Eleanor Arnason
Source: "Eleanor Arnason Bibliography." Author Wars, https://authorwars.com/authors/eleanor-arnason.html".
- Unknown. Amnita: The Legend of Amnita or The Amazon
- 2005. Ordinary People
- 2010. Mammoths of the Great Plains
- 2013. Big Mama Stories
- 2014. Hidden Folk
- 2016. Hwarhath Stories: Transgressive Tales by Aliens
- Unknown. An Arnason Bibliography
- Unknown. Appendix A: A Note on Pronunciation
- Unknown. Introduction (Time Gum and Other Poems from the Minicon Poetry Readings)
- Unknown. Letter (Locus #367)
- Unknown. Letter (NYRSF, December 1996)
- Unknown. Letter (NYRSF, January 1999)
- Unknown. Letter (NYRSF, July 1997)
- Unknown. Letter (NYRSF, March 1994)
- Unknown. Letter (NYRSF, May 1995)
- Unknown. Letter (NYRSF, November 1991)
- Unknown. On Writing A Woman of the Iron People
- Unknown. On Writing Science Fiction
- Unknown. Read This (NYRSF, January 1992)
- Unknown. Science Fiction Without the Future: Responses
- Unknown. The Sieve
- Unknown. The Year in Science Fiction and Fantasy: A Symposium
- Unknown. Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Monster: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: A Modern Prometheus
- Unknown. [About Eleanor Arnason's novel, ...]
- 2005. Writing Science Fiction During the Third World War
- 2010. Writing Science Fiction During World War Three
- 2010. Seven Ways of Looking at Ursula K. Le Guin
- 2012. Me and Science Fiction (19 November 2012)
- 2013. Me and Science Fiction: Writing What You Don't Know
- 2013. Me and Science Fiction: Hope for the Future
- 2013. Me and Science Fiction: Fan Fiction
- 2013. Afterword (Big Mama Stories)
- 2013. Me and Science Fiction: Imagining the Future
- 2013. Me and Science Fiction: Genre Fiction
- 2013. Me and Science Fiction: Thor: The Dark World
- 2014. Me and Science Fiction: SF Poetry
- 2014. Me and Science Fiction: SF and Politics
- 2014. Me and Science Fiction: Invisible
- 2014. Me and Science Fiction: Books and the Death of the Middle Class
- 2014. Introduction (Hidden Folk)
- 2015. Me and Science Fiction: Dystopia, Dark Urban Fantasy, Zombies, and Monsters from the Deep
- 2015. Me and Science Fiction: What Are We, Chopped Liver?
- 2015. Introduction (Puss in D.C. and Other Stories)
- 2015. Me and Science Fiction: Guardians and Puppies
- 2015. Me and Science Fiction: Ghost in the Shell
- 2015. Me and Science Fiction: Whiteness Rules the Planet?
- 2016. Me and Science Fiction (15 February 2016)
- 2016. Me and Science Fiction: Space Operas by Women
- 2016. A Romance of Investigation
- 2016. Fantastic and Religious Romances
- 2016. Historical Romances
- 2016. Scientific Romances
- 2016. Me and Science Fiction: The Marvel Project
- 2016. Me and Science Fiction: Women Writers and the Current State of SF Publishing
- Unknown. An Interview with Eleanor Arnason
- Unknown. Author Spotlight: Eleanor Arnason
- Unknown. Author Spotlight: Eleanor Arnason
- Unknown. Author Spotlight: Eleanor Arnason (Lightspeed, July 2015)
- Unknown. Author Spotlight: Eleanor Arnason (Lightspeed, June 2014)
- Unknown. Interview: Eleanor Arnason
- Unknown. SFC Interview: Eleanor Arnason
- Unknown. Unfolding
- Unknown. Unfolding
- 2004. Interview: Eleanor Arnason
- 2010. "At the Edge of the Future"
- Unknown. A Woman of the Iron People
- Unknown. Changing Women
- Unknown. Daughter of the Bear King
- Unknown. In the Light of Sigma Draconis
- Unknown. Ring of Swords
- Unknown. The Sword Smith
- Unknown. To the Resurrection Station
- 1995. Sigma Draconis
- 1995. Meduse
- 2010. Tomb of the Fathers
- Unknown. A dark night in November ...
