K. S. Hardy
Source: "K. S. Hardy Bibliography." Author Wars, https://authorwars.com/authors/k-s-hardy.html".
Chapter Books
- Unknown. A Whimsical Cottage: Twisted Humor Tales and Poems
- Unknown. Frostfire Worlds Presents
- Unknown. The Day the Electricals Ended: Tales from Out There
- Unknown. Weaving the Light
- 2017. The Scream
- 2019. The Day the Electricals Ended
- 2020. Lovecraft's Tomb
Interior Art
- Unknown. "Must get rid of dog"
- Unknown. "The stars are the braille"
- Unknown. "Watching the black hole"
- Unknown. A Carnival at Midnight
- Unknown. A CGI Lobotomy
- Unknown. A Hush at Midnight
- Unknown. A Place of No Shadows
- Unknown. A Plague of Birds
- Unknown. A Postcard from Hell
- Unknown. A Race of Giants
- Unknown. A Rembrance of Death
- Unknown. A Rumor of Bones
- Unknown. A Symphony of Screams
- Unknown. A Voice Old
- Unknown. A Whimsical Cottage
- Unknown. After Armageddon
- Unknown. Afternoon Games with Steve
- Unknown. Alien Bones
- Unknown. Alien Lights
- Unknown. Angels Of Nightmare
- Unknown. Ants In My Heart
- Unknown. At Midnight
- Unknown. Banshee in the Basement
- Unknown. Beautiful Dreamer
- Unknown. Behind the Wall
- Unknown. Bewildered Angel
- Unknown. Beyond the Veil
- Unknown. Black Holes
- Unknown. Blood Bath
- Unknown. Blood Red Screams
- Unknown. Boat of Bone
- Unknown. Bone Doll
- Unknown. Canopic Jars
- Unknown. Cast Iron Stove
- Unknown. Celestial Peephole
- Unknown. Children of the Moon
- Unknown. Cinderella's Coachmen
- Unknown. Clark
- Unknown. Clockwork Crickets
- Unknown. Cold Blood
- Unknown. Cold Stars
- Unknown. Cold to the Bone
- Unknown. Cosmic Egg
- Unknown. Cretaceous Crime Scene
- Unknown. Cyclops
- Unknown. Dark Wind
- Unknown. Daydream Believer
- Unknown. Dead Star
- Unknown. Death Is a Dream
- Unknown. Demon By My Bed
- Unknown. Digger
- Unknown. Dinosaur for Dinner
- Unknown. Discarded Skins
- Unknown. Disenchantment
- Unknown. Do Not Disturb the Night
- Unknown. Doppelganger
- Unknown. Down Loading
- Unknown. Dragon Dreaming
- Unknown. Dragon's Egg
- Unknown. Dream Factory
- Unknown. Dream Watching
- Unknown. Dreamed of Worlds
- Unknown. Dressed in Night
- Unknown. Embroidered Eyelids
- Unknown. Empty Houses
- Unknown. Ex-Teen Angel
- Unknown. Fairy Dreams
- Unknown. Fairy Tale Tabloids
- Unknown. Fairy Tales
- Unknown. Fairy Wing
- Unknown. First Contact
- Unknown. Flesh Wounds
- Unknown. Following the Moon
- Unknown. Food of the God
- Unknown. Frog Song
- Unknown. Funeral for a Mermaid
- Unknown. Funeral for the Dryads
- Unknown. Gargoyle
- Unknown. Gasmask
- Unknown. Gather My Bones
- Unknown. Gatherer of Stars
- Unknown. Ghost Haiku
- Unknown. Ghost Hopes
- Unknown. Ghost Hunters
- Unknown. Ghost Train
- Unknown. Giant Bread
- Unknown. Gremlins Inc.
