David Wingrove
Source: "David Wingrove Bibliography." Author Wars, https://authorwars.com/authors/david-wingrove.html".
Chapter Books
Cover Art
- Unknown. "The Dosadi Experiment" (Frank Herbert): A Review
- Unknown. "To make the dull world beautiful"
- Unknown. 1- 150
- Unknown. 100 Vectors: 84-94
- Unknown. A Room with a Desk (Focus 20)
- Unknown. A Song in the Depth of the Galaxies
- Unknown. Acknowledgements (White Moon, Red Dragon)
- Unknown. Afterthoughts: Reflections on Having Finished Chung Kuo
- Unknown. All-Time Rental Figures for Sf Films
- Unknown. Amazed and Afterwards/Avoiding Neoteny: The SF of Ian Watson
- Unknown. Author's Note (The Broken Wheel)
- Unknown. Author's Note (White Moon, Red Dragon)
- Unknown. Bâtir la grande muraille
- Unknown. Brahmin Awakening: Phil Dick and the Metaphysical Picaresque
- Unknown. Chronology of Important Films
- Unknown. Chung Kuo : une grande roue tourne
- Unknown. Contributions (The Science Fiction Film Source Book)
- Unknown. Copies of Some Greater Thing
- Unknown. Creators of Sf on Screen
- Unknown. Criticism Checklist
- Unknown. Dimension of Miracles/Alchemical Marriage: Reviewed
- Unknown. Dreamtigers: Jorge Luis Borges
- Unknown. Frankenstein Among the Arts
- Unknown. Glossary of Mandarin Terms (The Broken Wheel)
- Unknown. Glossary of Mandarin Terms (White Moon, Red Dragon)
- Unknown. Glossary of Special Effects Terms
- Unknown. In a Crumbling Pastry World
- Unknown. In the Depths: Fanzines Under the Microscope: Maya
- Unknown. Introduction (Apertures: A Study of the Writings of Brian Aldiss)
- Unknown. Introduction (Beasts)
- Unknown. Introduction (Hothouse)
- Unknown. Introduction (The Space Merchants)
- Unknown. Introduction (The World of Null-A)
- Unknown. Introduction (This Immortal)
- Unknown. Introduction: Picturing the Impossible
- Unknown. Introduzione (La montagna bianca)
- Unknown. Introduzione (La ruota spezzata)
- Unknown. Juvenalia? - A Child's View of Earthsea
- Unknown. Labyrinths: Jorge Luis Borges
- Unknown. Legerdemain: The Fiction of Christopher Priest
- Unknown. Letter (Imagination, January/February 1992): Open Letter
- Unknown. Letter (Matrix 10)
- Unknown. Letter (Matrix 11)
- Unknown. Letter (Matrix 66)
- Unknown. Letter (Matrix 9)
- Unknown. Letter (Matrix, August 1976)
- Unknown. Letter (Paperback Inferno 85)
- Unknown. Letter (Vector #81)
- Unknown. Letter (Vector 153)
- Unknown. Letter to Catie
- Unknown. Letter: From Billion to Trillion
- Unknown. Letter: On Feeley and Pedersen
- Unknown. List of Characters (White Moon, Red Dragon)
- Unknown. Major Characters (White Moon, Red Dragon)
- Unknown. Nota dell'autore (La montagna bianca)
- Unknown. Review of The Speculative Poetry Review, Vol. 1, edited by Greg Bear
- Unknown. S.F. as Reference: An Experiment in Social Shaping
- Unknown. Saving the Tale
- Unknown. Science Fiction Films: A-Z
- Unknown. Science Fiction Publishing: The Science Fiction Magazines
- Unknown. Science Fiction Writers: A Consumers' Guide
- Unknown. Select Bibliography (The Science Fiction Film Source Book)
- Unknown. SF Criticism
- Unknown. Taking Risks with Story: The Fiction of Karen Joy Fowler
- Unknown. The Android's Dreams (Vector 84)
- Unknown. The Android's Dreams (Vector 85)
- Unknown. The Android's Dreams (Vector 86)
- Unknown. The Android's Dreams (Vector 87)
- Unknown. The Android's Dreams (Vector 88)
- Unknown. The Android's Dreams (Vector 89)
- Unknown. The Android's Dreams (Vector 90)
- Unknown. The Android's Dreams (Vector 91)
- Unknown. The Android's Dreams (Vector 93)
- Unknown. The Android's Dreams (Vector 94)
- Unknown. The Einstein Intersection: SF in West One
- Unknown. The Final Lie That Burns It Whole: The Work of Ruben de Botana (1871-1923)
- Unknown. The Infinity Box (Vector 80)
- Unknown. The Literary Sources: Books Into Film
- Unknown. The Other Side of the Sky
- Unknown. The Poignancy of Defeat (Zamyatin's "We")
- Unknown. The Rest Is Dreams: The Work of Richard Cowper
- Unknown. The Sf Serials 1913-1956
- Unknown. The Volunteer, or Editing Vector and Beyond ...
