Jonathan Swift
Source: "Jonathan Swift Bibliography." Author Wars,".
In 1688, while a student at Trinity College in Dublin, the anti-Catholic Revolution occurred in England, causing an Irish Catholic backlash. Swift, an Anglican, went to England for safety, where he joined the household of Sir William Temple. He served as Temple's secretary for two years, and had access to Temple's large library, which he used to further his education. Upon Temple's death in 1699, Swift returned to Ireland as a chaplain and secretary to the Earl of Berkeley. The position gave Swift reason to freely travel between Ireland and London, where he built a reputation through his essays and poems. In 1710 Swift returned to London and became the chief political writer of the Tory ministry, taking over the The Examiner. His efforts there lead to his becoming Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin in 1713 (Swift was an ordained priest). After the death of Queen Anne in 1714, the Tory party collapsed, and Swift returned to Ireland, where he wrote a number of works, most significantly Gulliver's Travels.
Chapter Books
- Unknown. A Voyage to Laputa
- Unknown. Gulliver in Giantland
- Unknown. Gulliver in Liliput
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels Among the Little People of Lilliput
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels in Lilliput
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels in Lilliput and Brobdingnag
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels: the Voyage to Lilliput
- Unknown. Gulliver's Voyage to Lilliput
- Unknown. Hordómese
- Unknown. I viaggi di Gulliver (abridged)
- Unknown. Tales from Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. The Adventures of Captain Gulliver in a Voyage to Lilliput
- Unknown. The Adventures of Gulliver
- Unknown. The Children's Gulliver
- Unknown. The Story of Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. The Surprizing Adventures of Captain Gulliver in a Voyage to the Kingdom of Lilliput
- 2003. A Tale of a Tub
- 2006. Gulliver's Travels
- 2010. Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. A Tale of a Tub: And Other Satires
- Unknown. A Tale of a Tub: Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind
- 2009. The Essential Writings of Jonathan Swift
- Unknown. A Famous Prediction of Merlin, the British Wizard, Written Above a Thousand Years Ago, and Relating to This Present Year
- Unknown. A Hue and Cry After Dismal; Being a Full and Ture Account, How a Whig Lord Was Taken at Dunkirk, in the Habit of a Chimney-Sweeper, and Carryed Before General Hill
- Unknown. A Letter from the Pretender, to a Whig-Lord
- Unknown. A Letter of Advice to a Young Poet
- Unknown. A Letter to the Whole People of Ireland
- Unknown. A Meditation Upon a Broom-Stick: According to the Style and Manner of the Honourable Robert Boyle's Meditations
- Unknown. A Modest Proposal
- Unknown. A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People from Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country; and for Making Them Beneficial to the Publick
- Unknown. A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Public
- Unknown. A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland, from Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country; and For Making Them Beneficial to the Publick
- Unknown. A Prayer for Stella
- Unknown. A Vindication of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq. Against What Is Objected to Him by Mr. Partrige, in His Almanack for the Present Year 1709
- Unknown. An Apology: For the, &c.
- Unknown. An Argument to Prove the Aboloshing of Christianity in England May, as Things Now Stand, Be Attended with Some Inconveniences, and Perhaps Not Produce Those Many Good Effects Proposed Thereby
- Unknown. An Essay on Modern Education
- Unknown. An Essay on the Fates of Clergymen
- Unknown. Bon Mots de Stella
- Unknown. Ein bescheidener Vorschlag im Sinne von Nationalökonomen, wie Kinder armer Leute zum Wohle des Staates am besten benutzt werden können (Auszug)
- Unknown. From The Sentiments of a Chruch-of-England Man, with Respect to Religion and Government
- Unknown. Hints Toward an Essay on Conversation
- Unknown. Introduction (A Tale of a Tub)
- Unknown. Journal to Stella: Letter I
- Unknown. Journal to Stella: Letter II
- Unknown. Journal to Stella: Letter L
- Unknown. Journal to Stella: Letter LXIII
- Unknown. Journal to Stella: Letter VI
- Unknown. Journal to Stella: Letter VII