- Unknown. A Poem to Drive Monsters Away
- Unknown. Amnita and the Giant Stinginess
- Unknown. Bear Song
- Unknown. Clean House Poem
- Unknown. Colline's Coat
- Unknown. dragon poem
- Unknown. Love Song
- Unknown. Mars Poem
- Unknown. On Seeing Bellini's Opera The Capulets and Montagues...
- Unknown. On the Border
- Unknown. On Writing
- Unknown. Poem (untitled)
- Unknown. Poem Written After I Read an Article Which Argued That Birds Are Descended from Dinosaurs
- Unknown. Song from the Kalevala
- Unknown. The Glutton: A Goxhat Accounting Chant
- Unknown. The Land of Ordinary People
- Unknown. There Was an Old Lady...
- Unknown. A Woman of the Iron People
- Unknown. A Woman of the Iron People
- Unknown. A Woman of the Iron People
- Unknown. A Woman of the Iron People
- Unknown. A Woman of the Iron People
- Unknown. Big Mama Stories
- Unknown. Big Mama Stories
- Unknown. Big Mama Stories
- Unknown. Big Mama Stories
- Unknown. Daughter of the Bear King
- Unknown. Daughter of the Bear King
- Unknown. Hidden Folk
- Unknown. Hidden Folk
- Unknown. Hidden Folk
- Unknown. Hidden Folk
- Unknown. Hwarhath Stories
- Unknown. Hwarhath Stories: Transgressive Tales by Aliens
- Unknown. Hwarhath Stories: Transgressive Tales by Aliens
- Unknown. Mammoths of the Great Plains
- Unknown. Mammoths of the Great Plains
- Unknown. Mammoths of the Great Plains
- Unknown. Ordinary People
- Unknown. Ordinary People
- Unknown. Ring of Swords
- Unknown. Ring of Swords
- Unknown. Ring of Swords
- Unknown. Ring of Swords
- Unknown. Ring of Swords
- Unknown. Ring of Swords
- Unknown. Ring of Swords
- Unknown. The Sword Smith
- Unknown. The Tomb of the Fathers
- Unknown. To the Resurrection Station
- Unknown. To the Resurrection Station
- Unknown. To the Resurrection Station
- Unknown. To the Resurrection Station
- Unknown. To the Resurrection Station
- Unknown. Tomb of the Fathers
- Unknown. Tomb of the Fathers
- Unknown. Tomb of the Fathers
- Unknown. Tomb of the Fathers
- 1993. Ring of Swords
- 1993. Ring of Swords
- 2004. A Woman of the Iron People
- 2010. Mammoths of the Great Plains
- 2010. Tomb of the Fathers
- 2013. Big Mama Stories
- 2013. The Lovers
- 2015. Hidden Folk
- 2015. Hidden Folk
- 2016. Hwarhath Stories
Short Fiction
- Unknown. A Brief History of the Order of St. Cyprian the Athlete
- Unknown. A Ceremony of Discontent
- Unknown. A Clear Day in the Motor City
- Unknown. Ace 167
- Unknown. Among the Featherless Bipeds
- Unknown. Big Black Mama and Tentacle Man
- Unknown. Big Green Mama Falls in Love
- Unknown. Big Ugly Mama and the Zk
- Unknown. Checkerboard Planet
- Unknown. Daisy
- Unknown. Dapple
- Unknown. Dapple: A Hwarhath Historical Romance
- Unknown. Der Elfenbeinkamm
- Unknown. Glam's Story
- Unknown. Going Down
- Unknown. Grădina. O idilă science fiction Hwarhath
- Unknown. Grandmother Troll
- Unknown. Knapsack Poems
- Unknown. Kormak the Lucky
- Unknown. Laki
- Unknown. Le storie raccontate al cielo
- Unknown. Lifeline
- Unknown. Loft, a varázsló
- Unknown. Mines
- Unknown. Moby Quilt
- Unknown. Mr. Catt
- Unknown. My Husband Steinn
- Unknown. Origin Story
- Unknown. Pasja priča
- Unknown. Patrick and Mr. Bear: A True Story
- Unknown. Poemas de alforja
- Unknown. Poemi dei Knapsack
- Unknown. Ruins
- Unknown. Stellar Harvest
- Unknown. Telling Stories to the Sky
- Unknown. The Actors
- Unknown. The Cloud Man
- Unknown. The Diner
- Unknown. The Dog's Story
- Unknown. The Face on the Barroom Floor
- Unknown. The Garden
- Unknown. The Garden: A Hwarhath Science Fictional Romance
- Unknown. The Gauze Banner
- Unknown. The Grammarian's Five Daughters
- Unknown. The Graveyard
- Unknown. The Hat Maker of God
- Unknown. The Hound of Merin
- Unknown. The House by the Sea
- Unknown. The Ivory Comb
- Unknown. The Lost Mother: A Story Told by the Divers
- Unknown. The Lovers
- Unknown. The Potter of Bones
- Unknown. The Scrivener
- Unknown. The Semen Thief
- Unknown. The Small Black Box of Morality
- Unknown. The Venetian Method
