Michael R. Collings
Source: "Michael R. Collings Bibliography." Author Wars, https://authorwars.com/authors/michael-r-collings.html".
Chapter Books
- Unknown. Corona Obscura: Sonets Dark and Elemental
- Unknown. Dark Designs: Forms and Fantasies
- Unknown. Dark Transformations: Deadly Visions of Change
- Unknown. Many Waters: Poems of the Ordinary and the Outré
- Unknown. Naked to the Sun
- Unknown. Temple and Cosmos
- Unknown. The Nephiad: An Epic Poem in XII Books
- 2007. All Calm, All Bright: Christmas Offerings
- 2009. In the Void: Poems of Science Fiction, Myth and Fantasy, & Horror
- 2010. Three Tales of Omne: A Companion to Wordsmith
- 2010. Wer Means Man and Other Tales of Wonder and Terror
- 2012. A Verse to Horrors: An Abecedary of Monsters and the Monstrous
- 2020. I, Taliesin: The Joseph Smith/King Arthur Sonets—A Brief Epic
- 2022. In the Haunting Darkness
- Unknown. "And on His Crest Sat Horror Plum'd": Some Elements of Fantasy, Science Fiction, an Horror in Paradise Lost
- Unknown. Afterword (The Folk of the Fringe)
- Unknown. Afterword (The Worthing Saga)
- Unknown. Afterword: Quo Vadis, Bestsellasaurus Rex?
- Unknown. Appendix One: Why "Sonets"?
- Unknown. Appendix Two: "What in the World—Any World!—Is This Fellow Up To?"
- Unknown. Dialogues by Starlight
- Unknown. E. T. and the Christmas Tree
- Unknown. Emotion and Intellect in Poetry
- Unknown. Epic of Dune: Epic of Traditions in Modern Science Fiction
- Unknown. Filling the Niche: Fantasy and Science Fiction in Contemporary Horror
- Unknown. Foreword (What Rough Book: Dark Poems and Light)
- Unknown. Foreword: "Stephen King, Beowulf, and the Necessary Landscapes of Darkness
- Unknown. Imago Christi: Christ-Figures in the Fiction of Orson Scott Card
- Unknown. In Defense of Form
- Unknown. Introduction (Three Tales of Omne: A Companion to Wordsmith)
- Unknown. Introduction: The Persistence of Darkness - Shadows Behind the Life Behind the Story
- Unknown. James P. Hogan's Inherit the Stars: A Paradigm for Communication
- Unknown. King versus Koontz: Style and Invasion
- Unknown. Lewis after Milton: A Sense of Direction in Science Fiction Poetry
- Unknown. Literary Heroism in the Works of Orson Scott Card
- Unknown. Literary vs. Accessible
- Unknown. New Words for New Worlds: Notes Toward an Anti-Definition of Science Fiction Poetry
- Unknown. Orson Scott Card as Mythopoeic Writer
- Unknown. Orson Scott Card: An Approach to Mythopoeic Fiction
- Unknown. Poems
- Unknown. Quantum Memories: Notes Toward an Anti-Definition of Science Fiction Poetry
- Unknown. Review of The Magazine of Speculative Poetry (Summer-Fall 1985), Roger Dutcher and Mark Rich, eds.
- Unknown. Samuel R. Delany and John Wilkins: Artificial Languages, Science, and Science Fiction
- Unknown. Saying Much with Little: Some Practical Suggestions for Tightening Bulky Lines in Poetry
- Unknown. Science and Scientism in C. S. Lewis's That Hideous Strength
- Unknown. Seventh ICFA Has Something for Everyone
- Unknown. Starshine and Stanzas: Poetry in the SF Community (Short Form, February 1988)
- Unknown. The Mechanics of Immortality
- Unknown. The Stand: Science Fiction Into Fantasy
- Unknown. Three Songs from Dracula
- Unknown. Time and Vast Eternities; Landscapes of Immortality in Orson Scott Card's Fiction
- Unknown. Words and Worlds: The Creation of a Fantasy Universe in Zelazny, Lee, and Anthony
- Unknown. Writing the Fantastic and Religion: Some Ruminations on the Role of Poetry
- 1986. Jeperson On Toast: Language Acquisition in C. S. Lewis
- 1987. "Argument Not Less But More Heroic": Epic, Order, and Postholocaust Society in Piers Anthony's Battle Circle
- 1988. Brothers of the Head: Brian W. Aldiss's Psychological Landscape
- 1989. Dialogues by Starlight: Three Approaches to Writing SF Poetry, with a Checklist of Related Works
- 2010. Author's Afterword (The Nephiad)
- 2010. "To Be Still a Man": Abstraction and Concretion in C. S. Lewis
- 2010. An Essay into LDS Writers and the Fantastic
- 2010. Beyond Deep Heaven: Generic Structure and Christian Message in C. S. Lewis's Ransom Novels
- 2010. C. S. Lewis and the Music of Creation
- 2010. Christ-Figures in the Fiction of Orson Scott Card
- 2010. Clive Barker's The Great and Secret Show: Realism in Horror Fiction
