Machines
- Unknown. "They"
- Unknown. "Wireless"
- Unknown. 'The Finest Story in the World'
- Unknown. A Diversity of Creatures
- Unknown. Actions and Reactions
- Unknown. As Easy as A.B.C.
- Unknown. By Word of Mouth
- Unknown. Debits and Credits
- Unknown. Haunted Subalterns
- Unknown. In the House of Suddhoo
- Unknown. Kipling's Fantasy (Presented by John Brunner)
- Unknown. Kipling's Fantasy (Presented by John Brunner)
- Unknown. Kipling's Science Fiction
- Unknown. Kipling's Science Fiction (Presented by John Brunner)
- Unknown. Kipling's Science Fiction (Presented by John Brunner)
- Unknown. Kipling: A Selection of His Stories and Poems
- Unknown. Life's Handicap, Being Stories of Mine Own People
- Unknown. Limits and Renewals
- Unknown. Many Inventions
- Unknown. My Own True Ghost Story
- Unknown. On the Gate: A Tale of '16
- Unknown. Plain Tales from the Hills
- Unknown. The Bisara of Pooree
- Unknown. The Children of the Zodiac
- Unknown. The Dream of Duncan Parrenness
- Unknown. The Enemies to Each Other
- Unknown. The Eye of Allah
- Unknown. The Gardener
- Unknown. The House Surgeon
- Unknown. The Jungle Book
- Unknown. The Jungle Book
- Unknown. The Lost Legion
- Unknown. The Mark of the Beast
- Unknown. The Mark of the Beast
- Unknown. The Mark of the Beast and Other Fantastical Tales
- Unknown. The Miracle of the Mountain
- Unknown. The Phantom 'Rickshaw
- Unknown. The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Tales
- Unknown. The Science Fiction Stories of Rudyard Kipling
- Unknown. The Science Fiction Stories of Rudyard Kipling
- Unknown. The Wizard of Oz / The Jungle Book
- Unknown. The Wizard of Oz / The Jungle Book
- Unknown. Traffics and Discoveries
- Unknown. Uncovenanted Mercies
- Unknown. With the Night Mail
- 1967. Something of Myself
- 1967. Something of Myself
- 1967. The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories
- 1967. The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories
- 1967. The Second Jungle Book
- 1967. The Second Jungle Book
- 1967. Wee Willie Winkie
- 1967. Wee Willie Winkie
- 2007. The Mark of the Beast and Other Fantastical Tales
- 2019. Kim
Short Fiction
- Unknown. "At the End of the Passage"
- Unknown. "El cuento más hermoso del mundo"
- Unknown. "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"
- Unknown. "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"
- Unknown. "Swept and Garnished"
- Unknown. "The Finest Story in the World"
- Unknown. "They"
- Unknown. "Tiger – Tiger!"
- Unknown. "Tiger! Tiger!"
- Unknown. "Tijger-Tijger!"
- Unknown. "Wireless"
- Unknown. 'A Priest in Spite of Himself'
- Unknown. 'Brugglesmith'
- Unknown. 'Dymchurch Flit'
- Unknown. 'Love-O'-Women'
- Unknown. 'Rikki-Tikki-Tavi'
- Unknown. 's Konings Ankus
- Unknown. 'Sie'
- Unknown. 'Sie'
- Unknown. 'The City of Dreadful Night'
- Unknown. 'The Finest Story in the World'
- Unknown. 'They'
- Unknown. 'Tiger-Tiger!'
- Unknown. 'Wireless'
- Unknown. .007
- Unknown. 42° à l'ombre
- Unknown. A caçada de Kaa
- Unknown. A Centurion of the Thirtieth
- Unknown. A Conference of the Powers
- Unknown. A Doctor of Medicine
- Unknown. A foca branca
- Unknown. Aaverikša
- Unknown. An der großen Mauer
- Unknown. An Indian Ghost in England
- Unknown. Armo ja oikeus
- Unknown. As Easy As A. B. C.
- Unknown. As Easy As A. B. C.: A Tale of 2150 AD
- Unknown. As Easy as A.B.C.: A Tale of 2150 A.D.
