When Harlie Was One
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/publications/when-harlie-was-one-54339.html
- Title: When Harlie Was One
- Author: David Gerrold
- Year: 1975
- ISBN-10: 0345243900
- Publisher: Ballantine Books
- Price: $1.50
- Pages: 279
- Binding: Paperback
- Type: Novel
- Title Reference: When Harlie Was One
- Notes:
- "Second Printing: March, 1975" stated on the copyright page, no number line
- There is also a publishing history showing the first Ballantine printing and the book club edition.
- The cover art is not credited and there is no visible signature on the artwork.
- The ISBN for this record is derived from the SBN on the copyright page and the spine: "345-24390-0-150"
- Printed in the US