- 2010. Considering the Stands
- 2010. Faith Within Fantasy: Stephen King, Richard Bachman, and Seventeenth-Century Devotional Poetry
- 2010. Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Horror in Paradise Lost: "And on His Crest Sat Horror Plum'd"
- 2010. Introduction (Toward Other Worlds)
- 2010. Of Books and Reputations: The Confusing Cases of King, Koontz, and Others
- 2010. On Kubrick's The Shining
- 2010. Orson Scott Card and Mythopoeic Fiction
- 2010. Rethinking "Lewis After Milton": Suggestions Concerning Religion, Science Fiction, and Poetry
- 2010. Stephen King's The Dark Tower in the Epic Tradition
- 2010. The Epic of Ender
- 2010. The Mechanisms of Fantasy
- 2010. The Persistence of Darkness
- 2010. The Radiating Pencils of His Bones: The Poetry of Stephen King
- 2010. The Rational and the Revelatory in the Fiction of Orson Scott Card
- 2010. The Story That Binds Them Together: Orson Scott Card's The Folk of the Fringe and the Structure of the Medieval Mystery Cycles
- 2010. Who Is Billy Jones?: Some Suggestions Toward an Understanding
- 2010. Writing the Fantastic and Religion: Some Ruminations on the Roles of Poetry
- 2010. King and the Critics
- 2012. Introduction (A Verse to Horrors: An Abecedary of Monsters and the Monstrous)
- 2012. The Shadow City
- 2012. Three Functions in Horror-Fiction
- 2013. King's Rock
- 2013. Into the Multiverse ... and Beyond
- 2013. Review of non-genre thriller: "Murder as a Fine Art" by David Morrell
- 2013. On Ghost Stories
- 2013. On Zombies and Robots
- 2014. Literature, Genre, Horror ... and Mormons—What?
- 2014. To Name the Genre
- 2014. Monsters: Through a Perspective Glass
- 2014. Secret Societies and Horror
- 2015. Why "Sinister Appetites" Are Sinister ... And Why They Aren't
- 2016. Dark Poetry
- 2017. Comments from the Jurors (Poetry Showcase: Volume IV)
- 2017. Comments from the Jurors (Poetry Showcase: Volume IV)
- 2017. The Adventure of Reading Stephen King
- 2022. Good Words/Bad Words
- 2022. Monsters: Through a Perspective Glass
- 2022. Not–So-Good Horror: Why Little Things Count
- 2022. On a Dark and Narrow Way
- 2022. On Entering the Fantastic
- 2022. On Seventeenth-Century Ghosts and What We Can Learn from Them
- 2022. Reading Stephen King
- 2022. Some Thoughts on the Werewolf
- 2022. The Epic of Dune: Epic Traditions in Modern Science Fiction
- 2022. The Persistence of Darkness
- 2022. The Power of Story
- 2022. Three Hallmarks of Horror: Location, Isolation, and Language
- 2022. To Name a Genre
- 2022. Transforming Terrible
- 2022. When Words Stumble
- 2022. Women and the Fantastic—A Glimpse into a Beginning
- Unknown. Brian W. Aldiss
- Unknown. Card Catalog: The Science Fiction and Fantasy of Orson Scott Card
- Unknown. Hauntings: The Official Peter Straub Bibliography
- Unknown. Horror Plum'D: An International Stephen King Bibliography and Guide, 1960-2000
- Unknown. Piers Anthony
- Unknown. Reflections on the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Fourth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts
- Unknown. Stephen King As Richard Bachman
- Unknown. Storyteller: The Official Orson Scott Card Bibliography and Guide
- Unknown. The Annotated Guide to Stephen King
- Unknown. The Art and Craft of Poetry: Twenty Exercises Toward Mastery
- Unknown. The Films of Stephen King
- Unknown. The Many Facets of Stephen King
- Unknown. The Shorter Works of Stephen King
- Unknown. The Shorter Works of Stephen King
- Unknown. The Stephen King Phenomenon
- Unknown. The Work of Orson Scott Card: An Annotated Bibliography & Guide
- Unknown. The Work of Orson Scott Card: An Annotated Bibliography & Guide
- Unknown. The Work of Stephen King: An Annotated Bibliography & Guide
- 1990. In the Image of God: Theme, Characterization, and Landscape in the Fiction of Orson Scott Card
- 2006. Stephen King is Richard Bachman
- 2010. Toward Other Worlds: Perspectives on John Milton, C. S. Lewis, Stephen King, Orson Scott Card, and Others
- 2010. In Endless Morn of Light: Moral Freedom in Milton's Universe
- 2012. Writing Darkness
- Unknown. Devil's Plague
- Unknown. The Thousand Eyes of Flame
- Unknown. The Veil of Heaven
- 2007. The House Beyond the Hill
- 2009. Singer of Lies
- 2011. The Slab
- 2011. Static!
