Frank R. Paul
Source: "Frank R. Paul Bibliography." Author Wars,".
Born in Austria and studied in Europe before immigrating to the US c1900. Met Gernsback in 1914 and began doing illustrations for Gernsback's Electrical Experimenter and Radio Craft.
Cover Art
- Unknown. A Convenção do Medo
- Unknown. A Revolta das Lesmas
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, April 1930
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, August 1929
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, December 1929
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, February 1930
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, January 1930
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, July 1929
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, March 1930
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, May 1930
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, November 1929
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, October 1929
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, September 1929
- Unknown. Alien abduction
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Annual, Vol. 1
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Quarterly, Fall 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Quarterly, Spring 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Quarterly, Spring 1929
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Quarterly, Summer 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Quarterly, Winter 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Quarterly, Winter 1929
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1926
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1927
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1929
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1961
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1966
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1967
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1926
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1927
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1967
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, December 1926
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, December 1927
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, December 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, December 1966
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, February 1927
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, February 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, February 1929
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, February 1966
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, January 1927
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, January 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, January 1929
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, July 1926
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, July 1927
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, July 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, June 1926
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, June 1927
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, June 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, June 1929
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, March 1927
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, March 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, March 1929
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, May 1926
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, May 1927
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, May 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, May 1929
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, November 1926
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, November 1927
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, November 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, October 1926
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, October 1927
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, October 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, October 1966
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1926
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1926
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1927
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1968
- Unknown. Atlantides: Les îles englouties
- Unknown. Blueprint for Yesterday
- Unknown. Comet, January 1941
- Unknown. Comet, May 1941
- Unknown. Dynamic Science Stories, February 1939
- Unknown. Ein modernes Utopia
- Unknown. El universo de la ciencia ficción: Los mejores escritores anglosajones del género
- Unknown. Evolution of Modern Science Fiction
- Unknown. Exploring Other Worlds: What Is Science Fiction?
- Unknown. Famous Fantastic Mysteries, April 1940
- Unknown. Famous Fantastic Mysteries, December 1940
- Unknown. Famous Fantastic Mysteries, May-June 1940
- Unknown. Famous Science Fiction, Spring 1968
- Unknown. Famous Science Fiction, Summer 1968
- Unknown. Famous Science Fiction, Winter 1967/1968
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, April 1940
- Unknown. Fantastic Novels, September 1940
- Unknown. Fantastic Science-Fiction Art, 1926-1954
- Unknown. Fantastic, January 1967
- Unknown. Fantastic, January 1968
- Unknown. Fantastic, July 1966
- Unknown. Fantastic, March 1966
- Unknown. Fantastic, May 1966
- Unknown. Fantastic, October 1968
- Unknown. Fantastic, September 1965
- Unknown. Fantastic, September 1966
- Unknown. Fantastic, September 1967
- Unknown. Fantasy Times, June 1954
- Unknown. Foundation, #60 Spring 1994
- Unknown. Frank R. Paul: Father of Science Fiction Art
- Unknown. Frank R. Paul: The Dean of Science Fiction Illustration
- Unknown. From the Pen of Paul: The Fantastic Images of Frank R. Paul
- Unknown. From the Pen of Paul: The Fantastic Images of Frank R. Paul
- Unknown. Future Fiction, April 1941
- Unknown. Future Fiction, November 1940
- Unknown. H.G. Wells on Film: The Utopian Nightmare
- Unknown. Het onzichtbare ruimtestation
- Unknown. High Adventure, #153 March 2017
- Unknown. High Adventure, #168 September 2019
- Unknown. High Adventure, #170 January 2020
- Unknown. Histoires de voyages dans le temps
- Unknown. Hugo Gernsback and the Century of Science Fiction
- Unknown. Hugo Gernsback, an Amazing Story: 1884 Luxembourg - 1967 New York
- Unknown. Häpna!, mars 1954
- Unknown. Häpna!, november 1963
- Unknown. L'Art de la Science-Fiction: 1926-1954
- Unknown. L'isola del dottore Moreau
- Unknown. La Science-Fiction: Lecture et Poétique d'un Genre Littéraire
- Unknown. Le Futur Antérieur: Souvenirs de l'An 2000
- Unknown. Les meilleurs récits de Wonder Stories
- Unknown. Les mondes perdus
- Unknown. Locating Science Fiction
- Unknown. Mamer 2007: Science Fiction & Hugo Gernsback
- Unknown. Martian Martyrs
- Unknown. Marvel Science Stories, November 1938
- Unknown. Nebula Award Stories
- Unknown. Nebula Award Stories 2
- Unknown. One Hundred Years of Science Fiction Illustration: 1840-1940
- Unknown. Planet Stories, Fall 1941
- Unknown. Ralph 124C 41+: A Romance of the Year 2660
- Unknown. Ralph 124C 41+: A Romance of the Year 2660
- Unknown. Rhythm Rides the Rocket
- Unknown. Satellite Science Fiction, December 1957
- Unknown. Science Fiction
- Unknown. Science Fiction Adventure Classics, Fall 1969
- Unknown. Science Fiction Adventure Classics, March 1972
- Unknown. Science Fiction Adventure Classics, Spring 1971
- Unknown. Science Fiction Adventure Classics, Winter 1970
- Unknown. Science Fiction Adventures Classics, September 1973
- Unknown. Science Fiction Adventures, April 2020
- Unknown. Science Fiction Adventures, March 1973
- Unknown. Science Fiction Classics #15
- Unknown. Science Fiction Classics Annual, [No. 1]
- Unknown. Science Fiction Classics, Spring 1968
- Unknown. Science Fiction Classics, Summer 1968
- Unknown. Science Fiction Monthly (Australia), #2 October 1955
- Unknown. Science Fiction Monthly (Australia), #4 December 1955
- Unknown. Science Fiction Monthly (Australia), #7 March 1956
- Unknown. Science Fiction Quarterly, Spring 1941
- Unknown. Science Fiction Quarterly, Summer 1941
- Unknown. Science Fiction Quarterly, Winter 1941
- Unknown. Science Fiction, August 1939
- Unknown. Science Fiction, December 1939
- Unknown. Science Fiction, January 1941
- Unknown. Science Fiction, June 1939
- Unknown. Science Fiction, June 1940
- Unknown. Science Fiction, June 1941
- Unknown. Science Fiction, March 1939
- Unknown. Science Fiction, March 1940
- Unknown. Science Fiction, March 1941
- Unknown. Science Fiction, October 1939
- Unknown. Science Fiction, October 1940
- Unknown. Science Fiction, September 1941
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, April 1930
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, August 1929
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, December 1929
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, February 1930
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, January 1930
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, July 1929
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, June 1929
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, March 1930
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, May 1930
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, November 1929
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, October 1929
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, September 1929
- Unknown. Science-Fiction Plus, August 1953
- Unknown. Science-Fiction Plus, December 1953
- Unknown. Science-Fiction Plus, May 1953
- Unknown. Science-Fiction Plus, October 1953
- Unknown. Scientific Detective Monthly, April 1930
- Unknown. Selected Stories of H. G. Wells
- Unknown. Shareworld
- Unknown. Storytelling in the Pulps, Comics, and Radio: How Technology Changed Popular Fiction in America
- Unknown. Telepolis Special, #1/2009: Zukunft — Die Welt in 1000 Jahren
- Unknown. Terrarium
- Unknown. The Gernsback Awards 1926: Volume 1
- Unknown. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders: Volume 2
- Unknown. The History of the Future
- Unknown. The Immortal Storm: A History of Science Fiction Fandom
- Unknown. The Island of Doctor Moreau
- Unknown. The Machine That Thought
- Unknown. The Mechanics of Wonder: The Creation of the Idea in Science Fiction
- Unknown. The Metal Man and Others
- Unknown. The Mightiest Machine
- Unknown. The New Life
- Unknown. The Rough Guide to Surviving the End of the World
- Unknown. The Science Fiction Magazines: A Bibliographical Checklist of Titles and Issues Through 1982
- Unknown. The Shot into Infinity
- Unknown. The Skylark of Space
- Unknown. The Skylark of Space
- Unknown. The Sleeper Awakes
- Unknown. The Time Stream
- Unknown. The Voice Commands
- Unknown. Through the Purple Cloud
- Unknown. Ultimate World
- Unknown. Valley of Pretenders
- Unknown. Waging The War of the Worlds: A History of the 1938 Radio Broadcast and Resulting Panic, Including the Original Script
- Unknown. Windy City Pulp Stories #16
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Fall 1930
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Fall 1931
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Fall 1932
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Summer 1930
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, April 1931
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, April 1932
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, April 1933
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, April 1934
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, April 1935
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, April 1936
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1930
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1931
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1932
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1933
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1934
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1935
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, December 1930
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, December 1931
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, December 1932
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, December 1933
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, December 1934
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1931
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1932
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1933
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1934
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1935
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1936
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, January 1931
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, January 1932
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, January 1933
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, January 1934
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, January 1935
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, July 1930
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, July 1931
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, July 1932
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, July 1934
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, July 1935
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, June 1930
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, June 1931
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, June 1932
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, June 1933
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, June 1934
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, June 1935
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, March 1931
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, March 1932
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, March 1933
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, March 1934
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, March 1935
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, May 1931
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, May 1932
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, May 1933
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, May 1934
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, May 1935
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, November 1930
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, November 1931
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, November 1932
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, November 1933
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, November 1934
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, November-December 1935
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, October 1930
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, October 1931
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, October 1932
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, October 1933
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, October 1934
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, October 1935
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, September 1930
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, September 1931
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, September 1932
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, September 1934
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, September 1935
- Unknown. Yesterday's Tomorrows: Past Visions of the American Future
- 1929. Science Wonder Quarterly, Fall 1929
- 1929. Science Wonder Quarterly, Winter 1930
- 1929. Science Wonder Quarterly, Winter 1930
- 1930. Science Wonder Quarterly, Spring 1930
- 1930. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Winter 1931
- 1931. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Spring 1931
- 1931. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Summer 1931
- 1931. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Winter 1932
- 1932. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Spring 1932
- 1932. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Summer 1932
- 1932. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Winter 1933
- 1955. The Thirteenth World Science Fiction Convention Program Booklet
- 1966. Heimweh nach Terra und andere SF Storys
- 1973. Hier, l'an 2000: l'illustration de science-fiction des années 30
- 1974. Les meilleurs récits de Amazing Stories
- 1985. Sirius, #108
- 2000. The Prentice Hall Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy
- 2005. Wings Over Tomorrow: The Collected Science Fiction of Philip Francis Nowlan
- 2006. Amazing Stories (1926-1935)
- 2008. Confounding SF
- 2009. From the Pen of Paul: The Fantastic Images of Frank R. Paul
- 2010. The Space Annihilator: Early Science Fiction from The Argosy, 1896-1910
- 2010. The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds
- 2010. The Year 3000: A Dream
- 2011. Armageddon—2419 A. D.