- Unknown. Understanding the Grasshopper: Leitmotifs and the Moral Dilemma in the Novels of Philip K. Dick
- 1984. Introduction (Tiger! Tiger!)
- 1987. Old Dreams and Poisoned Streams
- 2012. Introduction (The Middle Kingdom)
- 2012. In Times to Come ...
- 2012. Introduction (Ice and Fire)
- 2013. Author's Note (An Inch of Ashes)
- 2014. Author's Note and Acknowledgements (The White Mountain)
- Unknown. 'I am a bill collector disguised as a tree,' said the bill collector disguised as a tree
- Unknown. A Brief Exchange
- Unknown. An Interview with Frederik Pohl
- Unknown. Confronting Professor Greatrex
- Unknown. David Wingrove
- Unknown. David Wingrove: Eight Years in Hell
- Unknown. David Wingrove: Has an Outrageous Idea
- Unknown. Eye to Eye with David Wingrove
- Unknown. Frank Herbert
- Unknown. Ian Watson
- Unknown. Richard Cowper
- Unknown. Son of Heaven
- Unknown. The David Wingrove Interview
Magazine Editor
- Unknown. Apertures: A Study of the Writings of Brian Aldiss
- Unknown. Der Milliarden-Jahre-Traum: Die Geschichte der Science Fiction
- Unknown. The Science Fiction Film Source Book
- Unknown. The Science Fiction Source Book
- Unknown. Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction
- Unknown. Auf einem Feuerrad
- Unknown. Beneath the Tree of Heaven
- Unknown. Das Buch Atrus
- Unknown. Das Buch der D'ni
- Unknown. Das Buch Ti'ana
- Unknown. Das gebrochene Rad
- Unknown. Das Lied der Bronzestatue
- Unknown. Das Reich der Mitte
- Unknown. Days of Bitter Strength
- Unknown. De witte berg
- Unknown. Der weiße Berg
- Unknown. Die Domäne
- Unknown. Die Kunst des Krieges
- Unknown. Ein Herz aus Stein
- Unknown. Fils du ciel
- Unknown. Het middenrijk
- Unknown. Het rad der verandering
- Unknown. Il Regno di Mezzo
- Unknown. L'art de la guerre
- Unknown. L'empire du milieu
- Unknown. L'empire du milieu
- Unknown. L'empire du milieu
- Unknown. La glace et le feu
- Unknown. La montagna bianca
- Unknown. La montagne blanche
- Unknown. La montagne blanche
- Unknown. La roue brisée
- Unknown. La roue brisée
- Unknown. La ruota spezzata
- Unknown. Le livre d'Atrus
- Unknown. Le livre de D'ni
- Unknown. Lever du jour sur la montagne de fer
- Unknown. Schutt und Asche
- Unknown. The Book of Atrus
- Unknown. The Book of D'ni
- Unknown. The Book of Ti'Ana
- Unknown. The Broken Wheel
- Unknown. The Marriage of the Living Dark
- Unknown. The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. The Stone Within
- Unknown. The White Mountain
- Unknown. Une mesure de cendres
- Unknown. Ungeheuer der Tiefe
- Unknown. Unter dem Himmelsbaum
- Unknown. White Moon, Red Dragon
- 1997. Le livre de Ti'Ana
- 2011. Son of Heaven
- 2011. Daylight on Iron Mountain
- 2012. The Middle Kingdom
- 2012. Ice and Fire
- 2013. The Art of War
- 2013. An Inch of Ashes
- 2013. The Broken Wheel
- 2014. The White Mountain
- 2014. The Empire of Time
- 2015. The Ocean of Time
- 2017. The Master of Time
- 2017. Monsters of the Deep
- 2018. The Stone Within
- 2019. Upon a Wheel of Fire
- Unknown. A Funeral for the Eyes of Fire
- Unknown. A Rude Awakening
- Unknown. A Scanner Darkly
- Unknown. A Touch of Infinity
- Unknown. A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah!
