The Wolves of Memory
From Author Wars -
- Title: The Wolves of Memory
- Author: George Alec Effinger
- Year: 1981
- Type: Novels
- Series: Sandor Courane
Variant Titles:
- Unknown. The Wolves of Memory (Unknown, George Alec Effinger, Berkley Books, ISBN-10: 0425056287, $2.50, 264 pages, Paperback, Novel)
- Unknown. The Wolves of Memory (Unknown, George Alec Effinger, G. P. Putnam's Sons, ISBN-10: 039912652X, $14.95, 227 pages, Hardcover, Novel)
- Unknown. A Thousand Deaths (Unknown, George Alec Effinger, Golden Gryphon Press, ISBN-10: 9781930846470, $24.95, xiii+340 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
- Unknown. A Thousand Deaths (Unknown, George Alec Effinger, Open Road Integrated Media, ISBN-10: 9781497605510, $9.99, ebook, Collection)