The Comedian's Children
From Author Wars -
- Title: The Comedian's Children
- Author: Theodore Sturgeon
- Year: 1958
- Type: Short Fiction
- 1958. Venture Science Fiction Magazine, May 1958 (May 1958, Robert P. Mills Mercury Press, Inc., $0.35, 132 pages, Digest, Magazine)
- 1959. SF:'59: The Year's Greatest Science Fiction and Fantasy (1959, Judith Merril Gnome Press, $3.50, 256 pages, Hardcover, Anthology)
- 1959. Aliens 4 (1959, Theodore Sturgeon Avon, ID: T-304, $0.35, 224 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- 1959. SF: The Year's Greatest Science Fiction and Fantasy: 4th Annual Volume (June 1959, Judith Merril Dell, Catalog ID: #B129, $0.35, 256 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1964. No Limits (August 1964, Joseph W. Ferman Ballantine, Catalog ID: #U2220, $0.50, 192 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1965. The Joyous Invasions (1965, Theodore Sturgeon Gollancz, 16/-, 208 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
- 1967. The Joyous Invasions (1967, Theodore Sturgeon Penguin, Catalog ID: #2702, 4/6, 207 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- 1970. Aliens 4 (1970, Theodore Sturgeon Avon Books, $0.75, 223 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- 1972. Strange Tomorrows (1972, Robert Hoskins Lancer Books, 352 pages, Paperback, Anthology)
- 1978. The Joyous Invasions (1978, Theodore Sturgeon Sphere Books, ISBN-13: 0 7221 8215 5, £0.85, 187 pages, Paperback, Collection)
- 2005. The Man Who Lost the Sea: Volume X: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon (January 09, 2005, Theodore Sturgeon North Atlantic Books, ISBN-10: 1556435193, $35.00, xi + 400 pages, Hardcover, Collection)
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