Stanislaw Lem
Source: "Stanislaw Lem Bibliography." Author Wars,".
- Unknown. 7. & 8. Reise
- Unknown. A máscara
- Unknown. A Perfect Vacuum
- Unknown. Biblioteca do Século XXI: Novelas Fantásticas
- Unknown. Diarios de Las Estrellas
- Unknown. Kosmisch Avontuur
- Unknown. Memoirs of a Space Traveler: Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy
- Unknown. Memoirs of a Space Traveller
- Unknown. More Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. Mortal Engines
- Unknown. Mögelmörkret
- Unknown. One Human Minute
- Unknown. Pirx in de Kosmos
- Unknown. Star Diaries: Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy
- Unknown. Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. Terminus
- Unknown. The Cosmic Carnival of Stanislaw Lem
- Unknown. The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age
- Unknown. The Star Diaries
- Unknown. Viagens de Ijon Tichy
- 1984. Imaginary Magnitude
- 1995. Cyberiade
- 2005. Ciberiada
- 2018. The Three Electroknights
- Unknown. A Letter to Mr Farmer
- Unknown. About the Strugatskys' Roadside Picnic
- Unknown. Answers to a Questionnaire
- Unknown. Cosmology and Science Fiction
- Unknown. Introduction (Imaginary Magnitudes)
- Unknown. Introduction to a Structural Analysis of SF
- Unknown. Letter (SF Commentary 14)
- Unknown. Letter (SF Commentary 26)
- Unknown. Letter (SF Commentary 29)
- Unknown. Letter (SF Commentary 41/42)
- Unknown. Letter (SF Commentary 44/45)
- Unknown. Letter (SF Commentary 60/61)
- Unknown. Lost Opportunities
- Unknown. Metafantasia: The Possibilities of Science Fiction
- Unknown. Nachwort: Ubik als Science-fiction
- Unknown. On Stapledon's Star Maker
- Unknown. On the Structural Analysis of Science Fiction
- Unknown. Philip K. Dick: A Visionary Among the Charlatans
- Unknown. Poland: Science Fiction in the Linguistic Trap
- Unknown. Polish Market Report (SWFA Bulletin, Fall 1974)
- Unknown. Predgovor (Ana sa zvijezda)
- Unknown. Reflections on My Life
- Unknown. Robotok és emberek
- Unknown. Robots in Science Fiction
- Unknown. Science and Reality in Philip K. Dick's Ubik
- Unknown. Science Fiction: A Hopeless Case with Exceptions
- Unknown. Science Fiction: A Hopeless Case – With Exceptions
- Unknown. Sex in Science Fiction
- Unknown. Stanislaw Lem in Selbstzeugnissen
- Unknown. The Ten Commandments
- Unknown. The Ten Commandments for Reading the Magazines
- Unknown. The Time Travel Story and Related Matters of Science-Fiction Structuring
- Unknown. The Time-Travel Story and Related Matters of SF Structuring
- Unknown. Thirty Years Later
- Unknown. Todorov's Fantastic Theory of Literature
- Unknown. Unitas Oppositorum: The Prose of Jorge Luis Borges
- 1990. H. G. Wells's The War of the Worlds
Interior Art
- Unknown. A Stanislaw Lem Reader
- Unknown. Highcastle: A Remembrance
- Unknown. Microworlds
- Unknown. Microworlds: Writings on Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Unknown. Selected Letters to Michael Kandel
- Unknown. Summa Technologiae
- Unknown. A nave invencível
- Unknown. Ana sa zvijezda
- Unknown. Astronauti
- Unknown. Astronauti
- Unknown. Asztronauták
- Unknown. Congresso futurológico
- Unknown. De Dreigende Planeet
- Unknown. De Onoverwinnelijke
- Unknown. Den stora framtidskongressen
- Unknown. Donusum hastanesi
- Unknown. Éden
- Unknown. Eden
- Unknown. Eden
- Unknown. Eden
- Unknown. Eden
- Unknown. Fiasco
- Unknown. Fiasco
- Unknown. Fiasco
- Unknown. Glasul Domnului
- Unknown. Gli esploratori dell'astro ignoto
- Unknown. Het dagboek in de badkuip
- Unknown. His Master's Voice
- Unknown. Hospital of the Transfiguration
- Unknown. Il pianeta del silenzio
- Unknown. Il pianeta morto
- Unknown. Keten van Kansen
- Unknown. Kuoleman planeetta
- Unknown. L'indagine
