Warhosts of Vastmark
From Author Wars - http://www.authorwars.com/books/titles/3598/warhosts-of-vastmark/
- Title: Warhosts of Vastmark
- Author: Janny Wurts
- Year: 1995
- Type: Novel
- Series: The Wars of Light and Shadow
- Number in series: 3
- 1995. Warhosts of Vastmark (1995, Janny Wurts HarperCollins UK, ISBN-10: 0002246201, L8.99, 384 pages, Trade, Novel)
- 1995. The Ships of Merior (February 1995, Janny Wurts HarperPrism, ISBN-10: 0061052167, $23.00, 917 pages, Hardcover, Omnibus)
- 1996. Warhost of Vastmark (1996, Janny Wurts Voyager, ISBN-10: 0006482074, L5.99, 563 pages, Paperback, Novel)
- 1996. Warhost of Vastmark (1996, Janny Wurts HarperPrism, ISBN-10: 0061056677, $5.99, 492 pages, Paperback, Novel)
- 1996. Warhosts of Vastmark (1996, Janny Wurts HarperPrism, ISBN-10: 0061056677, $5.99, 512 pages, Paperback, Novel)
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