Clark Ashton Smith
From Author Wars -
A nice bibliography is available on the web, maintained by Ian Davey.
- 1942. Out of Space and Time
- 1948. Genius Loci and Other Tales
- 1964. Tales of Science and Sorcery
- 1965. Poems in Prose
- 1970. Other Dimensions
- 1970. Zothique
- 1971. Hyperborea
- 1971. Lost Worlds
- 1972. The Abominations of Yondo
- 1972. Xiccarph
- 1973. Poseidonis
- 1974. Lost Worlds: Volume 1
- 1974. Lost Worlds: Volume 2
- 1974. Out of Space and Time Volume I
- 1974. Out of Space and Time: Volume II
- 1977. Other Dimensions: Volume 1
- 1981. The City of the Singing Flame
- 1982. The Last Incantation
- 1983. The Monster of the Prophecy
- 1988. A Rendezvous in Averoigne
- 1993. Nostalgia of the Unknown: The Complete Prose Poetry of Clark Ashton Smith
- 1995. Tales of Zothique
- 1996. Strange Shadows: The Uncollected Fiction and Essays of Clark Ashton Smith
- 1996. The Averoigne Chronicles
- 1996. The Book of Hyperborea
- 2002. The Emperor of Dreams
- 2002. The Last Oblivion: Best Fantastic Poems of Clark Ashton Smith
- 2004. Red World of Polaris
- 2004. The Sword of Zagan and Other Writings
- 2005. The Double Shadow
- 2005. The Maker of Gargoyles and Other Stories
- 2006. The End Of The Story: The Collected Fantasies Of Clark Ashton Smith Volume 1
- 2007. The Door To Saturn: The Collected Fantasies Of Clark Ashton Smith Volume 2
Short Fiction:
- xxxx. The Face by the River
- 1910. The Ghost of Mohammed Din
- 1910. The Malay Krise
- 1911. The Mahout
- 1912. The Raja and the Tiger
- 1921. The Flirt
- 1922. From a Letter
- 1922. The Fugitives (fragment)
- 1922. The Muse of Atlantis
- 1923. The Perfect Woman
- 1924. Something New
- 1928. The Ninth Skeleton
- 1930. A Copy of Burns
- 1930. A Star-Change
- 1930. Checkmate
- 1930. Marooned in Andromeda
- 1930. Murder in the Fourth Dimension
- 1930. Sadastor
- 1930. The End of the Story
- 1930. The Last Incantation
- 1930. The Parrot
- 1930. The Phantoms of the Fire
- 1930. The Uncharted Isle
- 1931. A Good Embalmer
- 1931. A Rendezvous in Averoigne
- 1931. A Voyage to Sfanomoë
- 1931. An Adventure in Futurity
- 1931. Beyond the Singing Flame
- 1931. Seedling of Mars
- 1931. The Amazing Planet
- 1931. The City of the Singing Flame
- 1931. The Eternal World
- 1931. The Immeasurable Horror
- 1931. The Justice of the Elephant
- 1931. The Necromantic Tale
- 1931. The Planet Entity
- 1931. The Resurrection of the Rattlesnake
- 1931. The Return of the Sorcerer
- 1931. The Satyr
- 1931. The Tale of Satampra Zeiros
- 1931. The Venus of Azombeii
- 1932. Flight into Super-Time
- 1932. Master of the Asteroid
- 1932. The Beast of Averoigne (first version)
- 1932. The Dimension of Chance
- 1932. The Doom of Antarion
- 1932. The Door to Saturn
- 1932. The Gorgon
- 1932. The Hunters from Beyond
- 1932. The Immortals of Mercury
- 1932. The Invisible City
- 1932. The Isle of the Torturers
- 1932. The Maker of Gargoyles
- 1932. The Monster of the Prophecy
- 1932. The Nameless Offspring
- 1932. The Planet of the Dead