- Unknown. The Warlord of Saturn's Moons
- Unknown. The Woman Who Fooled Death Five Times
- Unknown. Tunnels
- 1977. Das Gesicht auf dem Barboden
- 2010. Mammoths of the Great Plains
- 2012. Holmes Sherlock
- 2012. Holmes Sherlock: A Hwarhath Mystery
- 2013. Mamuții din marile câmpii
- 2013. Big Brown Mama and Brer Rabbit
- 2013. Big Red Mama in Time and Morris, Minnesota
- 2014. My Husband Stein
- 2014. The Black School
- 2014. The Puffin Hunter
- 2018. Loft the Sorcerer
- 2020. Loft le sorcier
- 2023. As cinco filhas da gramaticista
- 0000. Stellar Harvest - HOMer Award, Novelette (Win)
- 0000. A Woman of the Iron People - Mythopoeic Award, Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature (Win)
- 0000. A Woman of the Iron People - James Tiptree, Jr. Award / Otherwise Award, Gender-bending SF (Win)
- 0000. The Potter of Bones - Locus Poll Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Ruins - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Holmes Sherlock: A Hwarhath Mystery - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Kormak the Lucky - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Ring of Swords - Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Dapple: A Hwarhath Historical Romance - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Mammoths of the Great Plains - Locus Poll Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Stellar Harvest - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. A Woman of the Iron People - Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. Tunnels - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Hidden Folk - Locus Poll Award, Best Collection (Nomination)
- 0000. The Hound of Merin - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Cloud Man - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Woman Who Fooled Death Five Times - Locus Poll Award, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. Checkerboard Planet - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Lovers - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Stellar Harvest - Hugo Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Dapple: A Hwarhath Historical Romance - Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award, Best Short Science Fiction (Nomination)
- 0000. The Cloud Man - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. My Husband Steinn - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Telling Stories to the Sky - Locus Poll Award, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. The Garden: A Hwarhath Science Fictional Romance - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Laki - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Knapsack Poems - Locus Poll Award, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. The Scrivener - Locus Poll Award, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. Mines - Locus Poll Award, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. Big Ugly Mama and the Zk - Locus Poll Award, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. A Woman of the Iron People - John W. Campbell Memorial Award, Best Science Fiction Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. My Husband Steinn - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Knapsack Poems - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. The Potter of Bones - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Big Ugly Mama and the Zk - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. Tunnels - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Dog's Story - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Moby Quilt - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Stellar Harvest - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Actors - Locus Poll Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. The Lovers - Locus Poll Award, Best Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Hwarhath Stories: Transgressive Tales by Aliens - Locus Poll Award, Best Collection (Nomination)