- 2012. The War of the Moons / The Day New York Ended
- 2013. The Airlords of Han
- 2013. The Time Trap / The Lunar Lichen
- 2013. The Reign of the Robots
- 2014. The Moon Era
- 2014. Air Wonder Stories, August 1929
- 2014. Air Wonder Stories, November 1929
- 2014. Air Wonder Stories, May 1930
- 2014. The Voyage of the Asteroid / Revolt of the Outworlds
- 2014. The Master Mind of Mars
- 2014. The Best of Amazing Stories: The 1926 Anthology
- 2014. Science Fiction Classics #1
- 2014. Before the Asteroids / The Sixth Glacier
- 2014. Beyond the Darkness / The Fireless Age
- 2014. Intrigue on the Upper Level
- 2015. Science Fiction Classics #2
- 2015. Science Fiction Classics #10
- 2015. The Best of Amazing Stories: The 1927 Anthology
- 2015. Emissaries of Space
- 2016. The Skylark of Space
- 2016. The Mother World
- 2016. The Best of Amazing Stories: The 1928 Anthology
- 2016. Planet of the Knob-Heads
- 2016. The Skylark of Space
- 2017. Baron Münchhausen's Scientific Adventures
- 2017. The Sly Bungerhop
- 2017. The Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
- 2017. 20,000 A.D. / Druid Moon
- 2017. The Seven Jewels of Chamar
- 2017. Dawn to Dusk / The Beast-Men of Ceres
- 2017. Rescue from Venus
- 2018. Cities in the Air
- 2018. The Amazing Stories Collection
- 2018. The Time Machine
- 2018. The World of the Giant Ants
- 2019. The Battery of Hate / Treasure of the Golden God
- 2019. A Columbus of Space and The Moon Metal: The Garrett P. Serviss Omnibus, Volume 1
- 2021. The Flat Folk of Vulcan
- 2021. The Mad Virus
- 2021. Pegasus
- 2021. Wedding of the Forces
- 2021. The Eternal World
- 2021. Science from Syracuse
- 2021. The Invisible City
- 2021. Thoughts That Kill
- 2021. Worlds to Barter
- 2021. The Third Vibrator
- 2021. Leeches from Space
- 2022. Invisible Monsters
- 2022. The Voice Commands
- 2022. Lunar Concession
- 2022. Men Without a World
- 2022. Moon Heaven
- 2022. Wanderers of Time
- 2022. Outlaw of Saturn
- 2023. The Venus Adventure
- 2024. Amazing Stories: Giant 35th Anniversary Issue
- Unknown. A Science-Fiction Portfolio: Frank R. Paul Illustrates H. G. Wells
- Unknown. SF, the Spirit of Youth
- Unknown. The End of the Moon
- Unknown. The End of the Moon
- Unknown. The Man from Mars
- Unknown. The Man from Venus
- 2006. Guest of Honor Speech: Frank R. Paul (1939)
Interior Art
- Unknown. "In 1999"
- Unknown. "It is no easy task to make you understand the past."
- Unknown. "Locked Worlds" (reprint)
- Unknown. "Locked Worlds" (reprint)[2]
- Unknown. "Locked Worlds" (reprint)[3]
- Unknown. "Our age is future-oriented, the first age that is."
- Unknown. "Time Is the Fourth Dimension"—Albert Einstein
- Unknown. "Time Is the Fourth Dimension"—Albert Einstein
- Unknown. (The Dream Machines)
- Unknown. 100 Years of Fantasy Illustration [6]
- Unknown. 1932 — The Time Stream by John Taine
- Unknown. 1934 — Dawn to Dusk by Eando Binder
- Unknown. 1934 — Enslaved Brains by Eando Binder
- Unknown. 1934 — Enslaved Brains by Eando Binder [2]
- Unknown. 1934 — The Spore Doom by Dando Binder
- Unknown. 1934 — The Thieves from Isot by Endo Binder
- Unknown. 1935 — The Robot Aliens by Eando Binder
- Unknown. 20th Century Globe
- Unknown. 2100 - maritime Gefahr: Wie das Klima der Zukunft die Erde verändern könnte
- Unknown. 3001 - Odyssee im Weltraum
- Unknown. 30th Century Duel
- Unknown. 50th Century Revolt
- Unknown. A Biological Experiment
- Unknown. A Brand New World (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. A Brand New World (Complete Novel) [10]
- Unknown. A Brand New World (Complete Novel) [11]
- Unknown. A Brand New World (Complete Novel) [12]
- Unknown. A Brand New World (Complete Novel) [2]
- Unknown. A Brand New World (Complete Novel) [3]
- Unknown. A Brand New World (Complete Novel) [4]
- Unknown. A Brand New World (Complete Novel) [5]
- Unknown. A Brand New World (Complete Novel) [6]
- Unknown. A Brand New World (Complete Novel) [7]
- Unknown. A Brand New World (Complete Novel) [8]
- Unknown. A Brand New World (Complete Novel) [9]
- Unknown. A Brush with Genius
- Unknown. A Car for the Moon
- Unknown. A City in the Moon
- Unknown. A City of Uranus
- Unknown. A City on Jupiter
- Unknown. A City on Mars
- Unknown. A City on Neptune
- Unknown. A City on Pluto
- Unknown. A City on Saturn
- Unknown. A City on Uranus
- Unknown. A City on Venus
- Unknown. A Conquest of Two Worlds
- Unknown. A Drama in the Air
- Unknown. A Drama in the Air (Amazing-1926)
- Unknown. A Frank R. Paul illustration of a spaceship battle on the Moon
- Unknown. A Handful of Stars
- Unknown. A Link to the Past
- Unknown. A Martian Odyssey
- Unknown. A Modern Atlantis
- Unknown. A Modern Atlantis [2]
- Unknown. A Modern Atlantis [3]
- Unknown. A Modern Atlantis [4]
- Unknown. A Modern Atlantis [5]
- Unknown. A Modern Atlantis [6]
- Unknown. A Modern Atlantis [7]
- Unknown. A Modern Atlantis [8]
- Unknown. A Plea for a Coordinated Space Program
- Unknown. A Portfolio: Baron Münchausen's Scientific Adventures by Hugo Gernsback
- Unknown. A Portfolio: Frank R. Paul Illustrating Edgar Allan Poe
- Unknown. A Rescue from Jupiter (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. A Rescue from Jupiter (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. A Roman Resurrection
- Unknown. A Roman Resurrection [2]
- Unknown. A Roman Resurrection [3]
- Unknown. A Story of the Days to Come
- Unknown. A Story of the Days to Come (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. A Story of the Days to Come (reprint)
- Unknown. A Story of the Stone Age
- Unknown. A Subterranean Adventure (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. A Subterranean Adventure (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. A Suitor by Proxy
- Unknown. A Trip to the Center of the Earth (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. A Visit to Venus
- Unknown. A Visitor from the Twentieth Century
- Unknown. A World of Indexed Numbers
- Unknown. A World Unseen (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. A World Unseen (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. Abduction of Big Red
- Unknown. Absolute Zero
- Unknown. Adrift in the Void
- Unknown. Advanced Chemistry
- Unknown. Adventures in Other Worlds
- Unknown. After 12,000 Years (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. After Armageddon
- Unknown. After Doomsday
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, April 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, April 1930 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, August 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, August 1929 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, December 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, December 1929 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, February 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, January 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, July 1929
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, July 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, March 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, May 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, November 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, November 1929 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, October 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, October 1929 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Air Wonder Stories, September 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Aladdin's Lamp
- Unknown. Aliens im Visier: SETIs Sprung ins 21. Jahrhundert hat begonnen
- Unknown. All About Television, 1927 (cover)
- Unknown. All About Television, Fall 1927 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Forries, 1976 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Forries, November 1976 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Ads
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Annual, 1927 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Annual, Vol. 1 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Annual, Vol. 1 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Annual, Vol. 1 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories June 1927
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Quarterly (original back cover painting)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Quarterly, Fall 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Quarterly, January 1929
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Quarterly, Spring 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Quarterly, Spring 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Quarterly, Summer 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Quarterly, Winter 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories Quarterly, Winter 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, 1941 (original back cover painting)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1926
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1926 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1926 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1927 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1941 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1942 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing stories, april 1942 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1943 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1961 (back cover painting)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1961 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1961 (cover painting)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1961 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1961 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1966 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, April 1967 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1926 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1927
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1927 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1927 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1928 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1940 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1941 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1943 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1946 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, August 1967 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, December 1926 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, December 1927
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, December 1927 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, December 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, December 1928 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, December 1941 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, December 1941 (back cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, December 1966 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, February 1927 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, February 1927 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, February 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, February 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, February 1929 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, February 1941 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, February 1942 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, February 1943 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, February 1966 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, January 1927 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, January 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, January 1928 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, January 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, January 1929 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, January 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, January 1941 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, January 1942 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, July 1926
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, July 1926 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, July 1927 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, July 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, July 1940 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, July 1940 (back cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, July 1941 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, June 1926 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, June 1926 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, June 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, June 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, June 1939 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, June 1941 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, June 1943 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, June 1943 (back cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, March 1927 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, March 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, March 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, March 1929 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, March 1941 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, March 1942 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, March 1945 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, May 1926 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, May 1927 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, May 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, May 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, May 1929 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, May 1941 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, May 1943 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, November 1926
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, November 1926 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, November 1927 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, November 1928 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, November 1940 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, November 1941 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, November 1941 (back cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, October 1926 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, October 1926 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, October 1927 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, October 1927 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, October 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, October 1940 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, October 1941 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1926 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1927 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1927 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1928
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1940 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1940 (back cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1941 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1941 (back cover) [2]
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1944 (back cover)
- Unknown. Amazing Stories, September 1968 (cover)
- Unknown. An Adventure in Time
- Unknown. An Adventure in Venus
- Unknown. An Adventure on Eros
- Unknown. An Easy Little Puzzle
- Unknown. An Experiment in Gyro-Hats
- Unknown. Ananias
- Unknown. Anatomia di un uomo di Marte [2]
- Unknown. Apollo—God of Hygiene
- Unknown. Armageddon - 2419 (reprint)
- Unknown. Armageddon - 2419 A.D.
- Unknown. Armageddon - 2419 A.D. (reprint)
- Unknown. Armageddon - 2419 A.D. (reprint) [2]
- Unknown. Armageddon - 2419 A.D. (reprint) [3]
- Unknown. Armageddon - 2419 A.D. (reprint) [4]
- Unknown. Armageddon - 2419 A.D. (reprint) [5]
- Unknown. Armageddon - 2419 A.D. [2]
- Unknown. Armageddon - 2419 A.D. [3]
- Unknown. Armageddon - 2419 A.D. [4]
- Unknown. Armageddon - 2419 A.D. [5]
- Unknown. Armageddon 2419 A.D. (title page)
- Unknown. Armageddon—2419 A. D.
