Tom Disch
Source: "Tom Disch Bibliography." Author Wars,".
Chapter Books
- Unknown. A Child's Garden of Grammar
- Unknown. About the Size of It
- Unknown. Burn This
- Unknown. Dark Verses and Light
- Unknown. Endzone
- Unknown. Here I Am, There You Are, Where Were We
- Unknown. Yes, Let's: New and Selected Poems
- Unknown. "Harpooned Again!" (from a blog comment)
- Unknown. 1066 (from a letter)
- Unknown. A Reverie by the Shore (from a blog comment)
- Unknown. A Song from Hell (from a letter)
- Unknown. Advice to Mice (from a blog comment)
- Unknown. All the Walts in the World (from a blog comment)
- Unknown. Argh!
- Unknown. Bibliographica Aeterna (from a blog comment)
- Unknown. Buffalo (from a blog comment)
- Unknown. Buffalo (from a letter)
- Unknown. Der Trauerzug (from an email)
- Unknown. Do What You've Got to Do (from a letter)
- Unknown. I Get the Times Across the Street (from a letter)
- Unknown. In Memoriam (from a letter)
- Unknown. January Light (from a blog comment)
- Unknown. Letter (Foundation #10)
- Unknown. Letter (Locus #232)
- Unknown. Letter (Science Fiction Eye #12)
- Unknown. Letter (SF Commentary 44/45)
- Unknown. Letter (SF Commentary 60/61)
- Unknown. Letter to Science Fiction Review, April 1970
- Unknown. On the Anniversary of a Death (from a letter)
- Unknown. Our Lands (from a blog comment)
- Unknown. Sylvan Pavane (from a letter)
- Unknown. Taking Action in the Current Crisis (from a letter)
- Unknown. The Curse (from a blog comment)
- Unknown. The Joycelin Shrager Poems
- Unknown. The Mad Teddybear (from a blog comment)
- Unknown. The Mad Teddybear (from a letter)
- Unknown. The Proud Beggar (from a letter)
- Unknown. The Tragedy of Life (from a letter)
- Unknown. The Wealth of Nations
- Unknown. To Do (from a blog comment)
- Unknown. What I Can See from Here (from a letter)
- Unknown. What I Can See from Here (from an email)
- Unknown. When Did I Die? (from a letter)
- 2006. [I have from time to time cleared away ...]
- 2007. New Adventures in Space and Time: An Aubade (from a blog comment)
- 2007. A Pirate Crew (from a blog comment)
- 2008. [Ding-Dong! the witch is dead!]
Magazine Editor
- Unknown. "Schon wieder harpuniert!"
- Unknown. 'Ritin'
- Unknown. 1066
- Unknown. A
- Unknown. A Baffin Island Benediction
- Unknown. A Benevolent Demi-Villanelle
- Unknown. A Bookmark
- Unknown. A Call to Lost Members
- Unknown. A Cape Mendocino Rose
- Unknown. A Catalogue
- Unknown. A Centenary Observation
- Unknown. A Concise History of Music
- Unknown. A Conjugation of the Verb To Be
- Unknown. A Cow of Our Time
- Unknown. A Galop for Cesar Franck
- Unknown. A Gravedigger's Soliloquy
- Unknown. A Model Prison
- Unknown. A Note to Romeo
- Unknown. A Questionnaire
- Unknown. A Record High
- Unknown. A Stroll Through Moscow
- Unknown. A Tree in the Dark
- Unknown. A Vacation on Earth
- Unknown. A War Memorial
- Unknown. Abecedary
- Unknown. Adjectives
- Unknown. Adverbs
- Unknown. After Péguy
- Unknown. Alcohol Island: A Chronicle
- Unknown. Alternate Universe I
- Unknown. Alternate Universe II
- Unknown. Alternate Universe III
- Unknown. An Allegory
- Unknown. Ancient Hero
- Unknown. Apologie
- Unknown. At the Grave of Amy Clampitt
- Unknown. At the Tomb of the Unknown President
- Unknown. At the Van Gogh Museum
- Unknown. Attractive Opposites
- Unknown. Auf den Jahrestag eines Todesfalls
- Unknown. Aurelia
- Unknown. Auxiliary Verbs
- Unknown. Back Here
- Unknown. Bibliographica aeterna
- Unknown. Birdsong Interpreted
- Unknown. Birth of a Pillow
- Unknown. bowling has been the great spirit
- Unknown. Brief Lives
- Unknown. Buying a Used Car
- Unknown. Can You Hear Me, Thinktank Two?