- Unknown. Haunted
- Unknown. Haunted Forest
- Unknown. Haunted Portrait
- Unknown. Her Name Was Raven
- Unknown. Here Be Monsters
- Unknown. High Moon
- Unknown. Home Invasion
- Unknown. House Of Horrors
- Unknown. In My Brain
- Unknown. In The Grave
- Unknown. In Thrall
- Unknown. Insectoid Women
- Unknown. Iron Mountain
- Unknown. Killing Your Shadow
- Unknown. Kiss of Death
- Unknown. Kraken
- Unknown. Lady Death
- Unknown. Land of Night
- Unknown. Leaving Earth
- Unknown. Light Speed
- Unknown. Little Abes
- Unknown. Lost Minds
- Unknown. Love on Another Planet
- Unknown. Lovecraft's Tomb
- Unknown. Maggot Man
- Unknown. Maniacal Laughter
- Unknown. Mapping the Moon
- Unknown. March Moon
- Unknown. Mechanical Hands
- Unknown. Medusa's Garden
- Unknown. Melanie's Ghost
- Unknown. Merlin's Tree
- Unknown. Mermaid's on the Titanic
- Unknown. Message from The Reapers
- Unknown. Meteor Shower
- Unknown. Midnight Show
- Unknown. Midnight Sonata
- Unknown. Mirror
- Unknown. Mistaken for a Butterfly
- Unknown. Modern Medusa
- Unknown. Monster Mother
- Unknown. Moon Miracle
- Unknown. Moon Over Innsmouth
- Unknown. Moon Sister
- Unknown. Moon Tea
- Unknown. Moon Witch
- Unknown. Moondeath
- Unknown. Moonroads
- Unknown. Mountain of Bone
- Unknown. Mourning Sun
- Unknown. My Alien Lover
- Unknown. My Demon Bride
- Unknown. Mystery of the Moon
- Unknown. Never Been Kissed
- Unknown. New and Improved Adam
- Unknown. Night
- Unknown. Night Flower
- Unknown. Not My Mother's Broomstick
- Unknown. Nuclear Snow
- Unknown. Of Celestial Tourists
- Unknown. On a Planet with Double Suns
- Unknown. Open Graves
- Unknown. Out of Shape
- Unknown. Over the Moon
- Unknown. Owlman
- Unknown. Patient 13
- Unknown. Peep
- Unknown. Pickled Fairy
- Unknown. Pinocchio's Lament
- Unknown. Pleasure Excursion
- Unknown. Prosthetic Wings
- Unknown. Rain Goddess
- Unknown. Rapunzel's Hairdresser
- Unknown. Razor
- Unknown. Resurrection Inc.
- Unknown. Revelation
- Unknown. River of Darkness
- Unknown. Robot Butterflies
- Unknown. Robot Envy
- Unknown. Saint Neil
- Unknown. Satan Drops a Line
- Unknown. School Trip 2072
- Unknown. Scratchings on the Roof
- Unknown. Seductress or Succubus
- Unknown. Shadow Lover
- Unknown. Shadowed Lands
- Unknown. Shipwreck
- Unknown. Shrunken Heads
- Unknown. Shy in the Sky
- Unknown. Silent Night
- Unknown. Siren Ship
- Unknown. Skeleton in the Closet
- Unknown. Skin Trade
- Unknown. Sleeping Beauty
- Unknown. Sleeping Beauty's Court
- Unknown. Snow White's Dilema
- Unknown. Snow White's Dilemma
- Unknown. Song of the Night
- Unknown. Songs for Queen Mab
- Unknown. Sonnet to Fantasy
- Unknown. Sorrow in the Heavens
- Unknown. Star Sirens
- Unknown. Star Song
- Unknown. Statues of the Elder Gods
- Unknown. Tea Time for Trolls
- Unknown. Tears
- Unknown. Terror of the Night
- Unknown. The Altars of the Night
- Unknown. The Alters of the Night
- Unknown. The Attack Of The Butterflies
- Unknown. The Bell Spell
- Unknown. The Bone Flute
- Unknown. The Bones of Stars
- Unknown. The Book of Nighmares
- Unknown. The Book of Worms
- Unknown. The Borderland of Dream
- Unknown. The Captive
- Unknown. The Castle of Bone
- Unknown. The Ceremonial Drum
- Unknown. The Clockwork of Comets
- Unknown. The Congress Of Cockroaches
- Unknown. The Conjurer of Storms
- Unknown. The Corpse Light
- Unknown. The Crime of the Moon
- Unknown. The Daemons
- Unknown. The Darkness Unending
- Unknown. The Dead Giant
- Unknown. The Death of a Medium
- Unknown. The Dementia Dimension
- Unknown. The Devil's Children
- Unknown. The Devil's Hourglass
- Unknown. The Devil's Kiss
- Unknown. The Doll Collector
- Unknown. The Door to Never
- Unknown. The Doorway of Night
- Unknown. The Dragon's Maiden
- Unknown. The Dream of the Shadow