- 1932. The Supernumerary Corpse
- 1932. The Testament of Athammaus
- 1932. The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis
- 1932. The Weird of Avoosl Wuthoqquan
- 1932. The Letter from Mohaun Loss
- 1932. The Empire of the Necromancers
- 1933. A Tale of Sir John Maundeville
- 1933. A Vintage from Atlantis
- 1933. Dweller in Martian Depths
- 1933. Genius Loci
- 1933. The Coming of the White Worm (first version)
- 1933. The Demon of the Flower
- 1933. The Double Shadow
- 1933. The Ice-Demon
- 1933. The Kiss of Zoraida
- 1933. The Mandrakes
- 1933. The Second Interment
- 1933. The Seed from the Sepulcher
- 1933. The Visitors from Mlok
- 1933. The Visitors From Mlok
- 1933. The Voyage of King Euvoran
- 1933. The Willow Landscape
- 1933. Ubbo-Sathla
- 1933. The Light from Beyond
- 1933. The Beast of Averoigne
- 1933. The Holiness of Azédarac
- 1934. The Charnel God
- 1934. The Colossus of Ylourgne
- 1934. The Death of Malygris
- 1934. The Disinterment of Venus
- 1934. The Epiphany of Death
- 1934. The Ghoul
- 1934. The Master of the Crabs
- 1934. The Plutonian Drug
- 1934. The Primal City
- 1934. The Seven Geases
- 1934. The Tomb-Spawn
- 1934. The Weaver in the Vault
- 1934. The White Sybil
- 1934. The Witchcraft of Ulua
- 1934. Xeethra
- 1935. The Chain of Aforgomon
- 1935. The Dark Eidolon
- 1935. The Flower-Women
- 1935. The Last Hieroglyph
- 1935. Vulthoom
- 1935. The Treader of the Dust
- 1936. The Black Abbot of Puthuum
- 1936. Thirteen Phantasms
- 1936. Necromancy in Naat
- 1937. The Death of Ilalotha
- 1938. Mother of Toads
- 1938. The Dark Age
- 1938. The Garden of Adompha
- 1938. The Maze of Maal Dweb
- 1938. The Maze of the Enchanter
- 1939. A Night in Malnéant
- 1940. Double Cosmos
- 1940. Strange Shadows / I Am Your Shadow
- 1940. The Great God Awto
- 1941. The Coming of the White Worm
- 1941. The Enchantress of Sylaire
- 1942. The Epiphany of Death
- 1942. Who Are the Living?
- 1947. Nemesis of the Unfinished
- 1947. Quest of the Gazolba
- 1949. The Root of Ampoi
- 1951. Amithaine
- 1951. The Dead Will Cuckold You
- 1951. The Isle of Saturn
- 1951. The Metamorphosis of Earth
- 1953. An Offering to the Moon
- 1953. Morthylla
- 1953. Schizoid Creator
- 1954. A Prophecy of Monsters
- 1954. A Prophecy of Monsters
- 1954. Monsters in the Night
- 1954. Phoenix
- 1958. The Powder of Hyperborea
- 1958. The Theft of the Thirty-Nine Girdles
- 1958. Tolometh
- 1958. Symposium of the Gorgon
- 1961. The Dart of Rasasfa
- 1964. Told in the Desert
- 1971. In Lemuria
- 1971. Lemurienne
- 1972. The Abominations of Yondo
- 1972. The Devotee of Evil
- 1972. The Dweller in the Gulf
- 1972. The Third Episode of Vathek
- 1973. The Double Tower
- 1973. The Utmost Abomination
- 1975. The Scroll of Morloc
- 1976. The Seed from the Sepulchre
- 1976. The Stairs in the Crypt
- 1978. Prince Alcouz and the Magician
- 1980. The Descent Into the Abyss
- 1980. The Light From the Pole
- 1984. The House of Haon-Dor
- 1988. The Dweller in the Martian Depths
