Keith Allen Daniels
Source: "Keith Allen Daniels Bibliography." Author Wars,".
- Unknown. Dyscrasias: Selected Poems
- Unknown. Haiku by Unohu
- Unknown. I Think, Therefore Iamb
- Unknown. Loopy Is the Inner Ear
- Unknown. Notes from the Antipodes
- Unknown. Satan Is a Mathematician: Poems of the Weird, Surreal and Fantastic
- Unknown. Weird Sonnets
- Unknown. What Rough Book: Dark Poems and Light
- 2000. Shimmarie and Other Poems
- Unknown. Foreword: A Word from the Publisher (Saul's Death and Other Poems)
- Unknown. Introduction (2001: A Science Fiction Poetry Anthology)
- Unknown. Introduction: Curse of the Sonneteer (The Weird Sonneteers)
- Unknown. Introduction: Polymath (With All of Love: Selected Poems)
- Unknown. LA Con Report (Star*Line, November-December 1996)
- Unknown. Letter (Analog, August 1976)
- Unknown. Moderan Man Forever: In Memory of David R. Bunch
- Unknown. Prefatory (Haiku by Unohu)
- Unknown. A Cure for Sleep Apnea
- Unknown. A Flourish of Strumpets, a Pride of Loins
- Unknown. A Groundbreaking Event
- Unknown. A Pickup in San Francisco
- Unknown. A Talon for Music
- Unknown. Adventures of Nano-Man
- Unknown. Advertising in the Mutant Rain Forest
- Unknown. Agonoch and Old Bones
- Unknown. All Hallows Eve
- Unknown. All the Century Plants
- Unknown. Ambrose Bierce
- Unknown. An Evening with Aldous Huxley
- Unknown. An Evening with Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)
- Unknown. An Evening with Ambrose Bierce
- Unknown. Anachronism
- Unknown. Anamnesis
- Unknown. Ancient Dogs
- Unknown. Anemophilous
- Unknown. Animé Babe
- Unknown. Archipelagos of Thought
- Unknown. Arecibo
- Unknown. Armadillos
- Unknown. At the Pet Shop
- Unknown. Augury
- Unknown. Auralincubi
- Unknown. Autistic Telepath
- Unknown. Awakening
- Unknown. Ayahuasquero
- Unknown. Ayahuasquero - for William S. Burroughs
- Unknown. Barriers
- Unknown. Beelzy
- Unknown. Benighted
- Unknown. Beware of Dogg
- Unknown. Bight of Sonic Blasters
- Unknown. Black Hole
- Unknown. Black Space
- Unknown. Blue Ice
- Unknown. Bookmarks in the King in Yellow
- Unknown. Bristlecone Pine
- Unknown. C. P. Snow Has Melted and Is All Wet
- Unknown. Café
- Unknown. Camp Upas
- Unknown. Cantrip
- Unknown. Carnomancy for Two
- Unknown. Cave Canem
- Unknown. Centaur on Lesbos
- Unknown. Centrifugation
- Unknown. Chaulmoogra Mantra
- Unknown. Coffee Breaks ...
