Duane Ackerson
Source: "Duane Ackerson Bibliography." Author Wars, https://authorwars.com/authors/duane-ackerson.html".
- Unknown. Rocket Candy: Speculative Poetry
- Unknown. The Eggplant and Other Absurdities: Poems and Prose Poems
- Unknown. A Short Voyage to the Planet Persona--Part 1
- Unknown. From Tedium to Terror (2 of 2)
- Unknown. From Tedium to Terror (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. The Return of the Future: Science Fictions & Recent Poetry
- Unknown. A Mirror Past the Weight Limit
- Unknown. After
- Unknown. After Too Many Twilight Zone Episodes
- Unknown. Alarm Clock
- Unknown. Antiworlds
- Unknown. Changing to Stay the Same
- Unknown. Colonial Policy
- Unknown. Constellations
- Unknown. DNA
- Unknown. Dreams Bumping Their Heads
- Unknown. Duel
- Unknown. Fahrenheit 450
- Unknown. Fatalities
- Unknown. From the Ghosts Unlimited Directory
- Unknown. Grass
- Unknown. Halloween: Invaders from Earth
- Unknown. House of Air
- Unknown. I Am the Bullet
- Unknown. In Shop Windows
- Unknown. Instructions for a Safe Transit
- Unknown. Making Nothing Happen
- Unknown. Margins
- Unknown. Mice Over Fallen Mirrors
- Unknown. Mt. St. Helens
- Unknown. No Punch Line
- Unknown. Now
- Unknown. Nursery Rhyme
- Unknown. Old Uncle Willie
- Unknown. Olfactory Art: Smell No. 1
- Unknown. Outfoxed
- Unknown. Plant Mask
- Unknown. Praising Little
- Unknown. Puffball
- Unknown. Rain Puddles
- Unknown. Raven on the Road
- Unknown. Robert Frost in Space
- Unknown. Science Fiction Story
- Unknown. Shootout at the Reflection Corral
- Unknown. Sorry, Your Call Has Been Blocked
- Unknown. Star Circuit Circus
- Unknown. Ten Second Tragedies: Lost Moonlight
- Unknown. The Age of Machines
- Unknown. The Bermuda Triangle
- Unknown. The Genetic Engineers
- Unknown. The Ghost's Child
- Unknown. The Glass Blower
- Unknown. The Man Who Thought He Was the Moon
- Unknown. The Matrix
- Unknown. The Mirror Globe
- Unknown. The Moon
- Unknown. The Other
- Unknown. The Pain
- Unknown. The Shadow's Funeral
- Unknown. The Solar Pipeline
- Unknown. The Starman
- Unknown. The Stars, Crucified on their Limbs of Light
- Unknown. The Swimmer
- Unknown. The Thing
- Unknown. The Time Hopper
- Unknown. The Vampire as Narcissist
- Unknown. The Visit
- Unknown. The World: Reader's Digest Condensed Version
- Unknown. Three
- Unknown. Unsettled Dream
- Unknown. Unwrapping a Mummy
- Unknown. Urban Legend: Self-Made Man
- Unknown. Video Vampire
- Unknown. Violin
- Unknown. When Daddy Died
- Unknown. Who
- Unknown. Wind Bones
- Unknown. With Peary to the Pole
- Unknown. You're Gone
- 2003. Driving Across Idaho
- 2003. Raven Rules
- 2004. A Ghost Story
- 2004. The Blind Man
- 2004. Trawling for Trolls
- 2004. Second Bait
- 2005. Operation Macbeth,
- 2005. Three Urban Legends
- 2005. The Great Gnome Escape
- 2006. The Dream Factory: Two Tours
- 2006. At the Dump
- 2006. Taking Back the Moon
- 2006. Mirror Man
- 2006. Giving Back the Moon
- 2006. Moon Mirror
- 2007. The Observatory
- 2007. The War on Terror
- 2007. Porch Lights
- 2007. The Painting Speaks
- 2007. Bird Seed
- 2008. Poultry
- 2008. The Vampire's Reflection
- 2008. Exiling the Earth
- 2009. The Killer's Suicide Note
- 2009. Infinite Zero
- 2009. Black Hole Hunter's Guide
- 2009. Proof of Existence
- 2010. Little Ghosts
- 2010. What If
- 2010. Various Horses
- 2010. Picturing World Peace on Earth Day
- Unknown. Rocket Candy: Speculative Poetry
- Unknown. Where Robot Mice and Robot Men Run Round in Robot Towns
Short Fiction
- Unknown. Assembly Room
- Unknown. Legends of the Tumbleweeds
- Unknown. Sign at the End of the Universe
- Unknown. The Exhibitionist
- Unknown. The Fare
- Unknown. The Future Sportsman's Manual
- 0000. The Starman - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Win)
- 0000. Constellations - Dwarf Stars Award, Best Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Duel - Dwarf Stars Award, Best Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Outfoxed - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Taking Back the Moon - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. The Bermuda Triangle - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Constellations - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. I Am the Bullet - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination below cutoff)
- 0000. Making Nothing Happen - Rhysling Award, Long Poem (Nomination below cutoff)