- Unknown. L'invincibile
- Unknown. Memoarer funna i ett badkar
- Unknown. Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
- Unknown. Memórias encontradas numa banheira
- Unknown. Peace on Earth
- Unknown. Povratak sa zvijezda
- Unknown. Regresso das estrelas
- Unknown. Return from the Stars
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. The Chain of Chance
- Unknown. The Futurological Congress
- Unknown. The Investigation
- Unknown. The Invincible
- Unknown. Waanzinnige Wereld: Uit de Memoires van Ijon Tichy
- Unknown. Yıldızların Dönüşü
- 1961. Vorstoß zum Abendstern: 1. Teil
- 1961. Vorstoß zum Abendstern: 2. Teil
- 1982. Solaris
- 1986. El invencible
- 1989. Ritorno dall'universo
- 2005. Edén
- 2011. Solaris: The Definitive Edition
- 2020. The Invincible
- Unknown. Solaris / The Chain of Chance / A Perfect Vacuum
- Unknown. Tales of Pirx the Pilot / Return from the Stars / The Invincible
- Unknown. A Perfect Vacuum
- Unknown. A Perfect Vacuum
- Unknown. A Perfect Vacuum
- Unknown. A Perfect Vacuum
- Unknown. A Perfect Vacuum: Perfect Reviews of Nonexistent Books
- Unknown. De onoverwinnelijke
- Unknown. Eden
- Unknown. Eden
- Unknown. Eden
- Unknown. Eden
- Unknown. Eden
- Unknown. Eden
- Unknown. Fiasco
- Unknown. Fiasco
- Unknown. Fiasco
- Unknown. Fiasco
- Unknown. Fiasco
- Unknown. Fiasco
- Unknown. Fiasko
- Unknown. Het dagboek in de badkuip
- Unknown. Het dagboek in de badkuip
- Unknown. Highcastle
- Unknown. Highcastle: A Remembrance
- Unknown. Highcastle: A Remembrance
- Unknown. His Master's Voice
- Unknown. His Master's Voice
- Unknown. His Master's Voice
- Unknown. His Master's Voice
- Unknown. His Master's Voice
- Unknown. His Master's Voice
- Unknown. His Master's Voice
- Unknown. His Master's Voice
- Unknown. His Master's Voice
- Unknown. Hospital of the Transfiguration
- Unknown. Hospital of the Transfiguration
- Unknown. Imaginary Magnitude
- Unknown. Imaginary Magnitude
- Unknown. Imaginary Magnitude
- Unknown. Imaginary Magnitude
- Unknown. Imaginary Magnitude
- Unknown. Kosmisch avontuur
- Unknown. Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
- Unknown. Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
- Unknown. Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
- Unknown. Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
- Unknown. Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
- Unknown. Memoirs of a Space Traveler
- Unknown. Memoirs of a Space Traveler
- Unknown. Memoirs of a Space Traveler
- Unknown. Memoirs of a Space Traveller
- Unknown. Microworlds
- Unknown. Microworlds
- Unknown. Microworlds
- Unknown. Microworlds: Writings on Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Unknown. Microworlds: Writings on Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Unknown. More Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. More Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. More Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. More Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. More Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. More Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. More Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. Mortal Engines
- Unknown. Mortal Engines
- Unknown. Mortal Engines
- Unknown. Mortal Engines
- Unknown. One Human Minute
- Unknown. One Human Minute
- Unknown. One Human Minute
- Unknown. One Human Minute
- Unknown. One Human Minute
- Unknown. Peace on Earth
- Unknown. Peace on Earth
- Unknown. Peace on Earth
- Unknown. Peace on Earth
- Unknown. Peace on Earth
- Unknown. Phantastik und Futurologie I
- Unknown. Return from the Stars
- Unknown. Return from the Stars
- Unknown. Return from the Stars
- Unknown. Return from the Stars
- Unknown. Return from the Stars