- 0000. Ring of Swords - James Tiptree, Jr. Award / Otherwise Award, Gender-bending SF (Nomination)
- 0000. The Warlord of Saturn's Moons - Nebula Award, Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Lovers - James Tiptree, Jr. Award / Otherwise Award, Gender-bending SF (Nomination)
- 0000. The Dog's Story - Nebula Award, Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. Stellar Harvest - Nebula Award, Novelette (Nomination)
- 0000. The Gauze Banner - James Tiptree, Jr. Award / Otherwise Award, Gender-bending SF (Nomination)
- 0000. Dapple: A Hwarhath Historical Romance - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. The Grammarian's Five Daughters - World Fantasy Award, Best Short Fiction (Nomination)
- 0000. Knapsack Poems - James Tiptree, Jr. Award / Otherwise Award, Gender-bending SF (Nomination)
- 0000. Knapsack Poems - Nebula Award, Short Story (Nomination)
- 0000. The Potter of Bones - Nebula Award, Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. Mammoths of the Great Plains - Sidewise Awards for Alternate History, Best Short Form Alternate History (Nomination)
- 0000. Hwarhath Stories: Transgressive Tales by Aliens - Philip K. Dick Award, Philip K. Dick Award (Nomination)
- 0000. Mammoths of the Great Plains - Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award, Best Short Science Fiction (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Big Mama Stories - James Tiptree, Jr. Award / Otherwise Award, Gender-bending SF (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Hwarhath Stories: Transgressive Tales by Aliens - James Tiptree, Jr. Award / Otherwise Award, Gender-bending SF (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Grandmother Troll - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Novelette (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Lovers - Nebula Award, Novelette (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. A Woman of the Iron People - Hugo Award, Best Novel (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Amnita: The Legend of Amnita or The Amazon - Elgin Award, Book (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Amnita: The Legend of Amnita or The Amazon - Elgin Award, Book (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Lovers - Hugo Award, Best Novelette (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Dog's Story - Hugo Award, Best Novelette (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Dapple: A Hwarhath Historical Romance - Hugo Award, Best Novella (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Dapple: A Hwarhath Historical Romance - James Tiptree, Jr. Award / Otherwise Award, Gender-bending SF (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Actors - Hugo Award, Best Novella (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Actors - James Tiptree, Jr. Award / Otherwise Award, Gender-bending SF (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Holmes Sherlock: A Hwarhath Mystery - Hugo Award, Best Novelette (Nomination below cutoff)
- science fiction (8 books)
- aliens (3 books)
- no humans (2 books)
- alien planet (2 books)
- alien point of view (1 book)
- interstellar war (1 book)
- gardening (1 book)
- wormholes (1 book)
- same-sex relationships (1 book)
- recursive sf (1 book)
- near future (1 book)
- environment (1 book)
- social commentary (1 book)
- eunuchs (1 book)
- filmmaking (1 book)
- movies (1 book)
- entertainment (1 book)
- castration (1 book)
- sexuality (1 book)
- myth (1 book)
- tribal battles (1 book)
- normalized homosexuality (1 book)
- female creator (1 book)
- female protagonist (1 book)
- humanoid race (1 book)
- origin myth (1 book)
- Trickster (1 book)
- nonbinary gender (1 book)
- Sigma Draconis (1 book)
- first contact (1 book)
- alternate history (1 book)
- young-adult sf (1 book)
- humor (1 book)
- Iceland (1 book)
- trolls (1 book)
- mystery solving (1 book)
- fable (1 book)
- space opera (1 book)
- military sf (1 book)
- criminal corporation (1 book)
- fantasy (1 book)