- 2011. Shadow Valley
- 2011. Serpent's Tooth
- 2016. An Annotated Space Operae! A Tale of Three Planets
- 2017. Fast Foods
- 2017. Toccata and Fugue in Death
- 2017. DeathBloom
- 2010. Three Tales of Omne: A Companion to Wordsmith / The Elder of Days: Tales of the Elders
- 2011. Wordsmith: The Complete Novel
- Unknown. "Casting the Runes"
- Unknown. "Death, Be Not Proud"
- Unknown. "Do Not Go Gentle..."
- Unknown. "Something Wicked"
- Unknown. #144: The Grossest of the Gross
- Unknown. 10 to the power 33
- Unknown. 117°
- Unknown. A Drama Critic's Monody
- Unknown. A Fairy Tale
- Unknown. A Garden Is a Temple-Ground
- Unknown. A Lesson in Manners
- Unknown. A Map--A Maze--A Cento:
- Unknown. A Midnight Horror Reading
- Unknown. A Midnight Horror Reading
- Unknown. A Perfect Match
- Unknown. A Review of "The Monster-Hunters' Handbook"
- Unknown. A Science-Fiction Faith
- Unknown. A Short Short on a Frantic Bubo Virginianus Escaping with a Torn (But Infected) Wing from a Lycanthrope's Bloody Jaws
- Unknown. A Short Short on What Could Have Happened Had Grendel Confronted Beowulf Before the Hero Had a Chance to Arm Himself
- Unknown. A Short Short Spoken by a Stoic, Suddenly Interrupted in His Musings by an Unexpected Burst of Sound from a Nearby Thunderhead
- Unknown. A String of Drool
- Unknown. A Verse to Horrors
- Unknown. Ad Astra Per Fidem
- Unknown. After Spring Rains
- Unknown. Alfred Noyes' "The Highwayman"
- Unknown. Alien
- Unknown. Alien Vistas
- Unknown. All Time Is Present to the Lord
- Unknown. Ambivalence
- Unknown. An Elegant Gent Called "The Count'"
- Unknown. And Darkness
- Unknown. Anonymous "Two Corbies"
- Unknown. Apologia for a Christmas Tree
- Unknown. Apparitions
- Unknown. At Midnight
- Unknown. At Sunset
- Unknown. At the Crick
- Unknown. At the End of a Drought, Idaho, 2007
- Unknown. At the Salt Lake Temple
- Unknown. Attic
- Unknown. Aube
- Unknown. Aware Wolf
- Unknown. Baptism
- Unknown. Baptism--As Light As Snow
- Unknown. Baptisms, Los Angeles, 1960
- Unknown. Barr Lake
- Unknown. Beast
- Unknown. Because I Would Not Stop for Death
- Unknown. Because I Would Not Stop for Death
- Unknown. Before
- Unknown. Before Hansel and Gretel
- Unknown. Beginnings
- Unknown. Beginnings
- Unknown. Beneath the Blue Sun
- Unknown. Bereaved
- Unknown. Between Heartbeats
- Unknown. Beyond Galaxies
- Unknown. Black Dandelions
- Unknown. Blake's "The Lamb"
- Unknown. Blake's "The Tyger"
- Unknown. Blob
- Unknown. BloodRite
- Unknown. Bodies
- Unknown. Boise Idaho Temple
- Unknown. Borne
- Unknown. Cambria Shoreline
- Unknown. Camouflage
- Unknown. Camp Kern
- Unknown. Campfire Stories
- Unknown. Camping Out
- Unknown. Casper
- Unknown. Catacomb
- Unknown. Celebration
- Unknown. Celestial
- Unknown. Cento-Haiku for Darkness
- Unknown. Christ of Universe
- Unknown. City
- Unknown. Cold Vengeance
- Unknown. Colony
- Unknown. Color Out of Space
- Unknown. Come, Lie with Me
- Unknown. Confutatis
- Unknown. Consciences
- Unknown. Contemplation
- Unknown. Continuity
- Unknown. Contorta
- Unknown. Conundrum
- Unknown. Cormorant
- Unknown. Couplets on the 3am Shooting at the End of Sheffield Place
- Unknown. Creation: De Materia
- Unknown. Creation: On Considering the Imponderable Matter of the Universe
- Unknown. Crocuses
- Unknown. Crows
- Unknown. Crucifax
- Unknown. Crucifax
- Unknown. Dagger-toothed Children
- Unknown. Dark Tower
- Unknown. Dark Transformations
- Unknown. Darkness
- Unknown. DCCXCIII--A Fragment
- Unknown. Deafness
- Unknown. Death Comes for All
- Unknown. December Rose
- Unknown. Despair Captured on an Answering Machine
- Unknown. Devotion
- Unknown. Die Wasserlichtorgel
- Unknown. Double Helix
- Unknown. Dread
- Unknown. Dreamer of Worlds
- Unknown. Drought, California, 1990
- Unknown. E. A. Poe
- Unknown. Edison Lake
- Unknown. Elegy for an Asteroid Miner Dying on December 25
- Unknown. Envoi
- Unknown. Escape
- Unknown. Eternity Has Finally Died
- Unknown. Evanescence
- Unknown. Evil
- Unknown. Exiles on a Left-Hand World
- Unknown. Faces of Fear
- Unknown. Faces of Fear
- Unknown. Falling Water
- Unknown. Fast Zombies
- Unknown. Fear
- Unknown. Fields of Starflowers
- Unknown. Fifth Movement and Final
- Unknown. Fifties-Time
- Unknown. First Job
- Unknown. First View of the Ocean
- Unknown. First Visit, Temple Square, 1953
- Unknown. Forever Family
- Unknown. Four Elements
- Unknown. Fragments on a Temple Wedding
- Unknown. Frankenstein (1910)
- Unknown. Frankenstein: "It's Alive!"