- Unknown. Around the Universe
- Unknown. Around the Universe (Part 1 of 6)
- Unknown. Around the Universe (Part 2 of 6)
- Unknown. Around the Universe (Part 3 of 6)
- Unknown. Around the Universe (Part 4 of 6)
- Unknown. Around the Universe (Part 5 of 6)
- Unknown. Around the Universe (Part 6 of 6)
- Unknown. Around the Universe [2]
- Unknown. Around the Worlds with Jules Verne
- Unknown. As Mars Sees Us
- Unknown. As Science Sees the Maritan
- Unknown. Asteroid of Death
- Unknown. Astonishing Stories, February 1943
- Unknown. At Bay in the Void
- Unknown. At War with the Invisible (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. At War with the Invisible (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. Atlas—The God of Strength
- Unknown. Atomic Food Broiler
- Unknown. Az álmok völgye
- Unknown. Az eszménygép
- Unknown. Before the Asteroids
- Unknown. Bellerophon and the Chimera
- Unknown. Between Dimensions
- Unknown. Between Earth and Moon
- Unknown. Between Earth and Moon (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. Between Earth and Moon [2]
- Unknown. Between Earth and Moon [3]
- Unknown. Between Earth and Moon [4]
- Unknown. Between Earth and Moon [5]
- Unknown. Between Earth and Moon [6]
- Unknown. Between Earth and Moon [7]
- Unknown. Beyond Gravity
- Unknown. Beyond the Aurora
- Unknown. Beyond the Great Oblivion (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. Beyond the Great Oblivion (Complete Novel) [2]
- Unknown. Beyond the Great Oblivion (Complete Novel) [3]
- Unknown. Beyond the Pole
- Unknown. Beyond the Pole (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. Beyond the Pole (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. Beyond the Pole [2]
- Unknown. Beyond the Pole [3]
- Unknown. Beyond the Singing Flame
- Unknown. Black Friar of the Flame
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [10]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [11]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [12]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [13]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [14]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [15]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [16]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [17]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [18]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [19]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [20]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [21]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [22]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [23]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [24]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [25]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [26]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [27]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [28]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [29]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [2]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [30]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [31]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [32]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [3]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [4]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [5]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [6]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [7]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [8]
- Unknown. Black-and-White Scrapbook [9]
- Unknown. Brood of Helios (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. Brood of Helios (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. Brood of Helios (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. Cabal
- Unknown. Captain George's Comic World #18 [15]
- Unknown. Captain George's Comic World #18 [16]
- Unknown. Captive of the Crater
- Unknown. Cartoon: "A Modern St. George. Yes, Mr. Alexander, We Cannot Tell a Lie, He Did It with His Little Pen."
- Unknown. Cartoon: no caption
- Unknown. Casey's High-Voltage Cat
- Unknown. Castaways of Space
- Unknown. Castaways on Deimos
- Unknown. Cauphul, the City Under the Sea
- Unknown. Chicago 2042 A.D.
- Unknown. Children of the Golden Amazon
- Unknown. Children of the Ray
- Unknown. Cities in the Air (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. Cities in the Air (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. City of the Future
- Unknown. Cleon of Yzdral
- Unknown. Colossus of Chaos
- Unknown. Comet Stories, January 1941 (cover)
- Unknown. Comet Stories, May 1941 (cover)
- Unknown. Copertina di "Wonder Stories" illustrata da Finlay
- Unknown. Cosmic Castaway
- Unknown. Cosmic Joke
- Unknown. Cover art for the 1955 World Science Fiction Convention program book
- Unknown. Cover art for Wonder Stories, November 1930
- Unknown. Cover: Wonder Stories November 1934
- Unknown. Crater City on Saturn
- Unknown. Crimes of the Year 2000: No. 2, The Television Alibi
- Unknown. Crossroads of Space
- Unknown. Crystallis, Glass City of Io
- Unknown. Crystals of Growth
- Unknown. Darkness and Dawn (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. Darkness and Dawn (Complete Novel) [2]
- Unknown. Darkness and Dawn (Complete Novel) [3]
- Unknown. Das Los der Globalisierung: Verlierer, Gewinner und Opfer der künftigen Weltpolitik und Weltwirtschaft
- Unknown. Dawn to Dusk (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. Dawn to Dusk (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. Dawn to Dusk (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. Day of the Titans
- Unknown. Death Between the Planets
- Unknown. Death Has Five Guesses
- Unknown. Den Vogelflug richtig deuten: Wie die modernen Auguren extrapolieren
- Unknown. Der Methusalem-Faktor: Das Ende der Krankheiten und die relative Unsterblichkeit
- Unknown. Devil Crystals of Arret
- Unknown. Dictators of Creation
- Unknown. Die Stunde der Zukunftsmacher: Anmerkungen zur europäischen Zukunftskonferenz in Luzern 2008
- Unknown. Die Zukunft der fernen Zukunft
- Unknown. Dimensional Fate
- Unknown. Disappearing Sam
- Unknown. Doctor Hackensaw's Secrets
- Unknown. Doom Over Venus
- Unknown. Doom Over Venus [2]
- Unknown. Doom Over Venus [3]
- Unknown. Doom Over Venus [4]
- Unknown. Doom Ship
- Unknown. Dosage
- Unknown. Dr. Hackensaw's Trip to the Moon
- Unknown. Dr. Pringle Discusses Mind
- Unknown. Dream's End
- Unknown. Drink to Me Only with Thine Ears
- Unknown. Druso (part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. Druso (part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. Druso (part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. Dust
- Unknown. Dust of Destruction
- Unknown. Dweller in Martian Depths
- Unknown. Dynamic Science Stories, February 1939 (cover)
- Unknown. Dynamic Science Stories, February 1939 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Dynamic Science Stories, February 1939 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Earth's Lucky Day
- Unknown. Earthspot
- Unknown. Edgar Rice Burroughs: Pulp Master
- Unknown. Eine Theorie für alles: Bis 2050 soll die Weltformel unter Dach und Fach sein
- Unknown. Eingriff in die Raumzeit: Wie in allerfernster Zukunft unsere Nachfahren Raum und Zeit manipulieren können
- Unknown. El rascacielos errante
- Unknown. Electricity Foils German Seals
- Unknown. Electro-Episoded in A.D. 2025
- Unknown. Emperors of Space
- Unknown. Enslaved Brains (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. Enslaved Brains (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. Enslaved Brains (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. Eros to Earth
- Unknown. Es wird eng auf der Erde: Immer mehr Menschen — immer mehr Megacitys
- Unknown. Escape from Phobos
- Unknown. Eternity Orbit
- Unknown. Europas Raumfahrtpläne
- Unknown. Everyday Mechanics, July 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Mechanics, September 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, April 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, April 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, April 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, April 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, April 1936 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, August 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, August 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, August 1936 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, December 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, December 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, December 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, December 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, February 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, February 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, February 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, February 1936 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, January 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, January 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, January 1936 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, January 1936 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, July 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, July 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, June 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, June 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, June 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, June 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, March 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, March 1936 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, May 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, May 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, May 1936 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, November 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, November 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, November 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, November-December 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, October 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, October 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, October 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, October 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, October 1936 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, September 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, September 1932 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, September 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Everyday Science and Mechanics, September 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Evil Earths
- Unknown. Evolution of Modern Science Fiction (cover)
- Unknown. Evolution on Mars
- Unknown. Evolution Satellite (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. Evolution Satellite (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. Exiles of the Moon (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. Exiles of the Moon (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. Exiles of the Moon (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. Exodus
- Unknown. Exploitation of the Moon
- Unknown. Exploration of Mars
- Unknown. Extra Sensory Perfection
- Unknown. Extra-Terrestrial Communication
- Unknown. Extra-Terrestrial Communication [2]
- Unknown. Famous Fantastic Mysteries
- Unknown. Famous Fantastic Mysteries, April 1940 (cover)
- Unknown. Famous Fantastic Mysteries, December 1940 (cover)
- Unknown. Famous Fantastic Mysteries, May-June 1940 (cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, 1940s (original back cover painting)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, 1940s (original back cover painting) [2]
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, April 1940 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, April 1940 (cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, April 1940 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, April 1943 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, April 1944 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, August 1942 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, December 1942 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, December 1945 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, December 1945 (back cover) [2]
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, February 1940 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, February 1940 (back cover) [2]
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, February 1943 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, February 1946 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, February 1946 (back cover) [2]
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, January 1940 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, January 1943 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, July 1939 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, July 1939 (back cover) [2]
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, July 1942 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, July 1945 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, July 1946 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, June 1944 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, March 1940 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, March 1943 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, May 1939 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, May 1939 (original back cover artwork)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, May 1940 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, May 1946 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, November 1939 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, November 1939 (back cover) [2]
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, November 1942 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, October 1942 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, October 1943 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, October 1945 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, October 1945 (back cover) [2]
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, September 1939 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Adventures, September 1942 (back cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Novels, September 1940 (cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic Novels, Spring 1940 (cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic, January 1967 (cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic, July 1966 (cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic, March 1966 (cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic, May 1966 (cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic, September 1965 (cover)
- Unknown. Fantastic, September 1966 (cover)
- Unknown. Fantasy Times, June 1954 (cover)
- Unknown. Feltételes világok
- Unknown. Final Enemy
- Unknown. Fingers of the Mist
- Unknown. Fire Gas
- Unknown. Flight in 1999
- Unknown. Flight into Super-Time
- Unknown. Flight of the Eastern Star
- Unknown. Flight of the Silver Star
- Unknown. Flight to Venus
- Unknown. Forecast (preliminary sketch)
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1951 (cover)
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1951 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1952 (cover)
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1953 (cover)
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1954 (cover)
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1954 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1955 (cover)
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1955 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1956 (cover)
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1956 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1957 (cover)
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1957 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1958 (cover)
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1959 (cover)
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1959 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1960 (cover)
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1960 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1961 (cover)
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1961 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Forecast, Christmas 1962 (cover)
- Unknown. Forever Tomorrow
- Unknown. Forry Ackerman vs. Clark Ashton Smith
- Unknown. Four Dimensional Surgery
- Unknown. Four Dimensional Surgery [2]
- Unknown. Four Dimensional Transit
- Unknown. Frank R. Paul and Amazing Stories
- Unknown. Frank R. Paul: The Dean of Science Fiction Illustration
- Unknown. Frank R. Paul: The Dean of Science Fiction Illustration (back cover)
- Unknown. Frank R. Paul: The Dean of Science Fiction Illustration (endpapers background)
- Unknown. Frank R. Paul: The Dean of Science Fiction Illustration (endpapers forground)
- Unknown. Frank R. Paul: The Dean of Science Fiction Illustration (table of contents)
- Unknown. Free Energy
- Unknown. Freedom of the Skies
- Unknown. Frigid Moon
- Unknown. Frigid Moon
- Unknown. From the Pen of Paul
- Unknown. From the Pen of Paul (frontispiece)
- Unknown. From Time's Dawn
- Unknown. From Time's Dawn [2]
- Unknown. Fungus Isle
- Unknown. Fungus Isle [2]
- Unknown. Future Fiction, April 1941 (cover)
- Unknown. Future Fiction, November 1940 (cover)
- Unknown. Future Fiction, November 1940 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Future Space Suit
- Unknown. Future Space Suits
- Unknown. Gems of Life
- Unknown. Gernsback's Educational Library No. 1 (cover)
- Unknown. Gernsback's Educational Library No. 2 (cover)
- Unknown. Gernsback's Educational Library No. 7 (cover)
- Unknown. Giant in the Earth
- Unknown. Glass City of Europa
- Unknown. Golden City on Titan
- Unknown. Griff nach den Sternen: Homo sapiens spaciens und die zukünftige Eroberung des Weltalls
- Unknown. Gulf Stream Gold
- Unknown. Gulliver, 3000 A.D.