- Unknown. As Easy As ABC
- Unknown. At the Pit's Mouth
- Unknown. Au tigre ! Au tigre !
- Unknown. Aussi simple que B.A.C.
- Unknown. Aux lumières de la Cité du sommeil
- Unknown. Bertran and Bimi
- Unknown. Beyond the Pale
- Unknown. Bij de Djungel Ingelijfd
- Unknown. Brother Square-Toes
- Unknown. City of the Dreadful Night
- Unknown. Cold Iron
- Unknown. Con el correo nocturno
- Unknown. Con la posta notturna
- Unknown. Correteos primaverales
- Unknown. Dans la Cité des Morts
- Unknown. Dans la maison de Suddhoo
- Unknown. Das Elefantenkind
- Unknown. Das Frühlings-Laufen
- Unknown. Das Stigma des Tieres
- Unknown. Das Wunder des Puran Bhagat
- Unknown. Das Wunder des Purun Bhagat
- Unknown. De Ankus van de Koning
- Unknown. De begrafenisondernemers
- Unknown. De broeders van Mowgli
- Unknown. De cómo vino el miedo
- Unknown. De djungel lijft in
- Unknown. De Lente-Loop
- Unknown. De lente-loop
- Unknown. De rode hond
- Unknown. De witte zeehond
- Unknown. Der Frühlingslauf
- Unknown. Der Krebs, der mit der See spielte
- Unknown. Der Schatz und das Recht
- Unknown. Der Schmetterling, der mit dem Fuß stampfte
- Unknown. Der Singsang vom alten Mann Känguru
- Unknown. Der Singsang vom alten Mann Känguruh
- Unknown. Des Königs Ankus
- Unknown. Des Königs Ankus
- Unknown. Die Bestatter
- Unknown. Die Dschungel los!
- Unknown. Die Entstehung des Gürteltiers
- Unknown. Die Gespenster-Rikscha
- Unknown. Die Katze, die allein spazierenging
- Unknown. Die Leichenbestatter
- Unknown. Die Ritter vom lustigen Abenteuer
- Unknown. Die schönste Geschichte der Welt
- Unknown. Die weiße Robbe
- Unknown. Die weiße Robbe
- Unknown. Dienaars van de koningin
- Unknown. Diener ihrer Majestät
- Unknown. Ein Centurio der dreißigsten Legion
- Unknown. Eine Tatsache
- Unknown. Eine Tatsache
- Unknown. Einfach wie das A. B. C.
- Unknown. El "ankus" del Rey
- Unknown. El milagro de Purun Bhagat
- Unknown. Eux
- Unknown. False Dawn
- Unknown. Flügelhelme
- Unknown. Förbannelsen
- Unknown. Geisterflucht aus Dymchurch
- Unknown. Gloriana
- Unknown. Greise auf Pevensey
- Unknown. Hal o' the Draft
- Unknown. Ham and the Porcupine
- Unknown. Heinz der Zeichner
- Unknown. Her Majesty's Servants
- Unknown. Het Merkteken van het Beest
- Unknown. Het mirakel van Poeroen Bhagat
- Unknown. His Private Honour
- Unknown. Hoe de eerste brief werd geschreven
- Unknown. Hoe de vrees in de wereld kwam
- Unknown. Hoe de Vrees Ontstond
- Unknown. Hoe de walvis aan zijn keel kwam
- Unknown. How Fear Came
- Unknown. How the Alphabet Was Made
- Unknown. How the Camel Got His Hump
- Unknown. How the First Letter Was Written
- Unknown. How the Leopard Got His Spots
- Unknown. How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin
- Unknown. How the Rhinoceros Got His Wrinkly Skin
- Unknown. How the Whale Got His Throat
- Unknown. How the Whale Got His Tiny Throat
- Unknown. Il Marchio della Bestia
- Unknown. Il risciò fantasma
- Unknown. Im Rukh
- Unknown. In de rukh
- Unknown. In the Rukh
- Unknown. In the Same Boat
- Unknown. Judson and the Empire
- Unknown. Jungherrn im Hause
- Unknown. Juoksuhautojen madonna