- Unknown. Collect Call of Cthulhu
- Unknown. Connubial Bliss
- Unknown. Countdown
- Unknown. Crater Lake
- Unknown. Cthulhu Calls Collect
- Unknown. Curandera Vieja
- Unknown. Curse of the Cyclops
- Unknown. Curse of the Mathematician's Wife
- Unknown. Curse of the Sonneteer
- Unknown. Dachau Jumped Over the Moon
- Unknown. Das Gift
- Unknown. Dead
- Unknown. Dead Cow of the Sierras
- Unknown. Death of a Dreamer
- Unknown. Decision
- Unknown. Demented
- Unknown. Disillusion
- Unknown. Djerassic Epoch
- Unknown. Doing Harmaline
- Unknown. Dunsany's Game
- Unknown. Dust Mites
- Unknown. Dustbusters
- Unknown. Dzibilhaton
- Unknown. Earth
- Unknown. Earthside Lover
- Unknown. Echoes of an Ancient Lyre
- Unknown. Eclipse
- Unknown. Edifice
- Unknown. Einstein's Brain
- Unknown. Endangered Species
- Unknown. Entropy
- Unknown. Essence of Poet
- Unknown. Eugenica
- Unknown. Eutrophication
- Unknown. Exhortation
- Unknown. Eyes in Orbit
- Unknown. Face the Face
- Unknown. Fan Worm Frenzy
- Unknown. Fear of Flushing
- Unknown. Fever Dreams
- Unknown. Flashback in Traffic
- Unknown. For Aldous Huxley
- Unknown. For the Lizard King
- Unknown. Fossils
- Unknown. Fragments of a Shattered Glass Werewolf Poem
- Unknown. Futility
- Unknown. Galvanism in the Graveyard
- Unknown. Genius
- Unknown. Gesundheit
- Unknown. Ghosts in a Tremblor
- Unknown. Gobbets Galore
- Unknown. God's Breath
- Unknown. Gray Dorian
- Unknown. H.P. Lovecraft Meets the Three Stooges
- Unknown. Haiku by Unohu
- Unknown. Halley's Sonnet
- Unknown. Heaviside
- Unknown. Helictites
- Unknown. Hemeralopia
- Unknown. Hemogoblin Blues
- Unknown. Her Technologies
- Unknown. High Cuckoo: For Timothy Leary
- Unknown. High Surf
- Unknown. Hurricane Zeus
- Unknown. I'm Back!
- Unknown. Iggy Guards Her Secrets
- Unknown. In Coldhouse
- Unknown. In Reply to Stephen Crane
- Unknown. In The Berkshires of Massachusetts
- Unknown. In the Cellar
- Unknown. In the Witch-Light of Neurons
- Unknown. Iniquitions
- Unknown. It's All in Your Head
- Unknown. John C. Lilly, M.D.
- Unknown. Judgement Day
- Unknown. Ketamine Dreams
- Unknown. Killer Pine
- Unknown. Last Notebook Entry
- Unknown. Leap to Infinity
- Unknown. Leaves
- Unknown. Legacy of the Ooligarchs
- Unknown. Limerick After the Cure
- Unknown. Lithic
- Unknown. Littoral
- Unknown. Loopy Is the Inner Ear
- Unknown. Lost
- Unknown. Lost in the Dryad's Haunt
- Unknown. Lucifer's Tirade
- Unknown. Lupine Lair
- Unknown. Mal Mot I: Preplan
- Unknown. Memorial
- Unknown. Metalangelo, the Billion Dollar Schizophrenic
- Unknown. Metamorphosis
- Unknown. Molecular Poetry
- Unknown. Morning of a Faun
- Unknown. Mucustodians
- Unknown. My Eyes, My Eyes Are Melting
- Unknown. My Lady of the Chiropterans
- Unknown. No Lies in Hell
- Unknown. Nowadays
- Unknown. Numbers of the Beast
- Unknown. Odalisque in Orcus
- Unknown. Old Copper Mine
- Unknown. Old Mystic
- Unknown. Old!
- Unknown. On a Shelf at the Galaxy's Core
- Unknown. On the Beach
- Unknown. On the Death of Aldous Huxley
- Unknown. On the Rag
- Unknown. On the Wave-Particle Duality of Ghosts
- Unknown. Once More, with Feeling
- Unknown. One Cold, Swedish Night
- Unknown. Onion Man
- Unknown. Orrobyphus
- Unknown. Pagan Virgin
- Unknown. Paperweights of the Gods
- Unknown. Past Life
- Unknown. Pelagia
- Unknown. Petroglyphs
- Unknown. Phototropism
- Unknown. Piloting Spaceship Earth
- Unknown. Piranha Raptors
- Unknown. Plight of the Auspex
- Unknown. Poetic Justice
- Unknown. Poison Ivy Makes Terrible Incense
- Unknown. Pooem
- Unknown. Porifera
- Unknown. Prognostication
- Unknown. Progress
- Unknown. Psilocybin Met a Pi Man
- Unknown. Quetzals
- Unknown. Rat Cathedrals
- Unknown. Reflections on a Painting by Seurat
- Unknown. Reign, Forest!
