Wilson Tucker
Source: "Wilson Tucker Bibliography." Author Wars, https://authorwars.com/authors/wilson-tucker.html".
Was honored by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America as AUTHOR EMERITUS at the 1996 Nebula Awards.
Chapter Books
- Unknown. "So That's Who Anthony Gilmore Is?"
- Unknown. "The Director's Message" (If That Means Anything)
- Unknown. (Alphabetical Listing of Stories - 1938)
- Unknown. (Alphabetical Listing of Stories - 1939)
- Unknown. (Chronological Listing of Stories by Magazine - 1938)
- Unknown. (Chronological Listing of Stories by Magazine - 1939)
- Unknown. 1941 Fanzine Yearbook
- Unknown. 1943 Fanzine Yearbook
- Unknown. A Chucklehead Has No Honor in His Own Country
- Unknown. A Little Letter in Tuckerology
- Unknown. A Succinct History of 6th Fandom
- Unknown. A Thousand and One Nights at the Bijou
- Unknown. An Open Letter to a Congressman
- Unknown. Author's Aid (Part I)
- Unknown. Author's Note (The Lincoln Hunters)
- Unknown. Authors' Aid: Part 2
- Unknown. Bloch is Superb
- Unknown. Blurb Happy
- Unknown. Book Review (The Fantasy Fan, August 1934)
- Unknown. Concerning a Short Beer
- Unknown. Contributors...
- Unknown. D'Journal Dictionary (D'Journal, May 1939)
- Unknown. Delineating the Interlineation
- Unknown. Dept of Humble Thanks
- Unknown. editorial (Le Zombie, January 1942)
- Unknown. Faaan Mail
- Unknown. FJ Ackerman Meets Wells HG
- Unknown. Gone But Not Forgotten
- Unknown. Guest Editorial: Science into Fantasy (Science Fantasy, May 1954)
- Unknown. How to Write a STF Story
- Unknown. How to Write a Weird Tale
- Unknown. Introduce Robert Bloch?
- Unknown. Introduction (A Wealth of Fable)
- Unknown. Introduction (A Wealth of Fable: An Informal History of Science Fiction Fandom in the 1950s)
- Unknown. Introduction (All Our Yesterdays: An Informal History of Science Fiction Fandom in the 1940s)
- Unknown. Introduction (All Our Yesterdays: An Informal History of Science Fiction Fandom in the 1940s)
- Unknown. Introduction (All Our Yesterdays: An Informal History of Science Fiction Fandom in the Forties)
- Unknown. Introduction (The Science-Fiction Subtreasury)
- Unknown. Introduction (Time: X)
- Unknown. Letter (About Our Covers)
- Unknown. Letter (Alias Hoy Ping Pong)
- Unknown. Letter (Amazing Stories, December 1938)
- Unknown. Letter (Amazing Stories, December 1939)
- Unknown. Letter (Amazing Stories, February 1939)
- Unknown. Letter (Amazing Stories, November 1969)
- Unknown. Letter (Amazing Stories, October 1938)
- Unknown. Letter (Astonishing Stories, August 1940): Suggests Authors
- Unknown. Letter (Astonishing Stories, February 1943): We Liked That "Mimie" Too, Bob
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding Stories, April 1934): "Black Eagle" vs. Tucker!
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding Stories, August 1935): The Dictator Replies!
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding Stories, February 1934)
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding Stories, January 1935): Rubber Staples and Doughnuts
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding Stories, January 1936): "I Will Answer Them All"—Bob.
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding Stories, March 1935): The SPWSSTFM Reports!
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding Stories, May 1935): Chewing Gum!
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding Stories, November 1934): The SPWSSTFM
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding Stories, November 1935): Gold Bricks and Platinum Staples!
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding Stories, September 1934): Our Heads Are Safe
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding Stories, September 1935): Tucker Takes It!
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding, April 1939): Alliterative Annotations Awarding Asounding's Authors.
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding, August 1938): Concerning Letters.
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding, January 1934): By the Way, Bob—How's the Cover?
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding, June 1940): For the Ardent Fan and Collector.