- 1993. The City of Destruction
- 1993. The Image of Bronze and the Image of Iron
- 1996. A Platonic Entanglement
- 1996. Ascharia (fragment)
- 1996. Chincharrero
- 1996. Djinn Without a Bottle
- 1996. Eviction by Night
- 1996. Gossip (fragment)
- 1996. In a Hashish-Dream
- 1996. Mandor's Enemy
- 1996. Mnemoka
- 1996. Shapes of Adamant
- 1996. Slaves of the Black Pillar (fragment)
- 1996. The Coming of the White Worm (abridged)
- 1996. The Eggs from Saturn
- 1996. The Expert Lover
- 1996. The Infernal Star
- 1996. The Lord of Lunacy
- 1996. The Master of Destruction (fragment)
- 1996. The Music of Death (fragment)
- 1996. The Ocean-World of Alioth (fragment)
- 1996. The Point of the Jest
- 1996. Unquiet Boundary
- 1996. Venus and the Priest (fragment)
- 1996. Wingless Phoenix
- 2004. A Captivity in Serpens
- 2004. The Ocean-World of Alioth
- 2004. The Red World of Polaris
- 2004. Fakhreddin
- 2004. Lost Pages from The Black Diamonds
- 2004. Oriental Tales: The Yogi's Ring
- 2004. Prince Alcorez and the Magician
- 2004. The Bronze Image
- 2004. The Emerald Eye
- 2004. The Emir's Captive
- 2004. The Fulfilled Prophecy
- 2004. The Guardian of the Temple
- 2004. The Haunted Chamber
- 2004. The Haunted Gong
- 2004. The Malay Creese
- 2004. The Opal of Delhi [II]
- 2004. The Opal of Delhi [I]
- 2004. The Shah's Messenger
- 2004. The Sword of Zagan
- 2004. When the Earth Trembled
- 2004. [Untitled]
- 1929. Introduction to Shadows of Wings
- 1930. The Sorceress of Averoigne (synopsis)
- 1930. The Testament of Athammaus (synopsis)
- 1930. Vizaphmal in Ophiuchus (synopsis)
- 1931. A Tale of Gnydron (synopsis)
- 1931. Across the Time-Stream (synopsis)
- 1931. Letter (Astounding Stories, July 1931)
- 1931. The Cairn (synopsis)
- 1931. The Disinterment of Venus (synopsis)
- 1931. The Nameless Offspring (synopsis)
- 1932. Letter (Amazing Stories, October 1932)
- 1932. The Flower-Women (synopsis)
- 1932. The Immortals of Mercury (synopsis)
- 1934. In the Book of Vergama
- 1949. Why I Selected Uncharted Isle
- 1996. (On the Art of Ephriam Doner)
- 1996. (titles) (synopsis)
- 1996. A Bottle on the Orinoco (synopsis)
- 1996. A Gift from the Beloved (synopsis)
- 1996. A Good Embalmer (synopsis)
- 1996. A Misadventure of Don Juan (synopsis)
- 1996. A Sojourn in Mercury (synopsis)
- 1996. A Vintage from Atlantis (synopsis)
- 1996. Account of an Actual Dream - 1912
- 1996. An Excursion in Time (synopsis)
- 1996. Argument of "The Hashish-Eater"
- 1996. Between Two Worlds (synopsis)
- 1996. Beyond the Rose-Arbor (synopsis)
- 1996. Cigarette Characterization
- 1996. Dead Assassins (synopsis)
- 1996. Fantastic Names
- 1996. Fantastic Titles
- 1996. From a Lost World (synopsis)
- 1996. Hecate (synopsis)
- 1996. I Am a Witch (synopsis)
- 1996. Introduction to Wine of Wonder
- 1996. Maker of Prodigies (synopsis)
- 1996. Men of the Macrocosm (synopsis)
- 1996. Neria (synopsis)
- 1996. Offspring of the Grave (synopsis)
- 1996. Poseidon (synopsis)
- 1996. Prisoners of the Black Dimension (synopsis)
