Joseph Payne Brennan
Source: "Joseph Payne Brennan Bibliography." Author Wars,".
- Unknown. A Sheaf of Snow Poems
- Unknown. As Evening Advances
- Unknown. Creep to Death
- Unknown. Death Poems
- Unknown. Edges of Night
- Unknown. Heart of Earth
- Unknown. Look Back on Laurel Hills
- Unknown. Nightmare Need
- Unknown. Nine Horrors and a Dream
- Unknown. Scream at Midnight
- Unknown. Sixty Selected Poems
- Unknown. Stories of Darkness and Dread
- Unknown. The Adventures of Lucius Leffing
- Unknown. The Borders Just Beyond
- Unknown. The Casebook of Lucius Leffing
- Unknown. The Chronicles of Lucius Leffing
- Unknown. The Dark Returners
- Unknown. The Feaster from Afar and Other Ghastly Visitants
- Unknown. The Humming Stair
- Unknown. The Riddle
- Unknown. The Shapes of Midnight
- Unknown. The Wind of Time
- Unknown. Webs of Time
- 2022. Il custode della polvere
- Unknown. 1st World Fantasy Convention
- Unknown. A Haunter of the Night
- Unknown. Author's Note (Zombique)
- Unknown. Brennan Said ...
- Unknown. Can the Supernatural Story Survive?
- Unknown. Foreword (Lost in the Rentharpian Hills)
- Unknown. Foreword (Lost in the Rentharpian Hills: Spanning the Decades with Carl Jacobi)
- Unknown. H. P. L.: An Informal Commentary
- Unknown. H. P. Lovecraft, An Evaluation
- Unknown. H. P. Lovecraft: Eine Würdigung
- Unknown. In Memorium: A.N.L. Munby 1913-1974
- Unknown. Introduction (The Face of Fear and Other Poems)
- Unknown. Introductory Note (Sixty Selected Poems)
- Unknown. Letter (Weird Tales, Summer 1974): Orchids from Author
- Unknown. Letter (Weird Tales, Summer 1988)
- Unknown. Letter to Harry Morris, Jr., July 7, 1974
- Unknown. Letter to Harry O. Morris, Jr., April 10, 1972
- Unknown. Letter to Harry O. Morris, Jr., August 10, 1971
- Unknown. Lovecraft and the O'Brien Annuals
- Unknown. Lovecraft on the Subway
- Unknown. Lovecraft's "Brick Row"
- Unknown. My Skirmish with Weird Tales
- Unknown. Recollections of Weird Tales
- Unknown. Three Footnotes on H.P. Lovecraft
- Unknown. Time and H.P.L.
- Unknown. Weird Tales: A Call to Action
- 1979. Frank Belknap Long
- 1982. Display of Fantasy Literature
- 1982. My Ghosts of New Haven
- 2015. America's "Yellow Nineties" Poet
- 2022. In mio homaggia a Weird Tales
- 2022. Weird Tales: Chiamata alle armi!