- Unknown. Return from the Stars
- Unknown. Return from the Stars
- Unknown. Return from the Stars
- Unknown. Robbers of the Future
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris
- Unknown. Solaris: The Definitive Edition
- Unknown. Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. Tales of Pirx the Pilot
- Unknown. Tales of Pirx the Pilot / Return from the Stars / The Invincible
- Unknown. The Chain of Chance
- Unknown. The Chain of Chance
- Unknown. The Chain of Chance
- Unknown. The Chain of Chance
- Unknown. The Chain of Chance
- Unknown. The Chain of Chance
- Unknown. The Cosmic Carnival of Stanislaw Lem
- Unknown. The Cyberiad
- Unknown. The Cyberiad
- Unknown. The Cyberiad
- Unknown. The Cyberiad
- Unknown. The Cyberiad
- Unknown. The Cyberiad
- Unknown. The Cyberiad
- Unknown. The Cyberiad
- Unknown. The Cyberiad
- Unknown. The Cyberiad
- Unknown. The Cyberiad
- Unknown. The Cyberiad
- Unknown. The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age
- Unknown. The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age
- Unknown. The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age
- Unknown. The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age
- Unknown. The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age
- Unknown. The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age
- Unknown. The Futurological Congress
- Unknown. The Futurological Congress
- Unknown. The Futurological Congress
- Unknown. The Futurological Congress
- Unknown. The Futurological Congress
- Unknown. The Futurological Congress
- Unknown. The Futurological Congress
- Unknown. The Futurological Congress
- Unknown. The Futurological Congress
- Unknown. The Futurological Congress (from the Memoirs of Ijon Tichy)
- Unknown. The Futurological Congress: From the Memoirs of Ijon Tichy
- Unknown. The Investigation
- Unknown. The Investigation
- Unknown. The Investigation
- Unknown. The Investigation
- Unknown. The Investigation
- Unknown. The Investigation
- Unknown. The Investigation
- Unknown. The Investigation
- Unknown. The Invincible
- Unknown. The Invincible
- Unknown. The Invincible
- Unknown. The Invincible
- Unknown. The Invincible
- Unknown. The Invincible
- Unknown. The Invincible
- Unknown. The Invincible
- Unknown. The Invincible
- Unknown. The Invincible
- Unknown. The Invincible
- Unknown. The Star Diaries
- Unknown. The Star Diaries
- Unknown. The Star Diaries
- Unknown. The Star Diaries
- Unknown. The Star Diaries
- Unknown. The Star Diaries
- Unknown. The Star Diaries
- Unknown. The Star Diaries
- 1971. Solaris
- 1971. Solaris
- 1979. A Perfect Vacuum
- 2006. Die Sterntagebücher: 7. & 8. Reise
- 2020. The Seventh Voyage
- 2021. Dialogues
- 2021. The Truth and Other Stories
- 2022. Fiasco
- 2022. His Master's Voice
- 2022. Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
- 2022. Solaris
- 2022. Summa Technologiae
- 1967. Solaris (part 1 of 6)
- 1967. Solaris (part 2 of 6)
- 1967. Solaris (part 3 of 6)
- 1967. Solaris (part 4 of 6)
- 1968. Solaris (part 5 of 6)
- 1968. Solaris (part 6 of 6)
- 1995. Pace al mondo (Complete Novel)
Short Fiction
- Unknown. "The Conder" from the Invincible
- Unknown. Čekić
- Unknown. A fórmula de Lymphater
- Unknown. A Good Hiding
- Unknown. A Good Shellacking
- Unknown. A invasão Aldebaranesa
- Unknown. A máscara
- Unknown. A Perfect Vacuum by S. Lem
- Unknown. A verdade
- Unknown. Achte Reise
- Unknown. Afterword (Golem XIV)
- Unknown. Alla disperata ricerca della felicità
- Unknown. Altruizine
- Unknown. Altruizine, or A True Account of How Bonhomius the Hermetic Hermit Tried to Bring About Universal Happiness, and What Came of It
- Unknown. Ananke
- Unknown. Ananke
- Unknown. Are You There, Mr. Jones?
