W. I. Van der Poel
Source: "W. I. Van der Poel Bibliography." Author Wars, https://authorwars.com/authors/w-i-van-der-poel.html".
Art director at Galaxy from October 1950 until June 1960.
Cover Art
- Unknown. Agent of Vega
- Unknown. Coming Attractions
- Unknown. Drunkard's Walk
- Unknown. Interplanetary Hunter
- Unknown. Invaders From the Infinite
- Unknown. Purple Pirate
- Unknown. SF:'57: The Year's Greatest Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Unknown. SF:'58: The Year's Greatest Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Unknown. SF:'59: The Year's Greatest Science-Fiction and Fantasy
- Unknown. The Bird of Time
- Unknown. The Dawning Light
- Unknown. The Path of Unreason
- Unknown. The Philosophical Corps
- Unknown. The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag
- Unknown. The Vortex Blaster
- Unknown. They'd Rather Be Right
- Unknown. Tros of Samothrace
- Unknown. Tros of Samothrace