Steve Eng
Source: "Steve Eng Bibliography." Author Wars,".
- Unknown. "M.P. Shiel and Arthur Machen": Parallels in Life and Letters
- Unknown. "M.P. Shiel and Secret Societies"
- Unknown. A Profile of John Gawsworth
- Unknown. Appendix A: Robert E. Howard's Library
- Unknown. Arkham House
- Unknown. Barbarian Bard: The Poetry of Robert E. Howard
- Unknown. Forays into Derleth Country
- Unknown. Introduction: Barbarian Bard: The Poetry of Robert E. Howard
- Unknown. Letter (Fantasy Tales V4n7)
- Unknown. Letter (Talebones, Summer 1998)
- Unknown. Machen and Me
- Unknown. Prefatory Note (Something Breathing)
- Unknown. Profile: John Gawsworth
- Unknown. Songs of Science, Songs of Weird: A Review of Fantastic Poetry
- Unknown. The Derleth Difference
- Unknown. The Speculative Muse: An Introduction to Science Fiction Poetry
- Unknown. The Speculative Muse: An Introduction to Science-Fiction Poetry
- 1988. Three Poets of Horror: Tierney, Breiding, and Brennan
- Unknown. Etchings & Odysseys Interview: Steve Eng
- Unknown. Versatility Personified: An Interview with Steve Eng
- Unknown. A Tribute to Terrors
- Unknown. Already Among You
- Unknown. Answered Prayer
- Unknown. As Always
- Unknown. Aspirations
- Unknown. At the Window
- Unknown. Atonement
- Unknown. Badland Ballad
- Unknown. Balanced Books
- Unknown. Bardicide
- Unknown. Beach Battle
- Unknown. Beyond
- Unknown. Biblio-Blaze
- Unknown. Blast!
- Unknown. Bok's Ghost (1914 - 1964)
- Unknown. Bone-Yowl
- Unknown. Carrion
- Unknown. Certainty
- Unknown. Chanson De La Mort
- Unknown. Cindy, Grounded
- Unknown. Court-Room
- Unknown. Crazed Cavorting
- Unknown. Crimson Cavalier
- Unknown. Crimson Witch
- Unknown. Cursed
- Unknown. Damned History
- Unknown. Dawn Rite
- Unknown. Dead-March
- Unknown. Death of Horror Poetry - or Kill the Peckers
- Unknown. Dinner
- Unknown. Documentary
- Unknown. Dream-Dust
- Unknown. Dream-Vista
- Unknown. Dumb-Show
- Unknown. Earth-Arson
- Unknown. Easily Found
- Unknown. Echo
- Unknown. Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)
- Unknown. Elf-Tune
- Unknown. Embrace
- Unknown. Evanescence
- Unknown. Extrapolation
- Unknown. Farewell
- Unknown. Farewell, Lyrista
- Unknown. Fatal Pallor
- Unknown. Feast
- Unknown. Fiend-Fodder
- Unknown. Fifty Years
- Unknown. Final Festival
- Unknown. Flame Future
- Unknown. Flaming Prose
- Unknown. Foliage
- Unknown. Follow Me
- Unknown. Foreseen
- Unknown. Friend's Fate
- Unknown. Frolic
- Unknown. From a 23rd Century History Text
- Unknown. Future Transportation
- Unknown. Galactic Gothic
- Unknown. Garden Guests
- Unknown. Ghosts
- Unknown. Ghoul-Rider
- Unknown. Ghoul-Treat
- Unknown. Gone
- Unknown. Grave-Call
- Unknown. Green Bride
- Unknown. Grey Skater
- Unknown. Grimoire
- Unknown. Gypsy Ghost
- Unknown. H.P. Lovecraft: Friend Out of Time
- Unknown. H.P.L.
- Unknown. Haven
- Unknown. Heard! Heard! Heard!
- Unknown. Heritage
- Unknown. Holocaust Foreseen
- Unknown. Homage
- Unknown. Ice Dwarf
- Unknown. Immortal Banquet
- Unknown. Immortal!
- Unknown. In Lieu of Applause
- Unknown. In Memory of Thomas Lovell Beddoes
- Unknown. Incarnation
- Unknown. Innsmouth Bride
- Unknown. Justice
- Unknown. Kingsport Christmas
- Unknown. Klarkash-Ton (1893-1961)
- Unknown. Knife-Thirst
- Unknown. Knock!