- Unknown. Letter (Astounding, November 1939): Gregor Genuinely Seems Promising. He Has Ideas, and Can Handle Them.
- Unknown. Letter (Cosmic Stories, March 1941)
- Unknown. Letter (el, 2002-12-00)
- Unknown. Letter (Famous Fantastic Mysteries, February 1941): F.F.M. and F.N. at Chicon
- Unknown. Letter (Famous Fantastic Mysteries, May-June 1940): Collector's Handbook
- Unknown. Letter (Fan-Fare #3)
- Unknown. Letter (If He Were King)
- Unknown. Letter (Izzard #3)
- Unknown. Letter (Janus, June 1977)
- Unknown. Letter (Locus #212)
- Unknown. Letter (Locus #268)
- Unknown. Letter (Locus #327)
- Unknown. Letter (Locus #504)
- Unknown. Letter (Mimosa, January 1999)
- Unknown. Letter (On Television and Movies)
- Unknown. Letter (On the Trail)
- Unknown. Letter (Planet Stories, Fall 1940): They Always Seem to, Don't They?
- Unknown. Letter (Science Fiction Quarterly, Spring 1943)
- Unknown. Letter (Science Fiction Review #20)
- Unknown. Letter (Science Fiction Review #32)
- Unknown. Letter (Science Fiction Review #42)
- Unknown. Letter (Science Fiction Review, April 1970)
- Unknown. Letter (Science Fiction, March 1940): Ugly Rumor!
- Unknown. Letter (SF Commentary 26)
- Unknown. Letter (SF Commentary 44/45)
- Unknown. Letter (SF Commentary 47)
- Unknown. Letter (SF Commentary 52)
- Unknown. Letter (SF Commentary 79)
- Unknown. Letter (SF Commentary 80)
- Unknown. Letter (Si-Fan, June 1961)
- Unknown. Letter (Spaceways, June 1939)
- Unknown. Letter (Stardust, May 1940)
- Unknown. Letter (Startling Stories, September 1948): Epistle from Bloomington
- Unknown. Letter (Super Science Stories, July 1940): In Satirical Vein
- Unknown. Letter (Super Science Stories, May 1940): Theme Song?
- Unknown. Letter (The Acolyte #14)
- Unknown. Letter (The Acolyte #14) [2]
- Unknown. Letter (The English in Him)
- Unknown. Letter (The Fantast, July 1942)
- Unknown. Letter (The Fantasy Fan, April 1934)
- Unknown. Letter (The Fantasy Fan, December 1933)
- Unknown. Letter (The Fantasy Fan, March 1934)
- Unknown. Letter (The Fantasy Fan, October 1934)
- Unknown. Letter (The Inscrutable Chinese Angle)
- Unknown. Letter (The SPWSSTFM)
- Unknown. Letter (Thrilling Wonder Stories, January 1941): You're Welcome!
- Unknown. Letter (Trap Door, March 2002)
- Unknown. Letter (Unknown Fantasy Fiction, October 1940)
- Unknown. Letter (Unknown, April 1940): He got a bonus!
- Unknown. Letter (Veto on the Covers)
- Unknown. Letter (Voice of the Imagi-Nation, March 1944)
- Unknown. Letter (Voice of the Imagi-Nation, November 1943)
- Unknown. Letter (We're a Gadzook!)
- Unknown. Letter (Weird Tales, May 1934): A Weird Suggestion
- Unknown. Letter (What! No Science?)
- Unknown. Letter (What?—Cut out the Departments?)
- Unknown. Letter (Wonder Stories, August 1935): About Anger's Anger
- Unknown. Letter (Wonder Stories, June 1934)
- Unknown. Letter (Wonder Stories, November-December 1935)
- Unknown. Letter to Psychotic, August 1954
- Unknown. Letter to Psychotic, December 1967
- Unknown. Letter to Psychotic, July 1968
- Unknown. Letter to Psychotic, March 1954
- Unknown. Letter to Psychotic, May 1954
- Unknown. Letter to Psychotic, November 1954
- Unknown. Letter to Psychotic, September-October 1954
- Unknown. Letter to Psychotic, September-October 1954 (2)
- Unknown. Letter to Science Fiction Review, April 1970
- Unknown. Letter [2] (SF Commentary 79)
- Unknown. Letter [2] (SF Commentary 80)
- Unknown. Letter [3] (SF Commentary 79)
- Unknown. Letter [4] (SF Commentary 79)
- Unknown. Lez Letterz (Le Zombie, January 1944)
- Unknown. Mari Beth (Wheeler) Colvin
- Unknown. Memories of a Chiconer
- Unknown. Merry Christmas
- Unknown. Midget Editorial Dept
- Unknown. New Worlds Profiles: Wilson Tucker
- Unknown. New York Destroyed Again!