- Unknown. From "A Child's Garden of Misundertandings"
- Unknown. Gargoyles
- Unknown. Ghazal: To the Light
- Unknown. GodFinger
- Unknown. Godzilla Is at It Again
- Unknown. Gore
- Unknown. Gorgon's Harsh Hair
- Unknown. Grandma
- Unknown. Gremlins
- Unknown. Grendel's Mother
- Unknown. H. P. Lovecraft
- Unknown. Hailstones
- Unknown. Half an Hour's Drive
- Unknown. Halloween
- Unknown. Haunted
- Unknown. He Made an Off-Hand Comment About the Mashed Potatoes
- Unknown. Hesperios
- Unknown. High Art
- Unknown. Homo Lupus
- Unknown. Hubris
- Unknown. Hunger
- Unknown. I Look Upon the Sea
- Unknown. I, Witness
- Unknown. Ice Etches
- Unknown. IceStorms
- Unknown. Icicles
- Unknown. Idaho Falls, 1969
- Unknown. If Christ Had Wanted Two Millennia (and Found Our World As It Is)
- Unknown. In Concert: the Organ
- Unknown. In Dreams Lies Truth
- Unknown. In Eandem
- Unknown. In the Forest
- Unknown. In the Ghoul-Yard
- Unknown. In the Grave
- Unknown. In the Temple
- Unknown. In Therapy Today
- Unknown. Incubus
- Unknown. Incubus
- Unknown. Insomnia
- Unknown. Intimations...
- Unknown. Introspection: The Temple
- Unknown. Invaders
- Unknown. Invitation
- Unknown. Jordan River Temple
- Unknown. Judi's Otter
- Unknown. Jurassic Cotillion
- Unknown. Kingsmeat
- Unknown. Kyrielle:In Praise of Holly
- Unknown. Lady
- Unknown. Lake Cleveland
- Unknown. Lament
- Unknown. Lamps
- Unknown. Little Red Riding Hood
- Unknown. Loa Angeles Temple, December 1973
- Unknown. Lovecraft's "The Window"
- Unknown. Lupus
- Unknown. Malibu Beach
- Unknown. Many Waters
- Unknown. Mary Shelly
- Unknown. Michaelbrent
- Unknown. Midgard
- Unknown. Migration
- Unknown. Milk-White Opal
- Unknown. Millennial
- Unknown. Mirror Lake
- Unknown. Mist
- Unknown. Moon
- Unknown. Moroni
- Unknown. Mount Snowfall
- Unknown. Moving On
- Unknown. Murder
- Unknown. Music
- Unknown. My Dreams Have Turned Against Me in the Night
- Unknown. My Own Private Monster
- Unknown. Mythmaker: The Science Fiction Writer
- Unknown. Naked to the Sun
- Unknown. Necromancer
- Unknown. Nemesis
- Unknown. Newborn
- Unknown. Night
- Unknown. Nova
- Unknown. NY/LA
- Unknown. Oaks
- Unknown. Obsession
- Unknown. Obsession (2)
- Unknown. Obsidian
- Unknown. On Being Struck Dumb
- Unknown. On Faith
- Unknown. On Fearing I Will Lose You to the Night
- Unknown. On Folsom Lake
- Unknown. On Re-visiting the Scene Of
- Unknown. On Reading Dracula Aloud on My First Night on Staff at Summer Camp
- Unknown. On Reading the Stories of Orson Scott Card
- Unknown. On Taking a Red Cross Lifesaving Class
- Unknown. On the Beach
- Unknown. On the Evening of Her 95th Year
- Unknown. On the First Outdoor Testing of a Man-Made Bacterium in a Strawberry Patch in California
- Unknown. On the First Outdoor Testing of a Man-Made Bacterium in a Strawberry Patch in California
- Unknown. On the Grounds of the Manti Temple
- Unknown. On Westlake's Lake
- Unknown. One with Him
- Unknown. Orchisophilia
- Unknown. OSC
- Unknown. Our Gods Have Died
- Unknown. Passing
- Unknown. Perfect Stars
- Unknown. Pet Sematary
- Unknown. Picnic Up Cottonwood Creek
- Unknown. Poe's "Annabel Lee"
- Unknown. Preparations
- Unknown. Progress to Eternity
- Unknown. Prophecy