- Unknown. Hallock's Madness
- Unknown. Hercules - The God of Strength
- Unknown. Hicks' Inventions with a Kick - The Electro-Hydraulic Bank Protector
- Unknown. High Adventure, #168
- Unknown. High Tension
- Unknown. How I Overcame My Gravity
- Unknown. How Jimmy Saved the Bank
- Unknown. How Münchhausen and the Allies Took Berlin
- Unknown. How the Martian Canals Are Built
- Unknown. Human Ants
- Unknown. I Make a Wireless Acquaintance
- Unknown. Icarus and Daedalus, First Aviators
- Unknown. Ice Planet
- Unknown. In 20,000 A.D.!
- Unknown. In Caverns Below
- Unknown. In Caverns Below (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. In Caverns Below (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. In Caverns Below (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. In Martian Depths
- Unknown. In the Abyss
- Unknown. In the Abyss (reprint)
- Unknown. In the Orbit of Saturn
- Unknown. In the Spacesphere
- Unknown. In the Year 8000 (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. In the Year 8000 (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. In the Year 8000 (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. Incident in Space
- Unknown. Incident on Titan
- Unknown. Inhalt: Telepolis Special, #1/2009
- Unknown. Inside of a Piece of Sugar
- Unknown. Interstellar Flight
- Unknown. Into Plutonian Depths
- Unknown. Into Plutonian Depths [2]
- Unknown. Into Plutonian Depths [3]
- Unknown. Into Plutonian Depths [4]
- Unknown. Into Plutonian Depths [5]
- Unknown. Into Plutonian Depths [6]
- Unknown. Into Plutonian Depths [7]
- Unknown. Into Plutonian Depths [8]
- Unknown. Into the Fourth Dimension (Part 9 of 9)
- Unknown. Into the Green Prism (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. Into the Green Prism (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. Into the Subconscious
- Unknown. Invaders of the Forbidden Moon
- Unknown. Invaders of the Forbidden Moon [2]
- Unknown. Invasion der Nanobots: Fertigungsmethoden der Zukunft
- Unknown. Island in the Sky
- Unknown. Island in the Sky [2]
- Unknown. Island in the Sky [3]
- Unknown. Island in the Sky [4]
- Unknown. Island in the Sky [5]
- Unknown. Island in the Sky [6]
- Unknown. Islands in the Air
- Unknown. It Happened Tomorrow
- Unknown. It Happened Tomorrow [2]
- Unknown. Jason - The Superman
- Unknown. Jason, Son of Jason (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. Jason, Son of Jason (Complete Novel) [2]
- Unknown. Jason, Son of Jason (Complete Novel) [3]
- Unknown. Jewel of Mars
- Unknown. Joe Carson's Weapon
- Unknown. Jules Verne, the World's Greatest Prophet
- Unknown. La vida en...
- Unknown. Lakh-Dahl, Destroyer of Souls
- Unknown. Land of No Return
- Unknown. Landing on Venus
- Unknown. Leonardo da Vinci
- Unknown. Lever of Destruction
- Unknown. Life on Callisto
- Unknown. Life on Europa
- Unknown. Life on Europa (Moon of Jupiter)
- Unknown. Life on Ganymede
- Unknown. Life on Io
- Unknown. Life on Jupiter
- Unknown. Life on Mercury
- Unknown. Life on Neptune
- Unknown. Life on Saturn
- Unknown. Life on Titan
- Unknown. Life on Uranus
- Unknown. Liline, the Moon Girl
- Unknown. Little Planet
- Unknown. Locked Worlds
- Unknown. Locked Worlds (reprint)
- Unknown. Lord of the Lightning
- Unknown. Lunar Concession
- Unknown. Magnetic City on Ganymede (Moon of Jupiter)
- Unknown. Marooned in Andromeda
- Unknown. Marooned in Andromeda
- Unknown. Marsi odüsszeia
- Unknown. Martian Amusements
- Unknown. Martian Guns
- Unknown. Martian Martyrs
- Unknown. Martian Martyrs (cover)
- Unknown. Martian Science Fiction
- Unknown. Marvel Comics No. 1 (cover artwork)
- Unknown. Marvel Comics, November 1939 (cover)
- Unknown. Marvel Comics, October-November 1939 (cover)
- Unknown. Marvel Science Stories, February 1939 (cover)
- Unknown. Marvel Science Stories, February 1939 (cover)
- Unknown. Marvel Science Stories, November 1938 (cover)
- Unknown. Maschinenmenschen von morgen: Wie uns die Roboter überholen werden
- Unknown. Master of Storms
- Unknown. Master of the Asteroid
- Unknown. Master of the Genes
- Unknown. Mein Roboter - Dein Roboter: Ab der nächsten Dekade bestimmen Roboter unseren Alltag
- Unknown. Men of the Dark Comet
- Unknown. Men with Wings
- Unknown. Men with Wings [2]
- Unknown. Men Without a World
- Unknown. Mercury, God of the Winged Sandals
- Unknown. Mernos
- Unknown. Metaintelligenz: Wie und wohin sich unsere Intelligenz entwickeln könnte
- Unknown. Micromegas
- Unknown. Minos of Sardanes (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. Minos of Sardanes (Complete Novel) [2]
- Unknown. Minos of Sardanes (Complete Novel) [3]
- Unknown. Minos of Sardanes (Complete Novel) [4]
- Unknown. Minus Danger!
- Unknown. Missionaries from the Sky
- Unknown. Missionaries From the Sky (reprint)
- Unknown. Mitey Powers and the Super-Giants of Jupiter
- Unknown. Mitey Powers Battles the Martians on the Moon
- Unknown. Monorail
- Unknown. Monster of the Asteroid
- Unknown. Monsters of Callisto
- Unknown. Monsters of the Mountain
- Unknown. Monsters of the Ray
- Unknown. Moon Heaven
- Unknown. Moon Men
- Unknown. Moon People of Jupiter
- Unknown. Mr. Fosdick Invents the Seidlitzmobile
- Unknown. Mr. Murchison's Radio Party
- Unknown. Murder on the Asteroid
- Unknown. Mutiny in Space (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. Mutiny in Space (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. Mutiny in Space (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. Mutiny on Mercury
- Unknown. Münchhausen Departs for the Planet Mars
- Unknown. Münchhausen Is Taught "Martian"
- Unknown. Münchhausen on the Moon
- Unknown. Münchhausen on the Moon [2]
- Unknown. Mystery from the Stars
- Unknown. Mystery from the Stars
- Unknown. Nach vorn in die Zukunft: Science-Fiction-Autoren sind die besseren Futurologen
- Unknown. New Fandom Broadsheet (cover)
- Unknown. New York Invaded
- Unknown. Off on a Comet (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. Off on a Comet (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. Ohne Plan B geht es nicht: Technologien zur Stromerzeugung im späten 21. Jahrhundert
- Unknown. Olaf Stapledon
- Unknown. On the Brink of 2000
- Unknown. On the Cover
- Unknown. One Prehistoric Night
- Unknown. One Thousand Miles Below
- Unknown. One-Way Tunnel
- Unknown. Other Worlds
- Unknown. Other Worlds [2]
- Unknown. Our Atomic Sun
- Unknown. Out of the Sub-Universe
- Unknown. Out of the Sub-Universe (reprint)
- Unknown. Outcasts from Mars
- Unknown. Outpost on Io
- Unknown. Overlord of Earth
- Unknown. Palos of the Dog Star Pack (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. Palos of the Dog Star Pack (Complete Novel) [2]
- Unknown. Palos of the Dog Star Pack (Complete Novel) [3]
- Unknown. Palos of the Dog Star Pack (Complete Novel) [4]
- Unknown. Paradox +
- Unknown. Pebbles of Dread
- Unknown. People of the Golden Atom
- Unknown. Perfect Murder
- Unknown. Perseus - Slayer of the Medusa
- Unknown. Phaëton, Son of Apollo
- Unknown. Pink Elephants
- Unknown. Pionier der Zukünfte: H. G. Wells — der Mann, der die Zukunft entdeckte
- Unknown. Planet of Eternal Night
- Unknown. Planet of Eternal Night [2]
- Unknown. Planet of Eternal Night [3]
- Unknown. Planet of Eternal Night [4]
- Unknown. Planet of Eternal Night [5]
- Unknown. Planet of the Knob-Heads
- Unknown. Planet Stories, Fall 1941 (cover)
- Unknown. Planet Stories, Fall 1941 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Plastic Pigskin Daze
- Unknown. Plastic Pigskin Daze
- Unknown. Polaris - of the Snows (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. Polaris - of the Snows (Complete Novel) [10]
- Unknown. Polaris - of the Snows (Complete Novel) [2]
- Unknown. Polaris - of the Snows (Complete Novel) [3]
- Unknown. Polaris - of the Snows (Complete Novel) [4]
- Unknown. Polaris - of the Snows (Complete Novel) [5]
- Unknown. Polaris - of the Snows (Complete Novel) [6]
- Unknown. Polaris - of the Snows (Complete Novel) [7]
- Unknown. Polaris - of the Snows (Complete Novel) [8]
- Unknown. Polaris - of the Snows (Complete Novel) [9]
- Unknown. Polaris and the Goddess Glorian (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. Polaris and the Goddess Glorian (Complete Novel) [2]
- Unknown. Polaris and the Goddess Glorian (Complete Novel) [3]
- Unknown. Polaris and the Goddess Glorian (Complete Novel) [4]
- Unknown. Pollock and the Porroh Man
- Unknown. Portfolio: Frank R. Paul (Ralph 124C41+ by Hugo Gernsback)
- Unknown. Premier Earth Satellite
- Unknown. Prize Contest (Amazing Stories, September 1927)
- Unknown. Problems of Space Flying
- Unknown. Professor Diel's Ray
- Unknown. Programmierte Katastrophe: Das kommende Zeitalter der Panikwaffen und Kampfroboter
- Unknown. Prometheus—God of Fire
- Unknown. Quanten werden anders bleiben: Ein Rückblick auf die makroskopische Quantenwelt der Zukunft
- Unknown. Quartz City on Mercury
- Unknown. Quip, December 1949 (original back cover artwork)
- Unknown. Quip, X-mas 1949 (cover)
- Unknown. Radio Mates
- Unknown. Ralph 124C 41+ (cover)
- Unknown. Ralph 124C 41+ (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Ralph 124C 41+: A Romance of the Year 2660
- Unknown. Ralph 124C41+
- Unknown. Ralph 124C41+
- Unknown. Ralph 124C41+
- Unknown. Ralph 124C41+ [2]
- Unknown. Ralph 124C41+ [3]
- Unknown. Rays of Death (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. Rays of Death (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. Reaping the Whirlwind
- Unknown. Red April, 1965
- Unknown. Red Flame of Venus
- Unknown. Red Moon
- Unknown. Renewing Your Blood
- Unknown. Revolt of the Scientists
- Unknown. Ride and Seek
- Unknown. Robur the Conqueror (Amazing-1927)
- Unknown. Robur the Conqueror; or, The Clipper of the Clouds (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. Robur the Conqueror; or, The Clipper of the Clouds (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. Sam Graves' Electric Mind Revealer
- Unknown. Sam Graves' Gravity Nullifier
- Unknown. Satellite Science Fiction, December 1957 (cover)
- Unknown. Saturn, Queen of the Sky (original interior painting)
- Unknown. Saucer Souvenir
- Unknown. Science and Invention
- Unknown. Science and Invention [2]
- Unknown. Science and Invention [3]
- Unknown. Science and Mechanics, December 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Science and Mechanics, January 1936 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Science Fiction Adventure Classics, Spring 1971
- Unknown. Science Fiction June, 1939 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Science Fiction League
- Unknown. Science Fiction Plus (Interior Illustration) — June 1953
- Unknown. Science Fiction Quarterly, Spring 1941 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Fiction Quarterly, Summer 1941 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Fiction Quarterly, Winter 1941 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Fiction Quarterly, Winter 1941 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Science Fiction, August 1939 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Fiction, December 1939 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Fiction, December 1939 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Science Fiction, January 1941 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Fiction, June 1939 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Fiction, June 1940 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Fiction, June 1941 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Fiction, March 1939