- Unknown. Centennial Tankas
- Unknown. China
- Unknown. Class Notes
- Unknown. Close Your Eyes Now
- Unknown. Coal Miners
- Unknown. Colloquy
- Unknown. Coming of Age
- Unknown. Coming To
- Unknown. Compound Object Pronouns
- Unknown. Contents
- Unknown. Contractions
- Unknown. Convalescing in London
- Unknown. D.W. Richmond Gives Directions to the Architect of His Tomb
- Unknown. Das Frühlicht der Dämmerung
- Unknown. Das Leben nach dem Tod
- Unknown. Das Lied des Nordwinds
- Unknown. Death Wish IV
- Unknown. Definite and Indefinite Articles
- Unknown. Der Büffel
- Unknown. Der Fluch
- Unknown. Der stolze Bettler
- Unknown. Der Trauerzug
- Unknown. Der Trauerzug
- Unknown. Der verrückte Teddybär
- Unknown. Dialogue with a Spider
- Unknown. Die Gemeinschaft der Verlierer
- Unknown. Die große Flaute
- Unknown. Die Tragödie des Lebens
- Unknown. Dreams: A Darwinian View
- Unknown. Duelling Platitudes
- Unknown. Dämmerung
- Unknown. Ein Lied aus der Hölle
- Unknown. Eine Piratenmannschaft
- Unknown. Eine Träumerei an der Küste
- Unknown. Einladung zum Tanz mit Walt
- Unknown. Either/Or
- Unknown. Endlessness
- Unknown. Entropic Villanelle
- Unknown. Epitaph for the Past Tenses
- Unknown. Eternity
- Unknown. Events of the Day
- Unknown. Everything Closes After Midnight: A London Lament
- Unknown. excuse the language
- Unknown. Fashion Statements
- Unknown. Fehlfunktion
- Unknown. Flucht aus dem Himmel
- Unknown. Fool's Mate
- Unknown. Fools Mate
- Unknown. For a Colleague, Departed: in memory of Roger Zelazny
- Unknown. For a Derelict
- Unknown. For Marilyn Hacker
- Unknown. Four Lawns
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Adjectives
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Adverbs
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Attractive Opposites
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Auxiliary Verbs
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Compound Object Pronouns
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Definite and Indefinite Articles
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Either/Or
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Epitaph for the Past Tenses
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Homonyms
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Homophones
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - If/Then
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Interrogative Adverbs, or The Four W's
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Lie and Lay
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Like and As
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Maybe
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Not
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Nouns
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Odious Comparisons
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Pronouns
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Quotation Marks
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Some Personal Pronouns
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Split Infinitives
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Strange Plurals
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - The Agreement of Predicate Pronouns
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - The Future Tense
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - The Indirect Object
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - The Object
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - The Object of the Preposition
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - The Present Tense
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - The Subject
- Unknown. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - Verbs
- Unknown. Garage Sale
- Unknown. Geisterschiff
- Unknown. Gilda: An Entr'acte
- Unknown. Global Warming Songfest
- Unknown. Gods
- Unknown. gotta get my act together
- Unknown. Haikus of an AmPart
- Unknown. Hansel, A Retrospective, or, The Danger of Childhood Obesity
- Unknown. have you ever gone up to the roof
- Unknown. He, She, and It
- Unknown. Heath lieben
- Unknown. hey everyone look at what's here
- Unknown. High Purpose in Poetry: A Primer
- Unknown. Homage to the Carracci
- Unknown. Homonyms
- Unknown. Homophones
- Unknown. How to Behave When Dead
- Unknown. How to Identify Yourself in a Crowd
- Unknown. Hügel ohne Namen
- Unknown. i am just a plain poet
- Unknown. i who have gone through the whole gamut
- Unknown. Ich kauf die Times auf der anderen Strassenseite
- Unknown. if you know what i mean
- Unknown. If/Then
- Unknown. In a Time of Plagues
- Unknown. In and Out
- Unknown. In Defense of Forest Lawn
- Unknown. In Memoriam
- Unknown. In Praise of New York
- Unknown. In the News
- Unknown. Indian Spring
- Unknown. Inventory
- Unknown. Invitation to the Dinner
- Unknown. Januarlicht
- Unknown. Jerusalem Recaptured
- Unknown. Juliet, Voice Over
- Unknown. Just Before the Cops Arrive
- Unknown. Keine Nachricht
- Unknown. La Venganza de los Muertos Vivientes