- Unknown. Return of the Haruspex
- Unknown. Robots
- Unknown. Rope
- Unknown. Round Trip
- Unknown. Salivation Army
- Unknown. Salps
- Unknown. Sam Clemens, Cometeer
- Unknown. Satan Is a Mathematician
- Unknown. Scats
- Unknown. Sciomancy Nights
- Unknown. Screed
- Unknown. Sea Change
- Unknown. Seals
- Unknown. Seduction of the Odalisque
- Unknown. Self
- Unknown. Sestina for the Silver One
- Unknown. Sheola
- Unknown. Ship's Log
- Unknown. Shoemaker-Levy 9
- Unknown. Silence of the Canned
- Unknown. Singularity
- Unknown. Skin Bunnies
- Unknown. Slow Degrees
- Unknown. Slug Poem
- Unknown. Sobnot
- Unknown. Sodsuckers
- Unknown. Somatography
- Unknown. Someday a Prince Will Come
- Unknown. Spam in Space
- Unknown. St. George Island
- Unknown. Starface
- Unknown. Stargods
- Unknown. Starspider
- Unknown. Still-Life
- Unknown. Stonehenge
- Unknown. Street People
- Unknown. Street Scene
- Unknown. Strings
- Unknown. Study in Contrasts
- Unknown. Supernova
- Unknown. Suppose
- Unknown. Swansong
- Unknown. Sylphs
- Unknown. Tanj
- Unknown. Tektite Gambit
- Unknown. Telephone Sex
- Unknown. Television Isn't Heaven
- Unknown. Terence McKenna
- Unknown. Thana Topless
- Unknown. The Archaic Smile
- Unknown. The Biochemistry of Sonnets
- Unknown. The Death of NASA
- Unknown. The Death of Science Fiction Poetry
- Unknown. The Demiurge of Day
- Unknown. The Discourse of the Stones
- Unknown. The Ears of Gaia
- Unknown. The Edifice
- Unknown. The Eidolon
- Unknown. The Fight of the Eon
- Unknown. The Flight of the Eon
- Unknown. The Frog Problem
- Unknown. The God-Hawking Summit
- Unknown. The Gryphon
- Unknown. The Hydrocephaloid
- Unknown. The Irony Principle
- Unknown. The Lake
- Unknown. The Last Days of the Demiurge
- Unknown. The Last Halloween of Gaston de Hume
- Unknown. The Lightship Captain's Grave
- Unknown. The Man Who Was Sing Sing
- Unknown. The Martian in the Madhouse
- Unknown. The Missed Millennium
- Unknown. The Ones That Got Away
- Unknown. The Packing of Tufts
- Unknown. The Parasite
- Unknown. The Passing of the Elves
- Unknown. The Past in Realtime
- Unknown. The Past in Realtime
- Unknown. The Perfect Crime
- Unknown. The Poetasters'
- Unknown. The Psychonauts
- Unknown. The Quiet One
- Unknown. The Ravens
- Unknown. The Scurvied
- Unknown. The Seeker from the Stars
- Unknown. The Snailephant
- Unknown. The Stoning
- Unknown. The Time Emitter
- Unknown. The Triboelectric Torture of Cats
- Unknown. The Unhauntable Man
- Unknown. The Unseen
- Unknown. The Visitor Speaks
- Unknown. The Voice of the Tortoise
- Unknown. Thelonious Monk and the Tuataras
- Unknown. There Will Come Soft Things
- Unknown. Think Heaven, Think Hell
- Unknown. Tiki
- Unknown. Time
- Unknown. Time and Sand
- Unknown. Timothy Leary
- Unknown. To a Faraway Lover
- Unknown. Too Late the Oothaca