- Unknown. Automatthew's Friend
- Unknown. Az igazság
- Unknown. Being Inc. by Alastair Waynewright
- Unknown. Cei trei electrocavaleri
- Unknown. Cento e trinta e sete segundos
- Unknown. Chapter Seven of Return from the Stars
- Unknown. Dagboken
- Unknown. Das Rätsel
- Unknown. De Albatros
- Unknown. De Impossibilitate Vitae and De Impossibilitate Prognoscendi by Cezar Kouska
- Unknown. De jacht
- Unknown. De Patrouille
- Unknown. De rechtszitting
- Unknown. De test
- Unknown. De voorwaardelijke reflex
- Unknown. Der Fremdling
- Unknown. Der Futurologische Kongreß. 1. Tag
- Unknown. Der Kampf des Computers mit dem Drachen
- Unknown. Der weiße Tod
- Unknown. Derde Tocht of de Draken van de Waarschijnlijkheid
- Unknown. Diário
- Unknown. Die 7. Reise
- Unknown. Die 8. Reise
- Unknown. Die demographische Implosion
- Unknown. Die Fahrt zum Meister Oh
- Unknown. Die Kultur als Fehler by Wilhelm Klopper
- Unknown. Die Maske
- Unknown. Die Patrouille
- Unknown. Die Ratte im Labyrinth
- Unknown. Die Siebente Reise
- Unknown. Doctor Diagoras
- Unknown. Dois jovens
- Unknown. Eerste tocht of de valstrik van Gargantianus
- Unknown. Erg Selbsterreg überwindet den Bleichling
- Unknown. Expedition nach Amauropien
- Unknown. Fabel van de drie vertelmachines van Koning Genialon
- Unknown. Feltételes reflex
- Unknown. Finns ni till, Mr. Jones?
- Unknown. Foreword (Golem XIV)
- Unknown. From Solaris
- Unknown. From the Futurological Congress
- Unknown. Gigamesh by Patrick Hannahan
- Unknown. Golem's Inaugural Lecture—About Man Threefold
- Unknown. Gruppenfuhrer Louis XVI by Alfred Zellermann
- Unknown. Hammaren
- Unknown. Het ongeval
- Unknown. How Erg the Self-Inducting Slew a Paleface
- Unknown. How Microx and Gigant Made the Universe Expand
- Unknown. How the World Was Saved
- Unknown. I (Professor Corcoran)
- Unknown. Idiota by Gian Carlo Spallanzani
- Unknown. II (Professor Decantor)
- Unknown. III (Professor Zazul)
- Unknown. Ijon Tichy's Last Journey to Earth
- Unknown. In Hot Pursuit of Happiness
- Unknown. Inleiding (Het dagboek in de badkuip)
- Unknown. Instructions
- Unknown. Introduction (Cezary Strzybisz, Necrobes)
- Unknown. Introduction (Golem XIV)
- Unknown. Introduction (Juan Rambellais et al., A History of Bitic Literature, Volume I)
- Unknown. Introduction (Memoirs Found in a Bathtub)
- Unknown. Introduction (Reginald Gulliver, Eruntics)
- Unknown. Introduction to the Second Edition
- Unknown. Invasion
- Unknown. Invasionen
- Unknown. Invasionen från Aldebaran
- Unknown. Ion Tichys dreizehnte Reise
- Unknown. Ion Tichys vierundzwanzigste Reise
- Unknown. IV (Physicist Molteris)
- Unknown. Iz "Cyberiade"
- Unknown. Jacht naar Geluk
- Unknown. King Globares and the Sages
- Unknown. Lecture XLIII—About Itself
- Unknown. Les Robinsonades by Marcel Coscat
- Unknown. Let Us Save the Universe (An Open Letter from Ijon Tichy)
- Unknown. Lymphaters formel
- Unknown. Man from Mars (excerpt)
- Unknown. Marcel Coscat: Les Robinsonades: (Editions du Seuil, Paris)
- Unknown. Mosógéptragédia
- Unknown. Mögelmörkret
- Unknown. Non Serviam
- Unknown. Novas memórias de Ijon Tichy
- Unknown. O Doutor Diágoras
- Unknown. O princípio do cataclismo criador. O Mundo como Holocausto
- Unknown. O Professor A. Donda
- Unknown. O sanatório do Doutor Uliperdius
- Unknown. Odysseus of Ithaca by Kuno Mlatje
- Unknown. On Patrol
- Unknown. One Human Minute
- Unknown. Over Prins Ferritius en Prinses Kristalla
- Unknown. Pericalypsis by Joachim Fersengeld
