Mary A. Turzillo
Source: "Mary A. Turzillo Bibliography." Author Wars,".
- Unknown. Bonsai Babies
- Unknown. Dragon Soup
- Unknown. Galileo's Blindness
- Unknown. Your Cat & Other Space Aliens
- 2012. Lovers & Killers
- 2014. Sweet Poison
- 2017. Satan's Sweethearts
- 2021. Victims
- 2022. Cosmic Cats & Fantastic Furballs: Fantasy and Science Fiction Stories with Cats
- 2023. Cast from Darkness
- Unknown. C. J. Cherryh and Tomorrow's New Sex Roles
- Unknown. From the Small Press (Star*Line, Fall 2022)
- Unknown. Heavy Metal Lyrics: Are They Horror Poetry?
- Unknown. Letter (Aboriginal, November-December 1988)
- Unknown. Letter (Analog, December 1990)
- Unknown. Letter (Realms of Fantasy, February 1999)
- Unknown. Mars Isn't Easy
- Unknown. Philip José Farmer, Memories
- Unknown. The Great Age
- Unknown. The Launching Pad (Spring 1982)
- 2014. How to Read Herb Kauderer
- Unknown. "Asteroid belt..."
- Unknown. "Comet Kohoutek..."
- Unknown. "Dumb as a rock..."
- Unknown. "Tachyons..."
- Unknown. 2002: Galileo Dies
- Unknown. Aesthetics of Evil
- Unknown. Afterwords
- Unknown. An Indian Woman
- Unknown. Another Dragon Soup
- Unknown. Augmented
- Unknown. Bearded Kaliópe
- Unknown. Blue Tulips
- Unknown. Botanist
- Unknown. Boxes of Poetry
- Unknown. Boxworld
- Unknown. Brit Lit One
- Unknown. Cable Fridge
- Unknown. Care and Feeding
- Unknown. Careful What You Bring Home from the Animal Shelter
- Unknown. Carpe Diem
- Unknown. Cats Can Colonize Jupiter
- Unknown. Cats Can Colonize Mars
- Unknown. Check Out Madonna
- Unknown. Cold Life
- Unknown. Consolations of Bast
- Unknown. Corn Snake
- Unknown. Crustaceans
- Unknown. Daddy Says It's Not a Dragon
- Unknown. Dark of the Moon
- Unknown. Darryl's
- Unknown. Dash
- Unknown. December Morning
- Unknown. Dinosaurs May Be Ancestors of More Than Birds
- Unknown. Diva
- Unknown. Doctor Mather's Dyschronic Ward
- Unknown. Dragons Behold the Works of Man
- Unknown. Duplicate, Unreachably Far from You
- Unknown. Early Space Traveler Fantasies
- Unknown. Edward Curtis's Two Zuni Girls at the River, with Pots
- Unknown. Eolian Conscientia
- Unknown. Epithalamion
- Unknown. False Memory
- Unknown. FAQ
- Unknown. Fire River
- Unknown. Flowers Over Steel
- Unknown. Foam Peanuts Float in Ditch
- Unknown. Foreigner
- Unknown. Foundling
- Unknown. Gacy
- Unknown. Galatea
- Unknown. Galileo Flies at Midnight
- Unknown. Galileo's Blindness
- Unknown. God's Savagery in a Hospital Corridor
- Unknown. Going Viral
- Unknown. Graffiti Tree
- Unknown. Guatemala Earth
- Unknown. Gypsy and the Snake
- Unknown. Halloween Poem for Marge
- Unknown. Hamsters
- Unknown. He Was Like
- Unknown. Hibiscus Island, 2304 AD
- Unknown. Homage to Julian Barbour
- Unknown. Honey, You
- Unknown. How to Conquer Gravity
- Unknown. How to Pick-Berries
- Unknown. Hydrangea
- Unknown. If We Are Alone
- Unknown. if you loved me
- Unknown. In the Female Utopia
- Unknown. Journey's End
- Unknown. LaBrea Tar Pits, Early Summer, Dinnertime
- Unknown. Lawnmowers
- Unknown. Little Gravity
- Unknown. Lucille
- Unknown. Mage and Lady
- Unknown. Manhood Rite
- Unknown. Mantis
- Unknown. Metamorphosis of the English Teacher
- Unknown. Milo
- Unknown. Monster Cats
- Unknown. Moon Girl, Earth Guy
- Unknown. Moon, Oh Luminous Companion
- Unknown. More Mermaids?