- Unknown. On the Death of Mrs. Johnson
- Unknown. On the Death of Mrs. Johnson [Stella]
- Unknown. Prayers for a Sick Person During Her Illness
- Unknown. Predictions for the Year 1708
- Unknown. Resolutions: When I Come to Be Old
- Unknown. Rules That Concern All Servants in General
- Unknown. Swift ot the Earl of Oxford
- Unknown. Swift to Alexander Pope
- Unknown. Swift to John Gay
- Unknown. Swift to Miss Hoadly
- Unknown. Swift to Miss Martha Blount
- Unknown. Swift to Mrs. Pendarves
- Unknown. The Accomplishment of the First of Mr. Bickerstaff's Predictions: Being an Account of the Death of Mr. Partrige, the Almanack-Maker, Upon the 29th Inst. In a Letter to a Person of Honour
- Unknown. The Bickerstaff Papers
- Unknown. The Drapier's First Letter
- Unknown. The Epistle Dedicatory, to His Royal Highness Prince Posterity
- Unknown. The Examiner: No. 14, November 9, 1710
- Unknown. The Examiner: No. 16, November 23, 1710
- Unknown. The Intelligencer: Number IX
- Unknown. The Preface (A Tale of a Tub)
- Unknown. The Preface of the Author (A Full and True Account of the Battel Fought Last Friday, Between the Antient and the Modern Books in St. James's Library)
- Unknown. The Tatler: Number CXXX, Thursday, September 28, 1710
- Unknown. Thoughts on Various Subjects
- Unknown. Uma modesta proposta
- Unknown. Un modesto suggerimento
- Unknown. Un modesto suggerimento
- 2008. Ein bescheidener Vorschlag
- Unknown. A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People from Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country; and for Making Them Beneficial to the Publick
- Unknown. A Voyage to Brobdingnag Made by Lemuel Gulliver in the Year MDCCII
- Unknown. As viagens de Gulliver
- Unknown. As Viaxes de Gulliver
- Unknown. Călătoriile lui Gulliver
- Unknown. Călătoriile lui Gulliver: I În țara piticilor: II În țara uriașilor
- Unknown. Capt. Lemuel Gulliver's Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World
- Unknown. Dwarfs and Giants, Being Selections from Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. Gulliver in Lilliput
- Unknown. Gulliver utazásai
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels Among the Little People of Lilliput and the Giants of Brobdingnag
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels Into Lilliput and Brobdingnag
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels to Lilliput and Brobdingnag
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels: A Voyage to Lilliput
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels: The Voyage to Lilliput and the Voyage to Brobdingnag
- Unknown. Gulliver's Voyages to Lilliput and Brobdingnag
- Unknown. Gullivers Reise ins Land der Riesen
- Unknown. Gullivers reizen: De verhalen van Lemuel Gulliver die op zijn reizen vele wonderlijke ontdekkingen deed
- Unknown. I viaggi di Gulliver
- Unknown. I viaggi di Gulliver
- Unknown. I viaggi di Gulliver
- Unknown. I viaggi di Gulliver: a Lilliput, Brobdingnag e nel paese degli Houyhnhnm
- Unknown. Le voyage de Gulliver: II
- Unknown. Le voyage de Gulliver: Tome premier
- Unknown. Les voyages de Gulliver dans diverses nations lointaines
- Unknown. Pățaniile lui Gulliver în țara piticilor și uriașilor
- Unknown. The Annotated Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. The Travels of Lemuel Gulliver
- Unknown. The Voyages of Lemuel Gulliver to Lilliput & Brobdingnag
- Unknown. The Wonderful Voyages of Gulliver
- Unknown. Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World
- Unknown. Two Voyages of Gulliver
- Unknown. Viagens de Gulliver
- Unknown. Viaggi di Gulliver
- Unknown. Voyages de Gulliver
- Unknown. Voyages de Gulliver dans des contrées lointaines
- Unknown. Voyages de Gulliver dans des contrées lointaines I: Voyage à Lilliput
- Unknown. Voyages de Gulliver dans des contrées lointaines II: Voyage chez les Houyhnhnms
- Unknown. Voyages du Capitaine Gulliver en Divers Pays Éloignés
- 1974. I viaggi di Gulliver
- 2006. Gullivers Reisen
- 2010. Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. Călătoriile lui Gulliver / Povestea unui poloboc și alte satire
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels and Other Works
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels and Other Writings
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels and Other Writings
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels and Other Writings
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels, A Tale of a Tub, Battle of the Books, Etc.