- Unknown. Kaa's Hunting
- Unknown. Kaa's Hunting
- Unknown. Kaa's Hunting
- Unknown. Kaa's Jacht
- Unknown. Kaa's jacht
- Unknown. Kaas Jagd
- Unknown. Kaas Jagdtanz
- Unknown. Kaas Jagdtanz
- Unknown. Kauhistuttavan yön kaupunki
- Unknown. Kotilääkäri
- Unknown. L'homme qui voulut être roi
- Unknown. L'œil d'Allah
- Unknown. La caza de Kaa
- Unknown. La chasse de Kaa
- Unknown. La conversion d'Aurélien Mac Goggin
- Unknown. La dernière histoire
- Unknown. La foca blanca
- Unknown. La marque de la bête
- Unknown. La marque de la bête
- Unknown. La plus belle histoire du monde
- Unknown. La Porte des Cieux. Une histoire de 1916
- Unknown. La première lettre
- Unknown. La Selva invasora
- Unknown. La tombe de ses ancêtres
- Unknown. La vuelta de Imray
- Unknown. Langaton
- Unknown. Lasst den Dschungel ein
- Unknown. Lasten tähden
- Unknown. Le phoque blanc
- Unknown. Le retour d'Imray
- Unknown. Le rickshaw fantôme
- Unknown. Les enfants du zodiaque
- Unknown. Les fantômes des lieutenants
- Unknown. Les fiançailles de Dinah Shadd
- Unknown. Les frères de Mowgli
- Unknown. Letting In the Jungle
- Unknown. Los enterradores
- Unknown. Los hermanos de Mowgli
- Unknown. Los perros jaros
- Unknown. Los servidores de Su Majestad
- Unknown. Maailman hienoin tarina
- Unknown. Marklake Witches
- Unknown. Mary Postgate
- Unknown. Meine selbsterlebte, wahre Geistergeschichte
- Unknown. Mit der Nachtpost
- Unknown. Mit der Nachtpost
- Unknown. Moglis Brüder
- Unknown. Morrowbie Jukesin outo ratsastus
- Unknown. Mowgli and the Bandar-Log
- Unknown. Mowgli's Broeders
- Unknown. Mowgli's Brothers
- Unknown. Mowgli's Brothers
- Unknown. Mowgli's Brothers
- Unknown. Mowglis Brüder
- Unknown. Mowglis Brüder
- Unknown. My Lord the Elephant
- Unknown. No final do corredor
- Unknown. Old Men at Pevensey
- Unknown. On Greenhow Hill
- Unknown. On the Gate: A Tale of '16
- Unknown. On the Great Wall
- Unknown. One View of the Question
- Unknown. Os construtores de pontes
- Unknown. Os irmãos de Mowgli
- Unknown. Os irmãos de Mowgli
- Unknown. Os servos de sua majestade
- Unknown. Par la malle de nuit
- Unknown. Pedon merkki
- Unknown. Portilla
- Unknown. Quiquern
- Unknown. Quiquern
- Unknown. Quiquern
- Unknown. Quiquern
- Unknown. Quiquern
- Unknown. Radio
- Unknown. Red Dog
- Unknown. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
- Unknown. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
- Unknown. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
- Unknown. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
- Unknown. Rikki-tikki-tavi
- Unknown. Robin Goodfellow—His Friends
- Unknown. Roter Hund
- Unknown. Rothund
- Unknown. Servants of the Queen
- Unknown. Service de la Reine
- Unknown. Simple Simon
- Unknown. Swept and Garnished
- Unknown. The Army of a Dream
- Unknown. The Beginning of the Armadillos
- Unknown. The Bridge-Builders
- Unknown. The Brushwood Boy
- Unknown. The Bull That Thought
- Unknown. The Butterfly That Stamped
- Unknown. The Cat That Walked by Himself
- Unknown. The Cat Who Walked by Himself
- Unknown. The Children of the Zodiac
- Unknown. The Comprehension of Private Copper
