Ian Wallace
Source: "Ian Wallace Bibliography." Author Wars, https://authorwars.com/authors/ian-wallace.html".
- Unknown. Auctorial Comment
- Unknown. Author's Forenote (Megalomania)
- Unknown. Author's Forenote: On the Mooding of this Novel
- Unknown. Author's Foreword (The World Asunder)
- Unknown. Forenote (A Voyage to Dari)
- Unknown. Forenote (Heller's Leap)
- Unknown. Prefazione (La cometa di Lucifero)
- Unknown. untitled (The Faces of Science Fiction)
- 1983. Avant-propos (La comète de Lucifer)
- Unknown. A Voyage to Dari
- Unknown. Croyd
- Unknown. Deathstar Voyage
- Unknown. Der Flug nach Ligeria
- Unknown. Der große Croyd
- Unknown. Dr. Orpheus
- Unknown. Eine Reise nach Dari
- Unknown. Every Crazy Wind
- Unknown. Heller's Leap
- Unknown. La cometa di Lucifero
- Unknown. Megalomania
- Unknown. Pan Sagittarius
- Unknown. Pan Sagittarius
- Unknown. The Lucifer Comet
- Unknown. The Purloined Prince
- Unknown. The Rape of the Sun
- Unknown. The Sign of the Mute Medusa
- Unknown. The World Asunder
- Unknown. Z-Sting
- 1983. La comète de Lucifer
- Unknown. A Voyage to Dari
- Unknown. A Voyage to Dari
- Unknown. Croyd
- Unknown. Croyd
- Unknown. Dr. Orpheus
- Unknown. Dr. Orpheus
- Unknown. Eine Reise nach Dari
- Unknown. Heller's Leap
- Unknown. Megalomania
- Unknown. Megalomania
- Unknown. Pan Sagittarius
- Unknown. The Rape of the Sun
- Unknown. The Rape of the Sun
- Unknown. The Rape of the Sun
- Unknown. The Rape of the Sun
- Unknown. The Sign of the Mute Medusa
- 1969. Deathstar Voyage
- 1969. Deathstar Voyage
- 1969. Dr. Orpheus
- 1969. Dr. Orpheus
- 1971. Deathstar Voyage
- space opera (1 book)
- murder mystery (1 book)