The Death of Sleep
From Author Wars -
- Title: The Death of Sleep
- Authors: Anne McCaffrey, Jody Lynn Nye
- Year: 1990
- Type: Novel
- Series: Planet Pirates
- Number in series: 2
- 1990. The Death of Sleep (1990, Anne McCaffrey, Jody Lynn Nye SFBC, Catalog ID: #17472, $6.98, Hardcover, Novel)
- 1990. The Death of Sleep (1990, Anne McCaffrey, Jody Lynn Nye Baen, ISBN-10: 0671698842, $4.95, 380 pages, Paperback, Novel)
- 1991. The Death of Sleep (1991, Anne McCaffrey, Jody Lynn Nye Orbit, ISBN-10: 0356203085, L13.95, 380 pages, Hardcover, Novel)
- 1992. The Death of Sleep (1992, Anne McCaffrey, Jody Lynn Nye Orbit, ISBN-10: 1857230051, L4.99, 380 pages, Paperback, Novel)
- 1993. The Planet Pirates (1993, Anne McCaffrey, Elizabeth Moon, Jody Lynn Nye Baen, ISBN-10: 0671721879, $12.00, 896 pages, Trade, Omnibus)
- 1995. The Death of Sleep (1995, Anne McCaffrey, Jody Lynn Nye Orbit, ISBN-10: 1857230051, L5.99, 380 pages, Paperback, Novel)
- 2001. Die Planetenpiraten 2. Raumfahrergarn. (April 01, 2001, Anne McCaffrey, Jody Lynn Nye Heyne, ISBN-10: 345317948X, Trade, Novel)
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