- 2023. Erinnerungen an Weird Tales
- Unknown. Joseph Payne Brennan Interviewed by Will Murray, 1975
- Unknown. Joseph Payne Brennan: An Interview
- Unknown. Joseph Payne Brennan: An Interview
- Unknown. Joseph Payne Brennan: Old Cities and the Stream of Time
- 1985. Etchings & Odysseys Interview: Joseph Payne Brennan
Magazine Editor
- Unknown. Macabre - 1957
- Unknown. Macabre - 1958
- Unknown. Macabre - 1959
- Unknown. Macabre - 1960
- Unknown. Macabre - 1961
- Unknown. Macabre - 1962
- Unknown. Macabre - 1963
- Unknown. Macabre - 1964
- Unknown. Macabre - 1965
- Unknown. Macabre - 1966
- Unknown. Macabre - 1968
- Unknown. Macabre - 1970
- Unknown. Macabre - 1973
- Unknown. Macabre - 1976
- Unknown. A Lovecraft Bibliography
- Unknown. A Select Bibliography of H. P. Lovecraft
- Unknown. H. P. Lovecraft, An Evaluation
- Unknown. H. P. Lovecraft: A Bibliography
- Unknown. A Chinese Fable
- Unknown. A Fable
- Unknown. A Phrase of Silence
- Unknown. A Sort of Eden
- Unknown. A Summer's Thirst
- Unknown. A Trio
- Unknown. A Wood of My Self
- Unknown. Abandoned Factory Yard
- Unknown. Absence
- Unknown. Actress
- Unknown. Admiration of Eagles
- Unknown. Advent of Autumn
- Unknown. After a Kitten's Death
- Unknown. After Fifty
- Unknown. After Love
- Unknown. After Midnight
- Unknown. Age
- Unknown. Age at Morning
- Unknown. Albatross
- Unknown. Alien Words
- Unknown. An Hour After Midnight
- Unknown. Ancient October
- Unknown. Another August
- Unknown. Apache
- Unknown. April
- Unknown. Arctic Owl
- Unknown. Arkham Episode
- Unknown. Artifice
- Unknown. At the Cemetery Gate
- Unknown. Atavism
- Unknown. Autumn
- Unknown. Autumn Men
- Unknown. Avery Anameer
- Unknown. Bag Hag
- Unknown. Beach Party
- Unknown. Because
- Unknown. Bedrock
- Unknown. Behind the Hill
- Unknown. Better Oblivion's Leaf
- Unknown. Beyond the Night
- Unknown. Billy the Kid
- Unknown. Bird Unseen
- Unknown. Black Oak Leaves
- Unknown. Black October
- Unknown. Bleak November Days
- Unknown. Brief Achievements
- Unknown. Burnt Summer
- Unknown. Canticle for November
- Unknown. Cemetery Wind
- Unknown. Century's End
- Unknown. Charm of Snow
- Unknown. Chateau Neuf
- Unknown. Cherry Orchard
- Unknown. Christmas Eve: Ardennes
- Unknown. Circa 1890
- Unknown. City Cemetery
- Unknown. Cold November Night
- Unknown. Come to Me
- Unknown. Communions
- Unknown. Confederate Cemetery, 1961
- Unknown. Contagion
- Unknown. Cormorant
- Unknown. Crazy Horse
- Unknown. Darkness
- Unknown. Dead Hands
- Unknown. Dear Friend
- Unknown. Death
- Unknown. Death Dog
- Unknown. Death of a Minor Poet
- Unknown. December
- Unknown. December Sorrows
- Unknown. Demons' Wood
- Unknown. Departure
- Unknown. Desert
- Unknown. Deserted Farm, New England
- Unknown. Desolate Meadow
- Unknown. Desolation
- Unknown. Destined Things
- Unknown. Dimensions of Time
- Unknown. Down Endless Years
- Unknown. Dream-Land
- Unknown. Drought
- Unknown. Dust
- Unknown. Early Autumn
- Unknown. Earth Lovers
- Unknown. Empty Rooms
- Unknown. Encounter
- Unknown. Endure
- Unknown. Enduring Shapes
- Unknown. Envoy: The Scythe of Dreams
- Unknown. Envy the Adder
- Unknown. Episode
- Unknown. Epitaph
- Unknown. Epitaph for an Earth Lover
- Unknown. Epitaph for Earth
- Unknown. Everlasting Instant
- Unknown. Failure
- Unknown. Fair Haven Heights
- Unknown. False Coming
- Unknown. Farrison
- Unknown. Final Assignation
- Unknown. Final Night
- Unknown. First Snow
- Unknown. Foolish Things
- Unknown. Footnote to Georg Trakl
- Unknown. For All Lost Creatures
- Unknown. Forest Fantastique
- Unknown. From Golden Boughs
- Unknown. Garden of Silver
- Unknown. Garden of Time
- Unknown. Ghost-Town Saloon: Winter
- Unknown. Gradations of Death
- Unknown. Grandfather's Ghost
- Unknown. Grandmother's Parlour
- Unknown. Graveyard in April
- Unknown. Grey Men
- Unknown. Grey Owl
- Unknown. Grottos of Horror
- Unknown. Gulf of Day
- Unknown. Halloween Snow
- Unknown. Haunted
- Unknown. Haunted House
- Unknown. Heart of Earth
- Unknown. Heat
- Unknown. Hell: A Variation
- Unknown. History by the Black Hills
- Unknown. Homo Sapiens
- Unknown. How Shall I Speak of Stored Intemperate Terrors?
