A Warlock's Blade (A Crossroads Adventure in the World of Christopher Stasheff's Warlock of grAmarye)
From Author Wars - http://www.authorwars.com/books/publications/1377/a-warlocks-blade-a-crossroads-adventure-in-the-world-of-christopher-stasheffs-warlock-of-gramarye/
- Title: A Warlock's Blade (A Crossroads Adventure in the World of Christopher Stasheff's Warlock of grAmarye)
- Authors: Mark Perry, Megahn Perry, Meghan Perry
- Year: 1987
- ISBN-10: 0812564138
- Publisher: Tor
- Price: $3.50
- Binding: Trade
- Type: Novel
- Title Reference: A Warlock's Blade (A Crossroads Adventure in the World of Christopher Stasheff's Warlock of Gramarye)
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