Emily Dickinson
Source: "Emily Dickinson Bibliography." Author Wars, https://authorwars.com/authors/emily-dickinson.html".
- Unknown. Because I Could Not Stop for Death
- Unknown. Death Is a Dialogue
- Unknown. Hope.
- Unknown. How Still the Bells
- Unknown. I Know Some Lonely Houses Off the Road
- Unknown. I Like to See It Lap the Miles
- Unknown. No. 670 (One need not be a Chamber—to be Haunted—)
- Unknown. No. 712 (Because I Could Not Stop for Death)
- Unknown. Senti um funeral no meu cérebro
- Unknown. The Butterfly's Numidian Gown
- Unknown. The Only Ghost I Ever Saw
- Unknown. The World Is Not Conclusion
- Unknown. Wild Nights!
- Unknown. Witchcraft was Hung, in History
- Unknown. Witchcraft Was Hung, in History
- Unknown. [Senti um funeral no meu cérebro]
- 1996. The Snow
- 1996. There Came a Wind Like a Bugle
- 2013. This World Is Not Conclusion