- Unknown. The Dryad's Song
- Unknown. The Earth Remembers
- Unknown. The Eater of Dreams
- Unknown. The Eclipse of the Moon
- Unknown. The End of Night
- Unknown. The End of the World
- Unknown. The Excuses of the Caterpillar
- Unknown. The Extraction
- Unknown. The Fairies Ride
- Unknown. The First Werewolves on the Moon
- Unknown. The Flowers of the Moon
- Unknown. The Germs Danced
- Unknown. The Ghost Writers
- Unknown. The Gnome
- Unknown. The Guy Belleranti Triad
- Unknown. The Hanged Man's Shadow
- Unknown. The Hidden Places
- Unknown. The Ice Age In New York
- Unknown. The Inventor of Dreams
- Unknown. The Judgement Bell
- Unknown. The Keepsake
- Unknown. The Kingdom of the Worms
- Unknown. The Kiss of Night
- Unknown. The Lady Of Glass
- Unknown. The Land of Nod
- Unknown. The Language of Knives
- Unknown. The Last Book
- Unknown. The Leaf Man
- Unknown. The Leave Taking
- Unknown. The Madman's Monday
- Unknown. The Man from Providence
- Unknown. The Man in the Mirror
- Unknown. The Map Of Shadows
- Unknown. The Mask
- Unknown. The Maze
- Unknown. The Merry-Go-Round-Ghost
- Unknown. The Mist at the Window
- Unknown. The Mist-Draped Island
- Unknown. The Monk
- Unknown. The Museum of the Ocean
- Unknown. The Music of the Moon
- Unknown. The Mute Book
- Unknown. The Mysteries of Sleep
- Unknown. The New Day
- Unknown. The New Star
- Unknown. The Oracle
- Unknown. The Orchard in Rain
- Unknown. The Origin of Ghosts
- Unknown. The Outer Darkness
- Unknown. The Owl Catcher Poem
- Unknown. The Painter of Moonscapes
- Unknown. The Painter of Nightmares
- Unknown. The Penguins Protest
- Unknown. The Prisoner of the Moon
- Unknown. The Probed Probes
- Unknown. The Queen of the Moon
- Unknown. The Quiet of the Grave
- Unknown. The Rain God
- Unknown. The Rat's Hymn
- Unknown. The Revenant's Revenge
- Unknown. The Romance of Night and Day
- Unknown. The Sacred Etchings
- Unknown. The Sacred Night
- Unknown. The Sacrifice
- Unknown. The Scrapper
- Unknown. The Scream Of The Moth
- Unknown. The Seeing Stone
- Unknown. The Shadows Weep
- Unknown. The Shattered Hourglass
- Unknown. The Shifter's Confession
- Unknown. The Shore
- Unknown. The Skull Man
- Unknown. The Slicing
- Unknown. The Snailshell Cup
- Unknown. The Snow Fairies
- Unknown. The Sphinx
- Unknown. The Spider King
- Unknown. The Star Bard
- Unknown. The Stars Ripen
- Unknown. The Thaw
- Unknown. The Tombstone
- Unknown. The Tooth Fairy's Castle
- Unknown. The Twiig Man
- Unknown. The Unicorn's Betrayal
- Unknown. The Unsleeping Worm
- Unknown. The Vampire's Whisper
- Unknown. The Weeping Woman
- Unknown. The Whimpering Creature
- Unknown. The Wire
- Unknown. The Witch's Baking Day
- Unknown. The Witch's Familiar
- Unknown. The Witching Hour
- Unknown. The Worm's Song
- Unknown. The Zeppelins Return
- Unknown. Theft of the Moon
- Unknown. They Dig
- Unknown. Tick Tock
- Unknown. Time Merchant
- Unknown. To the Gods of Darkness
- Unknown. Turn Skin
- Unknown. Twitch the Witch
- Unknown. Unemployed Angels
- Unknown. Used Pumpkin
- Unknown. Vanity
- Unknown. Visions of Space
- Unknown. Voice from the Tree
- Unknown. Voices
- Unknown. Water Fairies
- Unknown. We Are Sorry To Interrupt
- Unknown. Weaving the Light
- Unknown. Weightless
- Unknown. Werewolf in a Cage
- Unknown. When Pigs Fly
- Unknown. When the Insects Stop Singing
- Unknown. When the Moon Weeps
- Unknown. While Old Ones Sleep
- Unknown. Wish You Were Here
- Unknown. Woman Warrior
- Unknown. Zombie Elections
- Unknown. Zombie Eyes
- Unknown. [scifaiku]
- 2004. Doll of Bones
- 2004. From the Other World
- 2005. The Garden of Darkness
- 2005. The Ladder to the Moon
- 2006. Night Nurse
- 2009. Dressed in Nightmare
- 2011. The Devil's Sinema
- 2012. Queen Victoria Is an Automaton