- Unknown. The Conversion of St Wilfrid
- Unknown. The Courting of Dinah Shadd
- Unknown. The Crab That Made the Tides
- Unknown. The Crab That Played with the Sea
- Unknown. The Devil and the Deep Sea
- Unknown. The Disturber of Traffic
- Unknown. The Dog Hervey
- Unknown. The Elephant's Child
- Unknown. The Eye of Allah
- Unknown. The Fight at the Rock
- Unknown. The Finances of the Gods
- Unknown. The Finest Story in the World
- Unknown. The Flag of Their Country
- Unknown. The Gardener
- Unknown. The Haunting of Holmescroft
- Unknown. The House Surgeon
- Unknown. The King's Ankus
- Unknown. The Knife and the Naked Chalk
- Unknown. The Knights of the Joyous Venture
- Unknown. The Lost Legion
- Unknown. The Man Who Was
- Unknown. The Man Who Would Be King
- Unknown. The Miracle of Purun Bhagat
- Unknown. The Miracle of Saint Jubanus
- Unknown. The Monkey-People
- Unknown. The Phantom 'Rickshaw
- Unknown. The Phantom 'Rickshaw
- Unknown. The Phantom Rickshaw
- Unknown. The Potted Princess
- Unknown. The Recrudescence of Imray
- Unknown. The Return of Imray
- Unknown. The Ship That Found Herself
- Unknown. The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo
- Unknown. The Spring Running
- Unknown. The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes
- Unknown. The Tomb of His Ancestors
- Unknown. The Treasure and the Law
- Unknown. The Tree of Justice
- Unknown. The Undertakers
- Unknown. The Unlimited Draw of Tick Boileau
- Unknown. The Village That Voted the Earth Was Flat
- Unknown. The White Seal
- Unknown. The Winged Hats
- Unknown. The Wrong Thing
- Unknown. They
- Unknown. Thrown Away
- Unknown. Tiger – Tiger
- Unknown. Tiger! Tiger!
- Unknown. Tiger! Tiger!
- Unknown. Tiger-Tiger
- Unknown. Tigre! Tigre!
- Unknown. Tijger! Tijger!
- Unknown. Toomai des éléphants
- Unknown. Toomai dos elefantes
- Unknown. Toomai of the Elephants
- Unknown. Toomai van de olifanten
- Unknown. Toomai von den Elefanten
- Unknown. Toomai, der Liebling der Elefanten
- Unknown. Toomai, el de los elefantes
- Unknown. Uncovenanted Mercies
- Unknown. Une version nouvelle de ce qui arriva au Jardin d'Eden
- Unknown. Unprofessional
- Unknown. Vaeltava juutalainen
- Unknown. W głębi otchłani
- Unknown. Weland's Sword
- Unknown. Wie Angst kam
- Unknown. Wie das Alphabet entstand
- Unknown. Wie das Kamel seinen Buckel bekam
- Unknown. Wie das Rhinozeros seine Haut bekam
- Unknown. Wie der erste Brief geschrieben wurde
- Unknown. Wie der Leopard seine Flecke bekam
- Unknown. Wie der Leopard zu seinen Flecken kam
- Unknown. Wie der Walfisch seinen Schlund bekam
- Unknown. Wie Furcht kam
- Unknown. Wielands Schwert
- Unknown. Wilde Honden
- Unknown. Wireless
- Unknown. With the Night Mail
- Unknown. With the Night Mail: A Story of 2000 A. D
- Unknown. With the Night Mail: A Story of 2000 A.D.
- Unknown. With the Night Mail: A Story of 2000 A.D.: (Together with Extracts from the Contemporary Magazine in Which It Appeared)
- Unknown. With the Night Mail: A Story of 2000 AD
- Unknown. Without Benefit of Clergy
- Unknown. Young Men at the Manor
- Unknown. ¡Al tigre! ¡Al tigre!