- Unknown. I Envy the Deer
- Unknown. I Know
- Unknown. I Seek a Land
- Unknown. I Tell the Cicadas
- Unknown. I Think of Ferns
- Unknown. Ice Forest at Midnight
- Unknown. If Healing Exists
- Unknown. Illusion in Blue
- Unknown. Imminence of Snow
- Unknown. In Failing Light
- Unknown. In Memory of Joseph Brennan
- Unknown. In My Pure and Deepest Dreams
- Unknown. In the Night's Cold Passage
- Unknown. In Winter Woods
- Unknown. Infantryman
- Unknown. Integuments
- Unknown. Interment for the Atom Age
- Unknown. Invasion
- Unknown. Ira
- Unknown. It Shall Not Lack
- Unknown. It Will Be Time
- Unknown. It's There
- Unknown. Jack Rollis
- Unknown. James A. Hillhouse
- Unknown. John Mason Sidd
- Unknown. Judgment Day
- Unknown. Junkman
- Unknown. Junkyard in Winter
- Unknown. Land of Desolation
- Unknown. Last Days
- Unknown. Last Flat
- Unknown. Last Waltz
- Unknown. Let the Hawk
- Unknown. Letter
- Unknown. Like A Bride
- Unknown. Lines to H. P. Lovecraft
- Unknown. Lines Written While Running
- Unknown. Love of the Night
- Unknown. Love Story
- Unknown. Mad Lines
- Unknown. Maelstrom of Stars
- Unknown. Manifesto
- Unknown. Marker
- Unknown. Marrow Cold
- Unknown. Marsh Moment
- Unknown. Medicine Man
- Unknown. Modern Poets
- Unknown. Mountain-Town Widow
- Unknown. Mr. Brownjohn Smith
- Unknown. Mummy
- Unknown. My Adolescent Dreams
- Unknown. My Arms Rest
- Unknown. My Father's Death
- Unknown. My Inmost Dog
- Unknown. My Nineteenth Nightmare
- Unknown. My Owl
- Unknown. My True Love
- Unknown. Necrophiliac
- Unknown. Neuropathic
- Unknown. Never a Love Again
- Unknown. Never Far Away
- Unknown. New England Farmer Dying
- Unknown. New England Testament
- Unknown. New England Vignette
- Unknown. New Moon
- Unknown. Nietzsche
- Unknown. Night Freights
- Unknown. Night Gaunts
- Unknown. Night Guard: Ardennes
- Unknown. Night Hunger
- Unknown. Night of Despair
- Unknown. Night Walk
- Unknown. Nightmare
- Unknown. Nightmare One
- Unknown. Nightmare Three
- Unknown. Nightmare Two
- Unknown. Nightmare: The Arena
- Unknown. No Matter
- Unknown. No More Remembered
- Unknown. No Word Nor Book
- Unknown. Nocturne Macabre
- Unknown. Nogoodnick
- Unknown. Not Any Worse
- Unknown. November Day
- Unknown. Old Men and Autumn
- Unknown. Old Poets
- Unknown. Old Victorian House
- Unknown. On a Photograph of Daisy Murdock
- Unknown. On Desolate Streets
- Unknown. On the Death of an Unheralded Poet
- Unknown. On the Death of Scootch, My Cat
- Unknown. On the Death of Spook, My Persian Kitten
- Unknown. On Tower Parkway
- Unknown. Once, at Least
- Unknown. One Day of Rain
- Unknown. One Winter Afternoon
- Unknown. Ossian
- Unknown. Pasture Silence
- Unknown. Perceptions
- Unknown. Permanent Things
- Unknown. Poe's Lake
- Unknown. Poems Unpleasant
- Unknown. Poets Now
- Unknown. Potter's Field
- Unknown. Power
- Unknown. Preludes to Oblivion
- Unknown. Private Sculp
- Unknown. Raccoon on the Road
- Unknown. Rain on Lilac Bushes
- Unknown. Rat
- Unknown. Recognition of Death
- Unknown. Refrain
- Unknown. Rehearsal
- Unknown. Remember
- Unknown. Remembering Camp Tyson
- Unknown. Remembering Wind
- Unknown. Reminiscence: Emergency Room
- Unknown. Remorseless Rain
- Unknown. Return
- Unknown. Return of the Young Men
- Unknown. Revelation
- Unknown. Riddle
- Unknown. Robert Torrell
- Unknown. Sea Grotto
- Unknown. Sea Hawk
- Unknown. Search in the City
- Unknown. Searching
- Unknown. Searching
- Unknown. Selection
- Unknown. Shabby Spring
- Unknown. Shaker
- Unknown. Shenandoah? Shenandoah?
