Champion of the Gods
From Author Wars -
- Title: Champion of the Gods
- Author: Jeffrey Lord
- Year: 1976
- Type: Novel
- Series: Richard Blade Adventures
- Number in series: 21
- 1977. Champion of the Gods (Richard Blade) (November 01, 1977, Jeffrey Lord Pinnacle Books, ISBN-10: 0523402570, $1.50, Trade, Novel)
- 2005. Champion Of The Gods (Richard Blade) (April 30, 2005, Jeffrey Lord Americana Pub Inc, ISBN-10: 1589433416, $18.00, unk, Novel)
- 2005. Champion Of The Gods (Richard Blade) (April 30, 2005, Jeffrey Lord Americana Pub Inc, ISBN-10: 1589433416, $18.00, unk, Novel)
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