- Unknown. »Rikki-Tikki-Tavi«
- Unknown. »Tiger! Tiger!«
- 1884. The Gate of the Hundred Sorrows
- 1884. The Dream of Duncan Parrenness
- 1885. The City of Dreadful Night
- 1885. An Indian Ghost Story in England
- 1886. In the House of Suddhoo
- 1886. The Story of Muhammad Din
- 1887. The Bisara of Pooree
- 1887. The Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin
- 1887. Haunted Subalterns
- 1887. By Word of Mouth
- 1887. The Recurring Smash
- 1887. The Dreitarbund
- 1888. Bubbling Well Road
- 1888. The Sending of Dana Da
- 1888. My Own True Ghost Story
- 1888. In the Matter of a Private
- 1888. Sleipner, Late Thurinda
- 1888. The Solid Muldoon
- 1888. Baboo Mookerji's Undertaking
- 1888. The Last of the Stories
- 1889. The Joker
- 1889. The Wandering Jew
- 1890. The Mark of the Beast
- 1890. At the End of the Passage
- 1890. The Record of Badalia Herodsfoot
- 1892. A Matter of Fact
- 1895. The Maltese Cat
- 1899. Garm—A Hostage
- 1903. The Tabu Tale
- 1924. The Enemies to Each Other
- 1924. A Madonna of the Trenches
- 1924. The Wish House
- 1965. Col postale di notte (Una storia del 2000 dopo Cristo)
- 1976. La strana cavalcata di Morrowbie Jukes
- 1979. La strana cavalcata di Morrowbie Jukes
- 1981. Le rickshaw fantôme
- 1988. Col postale di notte
- 2008. Children of the Zodiac
- 2015. Dymchurch Flit
- 2016. The Jungle Book
- 2017. «Au tigre, Au tigre!»
- 2017. «Rikki-Tikki-Tavi»
- 2018. Dentro da Rukh
- 2020. The Jungle Book
- 0000. As Easy as A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- 0000. As Easy as A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- 0000. As Easy as A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- 0000. As Easy as A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- 0000. As Easy as A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- 0000. As Easy as A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- 0000. As Easy as A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- 0000. As Easy as A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- 0000. As Easy as A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- 0000. As Easy as A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- 0000. As Easy as A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- 0000. As Easy as A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- 0000. As Easy as A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- 0000. As Easy as A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- 0000. As Easy As A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- 0000. As Easy As A.B.C. - Prometheus Award, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (Nomination)
- Librivox (36 books)
- fantasy (17 books)
- horror (9 books)
- ghosts (6 books)
- NESFA Core Reading List (5 books)
- juvenile fantasy (3 books)
- first person point of view (3 books)
- india (3 books)
- Internet Archive (2 books)
- science fiction (2 books)
- vampires (2 books)
- the British Raj (2 books)
- dreams (1 book)
- Young Adult (1 book)
- young-adult horror (1 book)
- country (1 book)
- blind (1 book)
- sixth sense (1 book)
- fairy tale (1 book)
- historical fantasy (1 book)
- fairies (1 book)
- enchantment (1 book)
- airship (1 book)
- near future (1 book)
- werewolves (1 book)
- Hanuman (1 book)
- leper (1 book)
- offending a god (1 book)
- torture (1 book)
- curse (1 book)
- New Year's Eve (1 book)
- corruption of soul (1 book)
- tibet (1 book)
- story within a story (1 book)
- reincarnation (1 book)
- Storyteller (1 book)
- england (1 book)
- Wandering Jew (1 book)
- natural disaster (1 book)
- engineering (1 book)
- feral child (1 book)
- Escape (Radio) (1 book)
- snakes (1 book)
- superstitious native race (1 book)
- realism (1 book)
- murder (1 book)
- dog (1 book)
- cats (1 book)
- lost world (1 book)
- child’s play (1 book)
- illness (1 book)
- child (1 book)
- The Seven-League Shelf (1 book)
- satirical fantasy (1 book)
- visit to hell (1 book)
- Internet Movie Database (IMDb) article on Rudyard Kipling
- - Rudyard Kipling
- The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (SFE) article on Rudyard Kipling
- - Rudyard Kipling
- English Wikipedia article on Rudyard Kipling
- Library of Congress page for Rudyard Kipling
- The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (SFE) article on Rudyard Kipling