- Unknown. Learning to Cross the Street
- Unknown. Les
- Unknown. Lie and Lay
- Unknown. Like and As
- Unknown. Litany
- Unknown. Lives of Great Men All Remind Us
- Unknown. Love and Clover: A White Paper
- Unknown. Ma8nahmen ergreifen in der aktuellen Krise
- Unknown. Mahler's 8th
- Unknown. March
- Unknown. May
- Unknown. Maybe
- Unknown. MCMLXXXIV
- Unknown. Medusa at Her Vanity
- Unknown. minor poets are human too
- Unknown. my assignment this week is a sonnet
- Unknown. My Mother: A Discussion
- Unknown. My Willoughby Personality Schedule
- Unknown. Nachricht auf dem Anrufbeantworter
- Unknown. Neue Abenteuer in Raum und Zeit: Eine Aubade
- Unknown. No More Prisons: A Memoir of the New Millennium
- Unknown. Noch eins für Heath
- Unknown. Not
- Unknown. Not Quite a Sonnet But I Love You Just the Same
- Unknown. Nouns
- Unknown. O Terra, addio
- Unknown. October
- Unknown. Ode on the Source of the Clitumnus
- Unknown. Ode on the Source of the Foux
- Unknown. Ode to Equanimity
- Unknown. Odious Comparisons
- Unknown. Old Friends
- Unknown. On Depositing the Check for a Legacy
- Unknown. On Science Fiction
- Unknown. On the Reviewers of Science-Fiction
- Unknown. One's Gender Problems
- Unknown. Orientating Mr. Blank
- Unknown. Paradise
- Unknown. Pervigilium Veneris, 1991
- Unknown. Poem from the Pen
- Unknown. Poems
- Unknown. Portrait of a Tourist
- Unknown. Praise
- Unknown. Prayer to Pleasure
- Unknown. Problems of Postwar Readjustment
- Unknown. Pronouns
- Unknown. Proper Nouns
- Unknown. Psalms of a Tax Accountant
- Unknown. Questions Your Children Are Certain to Ask
- Unknown. Quilt
- Unknown. Quotation Marks
- Unknown. Ratschlag für Mäuse
- Unknown. Red Tulips in 1947
- Unknown. Remarks Concerning the Fitness of All Things
- Unknown. Riddle
- Unknown. Rocks on a Winter Evening
- Unknown. Rules of Order for New Conservatives
- Unknown. Segensspruch von der Baffininsel
- Unknown. Selected Quirks
- Unknown. September
- Unknown. Short Flight
- Unknown. Sin and Punishment
- Unknown. Skydiver
- Unknown. Slides
- Unknown. Slouches
- Unknown. So Grows the Tree
- Unknown. something people don't realize
- Unknown. Songs of the Rooftops
- Unknown. Split Infinitives
- Unknown. Strange Plurals
- Unknown. Summer of '88
- Unknown. Sunday at Home
- Unknown. Swimming
- Unknown. Sylvan Marriage
- Unknown. Symbols of Love and Death
- Unknown. Symphonic Ode for St. Cecilia's Day
- Unknown. Systems of Mourning
- Unknown. Sämtliche Walts dieser Welt
- Unknown. Tales of the Forebears
- Unknown. The Agreement of Predicate Pronouns
- Unknown. The Argument Resumed; or, Up Through Tribeca
- Unknown. The Art of Dying
- Unknown. The Blindman's Sign
- Unknown. The Bride of Baron Death
- Unknown. The Chameleon and the Butterfly
- Unknown. The Childhood of Language
- Unknown. The Clouds
- Unknown. The Colour Blue
- Unknown. The Crumbling Infrastructure
- Unknown. The Cubist Paints of Lesser Museums
- Unknown. The Desert of Vast Eternity
- Unknown. The Dirt and the Willow
- Unknown. The Doppelgänger
- Unknown. The Dot on the i
- Unknown. The Eightfold Way: A Masque in Five Tableaux
- Unknown. The Elf
- Unknown. The Ferris Wheel
- Unknown. The First Christmas Tree
- Unknown. The Flesh's Wedding
- Unknown. The Friends of Long Ago
- Unknown. The Future Tense
- Unknown. The Gnome
- Unknown. The Goldberg Variations
- Unknown. The Happy Snowflakes
- Unknown. The Indirect Object
- Unknown. The Last Shows of Summer
- Unknown. The Last Time I Saw Paris
- Unknown. The Mad Governess
- Unknown. The Mittens of Ulysses
- Unknown. The Mushrooms' Salon
- Unknown. The Object
- Unknown. The Object of the Preposition
- Unknown. The Pair of Them
- Unknown. The Politics of Darkness
- Unknown. The Present Tense
- Unknown. The Prisoners of War
- Unknown. The Rapist's Villanelle
- Unknown. The Rapture
- Unknown. The Return to Nature
- Unknown. The Self As Product
- Unknown. The Seven Ages of Woman
- Unknown. The Snake in the Manger: A Christmas Legend
- Unknown. The Stumpling
- Unknown. The Subject
- Unknown. The Surprise
- Unknown. The Thought That Counts
- Unknown. The Two Friends
- Unknown. The Unidentified Flying Object
- Unknown. The Varieties of Oneiric Experience
- Unknown. The Viewers and the Viewed: Eurailpass Verses, 1985
- Unknown. The Wonders of Interstellar Free Trade
- Unknown. There Is an Index by First Lines
- Unknown. Theseus to Hippolyta
- Unknown. Thou, Thee and Thine
- Unknown. Three People and Their Feelings
- Unknown. To an Elder Brother, Aborted
- Unknown. To an Unknown Copy Editor
- Unknown. To Fame
- Unknown. To Jean-Ann
- Unknown. To Life
- Unknown. To the Young Mercenaries
- Unknown. today i was almost put in jail
- Unknown. Today's Cosmos
- Unknown. Tu, was du tun musst
- Unknown. Turner Jigsaw
- Unknown. Two Poems
- Unknown. Under the Boughs of Westbrookville
- Unknown. Unsere Lande
- Unknown. untitled haiku (Star*Line, May-June 1981)
- Unknown. Verbs
- Unknown. Villanelle for Charles Olson
- Unknown. Waking Early New Year's Day, Without a Hangover
- Unknown. Waking in a Strange Apartment
- Unknown. Wann bin ich gestorben?
