C. C. MacApp
Source: "C. C. MacApp Bibliography." Author Wars, https://authorwars.com/authors/c-c-macapp.html".
Chapter Books
- 2007. And All the Earth a Grave
- 2009. Tulan
- 2016. The Drug
- 2016. A Guest of Ganymede
- 2019. A Pride of Islands
- 2020. All That Earthly Remains
- Unknown. Bumsider
- Unknown. Das Rätsel der Subbs
- Unknown. Die Dunkelwelt
- Unknown. Die Verbannten von Outside
- Unknown. Gefangene der Galaxis
- Unknown. Murno, der Befreier
- Unknown. Omha Abides
- Unknown. Prisoners of the Sky
- Unknown. Recall Not Earth
- Unknown. Secret of the Sunless World
- Unknown. Subb
- Unknown. Söldner einer toten Welt
- Unknown. Worlds of the Wall
- 1978. Les mondes du mur
- Unknown. Worlds of the Wall
- 1969. Prisoners of the Sky
- 1969. Prisoners of the Sky
- 1970. Prisoners of the Sky
- 1970. Prisoners of the Sky
Short Fiction
- Unknown. A Beachhead for Gree
- Unknown. A Flask of Fine Arcturan
- Unknown. A Guest of Ganymede
- Unknown. A Pride of Islands
- Unknown. A Ticket to Zenner
- Unknown. All That Earthly Remains
- Unknown. And All the Earth a Grave
- Unknown. Au pays des Llangs
- Unknown. Beyond the Ebon Wall
- Unknown. Bienvenue sur Ganymède
- Unknown. Bleistifte für Arkturus
- Unknown. Derrière la vitre
- Unknown. Die Segnungen des Friedens
- Unknown. Dream Street
- Unknown. Enemies of Gree
- Unknown. For Every Action
- Unknown. Frost Planet
- Unknown. Gree's Commandos
- Unknown. Gree's Damned Ones
- Unknown. Gree's Hellcats
- Unknown. Hot World
- Unknown. L'empire de Gree
- Unknown. La droga
- Unknown. Les bastions de Gree
- Unknown. Les commandos de Gree
- Unknown. Les démons de Gree
- Unknown. Les ennemis de Gree
- Unknown. Les esclaves de Gree
- Unknown. Les sculpteurs
- Unknown. Like Any World of Gree
- Unknown. Mad Ship
- Unknown. Mail Drop
- Unknown. Manque de peau
- Unknown. Ne touchez pas cet arbre !
- Unknown. No Friend of Gree
- Unknown. Opération métamorphose
- Unknown. Prisoners of the Sky
- Unknown. Prisonniers du ciel
- Unknown. Qu'importe le flacon...
- Unknown. Quand renaît la mer
- Unknown. Quelque part dans l'espace
- Unknown. Sculptor
- Unknown. Somewhere in Space
- Unknown. Sosies à gogo
- Unknown. Spare That Tree
- Unknown. Specimen
- Unknown. Strandgut im All
- Unknown. The Demon of the North
- Unknown. The Drug
- Unknown. The Fortunes of Peace
- Unknown. The Hides of Marrech
- Unknown. The Impersonators
- Unknown. The Judas Bug
- Unknown. The Light Outside
- Unknown. The Mercurymen
- Unknown. The Sign of Gree
- Unknown. The Slaves of Gree
- Unknown. Trees Like Torches
- Unknown. Tulan
- Unknown. Un cimetière sur toute la Terre
- Unknown. Under the Gaddyl
- Unknown. Une tête de pont pour Gree
- Unknown. When Sea is Born Again
- Unknown. Where the Subbs Go
- Unknown. Winter of the Llangs
- Unknown. Wüstenkolonie
- 1965. E tutta la Terra una tomba
- 1965. Esportazione vietata
- 1965. I nemici di Gree
- 1965. I commandos di Gree
- 1965. I dannati di Gree
- 1966. Lo scultore
- 1970. Un aller pour Zenner
- 0000. The Mercurymen - Nebula Award, Novella (Nomination)
- science fiction (1 book)
- Librivox (1 book)
- space opera (1 book)
- parallel universe (1 book)