- Unknown. Shrouded Lake
- Unknown. Skeleton
- Unknown. Slanting Leaves
- Unknown. Smother Street
- Unknown. Snake
- Unknown. Snow at Night
- Unknown. Snow Song
- Unknown. Snow Song for Insomniacs
- Unknown. Snow Song for Patti
- Unknown. Snowing
- Unknown. Snowy Night
- Unknown. So Ever the Groves
- Unknown. Somewhere the Sapphire Winds
- Unknown. Sonnet to the Sea
- Unknown. Soon Enough
- Unknown. Sorcerer's Web
- Unknown. Spanish Lady
- Unknown. Spelled with Snow
- Unknown. Spruce Stump
- Unknown. Still Place
- Unknown. Strayer's Song
- Unknown. Substance
- Unknown. Suicide
- Unknown. Summation
- Unknown. Summer Night
- Unknown. Summer's End
- Unknown. Summons
- Unknown. Sunday Morning
- Unknown. Swamp Picture
- Unknown. Text of Autumn
- Unknown. Texture
- Unknown. That Savage City
- Unknown. The Abandoned Boudoir
- Unknown. The Acts of Hours
- Unknown. The Ancient Meadow
- Unknown. The Autumn Sign
- Unknown. The Best Thing To Be
- Unknown. The Bitter Wind
- Unknown. The Black Rent
- Unknown. The Blue Knoll
- Unknown. The Cat!
- Unknown. The Chestnut Roasters
- Unknown. The Closer Light
- Unknown. The Cold Cliffs
- Unknown. The Cold Corridors
- Unknown. The Cold Ploughmen
- Unknown. The Collector
- Unknown. The Condor
- Unknown. The Country of Autumn
- Unknown. The Dancer
- Unknown. The Dead Reach Out
- Unknown. The Doomed
- Unknown. The Eyes
- Unknown. The Follower
- Unknown. The Fury of my Midnight Fame
- Unknown. The Gods Return
- Unknown. The Grasshopper Tower
- Unknown. The Great Secret
- Unknown. The Grey Horror
- Unknown. The Guest
- Unknown. The Haunted Ways
- Unknown. The Honey Bees
- Unknown. The Horror
- Unknown. The Humming Stair
- Unknown. The Instant Chances
- Unknown. The Knowing Heart
- Unknown. The Last Gate
- Unknown. The Last Pagan Mourns for Dark Rosaleen
- Unknown. The Laurel Hills
- Unknown. The Leech Collector
- Unknown. The Leopard
- Unknown. The Lonely Places
- Unknown. The Long Search
- Unknown. The Lunatic Inside
- Unknown. The Lynx in the Lunar Wood
- Unknown. The Man I Met
- Unknown. The Man with a Pear
- Unknown. The Mannikins
- Unknown. The Microfilms of Me
- Unknown. The Midges' Dance
- Unknown. The Moth
- Unknown. The Mules at Passchendaele
- Unknown. The Old Man
- Unknown. The Old Man with Tarnished Eyes
- Unknown. The Older Gods
- Unknown. The One Silence
- Unknown. The Prodigal Land
- Unknown. The Promise
- Unknown. The Ravaged Wood
- Unknown. The Resurrected Skull
- Unknown. The Scythe of Dreams
- Unknown. The Sea Bell
- Unknown. The Secret Cage
- Unknown. The Serpent Waits
- Unknown. The Seven Council Fires
- Unknown. The Shortest Snow Verse Written
- Unknown. The Silent Houses
- Unknown. The Site of Suburbia
- Unknown. The Slack Spent Moon
- Unknown. The Slanting Edge
- Unknown. The Snow Wish
- Unknown. The Something Not Captured
- Unknown. The Sound of Silence
- Unknown. The Soundless Scream
- Unknown. The Splintered Streets
- Unknown. The Summer Days
- Unknown. The Time of Events
- Unknown. The Trail I Took
- Unknown. The Turning Leaves
- Unknown. The Ugly Avoided Places
- Unknown. The Vanished Woods
- Unknown. The Wall
- Unknown. The Watcher
- Unknown. The Waxwork Woods
- Unknown. The Web of Monday
- Unknown. The Whirling Cells
- Unknown. The White Huntress
- Unknown. The Wild Boars
- Unknown. The Wild Deer
- Unknown. The Wind of Time
- Unknown. The Wind That Wears The Moonlight
- Unknown. Then We Got Trouble
- Unknown. This Snowy Light
- Unknown. Three Buzzards
- Unknown. Tides
- Unknown. Time and Falling Snow
- Unknown. Time On Sunday Morning
- Unknown. Time on the Wind
- Unknown. To Dorothy L. U.
