Under the Eye of God
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/books/under-the-eye-of-god-451.html
- Title: Under the Eye of God
- Author: David Gerrold
- Year: 1993
- Type: Novels
- Series: Trackers (David Gerrold)
- Number in Series: 1
- Unknown. Under the Eye of God (Unknown, David Gerrold, Bantam Books, ISBN-10: 055329010X, $5.99, 328+[17] pages, Paperback, Novel)
- 2014 . Under the Eye of God (2014, David Gerrold, BenBella Books, ISBN-10: 9781939529541, $6.99, pages, ebook, Novel)
- 2014 . Under the Eye of God (2014, David Gerrold, Audible Studios, $24.95, digital audio download, Novel)