Charles Willard Diffin
Source: "Charles Willard Diffin Bibliography." Author Wars,".
Chapter Books
- 2009. The Hammer of Thor
- 2009. The Finding of Haldgren
- 2012. Dark Moon
- 2013. The Moon Master
- 2014. Out of the Dreadful Depths
- Unknown. Blue Magic
- Unknown. Brood of the Dark Moon
- 2009. Two Thousand Miles Below
- 2012. The Pirate Planet
- Unknown. Blue Magic
- Unknown. Brood of the Dark Moon
- Unknown. Dark Moon
- Unknown. Holocaust
- Unknown. Land of the Lost
- Unknown. Men from Space
- Unknown. Out of the Dreadful Depths
- Unknown. Spawn of the Stars
- Unknown. The Eye of Allah
- Unknown. The Finding of Haldgren
- Unknown. The Hammer of Thor
- Unknown. The Long Night
- Unknown. The Moon Master
- Unknown. The Pirate Planet
- Unknown. The Power and the Glory
- Unknown. Two Thousand Miles Below
- Unknown. When the Mountain Came to Miramar
- Unknown. Blue Magic (Part 1 of 4)
- Unknown. Blue Magic (Part 2 of 4)
- Unknown. Blue Magic (Part 3 of 4)
- Unknown. Blue Magic (Part 4 of 4)
- Unknown. Brood of the Dark Moon (Part 1 of 4)
- Unknown. Brood of the Dark Moon (Part 2 of 4)
- Unknown. Brood of the Dark Moon (Part 3 of 4)
- Unknown. Brood of the Dark Moon (Part 4 of 4)
- Unknown. Land of the Lost (Part 1 of 2)
- Unknown. Land of the Lost (Part 2 of 2)
- Unknown. The Pirate Planet (Part 1 of 4)
- Unknown. The Pirate Planet (Part 2 of 4)
- Unknown. The Pirate Planet (Part 3 of 4)
- Unknown. The Pirate Planet (Part 4 of 4)
- Unknown. Two Thousand Miles Below (Part 1 of 4)
- Unknown. Two Thousand Miles Below (Part 2 of 4)
- Unknown. Two Thousand Miles Below (Part 3 of 4)
- Unknown. Two Thousand Miles Below (Part 4 of 4)
Short Fiction
- Unknown. Cigarette Characterization #2
- Unknown. Dark Moon
- Unknown. Holocaust
- Unknown. Il potere e la gloria
- Unknown. Land of the Lost
- Unknown. Out of the Dreadful Depths
- Unknown. Spawn of the Stars
- Unknown. The Dog That Laughed
- Unknown. The Dog That Laughed (excerpt)
- Unknown. The Eye of Allah
- Unknown. The Finding of Haldgren
- Unknown. The Hammer of Thor
- Unknown. The Long Night
- Unknown. The Man from Space
- Unknown. The Moon Master
- Unknown. The Power and the Glory
- Unknown. The Terror by Night
- Unknown. When the Mountain Came to Miramar
- Librivox (6 books)
- telepathy (3 books)
- alien invasion (2 books)
- Thomas J. Winslow (2 books)
- suspended animation (2 books)
- moon (2 books)
- apemen (1 book)
- carnivororous plants (1 book)
- telepathic hypnotics (1 book)
- giant brain sacks (1 book)
- paralysis ray (1 book)
- Jupiter humanoids (1 book)
- antigravity (1 book)
- venus (1 book)
- crystal cities (1 book)
- true humans (1 book)
- force screen (1 book)
- Venusian humans (1 book)
- rat men (1 book)
- mechanical thought reading (1 book)
- ballistics (1 book)
- romance (1 book)
- Atlantis (1 book)
- mind reading (1 book)
- war (1 book)
- aliens (1 book)
- military (1 book)
- aviation (1 book)
- science fiction (1 book)
- contemporary (1 book)
- interplanetary (1 book)
- chemical warfare (1 book)
- spaceships (1 book)
- Venus . (1 book)
- atomics (1 book)
- homoids (1 book)
- space amoebas (1 book)
- monsters (1 book)
- space flyer (1 book)
- dark moon (1 book)
- space monsters (1 book)
- submen (1 book)
- flying culture (1 book)
- flying patrol (1 book)
- x-ray murder (1 book)
- Lunar natives (1 book)
- Lunarians (1 book)
- Disintegrator (1 book)
- armored air cruiser (1 book)
- atomic energy (1 book)
- death ray (1 book)
- sea monsters (1 book)
- Moon people (1 book)
- hypnotic spider (1 book)
- transparent shell around Earth (1 book)
- hollow earth (1 book)
- disintegrating ray (1 book)
- heat guns (1 book)
- red molemen (1 book)
- internal sun (1 book)
- yellow molemen (1 book)