- Unknown. Provo City Center Temple
- Unknown. Queen
- Unknown. Quizzical,
- Unknown. Quotella
- Unknown. Read, If You Dare
- Unknown. Receiving a Bill of Divorcement on the Grounds of Physical Incompatibility
- Unknown. Recoil
- Unknown. Refuges
- Unknown. Retribution
- Unknown. Return to Avalon
- Unknown. Rhapsody
- Unknown. Riddle
- Unknown. Rising--Meridian Idaho Temple
- Unknown. Robert R. McCammon
- Unknown. Rome Italy Temple, 2018
- Unknown. Sacramental Song
- Unknown. Salt Lade City, 2130
- Unknown. SeaSands
- Unknown. SeaShallows
- Unknown. Seaward
- Unknown. Shipwrecked Among the Channel Islands
- Unknown. Sightings
- Unknown. Silence
- Unknown. Silent Night
- Unknown. Sleep
- Unknown. Sleep of Death
- Unknown. Snow Draperies
- Unknown. Snow Leaches Color
- Unknown. Snow Storm
- Unknown. So Much Depends
- Unknown. So There He Stands
- Unknown. Solar Marathon
- Unknown. Something Else Is here
- Unknown. Sonette for a Burning Windmill
- Unknown. Sonette for a Mummy
- Unknown. Sonnet: To Fourteen Who Died on an Unnamed Winter World
- Unknown. Spatio-Temporal Spectacles
- Unknown. Speaker for the Dead
- Unknown. Sputnik
- Unknown. Stalker
- Unknown. Star Pilot's Funeral
- Unknown. Star Poet's Curse
- Unknown. Star-Pilot's Funeral
- Unknown. Stark Death's-Head Hawkmoth
- Unknown. Starlight
- Unknown. Stephen King
- Unknown. Strata
- Unknown. Succubi
- Unknown. Such Things as Worlds
- Unknown. Sunsets
- Unknown. Surrounded
- Unknown. Survival Camp at Twin Lakes
- Unknown. Symphony
- Unknown. Tapestry
- Unknown. Telestial
- Unknown. Temple II
- Unknown. Temple Trip
- Unknown. Temple Wedding
- Unknown. Terrestrial
- Unknown. Thaet Leoht
- Unknown. The Battle
- Unknown. The Boneyard of Old Ezra Snow
- Unknown. The Call
- Unknown. The Calling of the Dead
- Unknown. The Curse
- Unknown. The Dare
- Unknown. The Dark Is Deep
- Unknown. The Dark Is Deep (1)
- Unknown. The Dark Is Deep (2)
- Unknown. The Dark Man
- Unknown. The Dead
- Unknown. The Dweller on the Edge of Day
- Unknown. The First Rule
- Unknown. The Golden Chain
- Unknown. The Instant Change
- Unknown. The Is No Rhyme--for Temple
- Unknown. The Kiss
- Unknown. The Last Pastoral
- Unknown. The Legend of Kometes
- Unknown. The Legend of Kometes
- Unknown. The Letter
- Unknown. The Master
- Unknown. The Meeting on the Edge of Eternity
- Unknown. The Monster Speaks
- Unknown. The Outsider
- Unknown. The Program
- Unknown. The Program
- Unknown. The Ripper's Daymare
- Unknown. The Rune in Green
- Unknown. The Searcher After Secrets
- Unknown. The Sorceress of the Silvered Wood
- Unknown. The SoulOrgan
- Unknown. The Stalker's Promise
- Unknown. The Star-Filled Canopy
- Unknown. The Star-Scout Handbook
- Unknown. The Survivor's Response
- Unknown. The Task--Thoughts While Meditating on the Temple Grounds
- Unknown. The Tyranny of Equilibrium
- Unknown. The Vulture
- Unknown. The Waterwheel
- Unknown. The Way an Ape
- Unknown. The White Lady
- Unknown. The White Lady by Noonlight
- Unknown. The Wolf's Lair
- Unknown. Therapy Session
- Unknown. There Is a Grandeur
- Unknown. There Once Was an Old One Named Cthulhu
- Unknown. This Is the Season
- Unknown. Three Snow Haiku
- Unknown. Time
- Unknown. To a Cymbidium Orchid
- Unknown. To Darkness