- Unknown. Warnrufe
- Unknown. Was ich von hier aus sehen kann
- Unknown. We Are Divided Everywhere in Two Parts
- Unknown. What It Was Like
- Unknown. What to Accept
- Unknown. What's Left Unsaid, or The Dodo's Joy
- Unknown. when i am sick science fiction
- Unknown. When Your Eyes Meet, When Your Hand Shakes
- Unknown. When Your Hand Shakes, When Your Eye's Meat
- Unknown. Who's Who: a Prolegomenon
- Unknown. Why This Tie, Why That
- Unknown. Wolke
- Unknown. Womankind and Poesy
- Unknown. Working on a Tan
- Unknown. Wäldliche Pavane
- Unknown. Yes, Let's
- Unknown. Yorick's Reply
- Unknown. You and I
- Unknown. You Can Own This Painting for $75
- Unknown. Zewhyexary
- Unknown. Zu erledigen
- Unknown. Zum Andenken
- Unknown. Zwanzig Jahre später
- 1981. The Vindication of Obesity
- 1983. A Treatise on the Common Cold
- 1984. Shared Beliefs
- 1985. The Size of the World
- 1986. The Book in Your Hand
- 1987. Nightmare on Elm Street
- 1988. The Hawk and the Metaphor
- 1990. Nether: A Traveller's Notes
- 1990. The Squirrel
- 1990. Career Choice: Whether to Write a Biography of Edgar Allan Poe
- 1991. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - A Conjugation of the Verb To Be
- 1991. From: A Child's Garden of Grammar - In and Out
- 2006. I Get the Times Across the Street
- 2006. Apology
- 2006. Ghost Ship
- 2006. Escape from Heaven
- 2006. The North Wind's Song
- 2006. First Dark
- 2006. 1066
- 2006. The Community of Losers
- 2006. The Posthumous Life
- 2006. When Did I Die?
- 2006. Twenty Years Later
- 2006. The Tragedy of Life
- 2006. On the Anniversary of a Death
- 2006. Advice to Mice
- 2006. O Terra, Addio
- 2007. January Light
- 2007. New Adventures in Space and Time: An Aubade
- 2007. Malfunction
- 2007. The Great Lull
- 2007. A Pirate Crew
- 2007. The Unnamed Hills
- 2007. No Message
- 2007. The Curse
- 2007. Alarms
- 2007. To Do
- 2007. The Mad Teddybear
- 2008. Dawn's Early Light
- 2008. Cloud
- 2008. A Song from Hell
- 2008. Aurelia
- 2008. Our Lands
- 2008. Loving Heath
- 2008. A Message on the Machine
- 2008. A Reverie by the Shore
- 2008. Another for Heath
- 2008. Invitation to the Walt
- 2008. All the Walts in the World
- 2008. "Harpooned Again!"
- 2008. Buffalo
- 2008. Do What You've Got to Do
- 2008. What I Can See from Here
- 2008. Taking Action in the Current Crisis
- 2008. Les
- 2008. The Proud Beggar
- 2008. Sylvan Pavane
- 2008. In Memoriam
- 2008. Bibliographica Aeterna
- 2010. Another Horror Flick from DeSica
- Unknown. About the Size of It
- Unknown. Endzone
- Unknown. The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars
- Unknown. Yes, Let's: New and Selected Poems
- Unknown. Yes, Let's: New and Selected Poems
- 1991. Dark Verses and Light
- 1991. Dark Verses and Light
- 2008. About the Size of It
- 2018. Endzone