A Thousand Deaths
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/publications/a-thousand-deaths-99341.html
- Title: A Thousand Deaths
- Author: George Alec Effinger
- Year: 2007
- ISBN-10: 9781930846470
- Publisher: Golden Gryphon Press
- Price: $24.95
- Pages: xiii+340
- Binding: Hardcover
- Type: Collection
- Title Reference: The Wolves of Memory
- Notes:
- "First Edition" stated on the copyright page.
- Golden Gryphon Press Book #51
- "Edited by Marty Halpern" stated on the copyright page.
- The copyright page contains the complete Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data including the year of publication (2007), the ISBN-13 (978-1-930846-47-0), the ISBN-10 (1-930846-47-9) and the LCCN.
- Month of publication from Locus1.
- Cover Painting by John Picacio and Cover Design by Lynne Condellone (from the back flap of the dust jacket.)
- "Two thousand copies of this book have been printed..." stated on page [342]
- $30.95 in Canada