The Best of the Bushel


  • Title: The Best of the Bushel
  • Author: Bob Shaw
  • Year: 1979
  • Publisher: Paranoid/Inca Press
  • Price: £1.00
  • Pages: 60
  • Binding: Trade
  • Type: Nonfiction
  • Title Reference: Cover: The Best of the Bushel
  • Notes: Stapled. Contents copyright (@) 1979 Robert Jackson. "Available for £1.00 or $2.00, plus 10p or 20c for postage from Robert Jackson, 8 Lavender Rd., West Ewell, Epsom, Surrey KT19 9EB, U.K.". The typographically set address of the "U. S. agent", Sam Long, is replaced with a printed label with the address of the new agent, Joyce Scrivner.

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