- Unknown. News Notes (D'Journal, May 1939)
- Unknown. News of the Month (Other Worlds, June 1952)
- Unknown. Observations Through a Glass Eye
- Unknown. Pong's Poll Dept: The Poor Man's Gallup
- Unknown. Probability Zero! (Astounding, July 1942)
- Unknown. Results of the First Fan Survey: Based on 173 Returns from the States Canada England Australia and Japan ...
- Unknown. Robert H. (for Humbug) Bloch
- Unknown. Science Fiction Book Reviews (Other Worlds, January 1951)
- Unknown. Science Fiction Book Reviews (Other Worlds, January 1952)
- Unknown. Science Fiction Book Reviews (Other Worlds, July 1952)
- Unknown. Science Fiction Book Reviews (Other Worlds, March 1951)
- Unknown. Science Fiction Book Reviews (Other Worlds, October 1951)
- Unknown. Science Fiction Book Reviews (Other Worlds, September 1951)
- Unknown. Science Fiction in English Magazines (Part 1 of 8)
- Unknown. Science Fiction in English Magazines (Part 2 of 8)
- Unknown. Science Fiction in English Magazines (Part 3 of 8)
- Unknown. Science Fiction in English Magazines (Part 4 of 8)
- Unknown. Science Fiction in English Magazines (Part 5 of 8)
- Unknown. Science Fiction in English Magazines (Part 6 of 8)
- Unknown. Science Fiction in English Magazines (Part 7 of 8)
- Unknown. Science Fiction in English Magazines (Part 8 of 8)
- Unknown. The Bamboo Mite Gap—An Introduction
- Unknown. The Book of Were-Wolves
- Unknown. The Business at Bellyfontaine
- Unknown. The Death of Spaceways
- Unknown. The Editor's Dept (Le Zombie, January 1944)
- Unknown. The Fan: Myth and Reality
- Unknown. The Good Ole Daze
- Unknown. The Irrepressible Fan: An Appreciation (for Walt Liebscher)
- Unknown. The Ladies... You Bless Them!
- Unknown. The Lazy Fan's Automatic Letter-Form
- Unknown. The Lez Fairy Godfather Dept
- Unknown. The Master Shall Not Abate
- Unknown. The People Who Make Other Worlds: No. 69: The Majadero
- Unknown. The Screenwriter's Guide to Sci-Fi (Before Clarke's 2001)
- Unknown. Time Traveling with Tucker; or, The Mills of the Gods Grind Slowly Without Lubrication
- Unknown. Turkeys in Printer's Ink
- Unknown. Uncensored Report of the First Peoria STF Convention
- Unknown. untitled (The Faces of Science Fiction)
- Unknown. We View with Alarm (D'Journal, March 1939)
- Unknown. We View with Alarm (D'Journal, May 1939)
- Unknown. Yearbook of Science, Weird and Fantasy Fiction - 1938
- 1940. The Fan-Mirror (Le Zombie, January 13, 1940)
- 1945. Building a Library the Economical Way
- 1950. Chicon: The 2nd World Science Fiction Convention
- 1969. The Time Machine (Locus #33)
- 1969. The Time Machine (Locus #37)
- 1970. The Time Machine (Locus #48)
- 1970. Letter (Locus #56)
- 1970. The Time Machine (Locus #58)
- 1970. The Time Machine (Locus #64)
- 1971. The Time Machine (Locus #81)
- 1971. The Time Machine (Locus #92)
- 1971. Harry Warner: Has-Been Hermit