- 1996. Prisoners of the Black Dimension (title only)
- 1996. Queen of the Sabbat (synopsis)
- 1996. The After-Men (synopsis)
- 1996. The Arm from the Fig-Tree (synopsis)
- 1996. The Atmospheric Entity (synopsis)
- 1996. The Beast of Averoigne (synopsis)
- 1996. The Burial-Place of the Unknown (synopsis)
- 1996. The Cairn (new ending) (synopsis)
- 1996. The Conquest of Mercury (synopsis)
- 1996. The Cosmic Sequel (synopsis)
- 1996. The Crabs of Iribos (synopsis)
- 1996. The Cypress (synopsis)
- 1996. The Demon from Alphard (synopsis)
- 1996. The Destination of Gideon Balcoth (synopsis)
- 1996. The Devotee of Evil (synopsis)
- 1996. The Dome in the Ice (synopsis)
- 1996. The Double Dream (synopsis)
- 1996. The Double Shadow (synopsis)
- 1996. The Elder Manor (synopsis)
- 1996. The Embassy to Tiirath (synopsis)
- 1996. The Empire of the Necromancers (synopsis)
- 1996. The Entity of the Sands (synopsis)
- 1996. The Feet of Sidaiva (synopsis)
- 1996. The Galley from Atlantis (synopsis)
- 1996. The Gargoyle of Vyones (synopsis)
- 1996. The Ghoul from Mercury (synopsis)
- 1996. The God of the Asteroid (synopsis)
- 1996. The Hyperborean City (synopsis)
- 1996. The Inverse Avatar (synopsis)
- 1996. The Invisible City (synopsis)
- 1996. The Invisible Devouerer (synopsis)
- 1996. The Invisible Satellite (synopsis)
- 1996. The Lunar Brain (synopsis)
- 1996. The Lunar Path (synopsis)
- 1996. The Maker of Gargoyles (synopsis)
- 1996. The Mechanical Murder (synopsis)
- 1996. The Menace of the Dust (synopsis)
- 1996. The Minotaur's Brother (synopsis)
- 1996. The Moon-Spectre (synopsis)
- 1996. The Moraine (synopsis)
- 1996. The Mummy-Case of Hammen-Tha (synopsis)
- 1996. The Mysterious Poison (synopsis)
- 1996. The Other Entity (synopsis)
- 1996. The Pilgrim of Eternity (synopsis)
- 1996. The Planet of the Dead (synopsis)
- 1996. The Protean People (synopsis)
- 1996. The Re-Union (synopsis)
- 1996. The Rebirth of the Flame (synopsis)
- 1996. The River of Mystery (synopsis)
- 1996. The Scarab (synopsis)
- 1996. The Spectral Tarn (synopsis)
- 1996. The Supernumerary Corpse (synopsis)
- 1996. The Thing from the Antarctic (synopsis)
- 1996. The Transformation of Athanor (synopsis)
- 1996. The Trilithon (synopsis)
- 1996. The Vapor from the Void (synopsis)
- 1996. The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis (synopsis)
- 1996. The Vestibule of the Past (synopsis)
- 1996. The Weird of Avoosal Wuthoqquan (synopsis)
- 1996. The Werewolf of Averoigne (synopsis)
- 1996. The World-Maker (synopsis)
- 1996. The Youngest Vampire (synopsis)
- 1996. Ubbo-Sathla (synopsis)
- 1996. Vulthoom (synopsis)
- 2004. [Fragment of an Essay]
- 2004. [Letter to Munsey's]
- 1914. Crystals
- 1917. From the Crypts of Memory
- 1922. A Coronal
- 1922. A Dream of Lethe
- 1922. A Phantasy
- 1922. Beyond the Mountains
- 1922. Ennui
- 1922. From a Letter
- 1922. Grey Sorrow
- 1922. In Cocaigne
- 1922. Nostalgia of the Unknown
- 1922. Offering
- 1922. Remoteness
- 1922. Tears
