Michael Arnzen
Source: "Michael Arnzen Bibliography." Author Wars, https://authorwars.com/authors/michael-arnzen.html".
Chapter Books
- Unknown. The Selected Works of Michael Arnzen: Needles and Sins
- Unknown. Writhing in Darkness: Part I
- Unknown. Writhing in Darkness: Part II
- Unknown. Introduction (Poking the Gun: The Selected Poetry of John Grey)
- Unknown. Introduction: Choking to Death: Musings on Kurt Newton's Dark Demons
- Unknown. Perfect Pitch
- Unknown. The Pro Shop: Reading Texts, or, My Bookstore Is Talking To Me
- 2013. Top Five Reasons I Admire the Hell Out of Tim Waggoner
- 2018. At the Huts of Ajala: A Commentary
- 2018. Conversion Therapy: A Commentary
- 2018. Just Between Us: A Commentary
- 2018. Otherwise: A Commentary
- 2018. Street Worm: A Commentary
- 2018. The Beads of Ku: A Commentary
- 2018. Why Nisi Shawl Matters
- 2020. Why Han Song Matters
- 2022. Like Fright on Lice: Humor and Horror Poetry
- 2024. Preface (Extrasensory Overload: An Anthology of Speculative Excess)
Magazine Editor
- Unknown. "Adrift in the spacecraft"
- Unknown. After the Neo-Dark Age
- Unknown. Awake
- Unknown. Bone Cancer
- Unknown. Brazilian Night
- Unknown. Censorship
- Unknown. Chew Again
- Unknown. Commute
- Unknown. Darkroom Cuts
- Unknown. Double Burial
- Unknown. Dried Red Leech Found in a Dusty Book
- Unknown. Eclipse of Reason
- Unknown. Exhaling You
- Unknown. Exogenesis
- Unknown. Feelers
- Unknown. Frothing
- Unknown. Glarewolves
- Unknown. Green
- Unknown. Harvest Soliloquy Silent
- Unknown. In Daddy's Workshop
- Unknown. In the Box
- Unknown. Jesus Wept, But
- Unknown. Katzen Clavier
- Unknown. Kids Watch in Horror As Clown Chokes to Death on Balloon
- Unknown. Lunge
- Unknown. Memorabilia
- Unknown. Morning: Cyrogenic Sleep Chamber
- Unknown. Murder Sauna
- Unknown. Rest Note
- Unknown. Resuscitation
- Unknown. rockface
- Unknown. Scream 6
- Unknown. Smoker
- Unknown. So Say the Dead
- Unknown. Stand Up Comic
- Unknown. Stripper
- Unknown. Suicidiot
- Unknown. The Astronaut's Camping Trip
- Unknown. The Night the Nativity Set Came Alive
- Unknown. The One Whose Eyes Would Not Close
- Unknown. The Poem Wall
- Unknown. The Rub
- Unknown. Varicose
- Unknown. Wasp Sting Makes Barber Slash Man's Throat
- Unknown. Watching You Dance Between Punchlines
- Unknown. Wine
- 2009. Switched at Birth
- 2019. He Carves Wood
- 2020. Curtains
- 2021. The Umami of Blood
- 2024. Biology Lesson
- Unknown. Audiovile
- Unknown. Dying
- Unknown. Needles and Sins
- Unknown. Sorceries and Sorrows: Early Poems
- Unknown. The Selected Works of Michael Arnzen: Needles and Sins
- Unknown. Underfoot
- 2002. Handy Office Guide to Corporate Monsters
Short Fiction
- Unknown. A Change of Policy
- Unknown. A Lust for Lungs
- Unknown. An Eye for an Eye
- Unknown. Copycats
- Unknown. Counterpoint
- Unknown. Dying
- Unknown. Immaterial Girl
- Unknown. Last Drink Bird Head
- Unknown. Limber
- Unknown. Marked
- Unknown. Nirvana by Noon
- Unknown. Phrenological Love
- Unknown. Punishment
- Unknown. Receiver
- Unknown. Spring Ahead, Fall Back
- Unknown. Taking Care of Baby
- Unknown. The Spirit of the Bayonet
- Unknown. Writhe
- 0000. "Adrift in the spacecraft" - Dwarf Stars Award, Best Poem (Nomination below cutoff)