- Unknown. Science Fiction, March 1939 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Fiction, March 1940 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Fiction, March 1941 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Fiction, October 1939 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Fiction, October 1940 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Fiction, October 1940 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Science Fiction, September 1941 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Fiction, September 1941 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Science with a Bang
- Unknown. Science Wonder Quarterly, Fall 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Quarterly, Fall 1929 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Science Wonder Quarterly, Spring 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Quarterly, Spring 1930 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Science Wonder Quarterly, Winter 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Quarterly, Winter 1930 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, April 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, August 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, August 1929 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, August 1929 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, December 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, February 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, January 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, July 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, June 1929
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, March 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, May 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, November 1929
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, November 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, November 1929 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, October 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, October 1929 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, September 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Science Wonder Stories, September 1929 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Science-Fiction Explores the Future
- Unknown. Science-Fiction Explores the Future
- Unknown. Science-Fiction Plus, August 1953 (back cover)
- Unknown. Science-Fiction Plus, August 1953 (cover)
- Unknown. Science-Fiction Plus, December 1953 (cover)
- Unknown. Science-Fiction Plus, December 1953 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Science-Fiction Plus, December 1953 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Science-Fiction Plus, May 1953 (cover)
- Unknown. Science-Fiction Plus, October 1953 (cover)
- Unknown. Science-Fiction Views the Cosmos
- Unknown. Science-Fiction Views the Cosmos
- Unknown. Scientific Detective Monthly, April 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Scientific Detective Monthly, November 1929 (cover)
- Unknown. Scientifiction (reprint)
- Unknown. Seed
- Unknown. Seeds from Space
- Unknown. Seeds from Space
- Unknown. September 1949 (Gnome Press Fantasy Art Calendar for 1949)
- Unknown. Serenis, Water City of Callisto
- Unknown. Sexology, October 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Sexology, Summer 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Short-Wave Madness
- Unknown. Signal, September 1958 (cover)
- Unknown. Sleep Scourge
- Unknown. Smoke Rings
- Unknown. Solander's Radio Tomb
- Unknown. Some Minor Inventions
- Unknown. Space Medicine
- Unknown. Space Rays
- Unknown. Space Suits
- Unknown. Space Suits [2]
- Unknown. Space-Liner X-87
- Unknown. Spawn of the Comet
- Unknown. Spawn of the Infinitude
- Unknown. Special Agent to Venus
- Unknown. Spheres of Hell
- Unknown. Spoilers of the Spaceways
- Unknown. Station in Space
- Unknown. Station in Space [2]
- Unknown. Station in Space [3]
- Unknown. Station X (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. Stenographer's Hands
- Unknown. Stenographer's Hands (reprint)
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars . . Rigel
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars ...
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars ... Canus Major
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars ... Gemini
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars ... Procyon
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars ... Spica
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars...Aldebaran
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars...Alphecca
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars...Andromeda
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars: Aldebaran in Taurus
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars: Alphecca
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars: Altair
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars: Antares
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars: Great Nebula in Andromeda
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars: Mizar in Ursa Major
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars: The Great Nebula in Orion
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars: Vega, in Lyra, the Harp
- Unknown. Stories of the Stars—Alphecca
- Unknown. Streamers of Death
- Unknown. Strictly Private! (cover)
- Unknown. Sub-Satellite
- Unknown. Suitcase Airplanes
- Unknown. Sunken Cities
- Unknown. Sunward Flight
- Unknown. Super-Radio
- Unknown. Superworld Comics No. 1 (cover)
- Unknown. Superworld Comics No. 2 (cover)
- Unknown. Superworld Comics No. 3 (cover)
- Unknown. Survival
- Unknown. Swordsmen of Saturn
- Unknown. Taa the Terrible
- Unknown. Television Guided Spaceship
- Unknown. Television News, March-April 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Television News, March-April 1931 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Television, July 1928 (cover)
- Unknown. Television, July 1928 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Ten Days To Live
- Unknown. Tetrahedra of Space
- Unknown. The "Master Key"
- Unknown. The "Platinum Planets"
- Unknown. The "Ultimate Ray"
- Unknown. The 35th Millennium
- Unknown. The Afterglow (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. The Afterglow (Complete Novel) [2]
- Unknown. The Afterglow (Complete Novel) [3]
- Unknown. The Afterglow (Complete Novel) [4]
- Unknown. The Air Spy
- Unknown. The Air Terror
- Unknown. The Air Trap
- Unknown. The Airlords of Han
- Unknown. The Airlords of Han (reprint)
- Unknown. The Alien Intelligence
- Unknown. The Alien Intelligence (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The Alien Intelligence (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. The Alien Room
- Unknown. The Amazing Years
- Unknown. The Amazing Years [10]
- Unknown. The Amazing Years [2]
- Unknown. The Amazing Years [3]
- Unknown. The Amazing Years [4]
- Unknown. The Amazing Years [5]
- Unknown. The Amazing Years [6]
- Unknown. The Amazing Years [7]
- Unknown. The Amazing Years [8]
- Unknown. The Amazing Years [9]
- Unknown. The Ambassador From Mars
- Unknown. The Ananias Gland
- Unknown. The Ancient Brain
- Unknown. The Ancient Horror
- Unknown. The Ancient Ones
- Unknown. The Andromeda Menace
- Unknown. The Appendix and the Spectacles
- Unknown. The Ark of the Covenant (Part 1 of 4)
- Unknown. The Ark of the Covenant (Part 2 of 4)
- Unknown. The Ark of the Covenant (Part 3 of 4)
- Unknown. The Ark of the Covenant (Part 4 of 4)
- Unknown. The Asteroid of Death
- Unknown. The Asteroid of Gold
- Unknown. The Astounding Discoveries of Doctor Mentiroso
- Unknown. The Atomic Riddle
- Unknown. The Automatic Apartment
- Unknown. The Balloon Hoax
- Unknown. The Bat-Men of Mars (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Bat-Men of Mars (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The Beacon of Airport Seven
- Unknown. The Beast Plants
- Unknown. The Beast-Men of Ceres
- Unknown. The Biological Revolt
- Unknown. The Biological Revolt [5]
- Unknown. The Black Comet
- Unknown. The Black River
- Unknown. The Bloodless War
- Unknown. The Blue Dimension
- Unknown. The Blue Tropics
- Unknown. The Boneless Horror
- Unknown. The Boneless Horror
- Unknown. The Book of Worlds (reprint)
- Unknown. The Box from the Stars
- Unknown. The Brain of the Planet (frontispiece)
- Unknown. The Brain-Eaters of Pluto
- Unknown. The Branches of Time
- Unknown. The Broken Axiom
- Unknown. The Call of the Mech-Men
- Unknown. The Celestial Brake
- Unknown. The Celestial Brake [2]
- Unknown. The Celestial Brake [3]
- Unknown. The Celestial Brake [4]
- Unknown. The Celestial Visitor
- Unknown. The Challenge of the Comet
- Unknown. The Chemical Magnet
- Unknown. The Cities of Mars
- Unknown. The Cities of Mars [2]
- Unknown. The City of Singing Flame
- Unknown. The City of the Living Dead
- Unknown. The City of the Living Dead
- Unknown. The City of the Singing Flame
- Unknown. The Color of Space
- Unknown. The Comet Doom
- Unknown. The Comet Doom (reprint)
- Unknown. The Comet Doom (reprint)
- Unknown. The Coming of the Ice
- Unknown. The Coming of the Ice
- Unknown. The Coming of the Ice (reprint)
- Unknown. The Conquerors (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The Conquerors (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. The Cosmic Blinker
- Unknown. The Cosmic Cloud
- Unknown. The Cosmic Cloud [2]
- Unknown. The Cosmic Cloud [3]
- Unknown. The Cosmic Cloud [4]
- Unknown. The Cosmic Cloud [5]
- Unknown. The Cosmic Cloud [6]
- Unknown. The Cosmic Cloud [7]
- Unknown. The Cosmic Horror
- Unknown. The Cosmic Pantograph
- Unknown. The Country of the Blind
- Unknown. The Cry From the Ether
- Unknown. The Crystal
- Unknown. The Crystal Egg
- Unknown. The Crystal Egg (reprint)
- Unknown. The Crystal Empire
- Unknown. The Cubic City
- Unknown. The Cubic City [2]
- Unknown. The Death of Iron (Part 1 of 4)
- Unknown. The Death of Iron (Part 2 of 4)
- Unknown. The Death of Iron (Part 3 of 4)
- Unknown. The Death of Iron (Part 4 of 4)
- Unknown. The Death of the Moon
- Unknown. The Deflecting Wave
- Unknown. The Derelict of Space
- Unknown. The Derelicts of Ganymede
- Unknown. The Devil's Understudy
- Unknown. The Diamond Maker
- Unknown. The Dimension of Chance
- Unknown. The Disintegrating Ray
- Unknown. The Drums of Tapajos (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Drums of Tapajos (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. The Drums of Tapajos (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The Duel on the Asteroid
- Unknown. The Early Gernsback Era
- Unknown. The Earthman's Burden
- Unknown. The Educated Harpoon
- Unknown. The Electric Duel
- Unknown. The Electronic Baby
- Unknown. The Electronic Siege
- Unknown. The Electronic Wall
- Unknown. The Elements of Science-Fiction
- Unknown. The Elements of Science-Fiction [2]
- Unknown. The Elixir of Hate (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. The Elixir of Hate (Complete Novel) [2]
- Unknown. The Elixir of Hate (Complete Novel) [3]
- Unknown. The Elixir of Hate (Complete Novel) [4]
- Unknown. The Elixir of Hate (Complete Novel) [5]
- Unknown. The Elixir of Hate (Complete Novel) [6]
- Unknown. The Elixir of Hate (Complete Novel) [7]
- Unknown. The Elixir of Life
- Unknown. The Elixir of Progress
- Unknown. The Empire in the Sky
- Unknown. The End of the Moon
- Unknown. The End of the Moon [2]