- Unknown. A Very Long Way from Anywhere Else
- Unknown. Again, Dangerous Visions
- Unknown. Aliens
- Unknown. An Introduction to Elvish
- Unknown. Apertures: A Study of the Writings of Brian Aldiss
- Unknown. Apertures: A Study of the Writings of Brian W. Aldiss
- Unknown. Artifact
- Unknown. Beneath the Tree of Heaven
- Unknown. Brontomek
- Unknown. Brothers of the Head
- Unknown. Charisma
- Unknown. Chung Kuo #3: The White Mountain
- Unknown. Chung Kuo 2: The Broken Wheel
- Unknown. Chung Kuo II: The Broken Wheel
- Unknown. Chung Kuo: The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. Chung Kuo: The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. Chung Kuo: The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. Close Encounters with the Deity
- Unknown. Daylight on Iron Mountain
- Unknown. Daylight on Iron Mountain
- Unknown. Daylight on Iron Mountain
- Unknown. Days of Bitter Strength
- Unknown. Days of Bitter Strength
- Unknown. Demand the Impossible: Science Fiction and the Utopian Imagination
- Unknown. Demon Seed
- Unknown. Der Milliarden Jahre Traum
- Unknown. Dimension of Miracles
- Unknown. Duplicating Notes
- Unknown. Enemies of the System
- Unknown. Evil Earths
- Unknown. Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
- Unknown. Four Encounters
- Unknown. Future Rock
- Unknown. Galaxies Interieures 1
- Unknown. Galaxies Interieures 2
- Unknown. Hegira
- Unknown. Hell's Cartographers
- Unknown. Hello Summer, Goodbye
- Unknown. Ice and Fire
- Unknown. Ice and Fire
- Unknown. In Alien Flesh
- Unknown. Into the Out of
- Unknown. Kuldesak
- Unknown. L'empire du milieu
- Unknown. Last Orders and Other Stories
- Unknown. Men of Mystery
- Unknown. Myst: The Book of Atrus
- Unknown. Myst: The Book of Atrus
- Unknown. Myst: The Book of Atrus
- Unknown. New Worlds 10
- Unknown. New Writings in SF 26
- Unknown. Orsini Godbase
- Unknown. Orsinian Tales
- Unknown. Picnic on Paradise
- Unknown. Planet of Exile
- Unknown. Science Fiction: The Explorations
- Unknown. Son of Heaven
- Unknown. Son of Heaven
- Unknown. Son of Heaven
- Unknown. Son of Heaven
- Unknown. Son of Heaven
- Unknown. Spiral Winds
- Unknown. Sunshine 43
- Unknown. The Alchemical Marriage of Alastair Crompton
- Unknown. The Best of Cordwainer Smith
- Unknown. The Best of Robert Silverberg
- Unknown. The Book of D'ni
- Unknown. The Broken Wheel
- Unknown. The Broken Wheel
- Unknown. The Broken Wheel
- Unknown. The Deep
- Unknown. The Disinheriting Party
- Unknown. The Empire of Time
- Unknown. The Encyclopaedia of Science Fiction
- Unknown. The Jewels of Aptor
- Unknown. The Lathe of Heaven
- Unknown. The Malacia Tapestry
- Unknown. The Marriage of the Living Dark
- Unknown. The Measured Caverns
- Unknown. The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. The Middle Kingdom
- Unknown. The Miracle Visitors
- Unknown. The Night of Kadar
- Unknown. The Nucleation
- Unknown. The Omega Project
- Unknown. The Paradox Men
- Unknown. The Prodigy
- Unknown. The Ring of Ritornel
- Unknown. The Road to Corlay
- Unknown. The Rose
- Unknown. The Science Fiction Source Book
- Unknown. The Science Fiction Source Book
- Unknown. The Science Fiction Source Book
- Unknown. The Science Fiction Source Book
- Unknown. The Science Fiction Source Book
- Unknown. The Science Fiction Source Book
- Unknown. The Shape of Sex to Come
- Unknown. The Stone Within
- Unknown. The Stone Within
- Unknown. The Stone Within
- Unknown. The Ultimate Jungle
- Unknown. The White Mountain
- Unknown. The White Mountain
- Unknown. The White Mountain
- Unknown. The White Mountain
- Unknown. The Year's Best SF (1975) 9
- Unknown. This World and Nearer Ones: Essays Exploring the Familiar
- Unknown. Tower of Glass
- Unknown. Trillion Year Spree
- Unknown. Trillion Year Spree
- Unknown. Trillion Year Spree
- Unknown. Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction
- Unknown. Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction
- Unknown. Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction
- Unknown. Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction
- Unknown. Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction
- Unknown. Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction
- Unknown. Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction
- Unknown. Triton
- Unknown. War in 2080: The Future of Military Technology
- Unknown. White Moon, Red Dragon
- 2011. Son of Heaven
Short Fiction
- Unknown. At the Freed Slave
- Unknown. La venue du Lord Yi
- Unknown. Photographs
- Unknown. The Book of D'ni (excerpt)
- Unknown. The Broken Wheel (excerpt)
- Unknown. The Immortals of Science Fiction
- Unknown. The Lord Yi Comes
- 1988. Avenging Lepanto - the Long View
- 0000. Trillion Year Spree - Hugo Award, Best Non-Fiction Book (Win)
- 0000. Trillion Year Spree - Locus Poll Award, Best Non-Fiction (Win)
- 0000. The Science Fiction Sourcebook - Locus Poll Award, Best Non-Fiction/Reference (Nomination)
- 0000. The Middle Kingdom - Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis, Bester ausländischer SF-Roman (Nomination)
- 0000. The Broken Wheel - Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis, Bester ausländischer SF-Roman (Nomination)
- China (17 books)
- science fiction (8 books)
- fantasy (3 books)
- time travel (3 books)
- dystopia (1 book)
- mega-engineering (1 book)
- Imperial China (1 book)
- future earth (1 book)
- interplanetary colonization (1 book)
- androids (1 book)
- no aliens (1 book)
- alternate universe (1 book)
- Mandarin China (1 book)
- history of the future (1 book)
- near future (1 book)