- Unknown. Latest Oasis
- Unknown. Law
- Unknown. Lesson Plan
- Unknown. Literature Class
- Unknown. Lost
- Unknown. Lullaby
- Unknown. Man-of-Letters Requiem
- Unknown. May-Eve
- Unknown. Mind-Flight
- Unknown. Monstro Ligriv (1914-1970)
- Unknown. Morsel
- Unknown. Necrobiblia
- Unknown. Night Caress
- Unknown. Night-Gaunts
- Unknown. NIght-Knell
- Unknown. Nineveh
- Unknown. North Sea Lament
- Unknown. Not in the Guidebooks
- Unknown. Oasis
- Unknown. Old Accounts
- Unknown. On Munn
- Unknown. Only
- Unknown. Or Longer
- Unknown. Our Blessèd Lady
- Unknown. Payment
- Unknown. Persistant Caller
- Unknown. Prehistoric Precision
- Unknown. Preview
- Unknown. Priority
- Unknown. Progress
- Unknown. Psycho-Carnival
- Unknown. Questionaire
- Unknown. Raison D'Être
- Unknown. Reborn
- Unknown. Recurrent Dream
- Unknown. Retort to Time
- Unknown. Return
- Unknown. Reverence
- Unknown. Ridden Under
- Unknown. Romany Toy
- Unknown. Sahara Doom-Scape
- Unknown. Sceptic's Song
- Unknown. Sea-Reverie
- Unknown. Seashore Scene
- Unknown. Skelos
- Unknown. Skeptic's Song
- Unknown. So Do Unicorns
- Unknown. Soho Street: 1895
- Unknown. Soldier and Civilian
- Unknown. Somewhere, Under the Rainbow
- Unknown. Sparticus
- Unknown. Steppe Spirit
- Unknown. Still Rocks
- Unknown. Still There
- Unknown. The Birth of Science Fiction
- Unknown. The Dead's Doom
- Unknown. The Death of August Derleth
- Unknown. The Death of August Derleth (1909-1971)
- Unknown. The Defrauding of the Worms
- Unknown. The Dragon-Troops
- Unknown. The Elder Fear
- Unknown. The Festival
- Unknown. The Forest Gift
- Unknown. The Isle of the Torturers
- Unknown. The Last Guest
- Unknown. The Last Victorian: Stanton A. Coblentz
- Unknown. The Muse of Immolation
- Unknown. The Price of Love
- Unknown. To Not Return
- Unknown. Tomb-Time
- Unknown. Tonight
- Unknown. Transmutation
- Unknown. Tycho Brahe's "Fortress of the Heavens"
- Unknown. Vaingloria
- Unknown. Victor's Loot
- Unknown. While You Can
- Unknown. White Witch
- Unknown. William Blake
- Unknown. William Blake (1757-1827)
- Unknown. Wing-Song Macabre
- Unknown. Witch-Time
- Unknown. Wolf-Meal
- Unknown. Yellow Rider
- Unknown. Yellow Rider Coming
- Unknown. You
- 1983. Haven in the Head
- 1983. Mortal Combat
- 2005. Storybooks and Treasure Maps
- Unknown. A Treasury of Victorian Ghost Stories
- Unknown. An F. Marion Crawford Companion
- Unknown. Collected Poems
- Unknown. Creep to Death
- Unknown. Echoes from an Iron Harp
- Unknown. Guide to the Gothic: An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism
- Unknown. Heroes and Hobgoblins
- Unknown. Pegasus International Book Collectors Directory: A Cornucopia for Book Lovers
- Unknown. Soul Eater
- Unknown. The Arbor House Celebrity Book of Horror Stories
- Unknown. The English Gothic: A Bibliographic Guide to Writers from Horace Walpole to Mary Shelley
- Unknown. The Gothic Imagination: Expansion in Gothic Literature and Art
- Unknown. The Last Cat Book
- Unknown. Watchers at the Strait Gate
Short Fiction
- Unknown. A Virtuous Vengeance
- Unknown. Dance Programme
- Unknown. Desert Song
- Unknown. Enough Rope?
- Unknown. No Explanation
- Unknown. The Beast of Time
- Unknown. The King Ghost and the Girl
- Unknown. The Last Song
- Unknown. The Old Book-Shop
- Unknown. The Passing of B--------
- Unknown. The Sword and the Stylus
- Unknown. Whore
- Unknown. Wonder, Capitalized
- 1985. Blast