Universe 1
From Author Wars - https://authorwars.com/publications/universe-1-52838.html
- Title: Universe 1
- Author: Terry Carr
- Year: 1971
- Publisher: Ace Books
- Price: $0.95
- Pages: 249
- Binding: Paperback
- Type: Anthology
- Title Reference: Universe 1
- Notes:
- Copyright ©, 1971, by Terry Carr on copyright page. Introduction is dated March 29, 1971.
- Cover painting by Davis Meltzer, suggested by WEST WIND, FALLING on the copyright page, no visible signature on the cover.
- Interior illustrations by Alicia Austin on copyright page, each full-page drawing [one per story] is also signed
- Catalog #84600 on front cover, 441-84600-095 on spine.