- Unknown. To the Bacteria
- Unknown. Transmutation
- Unknown. Turtles
- Unknown. Twenty-Five Years Beyond My Youth
- Unknown. Two Poems
- Unknown. Ultimate Autumn
- Unknown. Undertakers
- Unknown. Unreconciled
- Unknown. Veteran
- Unknown. Vision
- Unknown. Walk on, My Darling
- Unknown. Walking in New Haven
- Unknown. Waste of Dunes
- Unknown. We Remember, Vincent
- Unknown. What Will We Do?
- Unknown. When Cedar Woods
- Unknown. When October with Its Lure of Tattered Leaves
- Unknown. When Snow Is Hung
- Unknown. When the Pear Tree
- Unknown. When Tigers Pass
- Unknown. When Yellow Leaves
- Unknown. Where in Blinding Light
- Unknown. Where Nettles Cling
- Unknown. Wild Scents
- Unknown. Winter Beaches
- Unknown. Winter Blossom
- Unknown. Winter Dusk
- Unknown. Winter Hours
- Unknown. Winter Night
- Unknown. Winter Walk in Deep December
- Unknown. Within
- Unknown. Wordless
- Unknown. Words: Late Winter
- Unknown. Wraith on the Wind
- Unknown. Writer's Block
- Unknown. Writhing Wind
- Unknown. Written in Despair
- Unknown. You!
- Unknown. Your God of Harps
- Unknown. Zarathustra at the Gate
- 1982. Arrowhead
- 1982. Cornstalk Riddles
- 1982. December Death
- 1982. Scarecrow
- 1982. Street Dogs
- 1982. The Only Ghosts
- 1982. This Snowy Night
- 1982. This Winter's Day
- Unknown. Act of Providence
- Unknown. Act of Providence
- Unknown. Act of Providence
- Unknown. Canavan's Back Yard
- Unknown. Creep to Death
- Unknown. Creep to Death
- Unknown. Death in Peru
- Unknown. H. P. Lovecraft: A Bibliography
- Unknown. Levitation
- Unknown. Look Back on Laurel Hills
- Unknown. Nightmare Need
- Unknown. Nightmare Need
- Unknown. Nine Horrors and a Dream
- Unknown. Nine Horrors and a Dream
- Unknown. Nine Horrors and a Dream
- Unknown. Nine Horrors and a Dream
- Unknown. On the Elevator
- Unknown. Sixty Selected Poems
- Unknown. Sixty Selected Poems
- Unknown. Sixty Selected Poems
- Unknown. Sixty Selected Poems
- Unknown. Stories of Darkness & Dread
- Unknown. Stories of Darkness and Dread
- Unknown. Stories of Darkness and Dread
- Unknown. Stories of Darkness and Dread
- Unknown. The Adventures of Lucius Leffing
- Unknown. The Borders Just Beyond
- Unknown. The Borders Just Beyond
- Unknown. The Borders Just Beyond
- Unknown. The Calamander Chest
- Unknown. The Green Parrot
- Unknown. The Hunt
- Unknown. The Mail for Juniper Hill
- Unknown. The Shapes of Midnight
- Unknown. The Shapes of Midnight
- Unknown. The Shapes of Midnight
- Unknown. The Shapes of Midnight
- Unknown. Webs of Time
- 1953. A Lovecraft Bibliography
- 1953. A Lovecraft Bibliography
Short Fiction
- Unknown. "The Peril That Lurks Among Ruins"
- Unknown. A Heritage Upheld
- Unknown. Adrian
- Unknown. An Ordinary Brick House
- Unknown. Apparition in the Sun
- Unknown. Apprehension
- Unknown. Black Thing at Midnight
- Unknown. Blizzard at Shaysville
- Unknown. Canavan Calling
- Unknown. Canavan et son terrain
- Unknown. Canavan kutsuu
- Unknown. Canavan's Back Yard
- Unknown. Canavans Garten
- Unknown. Cast Me Away
- Unknown. Celui qui festoie de loin
- Unknown. City of the Seven Winds
- Unknown. Come Back, Uncle Ben!