- 1972. The Time Machine (Locus #110)
- 1973. What? Robert Bloch Again
- 1981. Rusty Hevelin, Himself
- 1982. Appreciations of Lee Hoffman
- 1988. The Meeting
- 2003. Robert Bloch: Zoo Fan
- 2003. Taking a Giant Survey
- Unknown. An Interview with Tucker
- Unknown. An Interview with Tucker
- Unknown. An Interview with Wilson Tucker
- Unknown. Bob Tucker Interviewed by Paul Walker
- Unknown. Interview (The Gothic Imagination)
- Unknown. Paul Walker Interviews Bob Tucker
- Unknown. Wilson Tucker
- Unknown. Wilson Tucker: Interview
Magazine Editor
- Unknown. Bonflare - 1942
- Unknown. D'Journal - 1939
- Unknown. Le Zombie - 1939
- Unknown. Le Zombie - 1941
- Unknown. Le Zombie - 1942
- Unknown. Le Zombie - 1943
- Unknown. Le Zombie - 1944
- Unknown. The Science-Fiction World - 1956
- Unknown. The Science-Fiction World, August 1955
- Unknown. The Science-Fiction World, February 1957
- 1940. Le Zombie - 1940
- Unknown. 1939 Yearbook of Science, Weird and Fantasy Fiction
- Unknown. The Neo-Fan's Guide to Science Fiction Fandom
- 1939. Yearbook of Science, Weird and Fantasy Fiction - 1938
- Unknown. A Procession of the Damned
- Unknown. Alla ricerca di Lincoln
- Unknown. Das Jahr der stillen Sonne
- Unknown. De Lincolnjagers
- Unknown. Den långa tystnaden
- Unknown. Die letzten der Unsterblichen
- Unknown. Die Lincoln-Jäger
- Unknown. El año del sol tranquilo
- Unknown. El clamor del silencio
- Unknown. Geheimwaffe Mensch
- Unknown. Ice & Iron
- Unknown. Ice and Iron
- Unknown. Il lungo silenzio
- Unknown. Il silenzio della morte
- Unknown. L'anno del sole quieto
- Unknown. L'anno del sole quieto
- Unknown. La città in fondo al mare
- Unknown. Last Stop
- Unknown. Los amos del tiempo
- Unknown. Man from Tomorrow
- Unknown. Poder extraño
- Unknown. Red Herring
- Unknown. Resurrection Days
- Unknown. Signori del tempo
- Unknown. Spion från framtiden
- Unknown. The Chinese Doll
- Unknown. The City in the Sea
- Unknown. The Hired Target
- Unknown. The Lincoln Hunters
- Unknown. The Long Loud Silence
- Unknown. The Long Loud Silence (revised)
- Unknown. The Man in My Grave
- Unknown. The Stalking Man
- Unknown. The Time Masters
- Unknown. The Warlock
- Unknown. The Year of the Quiet Sun
- Unknown. This Witch
- Unknown. Tidsjakten
- Unknown. Time Bomb
- Unknown. To Keep or Kill
- Unknown. To the Tombaugh Station
- Unknown. Tomorrow Plus X
- Unknown. Wild Talent
- Unknown. Zeit-Bombe
- 1948. The Dove
- 1958. Das endlose Schweigen
- 1958. Die Unheilbaren
- 1959. Die Unsterblichen
- 1959. Der Unheimliche
- 1960. Die Zeitbombe
- 1961. Der letzte Flug der Xanthus
- 1963. Die Stadt im Meer
- 1973. L'année du soleil calme
- 1976. Les maîtres des âges
- 1979. A la poursuite de Lincoln
- 1979. La glace et le fer
- Unknown. The Hired Target / One Deadly Dawn
- Unknown. To the Tombaugh Station / Earthman, Go Home!