- 2012. Confession of a Water Nymph
- 2014. The Dream Eater
- 2014. Cthulhu in New York
- 2014. Unknown to Our Maps
- 2014. The Machine Planet
- 2015. Spinning the Threads
- 2020. History of the Floating City
- 2020. Alien Temple
- 2020. Ancestral Tongue
- 2020. Ancient Heart Seeking Same
- 2020. Between the Worlds
- 2020. Cursed Verse
- 2020. Elder Haiku
- 2020. From an Alchemy Manuscript
- 2020. Ghost Hoped
- 2020. Golden Stairways
- 2020. Haunted Shores
- 2020. Home from Exile
- 2020. Lady of the Crows
- 2020. Lovecraft's Bed
- 2020. Maiden of the Night
- 2020. Music from Beyond
- 2020. Night Angels
- 2020. Night Walker
- 2020. Potions
- 2020. Reading Palms
- 2020. Seance
- 2020. Shades and Shadows
- 2020. Sipping Arkham Wine
- 2020. Song of the Banshee
- 2020. Talebones
- 2020. The Church Grim
- 2020. The Claws of Doom
- 2020. The Frontier of Twilight
- 2020. The Innsmouth Rest Home
- 2020. The Madman's Lament
- 2020. The Night Voices
- 2020. The Spell Caster
- 2020. The Stars Slither
- 2020. The Twig Man
- 2020. The Usher
- 2020. The Valley of the Abyss
- 2020. They That Slither
- 2020. To Undreamed Shores
- 2020. Too Tightly Wrapped
- 2020. Under Earth
- 2020. Walking Spirits
- 2020. Whispered Gods
- 2020. Witch's Garden
- 2020. Selkie Selfie
- 2020. Vampireku
- 2021. The Hounds of Hell
- 2022. Mermaids on the Titanic
- 2022. Rhe Deathbird
- 2022. The Flat People
- 2022. In a Cold Crypt
- 2022. Grave Chill
- 2022. Moon Ship
- 2022. Rackham's Wood
- 2022. Seaworld
- 2022. The Conjoining
- 2024. 2 Ku
- 2024. Wind Witch
- 2024. Winter Roads
Short Fiction
- Unknown. A Carpet of Butterflies
- Unknown. A Kidnapping by Moonlight
- Unknown. Adrift
- Unknown. An Italian Lake
- Unknown. Astral Projection
- Unknown. Collar and Chain
- Unknown. Creeping Beauty
- Unknown. Dead Leaves
- Unknown. Dead Man's Float
- Unknown. Dear Abbess
- Unknown. Dear Sparrow
- Unknown. Do Not Shake or Stir
- Unknown. High on a Cloud Ringed Mountain
- Unknown. High on a Cloud-Ringed Mountain
- Unknown. Hitler in Hell
- Unknown. Hopscotch by Moonlight
- Unknown. House of Spiders
- Unknown. How the Pigs Lost Their Wings
- Unknown. I Am Alien
- Unknown. In the Belly of a Tiger
- Unknown. Laika Come Home
- Unknown. Mort
- Unknown. Mummy's Tea
- Unknown. My Day at the Triceratops Races
- Unknown. My Memories of Gravity
- Unknown. Mysterious Scribblings
- Unknown. Nights of Wonder
- Unknown. Old Man Winter
- Unknown. One Day on a Beach
- Unknown. Papa's Last Fishing Trip
- Unknown. Pitchforks and Torches
- Unknown. Skylights
- Unknown. Someone Walked on My Grave
- Unknown. Someone's Coming
- Unknown. Sometimes Above the Trees
- Unknown. Suicide Note from Another Time
- Unknown. Testament of a Spaceman
- Unknown. The Abomination
- Unknown. The Alien Camp
- Unknown. The Amazing Adventures of a Baloney Sandwich
- Unknown. The Antlered Crown
- Unknown. The Complaint of a Pea
- Unknown. The Cook's Last Words
- Unknown. The Darkness
- Unknown. The DNA Test
- Unknown. The Drunken Mouse
- Unknown. The Face on the Milky Way
- Unknown. The Ferryman
- Unknown. The Great Newspaper Migration
- Unknown. The Haunted House
- Unknown. The House of Spiders
- Unknown. The Inspirers
- Unknown. The Last Animal Manufactured
- Unknown. The Lobotomy
- Unknown. The Money Tree
- Unknown. The Moon Mouse and the Earth Mouse
- Unknown. The Night We All Remember
- Unknown. The Nightmare
- Unknown. The Rover
- Unknown. The Shepherd of Stones
- Unknown. The Snake's Defense
- Unknown. The Strange Hymns of Joseph Bopp
- Unknown. The Tale of the Toad
- Unknown. The Vampire Awakes
- Unknown. The Ventriloquist
- Unknown. The Walking Shadow
- Unknown. The Welcoming Committee
- Unknown. The Well
- Unknown. The Wind
- Unknown. The Wraith
- Unknown. Thief!