- Unknown. Pirx vertelt
- Unknown. Pirx's Tale
- Unknown. Preface (His Master's Voice)
- Unknown. Prince Ferrix and Princess Crystal
- Unknown. Prince Ferrix and the Princess Crystal
- Unknown. Proffertinc
- Unknown. Return from the Stars (excerpt)
- Unknown. Rien du tout, ou la consequence by Solange Marriot
- Unknown. Råttan i labyrinten
- Unknown. Salvemos o universo
- Unknown. Sample Pages
- Unknown. Sanningen
- Unknown. Sexplosion by Simon Merrill
- Unknown. Sistemas de armamento do século XXI, ou a evolução de pernas para o ar
- Unknown. Solaris (excerpt)
- Unknown. Sto trzydzieści siedem sekund
- Unknown. Tale of the Computer That Fought a Dragon
- Unknown. Tale of the Three Storytelling Machines of King Genius
- Unknown. Terminus
- Unknown. Terminus
- Unknown. Testul
- Unknown. The Accident
- Unknown. The Advisers of King Hydrops
- Unknown. The Albatross
- Unknown. The Conditioned Reflex
- Unknown. The Eighth Voyage
- Unknown. The Eleventh Voyage
- Unknown. The Fifth Sally (A), or Trurl's Prescription
- Unknown. The Fifth Sally(A), or Trurl's Prescription
- Unknown. The Fifth Sally, or The Mischief of King Balerion
- Unknown. The First Sally (A), or Trurl's Electronic Bard
- Unknown. The First Sally, or The Trap of Gargantius
- Unknown. The Fourteenth Voyage
- Unknown. The Fourth Sally, or How Trurl Built a Femfatalatron to Save Prince Pantagoon from the Pangs of Love, and How Later He Resorted to a Cannonade of Babies
- Unknown. The History of Zipperupus
- Unknown. The Hunt
- Unknown. The Inquest
- Unknown. The Mask
- Unknown. The New Cosmogony
- Unknown. The Sanatorium of Dr. Vliperdius
- Unknown. The Second Sally
- Unknown. The Second Sally, or The Offer of King Krool
- Unknown. The Seventh Sally, or How Trurl's Own Perfection Led to No Good
- Unknown. The Seventh Voyage
- Unknown. The Sixth Sally, or How Trurl and Klapaucius Created a Demon of the Second Kind to Defeat the Pirate Pugg
- Unknown. The Tale of King Gnuff
- Unknown. The Tale of the Computer That Fought a Dragon
- Unknown. The Test
- Unknown. The Third Sally, or The Dragons of Probability
- Unknown. The Thirteenth Voyage
- Unknown. The Three Electroknights
- Unknown. The Twelfth Voyage
- Unknown. The Twentieth Voyage
- Unknown. The Twenty-Eighth Voyage
- Unknown. The Twenty-Fifth Voyage
- Unknown. The Twenty-First Voyage
- Unknown. The Twenty-Second Voyage
- Unknown. The Twenty-Third Voyage
- Unknown. The Upside-Down Evolution
- Unknown. The Use of a Dragon
- Unknown. The White Death
- Unknown. The World As Cataclysm
- Unknown. Tocht Nummer 1A of Trurls Elektribald
- Unknown. Tocht Nummer 5A of het Advies van Trurl
- Unknown. Toi by Raymond Seurat
- Unknown. Trual's Electronic Band
- Unknown. Trurl's Machine
- Unknown. Två unga män
- Unknown. Tweede Tocht of het Aanbod van Koning Wredius
- Unknown. Two Ends of the World
- Unknown. Two Monsters
- Unknown. U-Write-It
- Unknown. Um minuto de humanidade
- Unknown. Uranium Earpieces
- Unknown. Vierde Tocht of Hoe Trurl de Femonistron Toepaste om Prins Pantiarctic van de Kwellingen der Liefde te Verlossen en hoe het Toen Kwam tot een Kinderkannonade
- Unknown. Vijfde Tocht of de Grillen van Koning Balerion
- Unknown. Von der Rechenmaschine, die mit dem Drachen kämpfte
- Unknown. Vännen
- Unknown. Zesde Tocht of hoe Trurl en Klapautius een Demon van de Tweede Soort Schiepen om Piraat Bakkes te verslaan
- Unknown. Zevende tocht of hoe Trurls eigen perfectie ten kwade leidde
- Unknown. Zlatni gejzir
- 1964. Esiste davvero Mr. Johns?