- Unknown. More Ways to Tell If Your Cat Is a Space Alien
- Unknown. Morgaine Mourns the Loss of Lancelot
- Unknown. Moving to Enceladus
- Unknown. Mucusoids
- Unknown. My Dentist's Son
- Unknown. No Poem
- Unknown. Not My Mother's Dream
- Unknown. Off to the Big Time
- Unknown. Old Fruit Peddler
- Unknown. Old Poet Calls Me Up
- Unknown. Pasadena, July 4, 1997: Earth Invades Mars
- Unknown. Past Lives
- Unknown. Persephone in Autumn
- Unknown. Play/Ground
- Unknown. Please Accept
- Unknown. Plotting the Accident
- Unknown. Product Recalls
- Unknown. Rat
- Unknown. Reading the Poet's Essay
- Unknown. Road Kill
- Unknown. Saturday Night at the Poetry Zoo
- Unknown. She Wasn't Afraid
- Unknown. She Who Was the Beautiful Helmet Maker's Wife
- Unknown. Signs You're in Trouble
- Unknown. Sirens
- Unknown. Sirens
- Unknown. Snow After False Spring, Again
- Unknown. Some Joys Never Die
- Unknown. Sonnet 65,000,000 BC
- Unknown. Spirit at Troy
- Unknown. St. E's Emergency
- Unknown. Suppose Heaven
- Unknown. Surrogate
- Unknown. Switchback above Cat's Tail Creek
- Unknown. Take You Away
- Unknown. The Deep
- Unknown. The Dragon Poet
- Unknown. The Editors Regret
- Unknown. The Hunter's Mothers
- Unknown. The Legend of the Emperor's Space Suit (A Tale of Consensus Reality)
- Unknown. The Maiden's Child
- Unknown. The Monster's Mother
- Unknown. The Need of Her Flesh
- Unknown. The Night They Blew "The Thinker" Up
- Unknown. The Shrine at Fushimi Inari
- Unknown. The Telescope
- Unknown. The Tooth
- Unknown. The Tyrannosaur Under 81st and 7th Avenue
- Unknown. The View from Cruithne
- Unknown. Theatre Moonie
- Unknown. Things
- Unknown. Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird Looking at a Black Cat
- Unknown. This Fortunate Universe
- Unknown. This Is Just to Say
- Unknown. Those Quarks
- Unknown. Time Travel (In the Age of Miss Manners)
- Unknown. Titania at the End of Time
- Unknown. Tony
- Unknown. Two Girls Escaped
- Unknown. Unbound Planet
- Unknown. Venus Again
- Unknown. Vicious Trees
- Unknown. Visit to the Medicine Man
- Unknown. We Just Want to Dance
- Unknown. We Made Poetry
- Unknown. Whales Discover Fireworks
- Unknown. What Do Women Want?
- Unknown. When the Aliens Come to Tea
- Unknown. You Know Your Dragon's in Love When
- Unknown. Your Alien Bride
- Unknown. Your Dragon Bride
- 1989. Report
- 2006. Iphigenia in Shaker Heights
- 2011. Cold War Champions: Bobby Fischer and Yuri Gagarin Descend to Earth
- 2012. Invisible Cat
- 2012. Café
- 2012. Case 3785
- 2012. Danse Macabre
- 2012. Davey
- 2012. Digging Up Galileo
- 2012. Driving into Uranus
- 2012. Gift from Above
- 2012. I Have Drunk the Blood
- 2012. Inquisition
- 2012. Lady Killer
- 2012. Lady M
- 2012. Lincoln Road Hotties/Pastel Towers on Collins Ave
- 2012. Men
- 2012. New Release: Corals and Humans Share Nerve Genes
- 2012. Our Christmas Letter
- 2012. Proxmire's Complaint
- 2012. Rapture
- 2012. Saint Theresa and the Fuck-Me Shoes
- 2012. Singing the Blues
- 2012. Stop to Kill the Roses
- 2012. Tangles
- 2012. Tatiana
- 2012. The Bus
- 2012. The Good News
- 2012. The Hidden
- 2012. The Last Weed
- 2012. Tohoku Tsunami
- 2012. What Yeats Left Out
- 2014. Eolian Conscienta
- 2017. The Thing that Ate You
- 2019. Alaska to the Stars
- 2019. Lava
- 2021. Alexander's Babylon
- 2021. Pygmalion
- 2022. Birthpangs, Deathpangs
- 2023. Ailurophobe
- Unknown. Death Chants
- Unknown. Death in the Spirit House
- Unknown. Journey to Membliar
- Unknown. Lovers & Killers
- Unknown. Marlborough Street
- Unknown. Nefertiti's Tenth Life
- Unknown. The Little People
- Unknown. Tool of the Trade
- Unknown. Universe 16
- Unknown. Woman Space: Future and Fantasy: Stories and Art by Women
- Unknown. An Old-Fashioned Martian Girl (Part 1 of 4)
- Unknown. An Old-Fashioned Martian Girl (Part 2 of 4)
- Unknown. An Old-Fashioned Martian Girl (Part 3 of 4)
- Unknown. An Old-Fashioned Martian Girl (Part 4 of 4)
Short Fiction
- Unknown. A Punctuated Romance
- Unknown. A Song Against the Dark
- Unknown. Alex
- Unknown. Alien Dreams
- Unknown. An Ice Place to Play
- Unknown. And What Were Roses?
