Fantastic Universe, March 1960


  • Title: Fantastic Universe, March 1960
  • Editor: Hans Stefan Santesson
  • Year: 1960
  • Publisher: Great American Publications, Inc.
  • Price: $0.35
  • Pages: 100
  • Binding: Pulp
  • Type: Magazine
  • Notes: Vol 12, No 5. Cover is uncredited but signed by Emsh. Interior art is uncredited but Giunta signed "Bruggil's Bride" and "Beep No More, My Lady", and Finlay signed "Time for Survival". Note that as this is the last issue of Fantastic Universe, it is not possible to know how many parts "The Mind Thing" would have been serialized in. Hence the title is given as "The Mind Thing (Part 1 of ?)".

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