- Unknown. Today
- Unknown. Tombs
- Unknown. Traitor
- Unknown. Treasures
- Unknown. Trick or Treat
- Unknown. Trick or Treat
- Unknown. Triptych
- Unknown. Tsunami
- Unknown. Uintah Storm
- Unknown. Undead
- Unknown. untitled (Star*Line, September-October 1981)
- Unknown. Upon Julia, UnDead
- Unknown. Utopia
- Unknown. Vacation on an Old Favorite
- Unknown. Vampire
- Unknown. Vernal Utah Temple
- Unknown. Visions
- Unknown. Vultures
- Unknown. Walkers
- Unknown. Walmart at 3am
- Unknown. Waste and Emptiness
- Unknown. Water Cleanses
- Unknown. Wayfarer
- Unknown. What I Saw in the Crystal Ball
- Unknown. What Might Follow Fire
- Unknown. When I Was Three-and-Twenty
- Unknown. When Stars Are Clear
- Unknown. When the Wordmonger Came
- Unknown. When Word Choice Goes Wrong
- Unknown. Whip-poor-will
- Unknown. Wind and Stone
- Unknown. Wiros
- Unknown. Wiros
- Unknown. Wiros (2)
- Unknown. Witch
- Unknown. Wolf's Hour
- Unknown. Writha
- Unknown. Zombies
- 2007. After Christmas
- 2007. Another Bethlehem
- 2007. But Wild and Deep, the Birth Repeat
- 2007. Carol
- 2007. Chimney Trolls
- 2007. Christ-Child
- 2007. Christman: Then and Now
- 2007. Christmas Dollhouse
- 2007. Christmas Eve
- 2007. Christmas Gift
- 2007. Christmas Is a Time for Thanks and Love
- 2007. Christmas Pageant
- 2007. Christmas: Notes Toward a Definition
- 2007. Cutting the Tree
- 2007. Decorating
- 2007. E.R. Christmas
- 2007. Early Christmas
- 2007. Epilogue: Only
- 2007. From Paraguay
- 2007. Ghazals for Christmas
- 2007. IceStorm
- 2007. Last Homestead Christmas
- 2007. Love's Apprenticeship
- 2007. Meditation I
- 2007. Meditation II
- 2007. Meditation III
- 2007. Nativity
- 2007. No Angels Sing in Malibu
- 2007. Samuel's Star
- 2007. Santa and the Christ
- 2007. The Christmas Eve Bruce Ate the Ornament
- 2007. The Final Gift
- 2007. The Gift of Christmas-tide
- 2007. The Ring of Opal Fire
- 2007. The Stocking's Tale
- 2007. Tidings of Great Joy
- 2007. Variations on a Flame: Twelve Lights of Christmas
- 2007. Voices of Christmas
- 2007. Writing Nativity: A Kyrielle
- 2007. X=Khi[
- 2008. Crows
- 2010. "Night's Plutonian Shore"
- 2010. "Stretched Naked on His Bed, a Second Danaë"
- 2010. *Blothisojan
- 2010. 10 33 [note: 33 is superscripted after 10]
- 2010. 2:30 A
- 2010. A Short Poem on a Bubo Virginianis
- 2010. A Visit from Grandma
- 2010. A Visitation of Grace
- 2010. Aboriginals' Escape
- 2010. After First Blooding
- 2010. Alien Metamorphosis
- 2010. At Midnight
- 2010. Before the Throat in Nakedness
- 2010. Black Crocuses
- 2010. Black Hole
- 2010. Blackbird Fall
- 2010. Celestial Dance
- 2010. Contagion
- 2010. Cormorant
- 2010. Cosmology
- 2010. Elegy for an Asteroid Miner
- 2010. Eurydice
- 2010. Evolution
- 2010. Exile on a Left-Hand World
- 2010. Far Across the Galaxy
- 2010. Fifth Movement...and Final
- 2010. Forsaken
- 2010. Grey
- 2010. Harvest Crows
- 2010. Horror-ku
- 2010. I Wander the Cosmos, Inventing It
- 2010. In the House Beyond the Field
- 2010. Inchantation
- 2010. Inventing a Galaxy
- 2010. Invert Logic
- 2010. Is Death
- 2010. It Waits for Me
- 2010. It's Long Past Tune-up Time Again
- 2010. Lamia
- 2010. Love Among the Stars
- 2010. Lupus-Luna
- 2010. Medusa
