When Gravity Fails
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/publications/when-gravity-fails-54334.html
- Title: When Gravity Fails
- Author: George Alec Effinger
- Year: 1993
- Publisher: The Easton Press
- Pages: ix+290
- Binding: Hardcover
- Type: Novel
- Title Reference: When Gravity Fails
- Notes:
- "COLLECTOR'S EDITION" (over) "Bound in Genuine Leather" stated on the title page.
- "The special contents of this edition are copyright © 1993 by The Easton Press..." stated on the copyright page. No stated date of publication.
- This is a limited edition of an unknown number of copies and was available by subscription only.
- One of The Masterpieces of Science Fiction series, indicated by the logo printed on the endpapers.
- No ISBN, no printed price, and no dustjacket as issued.
- The uncredited illustrative cover design is repeated on the back.
- Pages are gilt-edged and there is a gold satin bookmark bound into the book.
- The frontispiece, credited on the title page and the copyright page, is on the verso of the page facing the title page.
- ”Collector's Notes” (uncredited) are on a double-sided laid-in sheet.
- This edition is a facsimile reprint of the 1987 Arbor House edition.
- Verified copy was purchased for approximately $45.00 from the publisher.