- Unknown. Wild Talent and The Time Masters
- 1979. La glace et le fer / A la poursuite de Lincoln
- Unknown. A Gnome There Was
- Unknown. Beyond Time and Space
- Unknown. Black Moon
- Unknown. Cosmic Engineers
- Unknown. El año del sol tranquilo
- Unknown. Flight Into Space
- Unknown. Fury
- Unknown. Genus Homo
- Unknown. Ice and Iron
- Unknown. Ice and Iron
- Unknown. Ice and Iron
- Unknown. Ice and Iron
- Unknown. Ice and Iron
- Unknown. Ice and Iron
- Unknown. Ice and Iron
- Unknown. Ice and Iron
- Unknown. L'année du soleil calme
- Unknown. L'anno del sole quieto
- Unknown. La glace et le fer / A la poursuite de Lincoln
- Unknown. Les maîtres des âges
- Unknown. Men Against the Stars
- Unknown. Resurrection Days
- Unknown. Resurrection Days
- Unknown. Resurrection Days
- Unknown. Resurrection Days
- Unknown. Resurrection Days
- Unknown. Resurrection Days
- Unknown. Seven Science Fiction Novels
- Unknown. The Best of Wilson Tucker
- Unknown. The City in the Sea
- Unknown. The City in the Sea
- Unknown. The City in the Sea
- Unknown. The City in the Sea
- Unknown. The City in the Sea
- Unknown. The City in the Sea
- Unknown. The City in the Sea
- Unknown. The City in the Sea
- Unknown. The City in the Sea
- Unknown. The House That Stood Still
- Unknown. The Humanoids
- Unknown. The Island of Captain Sparrow
- Unknown. The Lincoln Hunters
- Unknown. The Lincoln Hunters
- Unknown. The Lincoln Hunters
- Unknown. The Lincoln Hunters
- Unknown. The Long Loud Silence
- Unknown. The Long Loud Silence
- Unknown. The Long Loud Silence
- Unknown. The Long Loud Silence
- Unknown. The Long Loud Silence
- Unknown. The Long Loud Silence
- Unknown. The Long Loud Silence
- Unknown. The Long Loud Silence
- Unknown. The Man from Tomorrow
- Unknown. The Man Who Sold the Moon
- Unknown. The Science-Fiction Subtreasury
- Unknown. The Science-Fiction Subtreasury
- Unknown. The Science-Fiction Subtreasury
- Unknown. The Science-Fiction Subtreasury
- Unknown. The Science-Fiction Subtreasury
- Unknown. The Science-Fiction Subtreasury
- Unknown. The Science-Fiction Subtreasury
- Unknown. The Time Masters
- Unknown. The Time Masters
- Unknown. The Time Masters
- Unknown. The Time Masters
- Unknown. The Time Masters
- Unknown. The Time Masters
- Unknown. The Undying Monster
- Unknown. The Warlock
- Unknown. The World of Null-A
- Unknown. The Year of the Quiet Sun
- Unknown. The Year of the Quiet Sun
- Unknown. The Year of the Quiet Sun
- Unknown. The Year of the Quiet Sun
- Unknown. The Year of the Quiet Sun
- Unknown. The Year of the Quiet Sun
- Unknown. Time Bomb
- Unknown. Time Bomb
- Unknown. Time Bomb
- Unknown. Time Bomb
- Unknown. Time Bomb
- Unknown. Time Bomb
- Unknown. Time Bomb
- Unknown. Time:X
- Unknown. To the Tombaugh Station
- Unknown. Tomorrow Plus X
- Unknown. Veiled Victory
- Unknown. When Worlds Collide
- Unknown. Wild Talent
- Unknown. Wild Talent
- Unknown. Wild Talent
- Unknown. Wild Talent
- Unknown. Wild Talent
- Unknown. Wild Talent
- Unknown. Wild Talent
- Unknown. Year of the Quiet Sun
- 1955. The City in the Sea
- 1970. The Year of the Quiet Sun
- 1970. The Year of the Quiet Sun
- 1971. The Year of the Quiet Sun
- 2005. The City in the Sea
- 2005. Wild Talent
- Unknown. La città in fondo al mare (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. The Time Masters (Complete Novel)
- Unknown. The Time Masters (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. The Time Masters (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. The Time Masters (Part 3 of 3)
- Unknown. Wild Talent (Part 1 of 3)
- Unknown. Wild Talent (Part 2 of 3)
- Unknown. Wild Talent (Part 3 of 3)
- 1954. Signori del tempo (Complete Novel)
- 1954. Tele-homo Sapiens (Complete Novel)
- 1956. L'uomo che veniva dal futuro (Complete Novel)
- 1960. Mi chiamo Ben Steward (Complete Novel)
- 1961. L'ultima stazione (Complete Novel)
- 1973. Signori del tempo (Complete Novel)
- 1975. I guerrieri nel ghiaccio (Complete Novel)
Short Fiction
- Unknown. "MCMLV"
- Unknown. Able to Zebra
- Unknown. Afaceri turistice
- Unknown. Der König des Planeten
- Unknown. Dick and Jane Go to Mars
- Unknown. Everyfan's Instant LOC
- Unknown. Exit
- Unknown. Expuneri temporale
- Unknown. Fino a veneranda età
- Unknown. Gentlemen, The Queen!
