Useful Phrases for the Tourist
From Author Wars -
- Title: Useful Phrases for the Tourist
- Author: Joanna Russ
- Year: 1972
- Type: Short Fiction
- 1972. Universe 2 (1972, Terry Carr Ace, Catalog ID: #84601, $0.95, 255 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1974. Infinite Jests (1974, Robert Silverberg Chilton, $5.95, viii+231 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 1977. Future Pastimes (1977, Scott Edelstein Aurora, Catalog ID: #876951817, $6.95, 325 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 1980. Microcosmic Tales (1980, Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, Joseph D. Olander Taplinger, ISBN-10: 0800852389, $12.95, 325 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 1983. The Zanzibar Cat (1983, Joanna Russ Arkham House, ISBN-10: 0870540971, $13.95, xii+244 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
- 1984. The Zanzibar Cat (September 1984, Joanna Russ Baen, ISBN-10: 0671559060, $3.50, 286 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- 1992. Microcosmic Tales (June 1992, Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, Joseph D. Olander DAW, ISBN-10: 0886775329, $4.99, xxi+330 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1998. Not the Only Planet: Science Fiction Travel Stories (1998, Damien Broderick Lonely Planet Australia, ISBN-10: 0864425821, $12.95, 250 pages, Trade, Anthology)
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