- 2010. MoonMasks
- 2010. My Dog Is Sitting in a Tree
- 2010. Myrmidon
- 2010. Orion Disappeared Last Night
- 2010. Renascence
- 2010. Restrictions
- 2010. Retrogradation
- 2010. Roc
- 2010. Sabrina
- 2010. Sasquatch
- 2010. SciFi-ku
- 2010. Sleep...Sleep
- 2010. Soliloquy in Onyx
- 2010. Spiral Galaxy (I and II)
- 2010. StarHeart
- 2010. StarSong
- 2010. The Damnation of the Dawn
- 2010. The Dweller on the Edge of Day
- 2010. The Galactic Ambassador
- 2010. The Grave
- 2010. The Haunted Valley
- 2010. The Missionary's Return
- 2010. The Passing of Arthur: An Epyllion
- 2010. The Survivors to Their Heirs
- 2010. The Vampire's Daymare
- 2010. The Wandering UnDead
- 2010. Vigil
- 2010. Visitor by Starlight
- 2010. When the Conquerors Came
- 2010. When the Dreamer of Worlds Awakes
- 2010. Where the White Crow Flies
- 2012. A Verse to Horrors
- 2012. Abecedary of Monsters and the Monstrous
- 2012. Checklist of Monsters and the Monstrous: In Order of Appearance
- 2019. Lunatic
- 2022. ...Is Death
- 2022. And When the Bold Word-Monger Came
- 2022. Because I Would Not Stop for Death
- 2022. Dermatillomania
- 2022. From: Averse to Horrors: An Abecedary of Monsters and the Monstrous
- 2022. Nosferatu Arrives at Wisborg
- 2022. On the First Outdoor Testing of a Man-Made Bacterium in a Strawberry Patch in California
- 2022. Savage
- 2022. The Dweller on the Edge of Day
- 2022. The Envy of Demons
- 2022. The Galactic Ambassador Is Invited to Hear the Hand-built Organ on a Newly Conquered World, Its Function Explained by the Victorious Planetary Overlord
- 2022. The Legend of Kometes
- 2022. The Program
- 2022. The Wind from Whirl-Away
- 2022. Triple Sonnet in a Season of Pandemic
- 2022. Warren Evaluates the Effects of Aripiprazole
- 2022. Warren Says Farewell to His Father's Ghost
- 2022. Warren—Portrait of the Artist as a Neurotic
- 2022. When the Dreamer of Worlds Wakes
- Unknown. A Measure of Calm
- Unknown. Alchemical Texts
- Unknown. Amazing Stories: Sixty Years of the Best Science Fiction
- Unknown. Apertures: A Study of the Writings of Brian W. Aldiss
- Unknown. Archer's Goon
- Unknown. Atlan
- Unknown. Bio of an Ogre
- Unknown. Boxen: The Imaginary World of the Young C. S. Lewis
- Unknown. Brian W. Aldiss
- Unknown. Brian W. Aldiss
- Unknown. Brian W. Aldiss
- Unknown. Bronwyn's Bane
- Unknown. C. S. Lewis: A Biography
- Unknown. Catastrophe
- Unknown. Catmagic
- Unknown. Collected Poems
- Unknown. Commencement
- Unknown. Contemporary Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Poetry
- Unknown. Corona Obscura: Sonets Dark and Elemental
- Unknown. England and Always: Tolkien's World of the Rings
- Unknown. Executive
- Unknown. Faces of Fear: Encounters with the Creators of Modern Horror
- Unknown. Fantastic Lives
- Unknown. Fantasy: Theorie und Geschichte einer Literischen Gattung
- Unknown. Far Below and Other Horrors
- Unknown. Far Futures
- Unknown. Foragers
- Unknown. Ghost
- Unknown. H. P. Lovecraft: The Decline of the West
- Unknown. Helliconia Winter
- Unknown. Hound Dog: A Romance for Our Time
- Unknown. Inside Outer Space: Science Fiction Professionals Look at Their Craft
- Unknown. Intervention
- Unknown. Isaac Asimov's Fantasy!
- Unknown. Isaac Asimov's Fantasy!