- Unknown. The End of the Moon [2]
- Unknown. The English at the North Pole (Amazing-1929)
- Unknown. The English at the North Pole (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The English at the North Pole (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. The Eternal Dictator
- Unknown. The Eternal Light
- Unknown. The Eternal Man
- Unknown. The Eternal Man
- Unknown. The Eternal Man
- Unknown. The Eternal World
- Unknown. The Ether Ship of Oltor
- Unknown. The Evening Star (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The Evening Star (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. The Evolutionary Monstrosity
- Unknown. The Exile of the Skies (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Exile of the Skies (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. The Exile of the Skies (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The Extrapolated Dimwit [2]
- Unknown. The Eye of Prometheus
- Unknown. The Eye of the Vulture
- Unknown. The Face in the Abyss
- Unknown. The Fall of the Eiffel Tower (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Fall of the Eiffel Tower (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. The Fall of the Eiffel Tower (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The Family Circle, August 1938 (cover)
- Unknown. The Fatal Equation
- Unknown. The Fate of the Poseidonia
- Unknown. The Fate of the Poseidonia
- Unknown. The Feminine Metamorphosis
- Unknown. The Final War (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The Final War (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. The First Men in the Moon (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The First Men in the Moon (reprint)
- Unknown. The First Men in the Moon [2] (reprint)
- Unknown. The Fitzgerald Contraction
- Unknown. The Fitzgerald Contraction
- Unknown. The Flame Breathers
- Unknown. The Flight of the Mercury
- Unknown. The Floating Island of Madness
- Unknown. The Flowering of the Strange Orchid
- Unknown. The Flying Buzz-Saw
- Unknown. The Flying Legion (Part 1 of 4)
- Unknown. The Flying Legion (Part 2 of 4)
- Unknown. The Flying Legion (Part 3 of 4)
- Unknown. The Flying Legion (Part 4 of 4)
- Unknown. The Four-Dimensional Roller-Press
- Unknown. The Frank R. Paul Portfolio: Into the 4th Dimension
- Unknown. The Gas-Weed
- Unknown. The Geist of the Jungle
- Unknown. The Girl from Mars (frontispiece)
- Unknown. The Gold Triumvirate
- Unknown. The Golden Vapor
- Unknown. The Gravitomobile
- Unknown. The Gravity King
- Unknown. The Gravity King
- Unknown. The Great Radio Message from Mars
- Unknown. The Great Steel Panic
- Unknown. The Great Steel Panic (reprint)
- Unknown. The Green Intelligence
- Unknown. The Green Man of Graypec (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Green Man of Graypec (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. The Green Man of Graypec (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The Green Torture
- Unknown. The Hell Planet
- Unknown. The Hidden Colony (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Hidden Colony (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. The Hidden Colony (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The Hidden World (Science Wonder Quarterly, Fall 1929)
- Unknown. The Hollister Experiment
- Unknown. The Horrible Transformation
- Unknown. The House in the Clouds
- Unknown. The Human Termites
- Unknown. The Human Termites (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Human Termites (Part 1 of 4)
- Unknown. The Human Termites (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. The Human Termites (Part 2 of 4)
- Unknown. The Human Termites (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The Human Termites (Part 3 of 4)
- Unknown. The Human Termites (Part 4 of 4)
- Unknown. The Human Termites [2]
- Unknown. The Human Termites [3]
- Unknown. The Human Termites [4]
- Unknown. The Human Termites [5]
- Unknown. The Human Termites [6]
- Unknown. The Human Termites [7]
- Unknown. The Ideal
- Unknown. The Ideal (reprint)
- Unknown. The Immortal Storm: A History of Science Fiction Fandom (cover)
- Unknown. The Impossible Highway
- Unknown. The Impossible Highway
- Unknown. The Incredible Monstrosity
- Unknown. The Incredible Pulps: A Gallery of Fiction Magazine Art (title page)
- Unknown. The Inferiority Complex
- Unknown. The Infinite Brain
- Unknown. The Infinite Vision
- Unknown. The Insect World
- Unknown. The Invaders
- Unknown. The Invisible Bubble
- Unknown. The Invisible Bubble
- Unknown. The Invisible City
- Unknown. The Invisible Destroyer
- Unknown. The Invisible Finite
- Unknown. The Invisible Raiders
- Unknown. The Island of Dr. Moreau (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The Island of Dr. Moreau (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. The Island of Unreason
- Unknown. The Isotope Men
- Unknown. The Jewels from the Moon
- Unknown. The Juice Hangs High
- Unknown. The Killing Flash
- Unknown. The King of the Monkey Men
- Unknown. The King of the Monkey Men [2]
- Unknown. The King of the Monkey Men [3]
- Unknown. The King of the Monkey Men [4]
- Unknown. The Lake of Life
- Unknown. The Land of Mighty Insects
- Unknown. The Land of the Bipos
- Unknown. The Land That Time Forgot
- Unknown. The Land That Time Forgot (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Land That Time Forgot (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. The Land That Time Forgot (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The Land That Time Forgot (reprint)
- Unknown. The Land That Time Forgot (reprint) [2]
- Unknown. The Last Man
- Unknown. The Last Man (reprint)
- Unknown. The Last of the Lemurians
- Unknown. The Last of the Swarm
- Unknown. The Last Woman
- Unknown. The Life Battery
- Unknown. The Life Beyond
- Unknown. The Life Detour
- Unknown. The Light from Beyond
- Unknown. The Light That Killed
- Unknown. The Literary Corkscrew
- Unknown. The Living Machine
- Unknown. The Living Test Tube
- Unknown. The Lord of Death
- Unknown. The Lord of the Dynamos
- Unknown. The Lord of Tranerica
- Unknown. The Lost Continent
- Unknown. The Lost Martian
- Unknown. The Love Machine
- Unknown. The Lunar Consul (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The Lunar Consul (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. The Lure of Clark Ashton Smith
- Unknown. The Machine Man of Ardathia (reprint)
- Unknown. The Machine That Thought
- Unknown. The Mad World
- Unknown. The Magnetic Storm
- Unknown. The Making of Misty Isle
- Unknown. The Malignant Flower
- Unknown. The Man from Ariel
- Unknown. The Man from Beyond
- Unknown. The Man from Mars
- Unknown. The Man from the Atom (reprint)
- Unknown. The Man from the Atom (reprint)
- Unknown. The Man from the Atom (Sequel)
- Unknown. The Man from Venus
- Unknown. The Man Higher Up
- Unknown. The Man of Stone
- Unknown. The Man Who Awoke
- Unknown. The Man Who Awoke (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Man Who Awoke (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. The Man Who Awoke III—The City of Sleep
- Unknown. The Man Who Awoke II—Master of the Brain
- Unknown. The Man Who Awoke V—The Elixir
- Unknown. The Man Who Awoke: 2. Master of the Brain
- Unknown. The Man Who Awoke: 2. The City of Sleep
- Unknown. The Man Who Awoke: IV: The Individualists
- Unknown. The Man Who Evolved
- Unknown. The Man Who Saved the Earth
- Unknown. The Man Who Shrank
- Unknown. The Man Who Was Millions
- Unknown. The Marble Virgin
- Unknown. The Martian
- Unknown. The Martian Revenge
- Unknown. The Master Mind of Mars
- Unknown. The Master Mind of Mars (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. The Master Mind of Mars [10]
- Unknown. The Master Mind of Mars [2]
- Unknown. The Master Mind of Mars [3]
- Unknown. The Master Mind of Mars [4]
- Unknown. The Master Mind of Mars [5]
- Unknown. The Master Mind of Mars [6]
- Unknown. The Master Mind of Mars [7]
- Unknown. The Master Mind of Mars [8]
- Unknown. The Master Mind of Mars [9]
- Unknown. The Master of the World (Amazing-1928)
- Unknown. The Master of the World (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The Master of the World (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. The Mastermind of Mars
- Unknown. The Mastermind of Mars [2]
- Unknown. The Mastermind of Mars [3]
- Unknown. The Memory of the Atoms
- Unknown. The Menace
- Unknown. The Menace From Below
- Unknown. The Menace From Below [2]
- Unknown. The Menace from Space
- Unknown. The Menace of Mars
- Unknown. The Menace [2]
- Unknown. The Message from Mars
- Unknown. The Messenger from Space
- Unknown. The Metal Emperor (Part 2 of 11)
- Unknown. The Metal Man
- Unknown. The Metal Man
- Unknown. The Metal Man (reprint)
- Unknown. The Metal Man (reprint)
- Unknown. The Metal Man and Others (limitation page)
- Unknown. The Metal Monster
- Unknown. The Metal World
- Unknown. The Meteor Makers
- Unknown. The Meteoric Magnet
- Unknown. The Mightiest Machine (cover)
- Unknown. The Mightiest Machine (cover) [2]
- Unknown. The Miracle of the Lily
- Unknown. The Mogu of Mars
- Unknown. The Monster Out of Space
- Unknown. The Moon Beasts
- Unknown. The Moon Doom (An Unfinished Story) (Part 1 of 4)
- Unknown. The Moon Era
- Unknown. The Moon Era
- Unknown. The Moon Era
- Unknown. The Moon Men
- Unknown. The Moon Metal
- Unknown. The Moon Mines
- Unknown. The Moon Mistress
- Unknown. The Moon of Doom
- Unknown. The Moon Pool (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Moon Pool (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. The Moon Pool (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The Moon Pool (reprint)
- Unknown. The Moon Pool (reprint)
- Unknown. The Moon Pool (reprint)
- Unknown. The Moon Tragedy
- Unknown. The Mouthpiece of Zitu (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. The Mouthpiece of Zitu (Complete Novel) [2]
- Unknown. The Mouthpiece of Zitu (Complete Novel) [3]
- Unknown. The Mouthpiece of Zitu (Complete Novel) [4]
- Unknown. The Mouthpiece of Zitu (Complete Novel) [5]
- Unknown. The Mouthpiece of Zitu (Complete Novel) [6]
- Unknown. The Mouthpiece of Zitu (Complete Novel) [7]
- Unknown. The Mouthpiece of Zitu (Complete Novel) [8]
- Unknown. The Murgatroyd Experiment
- Unknown. The Mystery Metal
- Unknown. The Mystery of Planet Deep
- Unknown. The Mystery of the -/-
- Unknown. The New Accelerator
- Unknown. The New Life
- Unknown. The Nth Man
- Unknown. The Nth Man [2]
- Unknown. The Nth Man [3]
- Unknown. The Nth Man [4]
- Unknown. The Octopus Cycle
- Unknown. The Onslaught From Venus
- Unknown. The Onslaught of Venus
- Unknown. The Outpost on the Moon (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Outpost on the Moon (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. The Outpost on the Moon (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The Paradise of the Ice Wilderness
- Unknown. The People of the Golden Atom (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. The People of the Golden Atom (Complete Novel) [2]
- Unknown. The People of the Golden Atom (Complete Novel) [3]
- Unknown. The Perambulating Home
- Unknown. The Perfect World
- Unknown. The Perfect World (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. The Perfect World (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The Phantom Arm
- Unknown. The Phantom of Galon
- Unknown. The Phantom Teleview
- Unknown. The Physiophone: Music for the Deaf
- Unknown. The Pineal Stimulato
- Unknown. The Planet Juggler