- 1922. The Black Lake
- 1922. The Broken Lute
- 1922. The Caravan
- 1922. The Demon, the Angel, and Beauty
- 1922. The Eyes of Circe
- 1922. The Flower-Devil
- 1922. The Garden and the Tomb
- 1922. The Hair of Circe
- 1922. The Hashish-Eater
- 1922. The Litany of the Seven Kisses
- 1922. The Memnons of the Night
- 1922. The Princess Almeena
- 1922. The Secret Rose
- 1922. The Shadows
- 1922. The Statue of Silence
- 1922. The Traveller
- 1922. The Wind and the Garden
- 1923. The Garden of Evil
- 1923. The Red Moon
- 1923. The Sea-Gods
- 1924. Solution
- 1924. The Melancholy Pool
- 1924. To the Chimera
- 1927. A Fable
- 1927. Interrogation
- 1927. The Saturnienne
- 1928. Warning
- 1929. Fantaisie d'Antan
- 1929. Nyctalops
- 1929. Sonnet
- 1929. The Abomination of Desolation
- 1929. The Forbidden Forest
- 1929. The Lotus and the Moon
- 1929. The Mirror in the Hall of Ebony
- 1929. The Mithridate
- 1929. The Muse of Hyperborea
- 1929. The Nightmare Tarn
- 1929. The Osprey and the Shark
- 1929. The Touch-Stone
- 1929. To the Daemon
- 1930. Fellowship
- 1930. Ougabalys
- 1930. Shadows
- 1934. In Slumber
- 1934. The Passing of Aphrodite
- 1935. Dominion
- 1935. In Thessaly
- 1937. Song of the Necromancer
- 1937. To Howard Phillips Lovecraft
- 1938. Farewell to Eros
- 1938. Outlanders
- 1938. The Prophet Speaks
- 1939. Bacchante
- 1940. The Phoenix
- 1941. Witch Dance
- 1943. Desert Dweller
- 1943. Necromancy
- 1945. The Sorcerer to His Love
- 1947. Resurrection
- 1948. The City of Destruction
- 1950. Do You Forget, Enchantress?
- 1950. Luna Aeternalis
- 1952. Not Altogether Asleep
- 1952. O Golden-Tongued Romance
- 1952. Sonnet for the Psychoanalysts
- 1953. Don Quixote on Market Street
- 1970. To the Nightshade
- 1970. Zothique
- 1971. The Mortuary
- 1972. Chinoiserie
- 1973. Dead Love
- 1973. L'Amour Supreme
- 1973. The Sphinx of the Infinite
- 1973. Atlantis: a poem
- 1989. Lament for Vixeela
- 1993. From the Crypts of Memory (original manuscript)
- 1993. Narcissus
- 1993. Peril That Lurks Among Ruins (later manuscript)
- 1993. Peril That Lurks Among Ruins (original manuscript)
- 1993. Preference
- 1993. The Corpse and the Skeleton
- 1993. The Days
- 1993. The Frozen Waterfall
- 1993. The Lake of Enchanted Silence
- 1993. The Sun and the Sepulchre
- 1993. untitled ("It is a land of fruitful palms...")
- 1996. (The Land of Fruitful Palms)
- 2002. A Dead City
- 2002. A Dream of Beauty
- 2002. A Dream of the Abyss
- 2002. A Song from Hell
- 2002. A Song of Dreams
- 2002. A Vision of Lucifer
- 2002. Adventure
- 2002. After Armageddon
- 2002. Alienage
- 2002. Amithane
- 2002. Antepast
- 2002. Atlantis
- 2002. Averoigne
- 2002. Averted Malefice
- 2002. Beyond the Great Wall
- 2002. Cambion
- 2002. Canticle
- 2002. Chance
- 2002. Cleopatra
- 2002. Connaissance
- 2002. Cycles
- 2002. Desire of Vastness
- 2002. Desolation
- 2002. Dissonance
- 2002. Dolor of Dreams
- 2002. Echo of Memnon
- 2002. Enchanted Mirrors
- 2002. Exotique
- 2002. Forgotten Sorrow
- 2002. H. P. L.