- Unknown. April Flowers, November Harvest
- Unknown. Arms and the Man
- Unknown. Black Widow
- Unknown. Bloodtide
- Unknown. Bottle Babies
- Unknown. Bounded in a Nutshell
- Unknown. By Ben Cruachan
- Unknown. Car Talk
- Unknown. Chocolate Kittens from Mars
- Unknown. Chrysoberyl
- Unknown. Crawl Space
- Unknown. Crimes Against Nature
- Unknown. Der Schnaal
- Unknown. Eat or Be Eaten: A Love Story
- Unknown. Encore
- Unknown. Footprints
- Unknown. Get with Child a Mandrake
- Unknown. Handyman
- Unknown. Harrowing Hell
- Unknown. Hobson's Choices
- Unknown. Jewlly, Erased
- Unknown. Kill Dance
- Unknown. Kings
- Unknown. Kraken
- Unknown. Lin Jee
- Unknown. Marla and the Eeler
- Unknown. Mars Girls (Novel Excerpt)
- Unknown. Mars Is No Place for Children
- Unknown. Mate
- Unknown. Milk
- Unknown. Miranda's Monster
- Unknown. My Vegetable Love
- Unknown. Neezies
- Unknown. Nefertiti's Tenth Life
- Unknown. Nel fondo dell'oceano
- Unknown. Notes Toward a New Trait As Revealed by Correlation Among Items of the Mmmpi
- Unknown. Pigeon Droop
- Unknown. Pride
- Unknown. Purple
- Unknown. Quando Gretchen era humana
- Unknown. Rebirth
- Unknown. Skin Rider
- Unknown. Someone Is Eating America's Chess Masters
- Unknown. Steak Tartare and the Cats of Gari Babakin
- Unknown. Still Life with Crocus
- Unknown. The Child Inside
- Unknown. The Guatemala Cure
- Unknown. The Mandelbrot Dragon
- Unknown. The Sleel
- Unknown. Thumbkin, Caesar, Princess, and Troll
- Unknown. What Do I See in You?
- Unknown. When Gretchen Was Human
- Unknown. Worm Turned
- Unknown. Zora and the Land Ethic Nomads
- 2007. Scout
- 2009. The Sugar
- 2011. The Beast Erect
- 2014. A Virgin Hand Disarm'd
- 2014. The Space Gypsies and the Ronin Planet
- 2015. When She Quickens
- 2015. The Other One
- 2016. Seeds
- 2016. Steak Tartare and the Cats of Gari Babakin Station
- 2022. A Small Gift from Miw
- 2022. Cat Sez
- 2022. Lynx Star: The Sneaky Invasion
- 2022. Pigeon Drop
- 2022. The Painter and the Sphynx
- 2022. When Cassie and Me Got into the Freezer
- 2022. Yoshi and the Dragon's Pearl
- 0000. Mars Is No Place for Children - Nebula Award, Novelette (Win)
- 0000. Sweet Poison - Elgin Award, Book (Win)
- 0000. Lovers & Killers - Elgin Award, Book (Win)
- 0000. How to Conquer Gravity - Analog Award, Best Poem (Win)
- 0000. Dash - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination)
- 0000. Care and Feeding - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Poem (Nomination)
- 0000. Satan's Sweethearts - Elgin Award, Book (Nomination)
- 0000. Eat or Be Eaten: A Love Story - British Science Fiction Award, Best Short Fiction (Nomination)
- 0000. Corn Snake - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Poem (Nomination)
- 0000. Crustaceans - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Poem (Nomination)
- 0000. Pride - Nebula Award, Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. When the Aliens Come to Tea - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Moving to Enceladus - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Galatea - Rhysling Award, Long Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Sonnet 65,000,000 BC - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Graffiti Tree - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Victims - Elgin Award, Book (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Victims - Elgin Award, Book (Nomination below cutoff)
- science fiction (3 books)
- zombies (1 book)
- child protagonist (1 book)
- mars (1 book)
- Afrofuturism (1 book)
- cancer (1 book)
- leukemia (1 book)
- colonization (1 book)
- indenture (1 book)
- indentured servitude (1 book)
- childhood (1 book)
- epistolary (1 book)
- dystopia (1 book)
- self-driving car (1 book)
- near future (1 book)