- Unknown. Copycat Killer
- Unknown. Curb Service
- Unknown. Daisy Murdock
- Unknown. Das einsame Haus
- Unknown. Death at Draleman's Pond
- Unknown. Death in Peru
- Unknown. Death Mask
- Unknown. Death of a Derelict
- Unknown. Death on 91
- Unknown. Delivery of Erdmore Street
- Unknown. Delivery on Erdmore Street
- Unknown. Den svarta fasan
- Unknown. Der Mann, der aufstieg
- Unknown. Diary of a Werewolf
- Unknown. Disappearance
- Unknown. Election Incident
- Unknown. Episode on Cain Street
- Unknown. Extermination
- Unknown. Fear
- Unknown. Fingers of Steel
- Unknown. First Love
- Unknown. Forringer's Fortune
- Unknown. Ghor's Revenge (Part 3 of 17)
- Unknown. Going Home
- Unknown. Goodbye, Mr. Bliss
- Unknown. Het erf van meneer Canavan
- Unknown. Het monster in de lift
- Unknown. Hobbies
- Unknown. Horror en el castillo de Chilton
- Unknown. House of Memory
- Unknown. Hugen
- Unknown. I'm Murdering Mr. Massington
- Unknown. In Death As in Life
- Unknown. In the Very Stones
- Unknown. Jendick's Swamp
- Unknown. Juniper Hillin kummitus
- Unknown. Kauhun keidas
- Unknown. Killer Cat
- Unknown. L'herbe du diable
- Unknown. L'ospite che viene dalle stelle
- Unknown. La Caccia
- Unknown. La casa in Hazel Street
- Unknown. La créature de l'abîme
- Unknown. La mort au Pérou
- Unknown. La tournée du facteur de Juniper Hill
- Unknown. Le coffre des Indes
- Unknown. Le perroquet vert
- Unknown. Levitation
- Unknown. Levitazione
- Unknown. Liftari
- Unknown. Lo spiazzo di Canavan
- Unknown. Long Hollow Swamp
- Unknown. Lottman's End
- Unknown. Marianne
- Unknown. Mem'ries
- Unknown. Monton
- Unknown. Motive for Murder
- Unknown. Mr. Octbur
- Unknown. Mrs. Clendon's Place
- Unknown. Murder in the Parks
- Unknown. Oasis of Abomination
- Unknown. Observations on Lorimer Street
- Unknown. On the Elevator
- Unknown. Pick-Up
- Unknown. Plasman
- Unknown. Rhea
- Unknown. Road to Granville
- Unknown. Silver Death
- Unknown. Slijm
- Unknown. Slime
- Unknown. Starlock Street
- Unknown. Starlock-katu
- Unknown. Survival
- Unknown. The Apple Orchard Murder Case
- Unknown. The Barren Land
- Unknown. The Bellmore Case
- Unknown. The Business About Fred
- Unknown. The Butcher Knife Murder
- Unknown. The Calamander Chest
- Unknown. The Case of the Hertzell Inheritance
- Unknown. The Case of the Mystified Vendor
- Unknown. The Case of the Uncut Corpse
- Unknown. The Corpse of Charlie Rull
- Unknown. The Dead of Winter Apparition
- Unknown. The Delivery
- Unknown. The Dismal Flats Murder
- Unknown. The Dump
- Unknown. The Dunes of Death
- Unknown. The Dying Wish
- Unknown. The Enemy Unknown
- Unknown. The Feaster from Afar
- Unknown. The Fete in the Forest
- Unknown. The Green Parrot
- Unknown. The Grey Smudge
- Unknown. The Gulf of Night
- Unknown. The Haunted Housewife
