David Sandner
Source: "David Sandner Bibliography." Author Wars, https://authorwars.com/authors/david-sandner.html".
- Unknown. The Treasury of the Fantastic: Romanticism to Early Twentieth Century Literature
- 2023. The Afterlife of Frankenstein: A Century of Mad Science, Automata, and Monsters Inspired by Mary Shelley, 1818-1918
Chapter Books
- Unknown. Introduction ((The Treasury of the Fantastic: Romanticism to Early Twentieth Century Literature))
- Unknown. Meat Shots, Gorelets, Severed Hands and the Uncanny in Your Inbox: Michael Arnzen's New Directions in Horror
- Unknown. On Slippage: Defining the Haunted House from Bad Place to Black House
- Unknown. Romantic Seekers: Romanticism, the Sublime, and Children's Fantasy Literature
- 2000. "Joy Beyond the Walls of the World": The Secondary World-Making of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis
- 2012. The Emergence and Evolution of the Fantastic
- Unknown. Fantastic Literature: A Critical Reader
- Unknown. The Fantastic Sublime
- 2011. Critical Discourses of the Fantastic, 1712-1831
- 2020. Philip K. Dick: Essays of the Here and Now
- Unknown. Beowulf's Starship
- Unknown. Burning (with apologies to Stevie Smith)
- Unknown. But There Are Worse Things
- Unknown. Counter Clockwise Sideways Down (4am in Wonderland)
- Unknown. Futurisms (what is it now?)
- Unknown. I Am Coming for You
- Unknown. I Want to Eat a Dragon
- Unknown. If I Am Heretic Blame My Dreams (The Poet Makes Excuses)
- Unknown. Looking Through a Red Light Window in Amsterdam (Or, How God Is Like an Orange)
- Unknown. Nevertheless you may sing to me (With apologies to Caedmon)
- Unknown. Nos misturem, nos sacudam
- Unknown. Revising Horror (The Wrong Mouth)
- Unknown. Scary Variation (on a Theme by Lewis Carroll)
- Unknown. Splatter Us, Clatter Us
- Unknown. The Cry of Those Waiting Under the Bridge
- Unknown. The Frankenstein Limericks: Two Brides
- Unknown. The Possibility of Love on Mars
- Unknown. Truisms for an Apocalypse
- Unknown. What Anyone Would Do
- Unknown. What You Need to Know about Monsters, a List
- Unknown. Who Told the Darkness My Name?
- Unknown. Wild Goblin Moon
- 2019. A Killer Doesn't Kill Because He Has a Knife
- Unknown. Fantastic Literature: A Critical Reader
- Unknown. Mingus Fingers
- Unknown. The Fantastic Sublime
- Unknown. The Treasury of the Fantastic
- Unknown. The Treasury of the Fantastic
- Unknown. The Treasury of the Fantastic
- Unknown. The Treasury of the Fantastic
- Unknown. The Treasury of the Fantastic
- Unknown. The Treasury of the Fantastic: Romanticism to Early Twentieth Century Literature
Short Fiction
- Unknown. Bury Them Deeper
- Unknown. Country Mouse, City Mouse
- Unknown. Crack!
- Unknown. Death and the Dragon
- Unknown. Egyptian Motherlode
- Unknown. Enchanted Ground
- Unknown. Fearful Symmetry
- Unknown. Fever Break
- Unknown. For the Dead Travel Fast
- Unknown. How High the Price of Wizardry
- Unknown. How to Kill a Dragon
- Unknown. I Met a Traveler from an Antique Land
- Unknown. Intention
- Unknown. Lost October
- Unknown. Lunatics
- Unknown. Of Roses and Dragons
- Unknown. Old Foss Is the Name of His Cat
- Unknown. Still Inside with Me
- Unknown. Stinky, Stinky Little Pig
- Unknown. Sunrise with Sea Monsters
- Unknown. The Crypt
- Unknown. The Wizard of Ashes and Rain
- Unknown. Unicorn Forest
- 2019. Mingus Fingers
- 2020. The End of the Anthropocene
- 2022. Hellhounds
- 0000. Critical Discourses of the Fantastic, 1712-1831 - Mythopoeic Award, Mythopoeic Scholarship Award (for Myth and Fantasy Studies) (Nomination)
- 0000. Critical Discourses of the Fantastic, 1712-1831 - Mythopoeic Award, Mythopoeic Scholarship Award (for Myth and Fantasy Studies) (Nomination)
- fantasy (1 book)
- Philip K. Dick (1 book)