- Unknown. The Planet Juggler [2]
- Unknown. The Planet of Youth
- Unknown. The Planet's Air Master
- Unknown. The Planetoid of Doom
- Unknown. The Plunge of the "Knupfen"
- Unknown. The Poet of Science Fiction
- Unknown. The Poor Fish
- Unknown. The Posterity Fund
- Unknown. The Power Planet
- Unknown. The Power Satellite
- Unknown. The Prince of Liars
- Unknown. The Prince of Liars (reprint)
- Unknown. The Prince of Liars (reprint) [2]
- Unknown. The Prince of Liars [2]
- Unknown. The Princess of Aphur
- Unknown. The Problem of Space Flying (Cover: Scienc Wonder Stories, August, 1929)
- Unknown. The Prophetic Voice
- Unknown. The Psychological Solution
- Unknown. The Psychophonic Nurse
- Unknown. The Purple Death
- Unknown. The Puzzle Duel
- Unknown. The Pygmy Planet
- Unknown. The Radio Beasts (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. The Radio Beasts (Complete Novel) [2]
- Unknown. The Radio Beasts (Complete Novel) [3]
- Unknown. The Radio Explorers
- Unknown. The Radio Ghost
- Unknown. The Radio Man (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Radio Man (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. The Radio Man (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The Radio Man (reprint)
- Unknown. The Radio Planet (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. The Radio Planet (Complete Novel) [2]
- Unknown. The Radio Planet (Complete Novel) [3]
- Unknown. The Radio Planet (Complete Novel) [4]
- Unknown. The Radio Planet (Complete Novel) [5]
- Unknown. The Radio Planet (Complete Novel) [6]
- Unknown. The Radio Planet (Complete Novel) [7]
- Unknown. The Radio Terror (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Radio Terror (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. The Radio Terror (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The Radio Vision
- Unknown. The Radium Master
- Unknown. The Radium Pool (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The Radium Pool (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. The Radium World
- Unknown. The Red Ace
- Unknown. The Red Plague
- Unknown. The Reign of the Ray (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The Reign of the Reptiles
- Unknown. The Reign of the Robots
- Unknown. The Reign of the Star-Death
- Unknown. The Retreat to Mars
- Unknown. The Return from Jupiter (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The Return from Jupiter (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. The Return of the Air Master
- Unknown. The Return of the Martians
- Unknown. The Return to Subterrania
- Unknown. The Revolt of the Atoms
- Unknown. The Revolt of the Pedestrians
- Unknown. The Revolt of the Pedestrians (reprint)
- Unknown. The Revolt of the Scientists III—The Final Triumph
- Unknown. The Revolt of the Scientists II—The Great Oil War
- Unknown. The Rikits of Mars
- Unknown. The Robot Aliens
- Unknown. The Robot Master
- Unknown. The Robot Technocrat
- Unknown. The Roger Bacon Formula
- Unknown. The Runaway Skyscraper (reprint)
- Unknown. The Sargasso Monster
- Unknown. The Sea Things
- Unknown. The Second Deluge (Part 1 of 4)
- Unknown. The Second Deluge (Part 3 of 4)
- Unknown. The Second Shell
- Unknown. The Second Swarm
- Unknown. The Second Swarm [2]
- Unknown. The Second Swarm [3]
- Unknown. The Second Swarm [3]
- Unknown. The Second Swarm [4]
- Unknown. The Second Swarm [5]
- Unknown. The Second Swarm [6]
- Unknown. The Second Swarm [7]
- Unknown. The Secret of Artificial Gills
- Unknown. The Secret of Artificial Reproduction
- Unknown. The Secret of Suspended Animation
- Unknown. The Secret of the Atom
- Unknown. The Secret of the Earthquake
- Unknown. The Secret of the Memory Obliterator
- Unknown. The Secret of the Motorless Airplane
- Unknown. The Secret of the Philosopher's Stone
- Unknown. The Secret of the Sixth Sense
- Unknown. The Secret of the Super-Telescope
- Unknown. The Secret of the Talking Ape
- Unknown. The Seventh Generation
- Unknown. The Seventh Generation
- Unknown. The Shot from the Sky
- Unknown. The Shot into Infinity
- Unknown. The Silent Destroyer
- Unknown. The Sixth Glacier (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. The Sky Maniac
- Unknown. The Sky Ruler
- Unknown. The Skylark of Space
- Unknown. The Skylark of Space (Amazing-1928)
- Unknown. The Skylark of Space (Amazing-1928) [2]
- Unknown. The Skylark of Space (Amazing-1928) [3]
- Unknown. The Skylark of Space (cover)
- Unknown. The Skylark of Space (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Skylark of Space (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. The Skylark of Space (Part 2 of 3) [2]
- Unknown. The Skylark of Space (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The Soul Makers
- Unknown. The Soulless Entity
- Unknown. The Space Coffin
- Unknown. The Space Hermit
- Unknown. The Space Lens
- Unknown. The Space Visitors
- Unknown. The Sphinx
- Unknown. The Sphinx of Thebes
- Unknown. The Spirit of Science-Fiction
- Unknown. The Spirit of Science-Fiction
- Unknown. The Spore Doom
- Unknown. The Spore Doom
- Unknown. The Star
- Unknown. The Star of Dead Love
- Unknown. The Star of Dead Love (reprint)
- Unknown. The Star-Master
- Unknown. The Star-Master
- Unknown. The Stolen Chrysalis
- Unknown. The Storm Buster
- Unknown. The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham
- Unknown. The Strong Arm Circuit
- Unknown. The Struggle for Neptune
- Unknown. The Struggle for Neptune
- Unknown. The Sun-Makers
- Unknown. The Sun-Makers [2]
- Unknown. The Sun-Makers [3]
- Unknown. The Sunken World (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. The Sunken World (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. The Sunken World (Complete Novel) [2]
- Unknown. The Sunken World (Complete Novel) [3]
- Unknown. The Sunken World (Complete Novel) [4]
- Unknown. The Sunken World (Complete Novel) [5]
- Unknown. The Sunken World (Complete Novel) [6]
- Unknown. The Sunken World (reprint)
- Unknown. The Sunken World (reprint) [2]
- Unknown. The Sunken World (reprint) [3]
- Unknown. The Sunken World (reprint) [4]
- Unknown. The Sunken World (reprint) [5]
- Unknown. The Sunken World (reprint) [6]
- Unknown. The Sunken World (reprint) [7]
- Unknown. The Superman of Dr. Jukes
- Unknown. The Survivors
- Unknown. The Synthetic Entity
- Unknown. The Synthetic Men
- Unknown. The Terror from the Sea
- Unknown. The Terrors of the Upper Air
- Unknown. The Thieves from Isot
- Unknown. The Thing From—Outside
- Unknown. The Third Vibrator
- Unknown. The Thirteenth World Science Fiction Convention (cover painting)
- Unknown. The Thought Machine
- Unknown. The Thought Projector (frontispiece)
- Unknown. The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade
- Unknown. The Threat of the Robot
- Unknown. The Thunderer
- Unknown. The Tides of Time
- Unknown. The Time Annihilator
- Unknown. The Time Cheaters
- Unknown. The Time Conqueror
- Unknown. The Time Eliminator
- Unknown. The Time Express
- Unknown. The Time Machine
- Unknown. The Time Machine (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. The Time Machine (reprint)
- Unknown. The Time Machine (reprint)
- Unknown. The Time Oscillator
- Unknown. The Time Projector (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The Time Projector (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. The Time Stream (Part 1 of 4)
- Unknown. The Time Stream (Part 2 of 4)
- Unknown. The Time Stream (Part 3 of 4)
- Unknown. The Time Stream (Part 4 of 4)
- Unknown. The Time Tragedy
- Unknown. The Time Trap
- Unknown. The Time Valve
- Unknown. The Time-Wise Guy (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The Times Flies
- Unknown. The Tissue-Culture King
- Unknown. The Tomb from Beyond
- Unknown. The Tragedy of Spider Island
- Unknown. The Transformation of Professor Schmitz
- Unknown. The Translation of John Forsythe
- Unknown. The Truth Gas
- Unknown. The Twenty-First Century Limited
- Unknown. The Ultimate Salient
- Unknown. The Ultra-Elixir of Youth
- Unknown. The Unknown Avenger
- Unknown. The Vanguard to Neptune
- Unknown. The Vanishing Fleet
- Unknown. The Vanishing Men
- Unknown. The Vapor Intelligence
- Unknown. The Venus Adventure
- Unknown. The Venus Germ
- Unknown. The Visible Invisible Man
- Unknown. The Visitors from Mlok
- Unknown. The Voice from the Inner World
- Unknown. The Voyage to Kemptonia
- Unknown. The War of the Weeds
- Unknown. The War of the Worlds
- Unknown. The War of the Worlds (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The War of the Worlds (Part 1 of 2) (reprint)
- Unknown. The War of the Worlds (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. The War of the Worlds (reprint, Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The War-Nymphs of Venus
- Unknown. The Warning
- Unknown. The Way of a Dinosaur
- Unknown. The Weather Adjudicator
- Unknown. The Winged Doom
- Unknown. The Wonder Years [10]
- Unknown. The Wonder Years [11]
- Unknown. The Wonder Years [12]
- Unknown. The Wonder Years [2]
- Unknown. The Wonder Years [3]
- Unknown. The Wonder Years [4]
- Unknown. The Wonder Years [5]
- Unknown. The Wonder Years [6]
- Unknown. The Wonder Years [7]
- Unknown. The Wonder Years [8]
- Unknown. The Wonder Years [9]
- Unknown. The World at Bay (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The World at Bay (Part 1 of 2) [2]
- Unknown. The World at Bay (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. The World in Balance
- Unknown. The World of Singing Crystals
- Unknown. The World of the Giant Ants
- Unknown. The World of the Red Sun
- Unknown. The World without Us (excerpt)
- Unknown. The Worlds of If
- Unknown. The Worm (reprint)
- Unknown. The Wreck of the Asteroid (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Wreck of the Asteroid (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. The Wreck of the Asteroid (Part 3 of 3) [2]
- Unknown. The Wreck of the Asteroid (Part 3 of 3) [3]
- Unknown. The Yeast Men
- Unknown. The Yellow Air-Peril
- Unknown. They Never Come Back
- Unknown. Three from the Test-Tube
- Unknown. Through the Air Tunnel
- Unknown. Through the Crater's Rim
- Unknown. Through the Meteors
- Unknown. Through the Purple Cloud
- Unknown. Through the Time-Radio
- Unknown. Through the Vibrations
- Unknown. To The Moon by Proxy
- Unknown. Too Much Waves
- Unknown. Traders in Treasures
- Unknown. Transhumanismus: Zwischen denkenden Androiden und fühlenden Cyborgs
- Unknown. Trapped in the Depths
- Unknown. Treasures of Tantalus (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. Tyrant of the Red World
- Unknown. Ultimate World (cover)
- Unknown. Under Arctic Ice
- Unknown. Under the Knife
- Unknown. Under the White Star
- Unknown. unidentified 1940s pulp title
- Unknown. Unidentified issue of Fantastic Adventures or Amazing Stories (original back cover painting)
- Unknown. Universe in Darkness
- Unknown. Universe in Darkness
- Unknown. Unknown and Possibly Unpublished Paul Painting
- Unknown. Unlimited Destruction
- Unknown. Unlocking the Past
- Unknown. Untitled
- Unknown. Untitled (reprint)
- Unknown. Upward Bound
- Unknown. Urknall im Ringtunnel: Die Stunde der quantenphysikalischen Wahrheit
- Unknown. Utopia Island (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. Utopia Island (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. Valley of Dreams
- Unknown. Valley of Pretenders
- Unknown. Vampire Queen
- Unknown. Vandals of the Void
- Unknown. Vanishing Gold
- Unknown. Vanishing Movies
- Unknown. Vassals of the Master World
- Unknown. Venus or Earth?