- Unknown. To—
- Unknown. Treadmill
- Unknown. Triplets for Thomas Wiloch
- Unknown. Triplets for Thomas Wiloch
- Unknown. Tubing on the Ichetucknee River
- Unknown. Turban
- Unknown. Twins
- Unknown. Twist
- Unknown. Two Mornings in a Day
- Unknown. Tötentanz
- Unknown. Uaxactun
- Unknown. Ukiah
- Unknown. Unplugged
- Unknown. Unsafe Alien Sex
- Unknown. Vacilandor
- Unknown. Vampire Poem
- Unknown. Venusian Rap
- Unknown. Vug
- Unknown. Wastrel in a Wasteland
- Unknown. Wavicles
- Unknown. Wavicles: on the wave particle duality of ghosts
- Unknown. Welcome to a Tomb
- Unknown. What Monstrocities
- Unknown. What the Heart Believes
- Unknown. Where the Suns Don't Shine
- Unknown. Windrows
- Unknown. With Sickle Frore
- Unknown. Worm Regards
- Unknown. Wormhole
- Unknown. Xobanhaltun
- Unknown. Yak Attack
- Unknown. Yukon Jack
- Unknown. Zed
- Unknown. Zubenelschemali
- Unknown. £Virgule Reality£
- 1995. Double Stars
- 1998. Angels of the Half-Spans
- 1998. The Houri and the Hoplites
- 2000. Dimetria
- 2000. Dream Poems
- 2000. Nalo
- 2000. Red Mountain Petroglyphs
- 2000. Shimmarie
- 2000. Shower Scene
- 2000. Sylphia
- 2000. The Mad Chef
- 2000. The Poetasters' Café
- 2000. The Roots of Our Equations
- 2000. Twilight in the Forest Mutation
- Unknown. 2001: A Science Fiction Poetry Anthology
- Unknown. Arthur C. Clarke & Lord Dunsany: A Correspondence
- Unknown. Arthur C. Clarke & Lord Dunsany: A Correspondence
- Unknown. Arthur C. Clarke & Lord Dunsany: A Correspondence
- Unknown. I Think, Therefore Iamb
- Unknown. Loopy is My Inner Ear
- Unknown. Satan Is a Mathematician
- Unknown. Satan Is a Mathematician
- Unknown. Satan Is a Mathematician
- Unknown. Satan Is a Mathematician: Poems of the Weird, Surreal and Fantastic
- Unknown. Satan Is a Mathematician: Poems of the Weird, Surreal and Fantastic
- Unknown. Satan Is a Mathematician: Poems of the Weird, Surreal and Fantastic
- Unknown. Shimmarie and Other Poems
- Unknown. Weird Sonnets
- Unknown. What Rough Book
- Unknown. What Rough Book: Dark Poems & Light
- Unknown. What Rough Book: Dark Poems and Light
- Unknown. What Rough Book: Dark Poems and Light
- Unknown. What Rough Book: Dark Poems and Light
- Unknown. What Rough Book: Dark Poems and Light
- Unknown. What Rough Book: Dark Poems and Light
- Unknown. What Rough Book: Dark Poems and Light
- 2002. 2001: A Science Fiction Poetry Anthology
Short Fiction
- Unknown. A Form That Fetters
- Unknown. A Painter of Still-Lifes
- Unknown. H. P. Lovecraft Meets the Three Stooges
- Unknown. Oneiricide
- Unknown. Rain of Terror
- 0000. Television Isn't Heaven - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Poem (Nomination)
- 0000. Anachronism - Asimov's Readers' Poll, Best Poem (Nomination)
- 0000. Satan Is a Mathematician - Rhysling Award, Short Poem (Nomination below cutoff)