- Unknown. Gentlemen—The Queen!
- Unknown. Home Is Where the Wreck Is
- Unknown. If I Werewolf
- Unknown. Il re del pianeta
- Unknown. Interstellar Way-Station
- Unknown. Joe Fann Into Space
- Unknown. King of the Planet
- Unknown. Le dernier voyage
- Unknown. Letter: Report of the 196th Convention
- Unknown. MCMLV
- Unknown. Miraculous Fluid
- Unknown. My Brother's Wife
- Unknown. N'oubliez pas le guide
- Unknown. Poor Pong's Almanac
- Unknown. Pour mieux te manger, mon enfant !
- Unknown. Prison Planet
- Unknown. Small Voice
- Unknown. That Mysterious Bomb Raid
- Unknown. The Fantasy Fan Brigade
- Unknown. The Iron Curtain Drops
- Unknown. The Job Is Ended
- Unknown. The Long Loud Silence (Chapter 13)
- Unknown. The Maiden of Jirbu
- Unknown. The Monstrosity: (A True Expense)
- Unknown. The Mountaineer
- Unknown. The Near-Zero Crime Rate on JJ Avenue
- Unknown. The Other
- Unknown. The Princess of Detroit
- Unknown. The Recon Man
- Unknown. The Rise of Joe Fann
- Unknown. The Street Walker
- Unknown. The Tourist Trade
- Unknown. The Visitors...
- Unknown. The Wayfaring Stranger
- Unknown. The Wayfaring Strangers
- Unknown. Tidsexponeringar
- Unknown. Time Exposures
- Unknown. To a Ripe Old Age
- Unknown. To the Tombaugh Station
- Unknown. Turistbranschen
- Unknown. Un jour à vivre
- Unknown. Voices at Night
- Unknown. Zeitaufnahmen
- 1958. Der Fremdenverkehr blüht
- 1965. Il recupero
- 1967. "Z" come Zebra
- 1967. Le roi de la planète
- 1973. Retroindagine Criminale
- 0000. The Year of the Quiet Sun - John W. Campbell Memorial Award, Retrospective Prize (since no novel won in 1976) (Win)
- 0000. Le Zombie - 1942 - Retro Hugo Award, Best Fanzine (Win)
- 0000. The Year of the Quiet Sun - Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. The Year of the Quiet Sun - Hugo Award, Best Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. The Year of the Quiet Sun - Nebula Award, Novel (Nomination)
- time travel (3 books)
- post-apocalyptic (2 books)
- Illinois (2 books)
- loss (2 books)
- science fiction (2 books)
- SF: The 100 Best Novels 1949-1984 (1 book)
- Chicago (1 book)
- Campbell Retrospective Prize (1 book)
- Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1 book)
- cannibalism (1 book)
- biological warfare (1 book)
- United States (1 book)
- viral diseases (1 book)
- nuclear warfare (1 book)
- famine (1 book)
- postapocalyptic (1 book)
- lincoln (1 book)
- Cleveland (1 book)
- oratory (1 book)
- Shakespeare (1 book)
- romance (1 book)
- distant future (1 book)
- dystopia (1 book)
- American presidents (1 book)
- cold (1 book)
- robots (1 book)
- humorous (1 book)
- LibraryThing page for Wilson Tucker
- Fancyclopedia entry for Wilson Tucker
- English Wikipedia article on Wilson Tucker
- www.printsations.com - Wilson Tucker
- www.midamericon.org - Wilson Tucker
- The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (SFE) article on Wilson Tucker
- The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (SFE) article on Wilson Tucker