- Unknown. Venus Station
- Unknown. Venusian Scene
- Unknown. Visiting the Inside of a Watch
- Unknown. Voice of Atlantis
- Unknown. Voice of the Imagi-Nation, June 1941 (cover)
- Unknown. Von Kempelen and His Discovery
- Unknown. Vorstoß der Terrestrischen: Der Sprung ins interplanetare und interstellare Raumfahrtzeitalter
- Unknown. Vulcan—God of Heavy Industry
- Unknown. Wanderers of Time
- Unknown. Warriors of Space
- Unknown. Waters of Wrath
- Unknown. Waves of Compulsion
- Unknown. Waves of Death
- Unknown. West Point of Tomorrow
- Unknown. What Dr. Hackensaw Found on the Moon
- Unknown. What Hackensaw Found on the Moon
- Unknown. What the Sodium Lines Revealed
- Unknown. When Reptiles Ruled
- Unknown. When Space Ripped Open
- Unknown. When the Earth Tilted
- Unknown. When the Ice Terror Came
- Unknown. When the Moon Fell (frontispiece)
- Unknown. When the Sun Went Out (frontispiece)
- Unknown. When the World Went Mad
- Unknown. When Worlds Collide
- Unknown. Where Gravity Ends
- Unknown. Why the Heavens Fell
- Unknown. Wild Wullie, the Waster
- Unknown. Wild Wullie, the Waster [2]
- Unknown. Without Residue
- Unknown. Woman's Island
- Unknown. Women's World
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly (table of contents)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Fall 1929 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Fall 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Fall 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Fall 1931 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Fall 1931 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Fall 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Fall 1932 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Spring 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Spring 1931 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Spring 1931 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Spring 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Spring 1932 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Summer 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Summer 1930 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Summer 1931
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Summer 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Summer 1931 [2]
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Summer 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Winter 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Winter 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories Quarterly, Winter 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, April 1931
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, April 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, April 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, April 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, April 1934
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, April 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, April 1936 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, April 1936 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1930 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1931 (cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1933 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1934 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, August 1935 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, December 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, December 1930 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, December 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, December 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, December 1932 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, December 1932 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, December 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, December 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, December 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1932 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1933 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1933 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1934 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1935 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, February 1936 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, January 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, January 1932
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, January 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, January 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, January 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, January 1934 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, January 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, July 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, July 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, July 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, July 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, July 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, July 1935 (original cover design)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, July 1935 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, June 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, June 1930 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, June 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, June 1931 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, June 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, June 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, June 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, June 1935 (cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, June 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, March 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, March 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, March 1933 (cover detail)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, March 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, March 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, March 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, March 1935 (original cover design)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, May 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, May 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, May 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, May 1933 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, May 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, May 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, November 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, November 1930 (original cover design)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, November 1930 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, November 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, November 1931 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, November 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, November 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, November 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, November 1934 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, October 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, October 1930 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, October 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, October 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, October 1933 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, October 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, October 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, September 1930 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, September 1930 (cover) [2]
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, September 1931 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, September 1931 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, September 1932 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, September 1934 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, September 1935 (cover)
- Unknown. Wonder Stories, September 1935 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. World Atavism
- Unknown. World of the Mist (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. World of the Mist (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. World War III---In Retrospect
- Unknown. Worldcon Program Book — 1955 (original cover painting)
- Unknown. Xandulu (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. Xandulu (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. Xandulu (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. Zeus — the Thunder God
- Unknown. Ziemlich danebengelegen: Eine kleine Geschichte der klassischen Fehlprognosen bekannter Zukunftsforscher
- Unknown. Zukunft des Wissens: Der Übergang menschlichen Wissens in kognitive Superstrukturen
- Unknown. Æpyornis Island
- Unknown. Æpyornis Island (reprint)
- 1926. The Mad Planet
- 1929. The Artificial Man
- 1929. The Gravitational Deflector
- 1929. The Hidden World
- 1929. The Shot into Infinity (Complete Novel)
- 1929. Into the 28th Century
- 1929. Into the 28th Century [2]
- 1929. Into the 28th Century [3]
- 1929. Into the 28th Century [4]
- 1929. The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel)
- 1929. The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [10]
- 1929. The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [2]
- 1929. The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [3]
- 1929. The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [4]
- 1929. The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [5]
- 1929. The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [6]
- 1929. The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [7]
- 1929. The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [8]
- 1929. The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [9]
- 1929. Underground Waters
- 1930. The Stone from the Moon (Complete Novel)
- 1930. The Thought Materializer
- 1930. Electropolis
- 1930. The Monsters of Neptune
- 1930. The Tower of Evil
- 1930. The War of the Planets
- 1930. The Black Star Passes
- 1930. The Black Star Passes [2]
- 1930. The Black Star Passes [3]
- 1930. The Black Star Passes [5]
- 1930. The Mark of the Meteor
- 1930. The Scarlet Planet (Complete Novel)
- 1931. Vandals of the Void (Complete Novel)
- 1931. Spacewrecked on Venus
- 1931. The Martian
- 1931. The Metal Moon
- 1931. The Moon Destroyers
- 1931. The Onslaught from Rigel (Complete Novel)
- 1931. The Revolt of the Star Men
- 1932. Rebels of the Moon
- 1932. Red Slag of Mars
- 1932. The Sterile World
- 1932. The Vanguard to Neptune (Complete Novel)
- 1932. The Voice in the Void
- 1932. The Woman from Space
- 1932. Beyond Pluto
- 1932. Exiles of Mars
- 1932. Rebellion on Venus
- 1932. The Jovian Horde
- 1932. The Menace from Mercury
- 1932. The Voyage of the Asteroid
- 1932. Emissaries of Space (Complete Novel)
- 1932. Guardians of the Void
- 1932. The Crisis with Mars
- 1932. The Electron Flame
- 1932. The Wreck of the Asteroid (Part 2 of 3)
- 1932. Exiles on Asperus
- 1932. Interplanetary Bridges (Complete Novel)
- 1938. The Family Circle, August 26, 1938 (cover)
- 1939. Fantasy News, June 25, 1939 (cover)
- 1939. World Science Fiction Convention
- 1941. Science Wonder Stories, June 1929 (cover)
- 1941. Fantasy Fiction Field, April 12, 1941 (cover)
- 1949. Quip Magazine, December 25, 1949
- 1951. Mountains of the Mind
- 1955. The Thirteenth World Science Fiction Convention Program Booklet (cover)
- 1956. Amazing Stories, April 1926 (cover)
- 1970. [Paul portfolio, 10 pieces]
- 1981. The World of the Red Sun
- 1988. First Fandom
- 2000. Amazing Stories, November 1928 (cover)
- 2003. Life on Saturn
- 2007. Air Wonder Stories, November 1929
- 2007. Cover: Amazing Stories, August 1928 (reprint)
- 2007. You Can Be Replaced
- 2011. The War of the Worlds
- 2011. Into Plutonian Depths
- 2014. The Sixth Glacier (cover)
- 2015. Famous Fantastic Mysteries: A Survey of the Most Frequently Overlooked Pulp
- 2018. Cover for "Wonder Stories, July 1934"
- 2019. Amazing Stories Cover
- 2019. Amazing Stories: December 1926
- 2019. Ship of Doom
- 2020. Amazing Stories Annual, 1927 (cover)
- 2020. The Blue Tropics
- Unknown. Frank R. Paul: Father of Science Fiction Art
- Unknown. Frank R. Paul: The Dean of Science Fiction Illustration
- Unknown. From the Pen of Paul: The Fantastic Images of Frank R. Paul
- Unknown. Gnome Press Fantasy Art Calendar for 1949
- Unknown. Frank R. Paul: The Dean of Science Fiction Illustration
- Unknown. From the Pen of Paul: The Fantastic Images of Frank R. Paul
- Unknown. From the Pen of Paul: The Fantastic Images of Frank R. Paul
- Unknown. From the Pen of Paul: The Fantastic Images of Frank R. Paul
- 0000. From the Pen of Paul: The Fantastic Images of Frank R. Paul - Locus Poll Award, Best Non-Fiction/Art (Nomination)
- 0000. From the Pen of Paul: The Fantastic Images of Frank R. Paul - Hugo Award, Best Related Work (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Frank R. Paul: The Dean of Science Fiction Illustration - Hugo Award, Best Related Work (Nomination below cutoff)
- sf art book (2 books)