- Unknown. Joel in Tananar
- Unknown. Liavek
- Unknown. Life in the West
- Unknown. Machines That Kill
- Unknown. Murdercon
- Unknown. My Science Project
- Unknown. Night Show
- Unknown. Out of My Head
- Unknown. Out of Phaze
- Unknown. Philosophy and Science Fiction
- Unknown. Piers Anthony
- Unknown. Politician
- Unknown. Portal to E'ewere
- Unknown. Quadriphobia
- Unknown. Reflections on the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Fourth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts
- Unknown. Reflections on the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Fourth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts
- Unknown. Robert Bloch
- Unknown. Seventh Son
- Unknown. Skeleton Crew
- Unknown. Snail
- Unknown. Soldier Boy
- Unknown. Speaker for the Dead
- Unknown. Splintered Light: Logos and Language in Tolkien's World
- Unknown. Stephen King as Richard Bachman
- Unknown. Sun's End
- Unknown. Tales of Fear & Frightening Phenomena
- Unknown. The Annotated Guide to Stephen King
- Unknown. The Annotated Guide to Stephen King
- Unknown. The Bachman Books
- Unknown. The Beasts of Valhalla
- Unknown. The Book of the Stars
- Unknown. The Films of Stephen King
- Unknown. The Films of Stephen King
- Unknown. The Happy Man
- Unknown. The Land of Laughs
- Unknown. The Many Facets of Stephen King
- Unknown. The Orchard
- Unknown. The Politics of Fantasy: C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien
- Unknown. The Power and the Prophet
- Unknown. The Religion of Science Fiction
- Unknown. The Revenge of the Senior Citizens ** Plus
- Unknown. The Ring
- Unknown. The Seven Towers
- Unknown. The Shorter Works of Stephen King
- Unknown. The Shorter Works of Stephen King
- Unknown. The Stephen King Phenomenon
- Unknown. The Umbral Anthology of Science Fiction Poetry
- Unknown. The Wizard in Waiting
- Unknown. The Work of Stephen King: An Annotated Bibliography & Guide
- Unknown. The Work of Stephen King: An Annotated Bibliography & Guide
- Unknown. The Work of Stephen King: An Annotated Bibliography & Guide
- Unknown. The World of Colin Wilson
- Unknown. Things Invisible to See
- Unknown. Time Out of Mind
- Unknown. Tolkien: New Critical Perspectives
- Unknown. Tomb Seven
- Unknown. Viscous Circle
- Unknown. We Have a Nervous Job
- 2013. Fresh Blood & Old Bones
- 2013. Inheritance
- 2013. The Lords of Salem
- 2013. Up from Soil Fresh
- 2014. Pearry Teo's Bedlam Stories: The Battle for Oz and Wonderland Begins
- 2014. The Guns of Santa Sangre
- 2014. The Universal and Other Terrors
- 2014. Evil Never Dies
- 2014. Wolf's Cut
- 2014. The Revenant of Rebecca Pascal
- 2014. SNAFU: An Anthology of Military Horror
- 2015. A Darke Phantastique: Encounters with the Uncanny and Other Magical Things
- 2015. Exponential
- 2015. SNAFU: An Anthology of Military Horrors
Short Fiction
- Unknown. A Midnight Shooting on the Golden State Freeway
- Unknown. A Pound of Chocolates on St. Valentine's Day
- Unknown. And All the Stars Shall Fail
- Unknown. Bars
- Unknown. DeathSong
- Unknown. Forbidden Fruit
- Unknown. High Tribunal
- Unknown. Nascence: A Pastoral
- Unknown. Package from Home
- Unknown. Palimpsest
- Unknown. Root ... and Branch
- Unknown. The Calling of Iam'Kendron
- Unknown. The Elevator
- Unknown. The Grand Experiment
- Unknown. The Song of the Worm
- Unknown. Wer Means Man
- 2007. How Santa's Reindeer Learned to Fly
- 2010. Ambassador
- 2010. Chaos and Ancient Night
- 2010. Jury of His Peers
- 2010. Mating Quest
- 2010. The Grave's a Finely Primate Place
- 2012. Accommodation
- 2012. In the Haunted Darkness
- 2012. Space Opera
- 2013. Space Opera: Episode Two—The Great Old One Strikes Back
- 2015. Space Operae! A Tale of Three Planets
- 2016. The Egress of Hell
- 2017. In the Haunted Dark
- 2019. Dame Ginny McLaserbeam and the Dastardly Duke
- 2022. Brace the Bear and the Great Eagle-beyond-the-Mountain
- 2022. In the Haunting Darkness
- 2022. Miniaturist
- 0000. Writing Darkness - Bram Stoker Award, Superior Achievement in Non-Fiction (Nomination)
- 0000. A Verse to Horrors: An Abecedary of Monsters and the Monstrous - Bram Stoker Award, Superior Achievement in a Poetry Collection (Nomination)
- 0000. Corona Obscura: Sonets Dark and Elemental - Bram Stoker Award, Superior Achievement in a Poetry Collection (Nomination)
- 0000. Corona Obscura: Sonets Dark and Elemental - Elgin Award, Book (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. I, Taliesin: The Joseph Smith/King Arthur Sonets—A Brief Epic - Association for Mormon Letters Award, Poetry (Nomination below cutoff)
- horror (8 books)
- science fiction (2 books)
- Brian W. Aldiss (1 book)
- aliens (1 book)
- dark fantasy (1 book)
- fantasy (1 book)
- Essays on Stephen King (1 book)
- Essays on Orson Scott Card (1 book)
- poetry collection (1 book)
- horror poetry (1 book)
- science fiction poetry (1 book)
- fantasy poetry (1 book)