- 2002. Imagination
- 2002. In Lemuria
- 2002. In Saturn
- 2002. Inferno
- 2002. Jungle Twilight
- 2002. Lament of the Stars
- 2002. Lamia
- 2002. Laus Mortis
- 2002. Le Miroir des blanches fleurs
- 2002. Lethe
- 2002. Love Malevolent
- 2002. Lunar Mystery
- 2002. Maya
- 2002. Medusa
- 2002. Memnon at Midnight
- 2002. Midnight Beach
- 2002. Minatory
- 2002. Moon-Dawn
- 2002. Mors
- 2002. Nctalops
- 2002. Nero
- 2002. Nightmare
- 2002. Nirvana
- 2002. Not Theirs the Cyprus-Arch
- 2002. Ode on Imagination
- 2002. Ode to Light
- 2002. Ode to Matter
- 2002. Ode to the Abyss
- 2002. Omniety
- 2002. On Re-reading Baudelaire
- 2002. Pour chercher du noueau
- 2002. Remembered Light
- 2002. Respect and Forecast
- 2002. Revenant
- 2002. Rosa Mystica
- 2002. Said the Dreamer
- 2002. Sandalwood
- 2002. Satan Unrepentant
- 2002. Saturn
- 2002. Selenique
- 2002. September
- 2002. Shadow of Nightmare
- 2002. Soliloquy in a Ebon Tower
- 2002. Some Blind Eidolon
- 2002. Strangeness
- 2002. Symbols
- 2002. The Abyss Triumphant
- 2002. The Ancient Quest
- 2002. The Castle of Dreams
- 2002. The City in the Desert
- 2002. The City of the Titans
- 2002. The Cloud-Islands
- 2002. The Dark Chateau
- 2002. The Desert
- 2002. The Dream-Bridge
- 2002. The Dream-God's Realm
- 2002. The Eldritch Dark
- 2002. The Envoys
- 2002. The Flight of Azrael
- 2002. The Funeral Urn
- 2002. The Ghoul and the Seraph
- 2002. The Hashish-Eater; or, The Apocalypse of Evil
- 2002. The Hill of Dionysus
- 2002. The Hope of the Infinite
- 2002. The Incubus of Time
- 2002. The Kingdom of Shadows
- 2002. The Land of Evil Stars
- 2002. The Last Goddess
- 2002. The Last Night
- 2002. The Last Oblivion
- 2002. The Medusa of Despair
- 2002. The Medusa of the Skies
- 2002. The Moonlight Desert
- 2002. The Motes
- 2002. The Mummy
- 2002. The Nameless Wraith
- 2002. The Nereid
- 2002. The Outer Land
- 2002. The Power of Eld
- 2002. The Pursuer
- 2002. The Refuge of Beauty
- 2002. The Song of a Comet
- 2002. The Star-Treader
- 2002. The Tears of Lilith
- 2002. The Titans in Tarturus
- 2002. The Twilight Woods
- 2002. The Whisperer of the Worm
- 2002. The Wingless Archangels
- 2002. The Witch in the Graveyard
- 2002. The Witch with Eyes of Amber
- 2002. To Antares
- 2002. To George Sterling: A Valediction
- 2002. To Nora May French
- 2002. To Omar Khayyam
- 2002. To the Daemon of Sublimity
- 2002. To the Darkness
- 2002. Transcendence
- 2002. Triple Aspect
- 2002. Twilight on the Snow
- 2002. White Death
- 2002. Witch-Dance
- 2004. Averiogne
- 2004. Bedouin Song
- 2004. Benares
- 2004. Epitaph for the Earth
- 2004. Night
- 2004. Rêve Parisien
- 2004. Rubaiyat of Saiyed
- 2004. Shapes in the Sunset
- 2004. Temporality
- 2004. The Departed City
- 2004. The Isle of Saturn
- 2004. The River of Life
- 2004. The World
- 2004. Zuleika: An Oriental Song
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