- Unknown. Tombstone with a Cherub on Top
- Unknown. Trixie
- Unknown. Two Sorcerers an an Imp
- Unknown. Two Sorcerers and an Imp
- Unknown. Werewolf at the Door
- Unknown. When Daddy Came Home
- Unknown. Whirlibirds
- Unknown. Why There Are No Unicorns
- Unknown. Wiyhin a Magic Circle
- 2012. The Hands
- 2012. The Ultimate Astronaut
- 2013. Her Best Trick or Treat, Ever!
- 2014. The Goat
- 2015. The Day the Electricals Ended
- 2017. A Halloween Carol
- 2017. Anything to Declare
- 2017. Cold to the Human Touch
- 2017. Cricket Boy
- 2017. Drip
- 2017. Headhunter
- 2017. Memorial Day
- 2017. Mrs. Crabtree's Kindergarten Class
- 2017. Pledge Drive
- 2017. Road Kill
- 2017. The Collector of Broken Hearts
- 2017. The Corpse Candle
- 2017. The Fingerless Man
- 2017. The Impalement
- 2017. The Monkey on His Back
- 2017. The Scream
- 2017. The Shower Scene
- 2017. The Werewolf's Confession
- 2017. Theodore Bear
- 2020. The Velociraptor Reservation
- 0000. Sleeping Beauty's Court - Dwarf Stars Award, Best Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Weightless - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- fantasy (214 books)
- horror (149 books)
- science fiction (96 books)
- humor (60 books)
- Weaving The Light (34 books)
- ghost (31 books)
- dark fantasy (28 books)
- Lovecraftian (27 books)
- Lovecraft's Tomb (26 books)
- The Scream (22 books)
- near future (22 books)
- witch (20 books)
- juvenile fantasy (19 books)
- fairy tale derivative (17 books)
- fairy (16 books)
- space travel (15 books)
- magic (15 books)
- Mythic (14 books)
- Hell (14 books)
- paranormal romance (13 books)
- alternate history (11 books)
- vampires (11 books)
- flying saucer (10 books)
- steampunk (9 books)
- werewolf (7 books)
- dragon (7 books)
- zombies (7 books)
- urban fantasy (6 books)
- unicorn (6 books)
- historical fantasy (6 books)
- furry (6 books)
- time travel (6 books)
- alien (6 books)
- death (6 books)
- robot (6 books)
- insanity (6 books)
- mummy (6 books)
- outer space (6 books)
- fairy tale (5 books)
- dinosaur (5 books)
- apocalyptic (4 books)
- juvenile sf (4 books)
- giant (3 books)
- young-adult fantasy (3 books)
- The Day The Electricals Ended (3 books)
- vampire (3 books)
- serial killer (3 books)
- Hitchcockian (3 books)
- frankenstein (3 books)
- troll (2 books)
- armageddon (2 books)
- ghosts (2 books)
- elves (2 books)
- Shakespeare reference (2 books)
- grave (2 books)
- demon (2 books)
- mermaid (2 books)
- arthurian (2 books)
- post-apocalyptic (2 books)
- wizard (2 books)
- madness (2 books)
- witchcraft (2 books)
- Lovecraft"s Tomb (2 books)
- Faerie (2 books)
- ghost ship (2 books)
- magicians (2 books)
- cloning (2 books)
- imp (2 books)
- haunting (2 books)
- fantasy unicorn (1 book)
- demons (1 book)
- aliens (1 book)
- Literature reference (1 book)
- Alice in Wonderland (1 book)
- canabalism (1 book)
- Ed Gein (1 book)
- nightmare (1 book)
- children’s picture book (1 book)
- halloween (1 book)
- children's book (1 book)
- armaggedon (1 book)
- magician (1 book)
- pixie (1 book)
- bugs (1 book)
- Hitchcock reference (1 book)
- elder gods (1 book)
- shape shifting (1 book)
- spider (1 book)
- mice (1 book)
- Merlin (1 book)
- werewolves (1 book)
- cannibal (1 book)
- angels (1 book)
- fairies (1 book)
- doppelganger (1 book)
- Father Christmas (1 book)
- Sinter Klaus (1 book)
- green fairy (1 book)
- frog (1 book)
- mytic (1 book)
- poetry collection (1 book)
- Lovecraft’s Tomb (1 book)
- Shakespearean (1 book)
- titanic (1 book)
- parallel universe (1 book)
- mermaids (1 book)
- moon (1 book)
- wizards (1 book)
- witches (1 book)
- genie (1 book)
- Cinderella (1 book)
- young-adult sf (1 book)
- paranormal (1 book)