- Unknown. The Haunting at Juniper Hill
- Unknown. The Hero
- Unknown. The Horror at Chilton Castle
- Unknown. The House at 1248
- Unknown. The House on Hazel Street
- Unknown. The House on Stillcroft Street
- Unknown. The Hunt
- Unknown. The Impulse to Kill
- Unknown. The Intangible Threat
- Unknown. The Jugular Man
- Unknown. The Keeper of the Dust
- Unknown. The King of Cubomba
- Unknown. The Mail for Juniper Hill
- Unknown. The Man in Grey Tweeds
- Unknown. The Man Who Feared Masks
- Unknown. The Mantzen Diamond Mystery
- Unknown. The Midnight Bus
- Unknown. The Murder of Mr. Matthews
- Unknown. The Mystery of Myrrh Lane
- Unknown. The New Arrivals
- Unknown. The Nightmare Face
- Unknown. The North Knoll
- Unknown. The Nursing Home Horror
- Unknown. The Other Things
- Unknown. The Pavilion
- Unknown. The Pool
- Unknown. The Possible Suspects
- Unknown. The Ransacked Room
- Unknown. The Recess Bell
- Unknown. The Rising Man
- Unknown. The Seventh Incantation
- Unknown. The Spruce Valley Monster
- Unknown. The Strange Case of Peddler Phelps
- Unknown. The Swamp Horror
- Unknown. The Temple of the Living Dead
- Unknown. The Tenants
- Unknown. The Vampire Bat
- Unknown. The Vanning Case
- Unknown. The Visitor in the Vault
- Unknown. The Walford Case
- Unknown. The Way to the Attic
- Unknown. Two by Brennan: Marianne
- Unknown. Two by Brennan: The Survivor
- Unknown. Vacation Dreams
- Unknown. Vampires from the Void
- Unknown. Wanderson's Waste
- Unknown. Wandersonin joutomaa
- Unknown. Whirlwind of Blood
- Unknown. Who Was He?
- Unknown. Zombique
- 1973. The Willow Platform
- 1977. La cour de Canavan
- 1978. L'episodio di Cain Street
- 1979. Diario Di Un Mannaro
- 1982. Queen of the Dead
- 2022. Il baule de calamandra
- 2022. Il custode della polvere
- 2022. Il pappagallo verde
- 2022. Il poggio a nord
- 2022. Il settimo incantesimo
- 2022. Il tesoro di Forringer
- 2022. La palude dei Jendick
- 2022. La piattaforma di salise
- 2022. Nell'ascensore
- 2022. Viscidume
- 2023. Der grüne Papagei
- 2023. Schleim
- 0000. Webs of Time - Balrog Award, Collection/Anthology (Nomination)
- 0000. Creep to Death - Balrog Award, Collection/Anthology (Nomination)
- horror (15 books)
- fantasy (10 books)
- ghosts (3 books)
- werewolf (3 books)
- murder (3 books)
- ghost (2 books)
- recursive sf (NESFA index) (1 book)
- Horror: 100 Best Books (1 book)
- contemporary (1 book)
- traveling carnival (1 book)
- hypnosis (1 book)
- levitation (1 book)
- into-tv (1 book)
- Tales from the Darkside (1 book)
- Weaponized Despair (1 book)
- demon (1 book)
- Christian horror (1 book)
- exorcism (1 book)
- Discarnate Entities (1 book)
- zombies (1 book)
- haunted house (1 book)
- paranormal mystery (1 book)
- detective (1 book)
- H. P. Lovecraft (1 book)