- Unknown. The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin
- Unknown. The Works of J.S, D.D, D.S.P.D. in Four Volumes
- 1996. Gulliver's Travels / Treasure Island
- Unknown. A Description of a City Shower
- Unknown. A Satirical Elegy: On the Death of a Late Famous General
- Unknown. A Song on the Murder of Mrs. Hayes
- Unknown. An Epistle to a Lady, Who Desires the Author to Make Verses on Her, in the Heroick Stile
- Unknown. Death and Daphne
- Unknown. Helter Skelter; or, The Hue and Cry of Attornies, Going to Ride the Circuit
- Unknown. On Poetry: A Rhapsody
- Unknown. Phyllis, or, The Progress of Love
- Unknown. Stella's Birthday [1718/9]
- Unknown. Stella's Birthday: March 13, 1726/7
- Unknown. The Day of Judgement
- Unknown. The Progress of Beauty
- Unknown. To Their Excellencies the Lord Justices of Ireland, the Humble Petition of Frances Harris, Who Must Starve, and Die a Maid If It Miscarries. Anno. 1700
- Unknown. Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift, D.S.P.D.
- 1709. A Description of the Morning
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. Tales from Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. Tales from Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. The Annotated Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World in Four Parts by Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and Then a Captain of Several Ships
- 2007. Gullivers Reisen
Short Fiction
- Unknown. A Discourse Concerning the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit in a Letter to a Friend: A Fragment
- Unknown. A Famous Prediction of Merlin, the British Wizard, Written Above a Thousand Years Ago, and Relating to the Year 1709 with Explanatory Notes by T.N. Philomath Written in the Year 1709
- Unknown. A Full Account of the Battel Fought Last Friday Between the Antient and the Modern Books in Saint James's Library
- Unknown. A Full Account of the Battle Fought Last Friday Between the Ancient and the Modern Books in Saint James's Library
- Unknown. A Full and True Account of the Battel Fought Last Friday, Between the Antient and the Modern Books in St. James's Library
- Unknown. A Letter from Capt. Gulliver to His Cousin Sympson
- Unknown. A Letter from Captain Gulliver to His Cousin Sympson
- Unknown. A Tale of a Tub: Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind
- Unknown. A Voyage to Brobdingnag
- Unknown. A Voyage to Laputa
- Unknown. A Voyage to Lilliput
- Unknown. An Account of the Court and Empire of Japan
- Unknown. Eine Reise nach Laputa
- Unknown. El mono (Excerpt from Gulliver's Travels)
- Unknown. Excerpt from Book III of Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. From "A Voyage to Laputa"
- Unknown. From "Gulliver's Travels"
- Unknown. From Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. Glubbdubdrib and Luggnagg (excerpt)
- Unknown. Gulliver Among the Lilliputians (excerpt from Gulliver's Travels)
- Unknown. Gulliver in Brobingnag (excerpt)
- Unknown. Gulliver in Giantland
- Unknown. Gulliver in Liliput
- Unknown. Gulliver in Lilliput (Abridged for Young People)
- Unknown. Gulliver in Lilliput (excerpt)
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels (excerpt)
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels (Excerpt)
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels (part III, chapters I-III)
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels Among the Little People of Lilliput
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels in Lilliput
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels in Lilliput and Brobdingnag
- Unknown. Gulliver's Travels: the Voyage to Lilliput
- Unknown. Gulliver's Voyage to Lilliput
- Unknown. Hordómese
- Unknown. I viaggi di Gulliver (abridged)
- Unknown. Laputa (excerpt from Gulliver's Travels)
- Unknown. Laputan Projects (excerpt from Gulliver's Travels)
- Unknown. Povestea unui poloboc
- Unknown. Tales from Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. The Adventures of Captain Gulliver in a Voyage to Lilliput
- Unknown. The Adventures of Gulliver
- Unknown. The Children's Gulliver
- Unknown. The Flying Island
- Unknown. The Story of Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown. The Surprizing Adventures of Captain Gulliver in a Voyage to the Kingdom of Lilliput
- Unknown. U Laputi i Balnibarbiju
- 1988. da: I viaggi di Gulliver
- 2003. A Tale of a Tub
- 2006. Gulliver's Travels
- 2010. Gulliver's Travels
- 2013. Gulliver's Travels: A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms
- 2017. Gullivers Travels (Part I, Chapters I-VI) (excerpt)
- 2018. Some of Gulliver's Adventures
- 2020. Gulliver's Travels (part IV, Chp I-IV)
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- talking animals (1 book)
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- overpopulation (1 book)
- cannibalism (1 book)
- Internet Movie Database (IMDb) article on Jonathan Swift
- The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (SFE) article on Jonathan Swift
- Kirjasto (Library) page for Jonathan Swift
- English Wikipedia article on Jonathan Swift
- Library of Congress page for Jonathan Swift
- The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (SFE) article on Jonathan Swift