Ian Stewart
Source: "Ian Stewart Bibliography." Author Wars, https://authorwars.com/authors/ian-stewart.html".
Chapter Books
- Unknown. Dicing with Death in the Solar System
- Unknown. From Flatland to Flatterland
- Unknown. Introduction (The Annotated Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions)
- Unknown. Letter (Analog, December 1990)
- Unknown. Letter (Analog, January 1989)
- Unknown. Letter (Analog, July 1982)
- Unknown. Letter (Analog, October 1994)
- Unknown. Letter Library (Analog, July 1991)
- Unknown. Prreface (The Annotated Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions)
- Unknown. The Electronic Mathematician
- Unknown. The Real Physics of Time Travel
- Unknown. What Shape is a Catastrophe?
- 1981. Rubber Sheet Physics
- Unknown. And There Is More: Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen on Working with Terry Pratchett
- Unknown. And There Is More: Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen on Working with Terry Pratchett
- Unknown. Terry Pratchett, Jack Cohen and Ian Stewart: 1999
- Unknown. Darwin und die Götter der Scheibenwelt
- Unknown. Darwin's Watch
- Unknown. Das jüngste Gericht: Die Wissenschaft der Scheibenwelt 4
- Unknown. Die Gelehrten der Scheibenwelt
- Unknown. La science du Disque-monde
- Unknown. La science du Disque-monde II: Le globe
- Unknown. La science du Disque-monde III: L'horloge de Darwin
- Unknown. La science du Disque-monde IV: Le jugement dernier
- Unknown. Rettet die Rundwelt!: Mehr von den Gelehrten der Scheibenwelt
- Unknown. The Magical Maze: Seeing the World Through Mathematical Eyes
- Unknown. The Science of Discworld
- Unknown. The Science of Discworld II: The Globe
- 1994. The Collapse of Chaos: Discovering Simplicity in a Complex World
- 2002. What Does a Martian Look Like? The Science of Extraterrestrial Life
- 2012. Darwin und die Götter der Scheibenwelt: Die Wissenschaft der Scheibenwelt 3
- 2012. Die Philosophen der Rundwelt: Die Wissenschaft der Scheibenwelt 2
- 2013. The Science of Discworld III: Darwin's Watch
- 2013. The Science of Discworld IV: Judgement Day
- Unknown. A Mente do Universo
- Unknown. Flatterland: Like Flatland, Only More So
- Unknown. Heaven
- Unknown. The Living Labyrinth
- Unknown. Wheelers
- 2017. Jack of All Trades
- Unknown. Flatterland: Like Flatland Only More So
- Unknown. Flatterland: Like Flatland Only More So
- Unknown. Flatterland: Like Flatland, Only More So
- Unknown. Heaven
- Unknown. Heaven
- Unknown. The Magical Maze: Seeing the World through Mathematical Eyes
- Unknown. The Magical Maze: Seeing the World through Mathematical Eyes
- Unknown. The Science of Discworld
- Unknown. The Science of Discworld
- Unknown. The Science of Discworld IV: Judgement Day
- Unknown. What Does a Martian Look Like? The Science of Extraterrestrial Life
- Unknown. What Does a Martian Look Like? The Science of Extraterrestrial Life
- Unknown. Wheelers
- Unknown. Wheelers
- Unknown. Wheelers
- Unknown. Wheelers
- Unknown. Wheelers
- Unknown. Wheelers
- 2006. Flatterland: Like Flatland, Only More So
Short Fiction
- Unknown. ... And Master of One
- Unknown. Ashes
- Unknown. Billy the Kid
- Unknown. Botschaft von der Erde
- Unknown. Code of the Skydiver
- Unknown. Curlew's Choice
- Unknown. Das verschwundene Paradies
- Unknown. Das Vierte Menschengesetz
- Unknown. Displaced Person
- Unknown. Environmental Friendship Fossle
- Unknown. Hydra
- Unknown. Message from Earth
- Unknown. Missing Link
- Unknown. Reinventing the Wall
- Unknown. The Ape That Ate the Universe
- Unknown. The Day We Made History
- Unknown. The Digital Dictator
- Unknown. The Malodorous Plutocrats
- Unknown. The Microbotic Revolution
- Unknown. Wall of Death
- 1981. Paradise Misplaced
- 1981. Incredibility Gap
- 1981. Deep Joat
- 1983. The Treacle Well
- 1987. Captives of the Slavestone
- 2000. Monolith
- 2005. Schrödinger's Mousetrap
- 2005. Play it Again, Psam
- 2006. Stealing the Rose
- 2007. What I Did on My Holidays
- 2010. Grandfather Paradox
- 2012. Play it again, Psam
- 2014. Market Forces
- 2015. Uninhabitable Zone
- 2016. The Fourth Law of Humanics
- 2018. Blue Sky Research
- 2020. The Oh My God Particle
- 2021. Make Humanity Great Again!
- 0000. Displaced Person - Locus Poll Award, Best Novella (Nomination)
- 0000. The Science of Discworld - Hugo Award, Best Related Book (Nomination)
- 0000. Wheelers - Locus Poll Award, Best First Novel (Nomination)
- 0000. ...And Master of One - Analog Award, Best Short Story (Nomination)
- science fiction (4 books)
- robots (1 book)
- satire (1 book)