What Ifs? of American History: Eminent Historians Imagine What Might Have Been



Edited by Cowley, others are contributors. fictionwise.com/eBooks/eBook26396.htm lists them as "Robert Dallek, Caleb Carr, Antony Beevor, John Lukacs, Jay Winick, Thomas Fleming, Tom Wicker, Theodore Rabb, Victor David Hansen, Cecelia Holland, Andrew Roberts, Ted Morgan, George Feifer, Robert L. O'Connell, Lawrence Malkin, and John F. Stacks. Included are two essential bonus essays reprinted from the original New York Times bestseller What If? - David McCullough imagines Washington's disastrous defeat at the Battle of Long Island, and James McPherson envisions Lee's successful invasion of the North in 1862." Not covered in Locus1, but a contents list seems available at www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/fy043/2003046911.html


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