- 1966. Istoria calculatorului numeric care a luptat împotriva balaurului
- 1970. The Computer That Fought a Dragon
- 1970. The Patrol
- 1970. The Thirteenth Journey of Ion Tichy
- 1970. The Twenty-Fourth Journey of Ion Tichy
- 1971. A cincea expediție
- 1976. Tragedija strojeva za pranje rublja
- 1977. Test
- 1978. Klinika dra Vliperdiusa
- 1979. Die Rettung der Welt
- 1979. Izumitelj duše
- 1979. Zazul
- 1980. Sudbinograf
- 1980. Doktor Diagoras
- 1981. Trurlova naprava
- 1981. Phools
- 1981. The Twenty-Fourth Voyage
- 1981. Project Genesis
- 1981. The Eighteenth Voyage
- 1981. The Washing-Machine Tragedy
- 1981. V (The Washing Machine Tragedy)
- 1983. Spasimo svemir
- 1983. Vom Nutzen des Drachen
- 1995. Come salvammo il mondo
- 1995. Dal "Cyberoticon" ovvero Storie di deviazioni, superfissazioni e aberrazioni del cuore: Il Principe Ferrix e la Principessa Cristallo
- 1995. Intermezzo 1 ovvero della sfericità
- 1995. L'Altruizina ovvero Come Bonhommius, l'Eremita Ermetico, cercò di imporre la felicità universale e le conseguenze del suo atto
- 1995. La macchina di Trurl
- 1995. La prima fatica bis ovvero Il bardo elettronico
- 1995. La prima fatica ovvero La trappola di Gargantius
- 1995. La quarta fatica ovvero Come Trurl costruì un Femmefatalatrone per salvare il Principe Patagonzio dalle pene d'amore e come successivamente dovette ricorrere a un cannoneggiamento bamboccesco
- 1995. La quinta fatica bis ovvero L'ingiunzione di Trurl
- 1995. La quinta fatica ovvero Le burle di Re Balerion
- 1995. La seconda fatica ovvero Alla caccia di Re Krool
- 1995. La sesta fatica ovvero Come Trurl e Klapaucius crearono un Demone di Seconda Classe per sconfiggere il pirata Pugg
- 1995. La settima fatica ovvero Come Trurl, a causa della sua perfezione, finì per ottenere il contrario di quello che cercava
- 1995. La storia della prima macchina ovvero Il Consigliere Perfetto
- 1995. La storia della seconda macchina ovvero Il benefattore del pianeta
- 1995. La storia della terza macchina ovvero Mymosh il Figlio di Se Stesso
- 1995. La terza fatica ovvero I draghi della probabilità
- 1995. Premessa: Il cavaliere sferico
- 1995. Secondo intermezzo
- 1995. Una buona battitura
- 2005. Altruicina, o una historia verdadera donde se cuenta cómo el ermitaño Bonifacio quiso hacer feliz al Cosmos y (...)
- 2005. Cuentos de las tres máquinas fabulistas del rey Genialón
- 2005. Expedición cuarta, o cómo Trurl se sirvió de un mujerotrón para liberar al príncipe Pantárctico de las torturas del amor
- 2005. Expedición primera A, o el electrobardo de Trurl
- 2005. Expedición primera, o la trampa de Garganciano
- 2005. Expedición quinta A, o la consulta de Trurl
- 2005. Expedición quinta, o las travesuras del rey Balerión
- 2005. Expedición segunda o la oferta del rey Cruelio
- 2005. Expedición séptima, o cómo su propia perfección puso a Trurl en un mal trance
- 2005. Expedición sexta, o cómo Trurl y Clapaucio crearon a un demonio de segunda especie, para vencer al pirata Morrón
- 2005. Expedición tercera, o los dragones de la probabilidad
- 2010. "The Seventh Voyage" from The Star Diaries
- 2011. Darkness and Mildew
- 2011. Invasion from Aldebaran
- 2011. The Lilo
- 0000. Microworlds: Writings on Science Fiction and Fantasy - Locus Poll Award, Best Non-Fiction/Reference (Nomination)